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Whitby Free Press, 10 Apr 1985, p. 3

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WIIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1985, PAGE 3 NDP and Liberal candidates cati for tighter rules governing plant closure The closure of Canadian plants by Anierican owned coni- panies shouid be subject ta tighter government contrai and examinatian according ta bath the Liberal and the New Democratic Party can- didates in Durham West. Bath Liberai can- didate Bilan Evans and NDP standardbearer Dan Stewart made the rexnark in response ta the news that Andrew Antenna would clase its small coaxial cable manufacturing plant in Ashburn later this mon- th. "It is important ta note the closing invalves an American parent," Evans said in a telephone interview. "'That's why my party wants ta encourage equity investment in Canadian business 50 that aur business in- terests wan't be dictated ta by a foreignIparent campany." The Whitby lawyer alsa said that the gaver- nrnent shouid establish a code of ethics for foreign cantrolied finms which wouid require them ta justify plant closures in Ontaria that affect mare than 10 people. Evans also said that workers who lose their jobs under these kinds af situations shauld have immediate retraining opportunities available ta theni 50 that they can re-enter the job market quickly. "The larger issue here is the need ta retrain workers when the closing takes place," he said, "This must be done rapidly and flexibly so that they are pravided with the apportunity ta re-enter the jab market with adequate skills as quickly as possible." The Liberai candidate also said that his party would introduce changes ta the legîsiation covering plant clasures ta provide severance pay for workers with one year of seniarity instead of the present five years and wauld remave the 26 week pay cap on severance pay. A Liberai ad- ministratian wauld also pravide interim finan- cing where it was feasible for the dispiaced workers ta buy the plant and keep it aperating. Hawever, incurnbent Durham West MPP George Ashe says that the current legisiation governing plant closures is adequate and affords enough protec- tion ta the warker. Ashe, wha also serves as Minister of Energy in the current Pragressive gavernment of Premier Frank Miller, maintains that companies must be allowed ta respond ta changing market con- ditians. A company that operates a plant ta produce samething it can't seil will soon find itself in bankruptcy, he points aut. "'Campanies do not lay-off staff or close plants because they want ta, " the Tory fron- tbencher said. "As markets change, they have ta change." Ashe also attacked the New Democratic Par- ty's position, which he said cails for plants to remain open no matter what in order to protect jobs. "That's just out and out ludicrous," he said adding that government cannot expect corn- panies to go on losing money indefinitely. However, NDP can- didate Don Stewart said that Ashe is "out of tune" with working people. "If George Ashe feels the present legisiation is adequate, he's out of tune with people who know what it's like ta be unemployed and com- peting with a lot of other unemployed people," he said. "lAshe puts profitabiiity before the rights of working people." Stewart also said that his party has a basic six- point plan for dealing with plant closures. Firstiy, Stewart said that conipanies "shauid expiain why their plant is closing ta the gaver- nment and the people of Stewart Ontarj o." A tribunal should be established ta review plant closures. This body, he added, should also be mandated ta find alternatives ta closure. Wherever possible, Stewart continued, the workers should be af- forded the opportunity ta, buy the plants they work in, with gaver- needed. Secondly, workers over the age of 55 should be allowed to retire if they so wish. Al workers, Stewart ad- vocated, should have pension portability so that they can take pen- sion funds already built Up ta their next place of employment. The NDP also ad- vocated the implemen- tation of training programs and paid education leave for workers "in an area of need in the economy. " Stewart also refutes Ashe's dlaim that the NDP's position is ludicrous. "Ail we have done is cali for 'a six point plan," he said, "If it's profitable, let the workers run it. If it's not, the other f ive are ways to soften the blow. " Stewart also believes that his party's position is both «"realistic and humane. " Thieves caused some $200 damage when they broke into an Industrial Dr. business somnetime overnight Iast Wed- nesday. According t aa spokesman for the Durham Regional Police Force, the thieves entered the of- fices of Upright Scaf- f oids through the office window. Once inside they rummaged through the desks and filing cabinets. Police repor- ted that $130 in cash was stoien. The incident occured somnetime between 5 p.m. Wednesday and 7 a.m. Thursday. Police believe that an act of vandalism at Rivett Architecture at in1 Industrial Dr. that occured at the same time may be connected ta that break-in. The spokesman said that a rock was thrown through that business' front window causing about $150 in damnage. However, police do not believe that the office was entered. MCALLISTEES .Excellence in Reupholstery Highly skiled craftmanship ani the finesi selection of fabrics are uniquely blended to produce beautiful reupholsteredfurnîiure. ~ McALLISTES 70 ROSSLAND RD. W. OSHAWA 576-8465 Mon., Tues.. Wed. 10-6. Fri. 10-9, Sat. 10-5 Industrial Dr. offices attaeked by vandals BETTER BUSINESS REFERRAL SERVICES mELiN AID I8 COIU U CTIONI w CRMO URiC TO TUE PuiLici =666-4331== Members of the Btter Business Referral Service, must keep a record of fair service ta the public. We recom- mend any business that is a member of the B.B.R. Don't run the risk of being stung by a Fly by Nite" operatiofl. If you require business services or retail outiets cail us for references toaa reputable business in your area. SOLID OAK AND PINE FURNITURE SALE NOW ON 'h ~ ALL BEDROOM, DINING AND KITCHEN SUITES oit AND ACCESSO RIES "WE MAY BE SMALL", BUT WE HAVE IT ALL 110 DUNLOP ST. E. OPEN MON.-WED. 10-6 WHITBY ONT.THURS.-FRI. 10-9 WHITBY ONT.SAT. 10-5 666-1 331 SUN DAY 10-4 Ail drapes are cus tom-macle on the premîses featuring (?citljc..1 Sheers diacç Kirsdf\ products Thi -i Week's Contractoir Special! Vol-Pro interlor latex primer sealer by Benamin Moore $909 ?~9 Sale $9 9 4 litre tin Cali and build it better ai: hOLLANdIm' buiLdiNG CENTRE 1277 Wilson RdN. -MnW.d .55 PM. 7254709 0 Z Saturdays8a.rn. 5.r

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