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Whitby Free Press, 10 Apr 1985, p. 20

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PAGE 20, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1985, WIIITBY FREE PRESS WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY REÂD AUTOMOBILES ARTICLES ARTICLESClOSÂCIN SERVICES FOR SALE FOR SALE OR SALE #3EEuONS ONS_ o à S LAWN MAINTENANCE- Oovemmenî lcensed. Weed con- trai, terlilzlng, seeding, crab grass contrai and misa. Inn- doapin. 668.032. MER.MAIDS (564361 Ont. Lld.i SpeciaIlizng la camplete home and office cleaoing. Insured, free estlmaae. Ail mark guaranieed. Aiea grass cutllng, rimming and general maintinance. 66-2237. UNEMPLOYMENT HELP CEN. TRE: Need heip? Workenn Cam- pensatone, Weitare, OHIP assistance, lJnemployment ls- surance, or Cr1515 retarrals ta, othragancies, ral 579-1821. CONGRATULATIONS on pour forhcamlng marriage. Pleasa viem aur samples ai angraoed wedding Inviationes apour amlura la aur AaPlaza store. Diclson Pintlng & Office Sup- plies, 683-1968. Sf~ECE WOMEN Recandn oppon- tuilea ln technaiogp. Anderon Coliegite, Whitby, la otterina nec, adula ferhnaiogical stuales program, sperialty designad ton cames, leadinta empinymena la hlgh paying. sIllealtredes. Free courses tor Durham resiatents. Regitar Aprl 1011, 7- 9 p.m. bth days and 1-3 p.m. April 10 et Anderson CVI, 400 An- derson S. or rail Mary shea, 68- 5809for details. The Durham Board o ducation: Ecelence ihrangh growth. 11GRAMMER for people cho hale gramlmar" le the deal packet reterenre book ta, business people. $3.95 par rapy and avalable et Diruson Printin& Ottire Supplias ln the Aa Plaza. Denier enquries invitai 6831968. ATTENTION ELECTROLUX OWNERS. Gel the lump on Spring rleaning Sp knowing pour vacuum ls worklng eticieniip. Cailano flaor pou ree performan- re check. Wa do sot hava servira charges. As weil as checke pour vacuum vis iii shampan a 9e12 rarpet ciih nobligation ram pou ta buy anthing. Caila oday, Elactralun Salas and Service, 365 Wilson Rd. S., Oshama, 723-4162. UNLIMITED INCOME Working ram home as a rommission malier. Free Deiils Write: Randul Company PO. Bac 287 Wood- bridge Ontaro L4L 181. -FLRIDA R VACATION VW ENTAI LQ Cndai atPar1 r,, mee-r',,, On,, 0" 1994 CHARGER lght bina, 2 dr hlnchbarli, 2.2 litre, radiais 30,00)0 kiomters, aulomatîr, rusproot, certltled, $7.500. Muni oi. Cati 576-1914. 1979 TOYOTA 4x4 Pick-up, 130,000 km., needs body marIe, esking $15600. Cali 655-3555. DONT LISTEN toa nyane aise, me pay top dolar for srrap cars and trucks. 888-97112. AN INVITATION ta inestionie the Bahai laiih. Unhlling the morda..ne hearl i n lime. For llerature phone 668-8665 or 668. 76531 WORISHOP Salnrday, April 13 Apects oi the Holy Moher, 10 .m. la 5 p.m.. $45. Stress management, il a.m. ta 1 p.m., $10. Yoga every Mandap, Tuesdey and Thursday, $6. 8833Me4. Pickerng. Cal tor aur tree brochure. WHITBY OFFICE SPACE tonrani on protessionailionr. Wanid be nutable for lamper. accoantani, ec. Rantincludes ail utilities and la negotiable tar an appropriaie tenant. For turiher intormation rail 6U-6372 beiween 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday ta Friday. Cleawate - hreebepools (tennis, close to beaaresandl CAMPS I Umajor attractions hildrenl meîome.îîlessîhan moe ~~EO "~T crnm- 683-5824 * SEASON SITES avaitable ln a s quiet tamlpy camp grounal on Tient Spslam. Oood tishîin, - HOUSES rerreatian hall, riendly rampera. Appraaîmateip 1 haut tram FOR ALEI ENT Oshawa. Locateal 3 miles north af Lndsay of Highmay 35.$525 par CUSTO BUIL 4 b sesos Apise Camp Gronds, 1- CUSTM EILT beroom 705-324-6447. Nestled la maure treas on a magniIrant 'h acre lot. WalIe an shopping and schoole. Bright and spaclous living room mith loon o railing stone ieplare, large mirmai dinlng ronm iSh maîkout ta dork In parkl ike sel- ting, sussy bichen mth buili-in dishvvanher and akoultoa greeshause, main loan tamiip and laandry mrnem, double paved drivemap and attached double garage. central var. itercom. le- cludes applianres, drapas and ______________________ ta fief. AskIsg $134.500. Muni be 5I~ IAR«TICLES I sean te appreriata. ral 855-4925. 1 op .~1~NT Pincipalsaonpy TYPEWRITER reniaI, many maken and modela, bp the ACOMMODATION maekend, mae k or monlh. V A NorDE Discounts avalabla O Ickaon rining & attire Supplies In the Aa Plaza. Cuit un ta, business SMALL HOUSE or apanimnentIrn machine rapairs 663-1968. airea for goad tenant bp May 1. FREE Drop 1010 the Dlrkson Prrning il Office Soppip store i the Aine Plaza and pirk up nfre ropyof aIheir 1965 Merir Cuien- dur. Privrealin imo rolours It makos for hundp relerence 683. 1968. pana acesec. 8558827. 61<1000 STORAGE, $25 per machine, $15 par traiter. Culir655- 3729 aller 7 pm. Rad ram a 1977 Nove, $25. 18" girls and boys bicycten, $20 and $30. Phonae66-9097. VISIT aur naed lursture warehoune by uppoinîment. Bg savIngs an cdetlm, chairn, tlling cabinetn, etc. Cal Dicknon Prîn- tlng & Ofice Supplies ta arrange an appintment ta vina. 683- 19". DELUXE strolier bad la, sale, gond condition. Calil 688182. CARPENTINO SURPLUS, neye ta 80%. Bulders and derorator quallîles alsa looring. Wlde serertIan. One rom nta choie troune. At pour convenaence. prompt, fuiip mrranted prolessional installation Il desired. Fras$hop ai home estimate. Cati 579-8861, IIHERIES af the Bible' roiouring book avalabie ai ickson Pria. ting & Ottire Supplies, Aine Plaza, 683-1968. Denier Inquires Inied. colais, art classes and com- missions by R. rnent Jukes, Willow Run Galery, 585 ling Street EaaI. Oshawa, 5791101. FOR AIL yanr insulation & air sealn needn plus air leakage Inspection and U.FFI. remedlal meanures. Cali MaCleave Lad., Uebrldge, 852-5051 or toiltfras 1. 800-2633204. CH4ESTERFIELD suites, lovesenis. sertionats, lens ttran 1/ pIce. Large selection. McKeen Furoture, 524 Simane St. S., Oshawa. 7255181. tuCOTYPE press-on ieiiering o n stock et Dicknon Printiln & Of- tice Supplies Iv the Aae Shop- ping Piaza. Large selection ot styles and sizen. Why puy more for a amalier aheet of ieterIng? 683-1968. MATTRESSES anid boe spriogs ai hall puice. Mrrleen Furnilure, 524 Simcoe Street Sauth. Oshawa. 725-5181. BUY REBUILT AND SAVE in the long run E with APPLI&ITCES Rebuilt Washers, Dryers, Refrigerators, Stoves, Dshwashers 6 month and 1 year guarantees available IN-HOME SERVICE CALL - $1600 PARTS Whitby Oshawa Scarborougla 107 Dundas St. W. 23 King St. W. 2484 Kîng ton Rd.1 1 668-9444 723-9777 267-3889 WE STRETCH NEEDLEPOIT 6684. 2 IiIIM WRIGHT. Bruce Robait Oied April 10, 1984. Though lime han pased and the morid han rbanged me surI remember and relebrate the lite af our beioved brother and friand Bruce Robert Wrght. His time miih us mas short bui ln se manp mwapn ha touched 0cr senls andl uplIted aur hears. On ibis thea rtira nivernary of is deparlure me ramember hlm iih love andl iop Seing ever min- afla ai the gifti ofhis fle. Almnys attertiosataiy remnem- bered by Mater Cindy, brother-la- lac las and sephem Sean. Charlie has gene the riglt way, Th e Dickson Printing and Office Supply route that leads to- business succes ARTICLES FOR SALE, AUCTIONS, REAL ESTATE AND MORE... MOLLY MAID "Specioliin N ous. CI.aning For Pr iculor People" 666-2144 NEW IN TOWN? LET us PUT OUT THE MAT FOR YOU! Phase 668-8943 EXPERIENCED, mature hausekeeperibabysltter,Ilvineor ouI, Franch speaking. Fiee daps a ceae. Phone 663881 atter 7 p.m. EXPERIENCED atressimaitei. Cali W863070, UNEMPLOVEOT Loohisg for a rareer change? Cali 683-2261 for free cousseliing as job oppor- luntles. STUDEN~TS Like money and people? Here's the apportunlty ~îîpiiytucaii you've been Wating for. We provIde ail training. Watuîcd Salary plus commission. For more Information cal INE1OS 686-3742 1 Protessional bonne paining. no lob moo smaii. Phase E64723-9266. DRYWALL Tape-Puier seeks mark. Also ieeiured and suspen- ded reilins. 15 peurs experien- ce. Jim Tomiinson. 7239266 EXCEPTIONAL MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITY. It pou qnaiity, pou itI receine 52,000 par manth for imo months white ln srhool...$30,000 pr er paere graduation. Sales and management experienre elpfuni Cati y23-3412. SSALES PF0960 energy predu( perience pretE NI1N EARII ~ ~ matura, enel Smoing Indiolal epanal basini perience teipf 's~ ~~~ ~ 'aW 7aTUl pplianren. ONS rnsulaiion or ci relaleal, ex- nrred. 1-800-263- INGS. i need 3 ergeliir npmurd nals io rreip me ness. Sales nu- nil Cali 723-3412 Up Iv $25.000 plus EXCELLENT EARNINGS morking tram home, Easy mark. AIl armas. Delails: siampeal escalope to Mnplair, 452 MG-1755 RobssasSi., Vancouver V6 1 Cg. WORD PROCESSINO Program. mirg. Lotus, dbase, Il and 111 and more, iih rertifirats andaliob placement, $149 andl up. gaver- nment npprooed rourns avulubie. Ian dedurtible. OSAP launs. 683-2228. CIIEATIVE RESUMES $1900, rush or VISA, rover letiers $4.00, satisfartion gunraniaed, rosit obhun Sui mhout ose. 5760833 annplme. Aino businesn Inror. portions, fast. CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FR1., APRIL 12 6:00 P.M. Three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lin- dsaylLittle BrItain Rd. Round oak pedestal table (aplit pedestal), Cherrywood Victorian what-not stand, f lat two- waii cupbaard, oak hall stand, china cabinet buf- ft comblnation, pine blanket box, oak washstands, ginger- bread dlock, square dinlng fable (large quan- tily of beaves>, pressback chairs, round oak coffee table, 15 cu. ft. McClary f reezer, pine drop-leaf table, parlour tables, walnut china cabinet (glass 3 sides), fan back chairs, walnut buffet, pins chest-af-drawers, pine lam cupboard, 1977 Dodge Cordoba <Cer- tif led), 1978 Dodge 1/ tonne truck wth custom cab (cerfified), sale of quallty f urnîture tramn local estates and homes. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 * GUN AUCTION * FRI DAY EVENING, APRIL 19TH 7:00 P.M. D & M Sales Barn - R.R.2, Lndsay (l mile west of Llndsay on the Litte BrItain Rond> _-BUY OR SELL- For those wishing to consigfl to aur manthly gun auction, It Is Important to bring yaur guns In early, as we have an B-gun limit. Shotguns and rifles only. For more dotails cali the Auction Barn. BUD McKEE, AUCTIONEER 705-324-2472 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check yaur advertisement for errors an the first Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $600 for 20 words; every endeavour ta forward replies ta box numbers, day af publication. The Whitby Free Press will flot be 14e each additional word. however, we accept no liability regarding loss or damage liable for failure ta publish an ad, or for typographie BIRTHS. DEATHS -$7,00 for the first 100 words : 12t each alleged ta arise through failure or delay in farwarding errinpublication beyond the cost of the space occupied adtoa od such replies. We will flot be responsible for box number by the error up ta a maximum cost af the first insertion. rpisntcle o ihn3 as The Whitby Free Press reserves the right ta classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F TI-ANKS - $8.00 for the fir- rejeet aIl advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 5words; 12c each additional word. t)EAILI NES: Monday noon prior ta publication ta insert one day before they can be changed or cancelled. o r cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior ta publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $400 for 20 words; 12c each ad- AtJCTION SALES -40 per line. (No word ads allowedi. to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL Ad ta your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $200. The Whitby Free Press will make 668-6111 1 AT Z)icZ»ott dPrist

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