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Whitby Free Press, 24 Apr 1985, p. 18

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t ~ ~ ~ ~ A A.. . .I nM 10Mii WIIuTflV ,:DI:l-. PRESS. 'IONI 'Ll>C)I NNT SI<'TI%. A W N AN-SIA PRLWSE1E nursery garden centres aur plants growv your complete one stop gardening shops in the durha'm region Thickson Road North 655-3331 (Just 2 miles north of Taunton Road) 1625 Dundas Street W., Whitby 6688190 Just East of Durham Road No. 23) o-$100 AS MARKED 101- 150 5% 151 200 7% 201 250 100/ 251- 300 12% 301 400 15% 401 500 17/o 501 750 20% 751 1000 220/o 1001- OVER 25%/ SUPER SPRING SPECIALS MOUNTOATTEN JUNIPER 80 cm. Reg. Sale JAPANESE YEW 40 cm.. Reg. Sale OLD GOLO JUNIPER 40 cm. Reg. Sale GLOBE CEDAR 30 cm. Reg. Sale EMERALD GAITY EUONYMUS 30 cm. Reg. Sale GOLDEN MOCK ORANGE 40 cm. Reg. $999 FLOWERING ALMOND 60 cm. Reg. $980 SILVERLEAF DOGWOOD 30 cm. Reg. $880 EMERALD OUEEN MAPLE 250 cm.F CRIMSON KING MAPLE 250 cm.F Sale Sali Sale Reg. Sale Reg. Sale $29.99 $24.99 $27.99 $18.99 $1 8.99 $1 5.99 $1 5.99 $12.99 $14.99 $11.99 te $7.99 le $7.99 e $6.99 .$36.99 >$27.99 $43,99 $32.99 APPLE TREE SPECIAL RED DELICIOUS SPARTAN McINTOSH Baleony gardening? The sky's the limit Many lighrise apartmenl dvellers gross' flowers on tîteir balconies. Bot titis year. give your green tlîunîb' at real test by growing your osso fresît vegetables, says Hiorticulturist Joe Mug'imer of the Ontario Ministry tif Agriculture and Food's Bidgeîosvn College tif Agricultural Technology. 1 FullIYear, 100% SHRUB REPLACEMENT GUARANTEE Our quallty trees & shrubs grow best. OPEN 7 OAYS A WEEK -.9 A.M. -7 P.M. +VANDERMEER 'éNURSERIES * FOR ALL YQUR * GARDENING NEEDS * *SPECIAL -"PANSIES"* *NOW IN BLOOM -REG.$1.10 * NOW.754 +-FERTILIZER-PEAT MOSS-* * SOIL-SAND- * JUST ARRIVED! *LARGE VARIETY OF GOOD QUALITY4 *TREES &SH RU BS *VISIT OUR GREEN HOISE AND SEE OUR* 4 SELECTION 0F 1BEDDING PLANTS * AND PERENNIALS 4EVERY ITEM AT REASONABLE PRICES *OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 9-6 * DRIVE A LTTLE Âix i 4T à ASAVE ALOT îtsmm - 4 *668-9068 ____ 1½% Mles North Hwy. 2 h Brock Rd., Pickering Cor. Taunton & 683-0887~ Regular $1599 ONLY $12.99 ~ LIMITED OUANTITY 9&raMIU tt iAhI Thornion Rds. 579-2239 :CflTRE '£M Landscape Design & Service For Alil Your Gardenlng Supplies JUSHAW, ,,,,MARDEN CIERVICE E LIMITED 1SPECUAL THIS WEEK 1 SKYROCKET JUNIPER 3 ft. high PAVING STONE DELIVERED & OR INSTALLED T.Ant Loamn Supply Ltd. Most vegetables prefer lots of sunlight. su ti southern or sttuthwest exposître is idetil. Containers can be stotre- hoîîght pots, hanging baskets and pre-fabricated kits or make-slîift boxes. crates, tubs îand pîtils. l'ut casters on thle bottîîm of heuisy containers ait yoîî rau niose tîteni aroiind. Althtougli less growîng mtediunm <sîil tir soil mixe's) i asitable <o plants grttwn in cotntainers,' ytitt an enstire prtiîir nuit des'eloinent by pîrttsiding pultnts svith at l'aîst 2"0 î'întinîetres iighit incets Or list'.1 stil-less, liglît- sseuglît griising mediia. Use acommenci'ral >itttitg toîx animptulrtîse drainage lu> aidding abtot 10 lie'r 'e'nt by suine tif jîurlite' tr sentîti itiliti' tîgetlîer svitli soute sloss- rt'leaîse fertilizer. Be sure tii trill tir îuîrlî lîîlî's in tIte'bitttintiof aill iton- taîin'rs tii draini'xcess ss'îtt'r andilliiss air lii reaçît tht' rots. If %t,îi tseîplante'r btoxets. s'en> ssatt'r frîînîdripping beliss and filI the bîtttont tif c'ontaine'rs s itî t hreî'rotntt five cnti nt'in. <o tssitin. I1îîîa gras'il foîr dratinaige. St up vittr balcoin%, gîrden b% pilacing ssindutssbttxes altng tht' railing tir aai l. Spait' haînging baiskets i'senly aîpart tînt' metre<aibîtut tîtrît'feet> tlirt'rtlstiser t'e railing. <.tttstlt s tîtr laîntltîrd hîfi rei' îstaîlliîîg lîîîks itilte If tîtr hbalcon.inî large',a îiî'rî'î plateîr biix arraîîgt'nieri -itngtto'tr lîtth ssîlls. rîîîkt' bt'st isi',tif as ailtîble staut'. St'atte t'r helîr cointainers ssIi'e t'r ls cotusenieut. lu late April. siiss thini>. MAINTENANCE IGomement Llcen-I IsedWeed ControlI *FertiIzng, MiBC. *Landscapng.M MITTRIM I Complete Lawn & SGarden Maintenance IFree Estlmates For Compelitive Ca11666-4700 1% moucw r radjah sceds (Starite, Cherry Bellel interspcrsed with a few transplants of head lettuce purchascd from a gardening centre. In shallov five cm ta 10 cm (two in. to four in.) trays, plant short wws of red beets (Ruby Qiteen, Little Egypt) alangside Swiss Chard (White King. Fordhook I during the cool season. 'Flîlu these crops occa- siunallv, to prunute grosth. Plant onion1 sets in a separate box. sî)ttt'Ctl hst'ly togethc'r at first. Soon after. putll a fi'%v tii en- j(tv ini our salaris and then thin the stand evenl% fuor fututre btîlb tleveliipuieft. Mii t arrots tan hi' addeîl, surît as Baby' Fingers Nanttes or Little Finger. Suispend string alttag s'aIls <or oin bamibou poles. and plant three tii five 5t'Ssuf pole bcans (Blue Lake. Kt'atttek: Wotndetr Greeîn, Yard Longl and gradutally train them lut clirnb higher. Peppers, gruwn in 20 cm leigiti in. 1 deep (ontainers. bell ýMidsva. Lady Belle. Keystune I or baniatta tyIpes (Svî'et or Hot ltingarian i <'an alsu be growu easil.1 in a higlirise environnment. Alsu try growving disarf tornatues I Flurida Petite. Patio, Ssveeî 100) in lhanging baskets. Or plant slandard-lyîîe tttnîatoes 1J ackpoi. Fretipack. lPickred 1 in tubs or large pails and support vines svith %vire ('ages. l)svarf tittubers iSpace Saver. Patio l'ck I or even sitail nieluns c'titi be grttsn iin hanging baskets. But,. înless s itituse seedless I gyvitislI vi ne' rop itliltîi r> thlat dottt retîtirei' s17 liatito. hi'sture to gis e Mi tîlie-r Naturte a bîand b% piî'king a tmale fîtîsseýr nti d ibh)itlg the' titIe lîît iitt a rt't'tpt ist'fî'nîale lulîssi t tss*t a nii i t'kle attarlieti 1. 'imnti and peppewr flîtiers need îinly the îîî'iasiîinal [ai)tii et'sre'crOiss-pitllinaititt. A bîîh'ony is alsu titt ideal spott fîtr gruss ing luîrbs. Muiîlinîî'r says. Mot>rî'qiiri' <ml% sltalliîss potts tir î'iîtatittîrs. (;trdeing t'intri's siili1 sittaîl piiti'tl traînsplantts tifIti' itiis>tt uittlli ll%-tîstîl lerbs "tIt Ia'.s Ss<'et ibasil . iliers il. i ri'gatîi . roseitars . sîttanier "st ri . tiîîîî' aid t;irrtige in; (ov iivîr o ttaiitîr "surfactes s il h ai tiuursvi'nui tll otf tuîi'liînt-sîzt'iI bark tir i'bbli's tii lit'1p rî'diti' iniistître lîss anîd s aler îîlants rî'gtlairl>* ()nve" planrts liais e re;tieied 15 titi tii 20 vtntsix in. tiieiglt in. 1lin leighî aliplv a ctinplete %s att r soluble ft'rtilizer I tîstal- 1% 20-20-20) atIai rate tif 2.5 nmillilitre's iiifisi' litre's 1/2 îî'aîsîîîin lti nt' gallon) otf s atî'r.tIssue i sveek. As itit turf aînd gi'nerai gardi't fertilizi'rs berattse tht'% dotut dsuîi ' ctmpli'l'lanti bîiild tilttinnevessarily highi sait le's%'vis %huIthluirai plants. $19?5

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