WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ CL A I Fi[Il L WH-ITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6,1985. PAGE 21 AD J q3~GES q~cES ~ WANT x"iM-1 UNEMPLOYMENT HELP CEN- TRE.r Need tietp? Wonhers' dom- pensa! Ion, Wetere, OHIiP assistance, Unempîoymenî ln- garance, or Crisa reterreis ta ottiereagencies, cali: 5791821. EXCELLENT BUSINESS oppar- tunîty. West Rouge Sioppes, Scarborougit, Part Union Rd. end 401. Anchoreri Sp 10,000 sq. i. Bargin Haroide, unta tf 775 sq. fi. avaliabie, ldemi for tast foode, vîdeo rentais, catteeldanut shop. R.S. Saundersan Reaity Limted, 6618m. WANTED: Peuple who are sick end tired of eing bokel Wiiing ta do something for financiai rewardei Best commissions ln te tndastry. Srlous Inquirios, 7827701 (Toronto). FREE DETAILSt Make big bucha n mailt orderi Seiing "Haw To Malte Manep tntormation Book". No inentory capital or esperierice requred. Youco tarilpour own business tasti Worm ram pour home Or Office. $50,000 ta 3100,000 pr eai potentiait Write today witti self- addressed stamped eneoetopel J.s.J. Compeny, Boa 1362, Station H, Motreat, Oueitec H30 2N3. WANTED TO DUY cash pald for moat broken down colar TVa taor parts or restoatian. 09e pick up. 1-4164330125. MOTOR HOME for sale, $4,200, equippod aitit rIdgo, now tone, fuuit follet, twa sInka, hydro, 33,000 BTU furnace, steepa 8. Sut-in cuior TV, cupboardsanad new tumishinga, canverted hua. 1-46433-0125. VI V Charlie is jumping for joy sinca he f oand out about tihe service et Dickson Printing & Office Supplies in the Aax Plaza. COLOUR ANALYSIS CL STDY6316 Discover the colours 1 PERSONALS e& shae th cm- ' W .J 0 jy 0ssha es tat om- an excitlg evenng wh your plim yors) a TCEtn & nane ou LOVE LNES LINGERIE Spend ~ FRSL Ebeat features. fInonda oewlng aur ln.of Only $30 prConeultatlan lingerie. Adul novelties, crulse FOR SALE pool tabe, large 51M, Cailwear swimwear etc Fentasîlc $0P oe654 666. ~oalesasneita For more ln 686-2770 trmation cli Gail at 725-2062 or RBITwses res CORMACK, KATE - aller a tengtty Itnesaitler home ln Toronto, on Tiuradap, Feiraary 28, 1985. Dear motter oi John. Andrew and Tieima. Loingiy reraembered Sp iter gran- ricidren and great- grandchitdren. Funerai ernice wae teid ln te Morey Bedford Fanerai Chapel In Toronto on Salurday foiiowed Sp cremetion. AN INVITATION tb inoestigate te Bahut fait. Uniting te worid..one iteart at a timo. For lierture phase 6688665 Or 868- 7653. j ýFCE PACE WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for reni on protessional floar. Wouid Se sullaSie for lawyei, accountant, etc. Rent lecludesalal utilIties and s nogollahte for an appropriale tenant. For furtiter Information cati 668-6372 Selween :30 ar. BIRTI4 - * ANNOUNCEMENTS - ~ROOMSI FOR lENT I MACMURRAY- Gary enri Sendra are proud ta annaunce lite arrivai of titeir son, Aaron on Feirnarp 26,1965. A irotiter for Houpy. Born et JO. Raddy General Hospital, second SaSy barn ai the itosptai n l. -.earà Maysannu. .. e"'~E UCATIN I seo f te emergency weîd, GRAMMER for peope who hale grammai la te ideai pockeiOtES O K reterence book for business peope. $3395 par copy and anaiabie at Dickson Prining & FOUR YEAR OLD Appatoosa oierenuprie In the Ajax3.1008. Mare, good. quietltraitliorse, DenerenuiresInitd 63-96, 3750. Aino lwo pear 014 registered quarter haine Fatomna oMare, Sioko ta ride, ~P E T S & I $850 or trade tor lhorse traiter. 1. LABRADOR RETREVER pap- pies, yeiiow, regiatered, excellent quai ify and emperments, hipa and iteaitit guarenfeed, $300. Englit Springer Spanis lso anaiabie. 1-78-2334. TWO MONTH OLO German Sitepherd puppy, Maie. 510. Phone 6835141. TYPEWRIlTSI rentai, many mahos and modela, Sp the weehend, week or montit. Discounts aaitabie. ickson Printing & office Supplies inte Aax Plaza. Cati un toi business machine repaire 6831968, ~~NGEMENTS QZEREE CONGRATULATIONS On pour fortitcoming meurlage. PMesse 010w Oui samplea of ongraned wedding Iniaionsai pour laeure ln oui Aies Plaza afor. Ockson Prining & Office Sup- Plies, 68-1968. FREE: DOntniathe Diclsan priqting & Office Supptp store in the Aan Plaza and pick up a free capp ni titir 1985 Mtîlu Calon- dar. Priniod in iwo colouis it mekea for itandp referenco 5683- 1968. ROOM neaar Durhtam Colege. Share ktchen and bath. Woklng gentlemen preterred. Aalabte Match lei. 728-6002 allerS5 pr. FOR SALE three Sodroora bungalow wiih anement apar- tmeni. Phono 6663743. OON'T LISTEN fa anpooe eise, we pap top dollar toi scrap cars aid trucks, 668-9712. 1980 FORD Fairmoni wagon, PS., pSb., auto. good condition, cor- ltiied, $2.500 or Sent offer. Phono 6661091. LOOICINI3 FOR A NEW CAR? Let me Show yau hOw t avae UP lu $2,500 on yuur purchaso. 666. 1205. ARTICLES FOR SALE, AUCTIONS, REAL ESTATE Six monthitanad 0 nepOar gUatan- tees. Grand opening apeciai tiis week onlp, 20% offan ait stock. M & M Applnces, 107 undus Si. W., WilttS. 6689444 or 723- 5444. GEOTYPE presson ltetering 00w n stockait Ockson Printing & Ot- fice Supplieas ite Aax Shop- ping Plaza. Largo soiection of styles and izes. Witp pay more for a smaitor shoot of leltering? 683-191& 668452 SELLING? BUYING? STARTING YOUR OWN BUSINESS? The ciassif ied pages gives you ail this and more. Saving and making money ls what were ail abouti WHITBY FREE PRESS 668-6111 MATTRESSESad bou aprînga aI hlai prîco. McKeen Furnture, 524 Simcoo Street South, Osthawa. 725-5181. "1HEROES ot the Bible" caiourlng boak analablo et Ockson Prin- ting & oftice Supplies, Aa Plaza, 683-1968. Deeler InquIrios lnvted. PAINTINOS, original illa, waer- colora, art classes and com- miseions by R. Ernoat Jukea, Wlliaw lan Gatlory, 585 King Street Eat, Oshawa, 5791101. CHESTERFIELD suites, ionoseata, seclianala, ions titan ½h price. Largo slection. McKaon Furnluro, 524 Simcoo SiS., Oshawa. 725-5181. VtStT aur used turniture wareoiuso Sp appoinimont. Big auinga on doaka, chairs, tling cabinets, oic. Cati Diclsan Prin- ting & Oice Supplies la arrange un appoinimont la nlow. 683. 1968. VITAMINSI VITAMINSt 09e are a Canadian Company soling guaity Canadien made Jamieson vtamins ai mail ordor pricos. Cail Mr. AMon 728-4894. 7255310 tor pour prico list. Mooop bach guaranteO. WAtKINS producta also anailablo. AUCTION SALES EVERYTHURSDAY NIGHT 7:00 P. M. 955 BROCK RD. S., UNIT 5, PICKERING Items to be sold: antiques, general household contents, jewellery - modern and antique. Good dlean sales. Absolutely no reserves or bld-ins. JOHN ANNISAUCTIONEER 1 831-3234 ACON BARN FR1., M ARHN 6:00 .M.RH Thre 0ils astofLiti hrtan o 7 llseswestitol rindsay on mls the oin LidsayotneBrtain Road Vsictln stl settee Victrla ian t-ltop fa sicalesi, loor ktchn scuad, Ho modkicen dressersd, chernf drawsers, prssbck armof chairs, reliingchairs, chars feean nd thales, Keorae ndutale aemr, ba sa dr wsk, woodn decodys (carveoendbyabmeroy), pcarloubyrtabrobe, 16rou hp.aGls, ogrdn tractor ihsonowblower tado utiit blade>, quan aity ol wooden deiiqung planes, ols, chdin n glans.olchn n DON CRNEI DONCORNER R.R.1NEE LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 SALES REPRESENTATIVES requIred Sp Whltbp firm. Cail 666- 4331. ATTENTION notiSait playera, Oshiawa District Ladies Stail League requiron playera. pitchers urgentip needed. Two gamesaa week, no travelling, nlo weehendn. Cati 728-1891. BLOSS MINI TRUCI(ING, deivertes and amati movIng laits, reesoseitie rates. Piton.e66. 0131. MANAGER'S HELPER 30 itours, Whitbp, car essential, somne typing. FPhone 68f6708. CREATIVE RESUMES $19.00, atudenta and unempioyed $15.00, fine fr00 copies, caner lettera 34.00, satisfaction guaranteed. 576-S833. Aiso business incor- porations, tast, 10w coat. WORD PROCESSINO Pragremn- ming, Lotus, ditase, tl and 111 and mare, wiith certiticate and loS placement, $149 and up, gaver- nment approood courses availaitte, tas deductiitie, O.5.A.P. lbans, 883-2226. SALES REPRESENTATIVES for new dealeistilp. Fronen prodaut. Muaitliane car, excellent income potentiel for eaperienced people, commission. 668.708. PART-TiME disiteasher for nigita. Phase Explorer Resteaurant, 66".316. IJNEMPLOYEOT Loaking far a career change? Cati 683-2261 for fiee coanaetting on lob oppor. tunitles. BABYSITTER WANTED ln My home, 3 daya per week. Asit Street aiea. Two citildien, reterences. 668-4278. 1~ MAINTENANCE LIMITED Personal Ized affordable houseclean Ing service. Full refund If flot satlsfled. Inquire about early week reduced rates. 1 ~ ~683-7515 -n 15 POSITIONS AVAILABLE NOW 15WOSITIan 12p.. ON d VIAy 10 rida Here's What We Offter: *A comfortable off ice atmosphere. eA convenient location. *A competitive saiary. eAn opportunity bo work with us bhroughoub the year. Your position wiii be reserved If you just caii Mrs. April at 686-3742 PHOTOCOPYIMO Were open to serve you when you need us. M.B.M. PublishinglWhitby Free Press 131 Brock Street North, Whitby tust sorti te iifour corners> ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisemeflt for errors on thse first Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $600o for 20 words; every endeavour to forward replies to box numnbers, rday of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be 14t each additional word. however, we accept no liability regarding loss or damage lable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographie ITScETS-$.0frts is 0 od;1<ec alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding derrors in publication beyond the cost of thse space occupied adiRtion DAl H 70 o h i 0 word;1eec sucis replies. We will not be responsible for box number by thse error Up to a maximum cost of thse first insertion, replies not called for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $800 for the fir- reject ail advertisemfents. Ads must appear in thse paper st 50words; 12 each additional word. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert lione day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ads. Frîday noon prior to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12t each ad- AUCTION SALES -40t<per line. (No word ads allowedi. to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL Ato your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $200. The Whitby Free Press will make 668-6111 6M6ý w e f9ýAUýCT,()NS