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Whitby Free Press, 24 Apr 1985, p. 13

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Wi IITBY FREE. PREiSS. HlOME~ IMPROVI MINT SECTI .Wl)SDN IRI -4. P9. A 13 Easy-to-install paneling gives new flavor to room As thc cost oet*ncw housi ng con- tinucs te risc and high intcrcst ratcs pcrsist. mnany f'anilics arc sccing thc advantagcs etf rcedcling thcir prc- scnt hoen whcn extra spacc is a nîlust. Althoughi honec rcmodcl ing was oncc thc cxclusivc rcalrnof thc pro- fcssional contracter. today nany rc- moecling Jobs can bc tacklcd succcssitiîlly by cvcn thc novicc do- it-yeurscl fer. Thosc oncc difftcult in- stallations havc bccn sinplificd by signi ficant improecmcnts in natcrials and teols. Panling a rom is one aspcct eof homec improvcmcent that docsn't rc- quirc any grcat carpcntry skill. An cn- tirc roem can bc cornplctcly panclcd in onc wcckcnd by thc average do-it- yourscllfer. AIl yeu nccd arc thc pro- pcr toels, thc prcftnishcd pancling ef' your choicc and panel adhcsivc or celor coordinatc nails. As shown in the acconipanying photo, an appcaling flavor frei the Old Wcst svas achicvcd f*or a young- stcr's rern with the application et« a tcxturcd Masonitc brand panci ing. The 4- X 8-foot panels wcrc instail- cd herizontally to givc the illusion of' a largc-sizc roorn. Asidc froin the ncw persenality a rooni attains with prcfinishced wal pancling, thcrc are othcr benefits as wcll. Thc popular Masonitc brand pancls, which can bc installcd oecr any cxisting wall surfacc, arc cx- trcmicly durablc and casy to niaintain. An occasietial wiping with a danîp cloth k ail that k nccdcd te sustain thcir handsornc appcarancc. With thc road sclcction ot pancl- ings availablc. thc do-it-yeurscl 1cr can ftnd thc distinctivc ncw look thai is right l'or his hoic. t Shed light on attie room Onc way te) translornm a littlc-uscd attic inte an cxtra rooni with good vcntilation and lts e' daylight is to instaîl onc or more reof' indews. Whcn installcd in a south-tùacing roet. thcsc units cati scrvc as passivc solar colîeccirs and providc thc attic wîth a supplcmcentary sourccetf'hcat. Ncwly dcvcloed by Andcrscn Cerporation of Bayport. Minn.. root' windews arc glazcd with hiigh-pcrtbr- mance insulating glass which is cvcn httcr than triplc glazing in saving cncrgy. H igh-pcrferniancc insulating glass has a mnicro-thin nctallic coating bondcd te thc airspacc surfaccet' thc insidc pane. This means thcrc is nothing te instal. oprat or clcan and thecocating wont pccl. crack. wrinklc îor discolor, Availahlc in six popular szcs. Andcrsen rool« vwindows arc dcsign- cd te werk with typical truss and rafttcr spacing te assurecltast and casN installation. TVhcreof' windows aise havc finir opcraiing positions oir scctirity. vcentilation and clcaning. Oncetf*thc positions cnablcs the rof wvindows te bc tiltcd se thc sash can hc sccurcd l'or washing lrom in- doors. Vcnctian blinds or rclccter shades -arc availahlc as options. Thc hakcd-acrylic 1finish io Tcr- ratonec cler on a ilnctal-clad wood sash and frainc assurcs low maintcn- tance in thc rof windows. Thc natural insulating ahility et' wiod cornhincd with thc high-pcrlormiancc insulating glass assurcs ail cxtrcrni. cncergy-ctt*iiînt roet* windoss ANY YOUNG BOY WOULD LOVE THIS REMODELED BEDROOM that hints of the Wild Westý Rugged textured paneling by Masonite Corporation cornes in 4- X 8-foot sheets that, n this case were applied horizontatty Boy-proot" panetîng is deat waltcoveriflg for active child's room t SPRING Beautlf y your home with f rsi quallty Antron Nylon $15 B U RL I NG T O N hstaled lncludiflg See our large selection of NO WAX VINYL KITCHEN FLOORING Starting $4A95 as low as au sq. yd. * * VISAapet Just north of 401 1305 Harwood Ave. N. In stock Items only Haurs:Mon..Wed.96 Ajax 683-6126 - Thurs.ILFr .99, Sat. 95 e -*FREE ARM AUTOMATICS KEN'SEWING KEN5S CENTRE 'ý K-MART PLAZA M- 555 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa 579-0742

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