I h htby's Most WideIy Read CLASSI FiED ADS I PHONE NOW START TOMORROW setanWe F have 15 immediate lob openings for telephone sales peopie. No experlence necessary we wili Itrain. Work four hours daily. Salary plus com- mission. Homemakers welcome. CALL 686-3742 RELIABLE BABYSITTER required in my borne, Wed. to FnI., 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Garden and Bradey are., non-emoker, references requIred. 688-9759 aer 6 p.m. WORD PROCESSINO Program- ming, Lotus, dbase, tl and 111 and more, wth crtItIcate and job pacement, $149 and up, gaver- nrnant appraved courses avaitabie, ta deductibie, O.S.A.P. toans, 6832226. MATURE. RESPONSIBLE pereon 4 ta care for Ilv month aid baby, 2 praferabiy ln aur home, but wIII 1 consider take ouf, five daysa a week, muet ba non-amoker, weii groomed and bave no more than 1 ana therchIid. Phone 655-8842. UNEMPLOYEO? LaakIng for a camer change? Ci083.2261 for ra. counselIing on job appar. tuntieà . GENERAL CONTR(ACTORS Construot New Loading Dock et the psychiatric Hospital, WHITBY, Ont. Tender No. ORI-84-214 Seaied Tenders wIIi be received until 2:00 p.m. local time on TUESDAV, FEBRU- ARY 12, 19-- Tender Documents may be obtained f rom the Ontario Ministry of Government Ser- vices, Orillila District 0ffice, 24 James St. E., Box 790, Orilila, Ont. Note: For further In- formation regardlng the tenders, please cali the Tenders Of- fice at the aboya ad- drees, Telephone (705) 325-7403. The Iowest or any Tender not necessariiy accepted. Mnstr f o RELIABLE PERSON driving ta or working In Dan Mile - Lawrence area, wanted ta deiiver and pick. up amati package an daiiy basis (rom Whtby. Cali Dave 571-3141 orToronvoafine 686-4808. SALES REP. wanted for high quaaity ladies travel accessortea. Commission eaes, car necessary. Territay - Oshawa ta Perry Sound. Rapiy ta CH., P. Bon 206, Whitby, Ont,, LN 5S1. CREATIVE RESUMES $1900, studentsaand unempivyed $1500, five free copies, caver etters $400. satafaction guaranteed. 5760833. Atea business Incor porations, fast, l0w cost. NEED EXTRA MONEY? CARRIERI Mre'.aen opporiunity ta eaanmomney for those thinge youve aiways want- ad. A vaw bike, ciottes, aporta equtpmaflt. 5ferea set, or-tha thoasande of other veada you may de- CALI CIRCULATION 668-6111 WHITBY FREE PRESS WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1985, PAGE 21 WLT first to stage Broadway Cornes North CONT'D FROM PG. 1 of a 16-place Broadway band under the direction of Lew Anderson, whose instrumental and vocal arrangements highlight the evening, a two hour dance from il1 p.m. to 1 a.m.; and a vocal/dan- cing chorus under direc- tion of Lorraine Green and Janice Kerr. "A guaranteed smash evenîng." Ail of the cast mem- bers of "Broadway Cornes North" are members o! W.L.T. and the Scarborough Music Theatre. It is a corn- pletely amateur produc- tion, that from what was heard last Friday, promises a truly professional perfor- mance. The show bas been in rehearsal now for three weeks and will feature tunes from such Broad- way plays as "Le Cage Aux Folles", "Cats", "Chorus Line". Songs such as "What 1 did for Love" and "MacArthur Park" will be featured as well as such famous dances as the "Jitter- bug". According to Smyth, W.L.T. hopes to raise as much as $7,000 from the show, money which will be used to renovate the theatre in the Centen- mial Building and to help offset the cost o! producing the plays the group puts on throughout the season. This will be the first time that "Broadway' Ladies two-day bonspiel resuits The Whitby Curling Club held its annual Ladies' Two-Day In- vitational Bonspiel last week. The trophy winners in the first event (Burtin- sky Brant Florist Trophy) was a teamn froni the Lindsay Curling Club skipped by Bey Lamantia. The runners up was a squad from Oie Oshawa Golf Club skipped by Phyllis McMillan. The Oshawa Curling Club rink skipped by Andrea Lawes won the Perkins Paint trophy in the second event. The runners up were from Oie Port Perry Curling Club, a rink skipped by Hoppy Carnwith. in the third event, skip Peggy Clemenson lead her Oshawa C.C. rink teOie Wesley World o! Travel Trophy. The runners up were frein Oie Whitby Curling Club, skipped by Angle Sandrelli. In Oie fourth event, the MeTeague Electric Trophy went to Oshawa Golf C.C. rink skipped by Joan Armitage. Ev Bonnetta led a Whitby C.C. squad into second place. In Oie consolation avent, the Stokely Van Camp prize went to skip Sandy Belliss' rink from Mayor Bob Attersley (right) was the first to buy tickets to the Whitby Little Theatre's production of "Broadway Cornes North" which will be staged at St. George's Ukranian Hall, Albert St., Oshawa on Mardi 29 and 30. He is seen buying the ticket from WLT president Doreen Smyth. This Broadway style cabaret will be used to raise funds for the renovation of the theatre in the Centen- niai Building. A rousing musical review, tickets are $25 a couple and available from any executive cornmittee mein- ber of WLT or by calling Information Oshawa at 728-6233. Free Press Staff Photo îomes North" bas been oin stage anywhere in North Arnerica and, if successful, producer George Ludgate hopes to be able to offer to other community theatre groups throughout Oie province as a fund raising project. One of Oie more in- teresting tidbits about Oie show is that Ander- son is bringing in bis New York band to provide Oie music and 50 this will ha the first time, Smyth says, that W.L.T. members will have Oie opportuiiity to work with a professional arranger and band. "This is a real lear- ning experience for our people," she said. "'They are getting ex- posed to a professional arranger and a professional choreo- grapher."' Tickets for "Broad- way Cornes North" are $25 a couple or $125 for a table for ten and are available from any W.L.T. executive com- niittee member or by callng Information Oshawa at 728-6233. Legion gives $10,000 to Ruddy Earl Ormiston, president of Whitby Branch 112 of the Royal Canadian Legion (second from rîglit), is seen here presenting two cheques with a total value of $10,000 to Don Fleming (centre), chairman of the Board of Governors of the Dr. J.O. Ruddy General Hospital. The $10,000, raised from the Legion's Poppy Fund, will be used for the continuing renovation and operatidn of the hoepital's chronic and rehabilitative care unit. Looking on are Tony Stacey (le! t), first vice-president of the Dominion Commiand; Paul liycha (second from left) district commander; and, Mayor Bob Attersley (far right). Free Press Staff Photo Local firm wins tv ad award Gary MacMurray of Belleville and Kingston, The Waterbed Com- was pleased to accept pany, with 16 locations an award froni the in Ontario, including Canadian Waterbed Whitby, Peterborough, Manufacturers Associa- Whitby Bridge Club scores The following are the resuits o! last week's play at the Whitby Duplicate Bridge Club as reported by Mrs. Jim Wharrie. North and South: Mr. and Mrs. Jini Wharrie, a dea with both Mrs. Hugh Baker and Mrs. Jack Frost, and Robert Pugh and Walter Donay, 61; and, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Cunlîffe, 49 41. East and West: Frank MacNeill, 53/; Georgia Bovay and Mrs. George Steffler, 51-, Margaret Donay and Germaine Thompson, 46-, and, Mr. and Mrs. Paul DaSousa, 44"z. tion Sunday. The awards banquet Sunday night was part o! the Canadian Water- bed Show, which was beld last week at Oie Constellation Hotel and Convention Centre in Toronto. In thair continuing pursuit o! advertising excellence, The Water- bed Company has, for Oie second yaar in a row, won Oie CWMA's award for Exceptional TV Advertising. In it's 2½h year history, The Waterbed Company bas grown to 16 locations, with plans to open a 17th in February, 1985. Mac- Murray says winning the Exceptional TV Ad- vertising Award again this year was "a real honor, especially since the competition comes froni all over Canada". Dankar Advertising Services Ltd. produced the winning adver- tisement for The Water- bed Company. FHOTOCOPYINO ..at low, low raies... .while you wait. We're open f0 serve you when you need us. M.B.M. PubllshlnglWhltby Free Press 131 Brook Street North, Whiby uet not of th four comrar