WHITBY F REE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRI L 10, 1985, P>AGE 17 BrDk1 lin Bylines By BETTY-JEAN BLYTH CaIl 655-3679 wlth Items for this coiumn in spite of the fact that we managed to get somne Sun after ail this Easter Sunday, and even though we had most of the family and somne friends to share the usual decorated Easter hamn, it fell a littie flat. What was missing was the traditional Easter hunt. Ever since the children were old enough to walk, we have carried on a tradition that began in my own 7THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 7DE) 0F DURHAM WtRHAM NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING Take notice that the Regional Planning Commttee wIlI consîder at a meeting to be held on: APRIL 16, 1985 AT 10:00 A.M. PLANNING DEPARTMENT BOARDROOM 105 CONSUMERS DRIVE, WHITBY A PROPOSED AMEN DMENT TO THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN The purpose of the amendment la to incorporate a policy framework whlch establishes energy con- servation as an important consideration for deveîopment in the Reglon which may be f urîher considered by the respective area municipal Council in dealing with developmenî applications. Subsequently, the Reglonal Counicil will consider the recommendation of the Planning Commiîtee at a meeting to be held on: APRI L 24,1985 AT 10:00 A.M. COUNCIL CHAM BERS, REGIONAL HEADOUARTERS BUILDING 605 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST, WVHITBY The report related ta the proposed amendment is avalable for inspection in the offices of the Plan- ning Deparment, 105 Consumera Drive, Whitby, or by calllng Mr. L. Koseff, M.C.I.P. Planning Department, (416)6687731. Requesîs 10 appear before the Planning Commit- tee as a deputation concerning the proposed amendment must be forwarded 10 Dr. M. Michael, M.C.I.P. Commissioner of Planning, 105 Con- sumera Drive, WhiIby, Ontario LiN 6A3, and should be recelved by the Friday preceding the meeting.- Requesîs 10 appear before Regional Council as a deputaîlon concerning the proposed amendment must be forwarded 10 the Regional Clerk, Reglonal Headquarters Building, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario LiN 6A3, and should be recelved 48 hours prior 10 the Regional Council meeting. Gary Herrema Reolonal Chairman 0W. Lundy, A.M.C.T. Reglonal Clerk family when 1 was a child. Ail the Easter goodies were carefully hidden and the recipients were given dlues in verse form to help them track them down. I don't know who enjoyed it more, the kids or their mother who often sat up into the wee hours of the morning thinking up ever new and more difficult hiding places and then scribbling poems to guide them to the treasure. No matter where we were or what the circumstance, the tradition lived on. 1 recaîl in particular a weekend houseparty in Ottawa when our hostess enthusiastically joined in and it took us most of the night to compose nearly two dozen littie masterpieces and hide the accompaning treats for everyone in the household. This year, however, the youngest considers her- self too old for such childish pursuits so after al these years I finally got a good night's sleep on Easter eve but 1 can hardly wait until the gran- dchildren come along to revive the tradition once more. FLOWER ARRANGING COURSE Brooklin Horticultural Society still has a few openings left for a four week course in flower arranging that begins on Thursday, April 18. It wîll be held in St. Thomas' church hall on Anderson St. N. at 7:30 each evening for the consecutive weeks. The cost-is $30 for members and $35 for non- members which includes the cost of the fresh flowers. To take advantage of this course, cal Veronica Coangelo at 655-8945 to enroîl. 4-H SAFETY CLUB A new 4-H Club called Score With Safety will be starting on April 10 and continue for seven meetings Susan Seymour formerly of La Contessa is now inviting ail of her former customers to a Special Offer. : valid only with Susan Valid until April 30185 116 Athol Street p Whitby, Ontario ForVur I il (.<mnTylQii 1It(l -T I L4( BROI)KIN.<ONT. < 655-8731 FOi I A l*V %. 1-% VING* i -IM:ENlI'<IIS I»,1 Or NEW HOURS: WED. TO SAT.l10am. to5 P.M. cedar rouiseworplng. rot- à 1 ting end splitting, tous .. Ma ~paint or sthm beautiulY Choose from 3 handsoffl deaigne. 1 MI'thlck. FROM A. DUTCHMAN $ 3 OO 210x610O B. SIDE ENTRANCE SAlO C. NORDIC $f>fl')OO 2'10"x6'10" LESS 10% UNTIL APR. 20TH - MITCHELL BROTHERS BROOKLIN 655-4991 culminating in an l'Achievement Day" sometime near the end of June. These will be held in the Brooklin United Church CE. hall from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Topics to be covered iniclude safety at home, safety outside, water safety, fire safety and first aid. Anyone between the ages of 12 and 21 as Jan. 1, 1985 are eligible to join. If you'd like further infor- mation caîl either of the leaders - Anne Sonley at 688-7502 or Neil Guthrie at 686-4509 or just show up this evening for the first meeting. BAKE AND CRAFT SALE St. Thomas' Anglican Church women are holding a tea and bake sale in the CE. building on Sat. April 20 from 2 to 4 p.m. Everyone is invited to come out and enjoy some great homebaking while they shop for some special gif ta for birthdays or that wedding coming up. Before you leave be sure to pick up some more of the deiicious goodies to take home to the famiiy. FASHION SHOW Also on April 25 there is the Springtime in Paris fashion show at the C.E& building in the United Church. This one features the newest in spring styles fromn our own Brookiin Village Shop. Tickets are availabie from the Shop. LIBRARY NEWS The winner of the Buddy Bunny contest was Sarah Chislett who received a quarter bushel of appies. This heaithful prize was donated by an anonymous patron who has been promnoting nutrition in the community for many years. The April 16 adult group session wiii be viewing an informative film entitied "The Chiidren of Alcohol". This film is about a family whose life revoives around drinking and the struggie of the chiidren to iearn (o accept thieir parents' alcohoiism. Ail interested people are encouraged to attend. The pre-achool story hour wiii take place at the same time - 12:30 to 1: 30 p.m. in the juvenile depar- tment. 4ZRL5 Black named TADR head At a speciai meeting held recentiy, the Tourist Association of Durham Region, and the new executive ap- proved the nomination of Harold Black, marketing officer of the Cullen Gardens & Miniature Village, as the chairman of the. association for the next two years. Martha Anne Rankin, past chairperson wili continue to work as the co-chairman of this marketing organization. A charter member of TADR, Black has acted on the executive since the group was organized in 1983. He is also active on other marketing boards as the Centrai Ontario Travel Association, and Attrac- tions Ontario. Presentiy TADR la coming to gripa with Durham Region's reverse decision in withdrawing support to their activities and marketing endeavours. They see it as an eiec- tion year decision to save taxpayers money and (o them it was a bad decision since better alternatives were nat presented, nor were any of the TADR officers in- vited to express their views on the importance of a strong co-ordinated marketing witbin the region.' Black believes that tourism wiil be Durham Regions number one induatry by the end of this decade. Taday it is running a close second ta Generai Mators in this economic race. Black's two main priorities in the year ta came wili be ta work with each local municipaiity and coun- cil 50 that they are aware of the importance of TADR as a promotianai team of valunteers dedicated to marketing taurism in Durham Region, and within the local municipaiity and to create a sense of comradery between al tourism minded organizations so that the 'team effort' can be co- ordinated in the most ef- fective manner. Black, a resident of Uxbridge, says he regrets that "Durham Region dues not support the businesses in the region who strîve to promote tourism by spending thousands of dollars in their own marketing programs Io bring visitors ta an ex- citing Durham Region. " OTA SE o BRo( )KIIN W ,¶TER (CON I)ITI(>NING INC. he Kinetico 9WATE 'F,(>FTNER RENTALS tw ifbne featuring KINETICO & ERIE *WATER DISTILLERSOCARBON BRICK FILTERS * REVERSE OSMOSIS SYSTEMS.SOLAR SALT FREE INSTALLATION CAL 53BADI ST. 655-3600 BALDWIN655-4936 BROOKLIN leven.) 655-8989 S.rvinqg r.oklia, Whif*y ami Durham legmea 1 .