P GE 20, WEDNF.SDAY, JANUARY 23, 1985, WFLUTBY FREE 1PRESS Whltby's Most WideIy Read CLtASSIFVED ADS ont ATMBLSARTICLES jO N FOR AFO RORSALE FOR SALE UNEMPLOYMENT HELP CEN- CALL FOR FREE estimales os ait 93CAGR22,atotaglon wilh stand and graeat ac- $0BGARnEeWhs, $2ea, esAUCTION SALES TRE: Need hatp? Workera Cas,- our crpenîry and paintng encllent hape. Mari 88-0930 . cassorias. 15 gallon wiIh mosh deiv Gua8-4 ran 68"5w7. E EIraeS D Y NI H passation, Wettare, OHIP neede. Ouuity workmanship, canopy.l10gallorn. Besîociter. 666- datry6-14r8-07.E RYT U S A NG T assacUimlyett- sue raersdnliad4059. 7:00 P.M. VII-u s unfr 955 BROCK RD. S., UNIT 5, P1CKERI 1 mranco, or Crie rfrrate ta othor agenctos, cat: 579-1821. ACCOUNTING SERVICES for emaif buamnesees and fax refurna perfarnled by CGA. Cati 728- 2317. OLRANALYSIS DIcvrthe colours ShdSthat com- *pllment your skinl tone &enhance Yolr 11s Feature1j1 OnIy S30 prConouifallon Cali 66 -2770 -cNý MENT CONGRATULATIONs on yor farthcartnlg merriage. Pleame ntew Oar samples of engranedl wedding Invitaionsetaiyour toteuro ta aur Aies Plaza store. Dickson Prinfing & Office SaP- pile, 883-1968. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY for any enrepreneur, well conatrslc- led building on 24 cenlc acres, onertoaking Pigeon Lake, sauf h ai Bobcaygeon. A pranen f inan. ciel ucces. Calera ta weddiags, dancee, conventions, etc. En- dises paslbllliem. Owner refîring. PrIced ai $165,000. Iis coufd be the deal ai 1985. Cati Joe Krtoy Rosi Ealaie 705-324- 020 anyilmo. FREE DETAILS: Making big buckm In mai order. Seting 1-10w la Mans Maney Information Booka'. No Innatry capital Or osporlollcO requlrod. Yau cen tart our own business fat: Wark ram your home or Office. $50.00 la $100.000 par ear ptontlai. Write faday- R & Rý Cowan C., Bau 127, McAuioy, Manitoba, ROM IHO. OFFICE SPACE for ran. Brack Road and 401, $500 and.up. Cati 883-2281. WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for rent on pmomsiofli floor. Wouid ha aulfabto for tawyor, accounitant. etc. RanI includaa ait utilias and ta nagotiable for an appropriais louant. For furthor information cati 888.8372 bafwoen 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday fa Friday. FAE: Drap tatathe Dckson Pntlng & Office Suppiy storealn theAa Plaza and pick up a free copy cof Ihoir 185 Marto Calan- der. Prialad in Iwo cataurs. Il makas for handy reference. 683- 1968 ARTICLES FOR SALE, AUCTIONS, REAL ESTATE AND MORE... commercial. 6684073,427-8580. QUALIFIBO MUSIC .TEACIIER hem openingm for the folowlng: piano, singlng, argon, theory. Ploase cati 655-8902 (ater 7 p.m.i EXPERIENOBO SEAMSTRESS wili s0w womnen8s apparet or do aterftons. Phono Josephine 8M8-708. '*AJAX -WIIY RENT' Boy and mae- onty $62900. Spottema defeched bungalow. moudern kif- chen, I wo car garage, teat and power for hobbylt. Cati Wes 8ftifi 759-4701, Royal LePage Real BEltafioServices Lfd. ESTATES, contenfts, antiques and otd furnifare. Cati 655-3528. WANTED USED APPLIANCES (Worktng or Not> WE BUYI, SELL RECONDITION rWATETO PURCHASEI SrapGoldl O f Ail Karats. *1OK -$3g1 114K -$4g1 18K $5/g sun RDf, 8,000km., iandrd, $3.500, original owner. 883-86811 or 88-5559. 1979 000GB ASPEN f-bar. AMIFM radio. auto. p.s., p., V8. iuoury inleriar, nery dlean, 30,000 original mîes, certflied, $3.800 or besoaler. 881081. FOR SALE 1975 Pontac Station wagon, white, 400 mtor. AIea 1978 Chenelte, 350 mtar, blue wlfh whiteo ninyl roof, bucket ges. $1.500 for pair or baml i. fer. Cati balween 9 ar. fat 9 p3-m- 666-4059. 1973 FORD conoine window Van. Rune euceliently, 4 etra ires, noada 1111e body work ta carlify, $700 as se.888-0964 aller 7 p.m., Cirris. JR AUTO SALES 411 Dundas St. East Whitby, Ont. 1979 FIREBIRD V8, PS., p.b., automatic, new paint. $4295 Certif led. 1976 MONTE CARLO V8, automatiC, p-s., p.b., veiour interior. $2195 Certif led. 1976 PONTIAC GRAND AM bucket seats, con- sole, new paint. $1500 as is. Phono 666-1971 After 5:00 p.m. 666-1042 « TYPEWRITER rentiai, many makes and modems, hy the weahand, week or manth. Discounts anaitabta. Dcksan Prining & Office Supplias ln the Aan Plaza.Culit us for business machine rapairs 683-1968 L Also PlatilumU *PIease cal lalytlme G SALMEN 86O06 L BASEMENT SALE: wide range af EDUCAIONAL tems, mcluding targe upright freezer, Admirai tone and lridge SERVICES Arbrita kitchen table and Imo delune chairs. Plants, etc. Sut. "GRAMMER for people wbo hala Jan. 28. 9 arn. ta 5:30 p.m., 908 grammar' ta the ideat pockat Henry Si.. Whiihy. rfrence baok for business - - people. $395 par copy and analabie aI Dicksan Prlntisg & Office Supplie$mln the Aies Plaza v S RV C S Deaeraenquirias inited 883-1968. WOULD YOU LIKE MORE par. AUTOMOTIVE sonailunhome daycare? I amptoY REPAIRIPARTS a lina in Naany in West Lyndo and d;ycare ln my home tisa days a wek a tt ler8 Psm, f668 I TRANSMISSIONS I IMost Models, $185-00 Bob I.. heIpI ~~your* DONT LISTEN loanasone aime, Q ~.~HeatI w and top d ller for scrap cars 1' un adtrucks. 888-9712. 1 tj» IMMACULATE CONDITION washar and dryer. bof h aulomatin, GBE., 2 peed, 5 cycle, white, $500. Phase 883-1030. CLEARANCE SALE DInkaun January clearance sala on used and raconditianed iypawriIers ta now in pragreas. Big ange on office modea onIy. One aniy - manuel typewrîlar. A numnbor aI IBm modal 71 lypewrifers. nom- ptetely recondIiinsed with naw etomenîs. Fronch keyboard, regular $595, auna $100 clear at $495. Becrin typawriters ram $200, ail ln goad working arder. Al sales final, nu elurna. or refunda. no Irade-Int. OlcksaIr Printirig & 0ffice Supplies. Aax Plaza. 6831968. MATTRESSES and boa aprIngsaai haIt prica. McKaon Furuitura, 524 Simcae Sreet South, Oshawa. 725-5181. RBBUILT sashera, dryars. ridgas, sîonos and dshwashers. Six months and oaaeer guaran. teas. Grand aponing speciali his week onty. 20% ail on ail stock. M & M Appiancas. 107 Dundas St. W.. Whitby. 66889444 or 723- 544&. book ualableaiutDickson Pris- ling & Office Supplies, Aax Ptaza. 683-1968. Dealer Inquiries inviîed. VITAMINSI VITAMINSI Wo ara a Canadien Company setting quatity Canadien made Jamiesan vitamine ai mail ardar prises.,Cati Mr. AlItos 728-4584, 725-5310. for pour prico liat. Monoy back' guaranlea. ' WATKINS praýductsa aso aaiabla. warehoe hy appoinîment. 819 sunînga on deska, chairs, Miing cabinets, etc. Cati Dickson Pria- tIIng & Office Supplias ta arrange an appoinfmenl fa niow. 683- 1968. BABY ARTICLES for sale. Phone 668-0829. GEOTYPE press-on iattoring now ln stock ai Dickman Printing & Of- lice Supplies ln the Ajax shop- ping Plaza. Large seloction aI stylas and micas. Wfry pay mare for a smailer sheat oI iatîering? 68311968. PAINTINOS, original ails, water- colore, art classes and com- missions by R. Ernest Jukas, Wiiiow Run Gallery, 585 King Street Bast, Oshawa, 579-1101. JANUARY SALE Gel yaur 1985 office supplies ut s reduction during January aI Dlcksan Pria- ting & office Supplies, Ajar Plaza. 15% off ait ttsted Items au- cent caiculalors. Ladger sheets. Dean payraii boaks, Iransfer files. raolea cards. tedgar carda, index guides. unibonas. Sateclod caiculatars 10% off. Dickson PrinIing & otfice Supplies. Ajax Plaza, 683-1988. FOR SALE sofa and Iwo chairs. $100 or hast of fer. Phono 855- 4227 unlil 1 p.M. CHESTERFIELO suites, luneseale. sectianate, leaethan 'h prica. Large setectIon. McKeen FurnIture. 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. CHECKUR LW ERYDAY PRI CHEÉi_ 0>, ,,W, u- Ê.rfe V b--!r:n,'V ,.'Il ,fnni .IIrin% rnna. ra i psofian nil ,.tu. eptial ELMER'S FURNITURE 253 Bloor St. E. Oshawa IFI REWOOD FOR SALE ALL SEASON HARDWOOD 576-8340 or 723-2021 955BRCK D.S.,UNT 5 PC RNS Items to be sold: antiques, generai hotusehoild contents, jeweilery - modern and antique. Good dlean sales. Absoiutely no reserves or bld-mns. JOHN ANNIS AUCTIONEER 831-3234 SAT., JAN. 26 6:00 P.M. At Pearce Auction Cen- tre on Shirley Rd. 4 miles south of Port Perry (weather permiting). With 125 pound Anvil, 6 galion crock, cookstove. quantity of vinyl stacking chairs, old cupboards, various dressers, wooden chairs, brown chesterfieid suites, desks, 26" color TV, recliner, gas mron, stone hooks, mens new size 10 Tack skates, chiids sliegh, roof racks, tire chains, blankets, quan- tity of paint and much more. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES -985-7492 AUCTION SALE TUES., JAN. 29 6:00 P.M. Stouf (ville Sales Barn. Household furniture, an- tiques, tools enddishes. TerrIls - Cash.. EARL GAUSLN AUCTIONEER Charlie prefers unifarm excellence and knows ha wiII get it Dickson Printing & Office Supplieaswtre everything is inspected. SIMPLE!1 The si mple solution to cleaning storage probiems n the atiic and garage is a Ciassif ied Ad. WHITBY FREE PRESS ..........668-6111 AUCTION BARN FRI., JAN. 25 6:00 P.M. Three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lin- dsaylLi ttie BrItain Rd. The property of MR. GEORGE MARSHALL of Lindsay (moving). Ad- mirai refridgerator (11/2 yrs. oid>, 16 f t. General f reezer, round Oak pedestal table, wainut china cabinet glass 3. aides), 9 piece wainut dining room suite, Viking 30" stove, Westinghouse dryer, Filter Queen vacuum, chromne kitchen suite, .fiat-top farm scaies, console coior TV, Richelieu cookstove, Lakewood airtlight stove, mod 1ern dressers and chest-of-drawers, mantie dlock, 1979 Mota-Ski Grand Prix, 1972 Ski-doo, double ski-doo trailer, quantity of china and glass. Ã"ON»CÃ"RNEII. AUJCTIONËEER' R.R.1 LiTTLE BRITIAN 705-786.2183 AUCTIONVS FUNFiOR THE WHOLB FAMILY ATTEND ONE THIS WEEKEND SELLING? BUYING? STARTING YOUR OWN BUSINESS? The classif led pages gives you ail this and more. saving and making money sa what we're ail abouti WHITBY FREE PRESS 668-6111l ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be Visa card ready when calling. however, we accept no liability regarding loss or damage liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the first 100 words; 12e each alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in pbiainbyn the cost of the space occupied such replies. We will not be responsible for box nuniber by the error Up to a maximum cost of the first insertion, diina od replies not called for within 30 days. eThe Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $800 for the fir- reject ail advertisements. Ada must appear in the paper st 50 words; 12t each addi tional word. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert one day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Ciassifîed Ads. Friday noon prior to publication yrj l eAUCTION SALES -37C per line. i(No word ads allowed.) to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. jt1o FE RTS:$j5 or2 words 1 ec d BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL itional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified ditional charge of $200. The Whtby Free Press will make 668-6111 m 1 --rt, nniroc, PAI 1.