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Whitby Free Press, 24 Apr 1985, p. 24

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PAGE 24, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1985, WHITB'U FREE PRESS Everything possible was dône to find hlm.... Toronto where he was found two weeks later working as a laborer. However, Ferencz said that he l'as no idea of how Green made bis way to the farmer's field in nortl' Osh'awa where he was found. "IWe have no idea how he could get there. He could have litcl'hiked," l'e said adding, "There are so many pieces of the puzzle missing. " Wbile l'e id say tl'at 1 SUPPLIER 1 SALES REP i CALI DELIVEAT WHEN SOU WANT ITIOTATIONS WBIEN YOU NEED THEM/PRqOMPT ATTENTION I, *LETIERIIEAO 0 SNAP SETS 0 INVENTOAT CAROS*# CHIEUES *ENVELOPES 0 CONTINUOUS fORMS 0S SIIPPING TAGS 0 PRICE LISTS " BUSINESS FORMS 0 BSINESS FORMS a LABELS 0 BROCHURES " INVOICES * ANNOUNCEMENTS 0 NEWSLETTERS 0 RAISED PRINTING " CATALOGUES 0 TICKETS * NCR PORMS 0 INSTANT PRINTING " CALENDARS * INGEAS 0 SCRATCH PADS 9 GOLO SIAMPING " BOOKBIN(ING 0 COLOR WORK * CIhLATIVE DESIGN S PIIOTOGRAPI4Y A COMPLETE PRINTING SERVICE FOR THE PURCHASINO AGENT OR BUYER FASTr EFFICIENT SERVICE e PICK-UP &. OELIVERY - COPY DESIGN I& PREPARATION HONEY BEAR DAY CARE CENTRE Ïq (Government Licensed Government Approved) 4NURSERY SCHOOL For children 2 to5years old OPEN FROM 6:30 A.M. - 6 P.M.9 MON.-FRI. 52 Weeks a Year Except Canadian Statutory Holidays FULL DAY, HALF DAY & HOURLY 9 I Minutes f rom downtown Whtby, 4 just behlnd Stokley Van Camp THE NEW OWNERS HAVE PROVIDED *A brand new, total ly renovated (3Government Approved Day Care Centre *An abundance of new toys 0> and equipment *Government approved staff 4and learnlng programs *3 meals a day prepared by a 4nutritionally aware cook *Learning themes and outings -~ FEW SPACES AVAILABLE FOR ERLETADINOMTO4AI 668-6200 7 Batten says plan viDolates poliey CONT'D FROM PG. 1 before council. Making reference to Batten's previous statements tbat development sl'ould be made first in other areas, Brunelle said that wbat council'was baving ta decide was "whicb one sbould go first." Althougb it was more than apparent that l'e bad lost the day, Batten made a last ditcl' effort' to convince cauncil that bis point of view was the correct one. Just barely managing to keep is anger under control, the nortb ward representative told council that l'e was not opposed to growtb in Ashburn but that this application was five or six years premature. ter of growtb in Ashburn l'as ever beèn tbe question," be said, II bave always believed that growtl' would occur according to the wisl'es of the people of Asb- burn." Batten said tbat l'is neigl'bours would have preferred to see development occur along thee unes that l'e l'as suggested. He also noted that the Kahn application was not in keeping witb tbe town's already establisbed policies wl'icb state tbat for f ire protection purposes, council would discourage the use of cul-de-sacs in new sub- divisions - especially in the rural areas. "This application is ATTERSLEY TIRE SERVICE PASSENGER & LIGHT TRUCKS BRAKES COOLING SYSTEM 103 Dundas E. 162 King St. E. Whitby Oshawa 668-3356 .571-3400 policy of the council concerning fire protec- tion" Batten also criticized Mayor Bob Attersley's remarks of two weeks ago. The mayor had suggested that council sbould wait to make its final decision until it bad the benefit of Emm's input. He bas lived in tbe bamiet ail of is 38 years and l'e was just as aware of the needs of Asl'burn as Emm is. I'After the last meeting, 1 was beginning to tbink that maybe I bavent lived there as long as 1 tl'ought I l'ad. " However, Attersley told Batten be didn't recail making the apologize," headded. Batten also restated l'is position that l'e op- poses tl'e subdivision because it will l'ave no secofldary access to the Asbburn Rd. He also said it was premature. "I've always feit that developmient would go from the centre outwar- ds," he said, "I tbink it's wrong to do tl'is now. " But l'e did not convin- ce bis collegues. Council voted 5-1 to approve the application. Batten cast the only dissenting vote. Coun. Joe Drumm, wl'o l'ad sided witb Batten, is suffering from a severe case of tl'e flu and was not present at the meeting. Sleeping pills stolen drug abuser may be responsible for a break- in at tbe Whitby Mecical Centre on Brock St. S. iast saturday night. According to spokesman for the Durham -Regional Police Department, the alarm at the centre went off at about 10:30 p.rn. When police arrived at the scene, there was no sign of en- try. However, iL rang again at 11:20 p.m. This owner attended, found sign of entry and sum- moned police. Police said that entry to the building was gained tbrougl' a smashed window on the soutb side. The drug storage area was then broken into and an unknown quan- tity of sleeping pilîs were taken. No other part of the building was disturbed. Police bave given an initial estimate of loss of $100. PRO DODGE Your Local ChrysleraDodge Sales and Service C IDealer Parts & Service - Thursdays tili 9 p.m. WHITBY 209Dundas St. W. 666-3000 THE WHITBY FREE PRESS is offering a MANAGERS AWAY SALE!!! w BUJY ONE GEl? ONE FRE Buy a quarter, haif or full page and get the same size ad FREE This offer is valid for the May 1/85 issue only Deadine for ail Ad's is April 29/85 at 4pm 666-W6111 -muni 1 FOR ONLY $395.001 vurnam vvmt itLK-,v -But 1 ciont xnow ui R esident's death couldn't be stopped CONT'1) FROM PG. 1 Green's death was any way that we could George Ashe told the closure of the centre in find im. "Ivery unfortunate and l'ave prevented it," l'e Free Press Sunday that 1986," Asbe said. "I don't know wl'at tragic"l' e does not added. he is satisfied that Green's disappearan- search procedure we believe that it could Ferencz also agrees everytl'ing possible was ce and death was an un- didn't follow," l'e said. bave been prevented. witl' coroner Dr. Peter done ta find Green. fortunate incident that Tbe administrator "IWe cannot l'old Nob!e's decision not ta He also attacked occurs from time ta also noted that it is not people against their l'old an inquest into Evans for using this time at every institution unusual for l'igb fun- will," Ferencz said ad- Green's deatb. Since tragic incident as a plat- suc' as Durham Centre ctioning residents such ding fiat if residents foui play is not suspec- form ta advocate that or the Whitby as Green tai leave the wish ta leave tley have ted, the administrator the planned closure of Psychiatric Hospital, grounds for long periods ta sign a farm ta release doesn't believe any new, Durham Centre in April, Ashe added. of time. He recalled that the centre from any fur- useful information 1986 be delayed in- "But I stili hope and one resident, a few ther responsîbility for would be brougl't out ut definitely. pray that tl'ings like years ago, left the cen- them. an inquest. P "This l'as notl'ing ta these happen very if- &----à -j - --f 1 ' I knw ' n rhnm ,.,W,,etM do witb the lanned frequently," be said.

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