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Whitby Free Press, 24 Apr 1985, p. 27

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1985. PAGE 27 FREE PRESS E MPORIUM Emporium Ads wili only be accepted subject to the following conditions.1 - p'LLtD2x555A1 $A l . I ________ RUP. A T)- 30o WATT car lntegralad amp, brand no, nover usod, $1951000e year arrantyt. AMIFM digital dispiaY cassette radio, nem, $75. 300 Watt 6"x9" PoIyprOPylenO muSh Ferro iiuid, incrediblo sound, mortS $250.oit $190, xliii aied muS une yoar arranty. Cai 66848avytimo, Kye. PANASONIC 6" R&W TV. ACIDC inv vrir gond condition, $75. Hot waior eator ime type 220 volt, $55. Hand 'minch 3200 LB capaciy, turdy steel goars, roveribe Wbrake, $150. Phono 282-8760. 1973 MERCURY MARQUIS, 4 don, 429 Cu. l., AC, AMIFM 8 rack alorox, 5 gxod tires, an i, $400. Aiso 16 c.fi. freezer, $150. Exrcise equipmont, $95. 683. 1094. ANTIQUE PEDESTAL ntnk, unique and very beautifl, large version oui xl the nid King 64- ard Hota, comnes ilS unique antique brans flituren. Muet be seen. $280. Cai 571-3636. CHESTERFIELD SUITE, $50 and a beaiSer roching chair, $25. Linad off whte drapes muS haavy duly drupery irack, $60. Att gond con- dition. 68-5254, DININO ROOM SUITE, pins, Faut Bunyan collection, table 44x75, 2 Capiain chairs, 4 regutar chairs, buftanad utch, mini condition, $4000. Phono 668-3430. DISHWASHER, Soars Dotuxe portable, chopping Sock top, good moktng condition, $165. Eecic race cor sel, onar 100 Il. xiltach, 6 cars, 2 transformera. tap countor, many exîras, AFX & TYCO, $95. Heat circutatixg iropiace grala, $15. Cai 576- 7897. VCR SONY SL 5000 Bai. may require haad, as 15, $100. Grls skats izo il, $10. Hockey SmtCooper CSA, 6;4-74h, f $15. Tax hockey sticks, Hockeye f L) and Vicoriavlle (1-6). $55 oach, Folding stop stout, $5. Seal coveru for Vh ion, no, black, $15. F111 and Spiaushximming Pool iih coner, 12' deep s 5 diamtor, $25. Lntern Ray-O-Vac sportsmnan, $20. Camping toilet seat, $2. PC. board hobby ki, $10. ralling tea square, $5. Phone 668-8178. THREE WHEEL, 3 spoad ladies bike, asktng $195. Cati 649-107 or alter 6p.m., 668-0825. COMPLETE EOUîPMENT ix gel yxu starled ln an auphait driveaay seaiing business, used lorimo summers, now 1,600, miii solit for $1,200 or boni aller. Cati Waii, 666-0337. FOR SALE mink utolo. $250. Fuit lengiS plaie glass door mIrror, 5 fi. v 2 Il., $30. Bath accoxuoriox, 3 pae, mhite porcotain and chrome, $20. 3/4 Continental bod. $50. Phono 66-3516 or 66-9029. FOR SALE skis, 195 cm., Look bindings, $45. Circular nom, Back and Docker, $35. Phono 433-4689. ACORN ELECTRIC irepflace, $40. ProlesnionOi hair dryor, $50. Seurs video arcade pus il Atari gomes, inctuding Pacman. Tapemorm and Deender, $175 or boni oller. 576-6592. CAR STEREO iAMIFM casn.t and 1 mpair) 6"u9" speakers (200 matt car trox AMIFM Icassette) Plus a pair oi 6"x4" 200 mati speakers. $75. Brand nom mith une yoar guarantoO. 200 ati, 7 band oqualizor booster. 4 syeaker hook-up, $50. Kylo, 66-4839, anytimo. CHROME TABLES, xmoked glas, 1 coltO table, 2 end tables, 2 brunch tables, sei $260. litchen table, 2 chairs, Stock mroughti mn, $150. Ait Items ou- cllent condition. 427-7069. FOR SALE 9 dromer mnnd dresser muSh mirror, $100 or bout o110. Cati aller 7 p.mn. or eokon- de, 655-3729. FOR SALE imo heany duiy mnîk baniches, oodan, one - 6x3x3 test, and one 7½ux3e3 approx. dimension, $25 eacll or bot ni- er. Colt 655-3729 alter 7 p.m. FOR SALE tloephono anumrivo machine Sanyx TAS 3000, $100. Searusierex syxiemn, $100. Boy's 16" bicycle, $50. Ironing board, $10. Clt 434-6474. FOR SALE i mooden shed, lOnxlO', xhingied olf, $160 Clt 666-3160 aller 6 p.m. When the advertised item is sotd, disposed of, or unavaitabte for mialever reasox, the item miii be deemed lx bave beex sotd and a commissiinu mdl be charged baned os TIIE AIVRTISEI) PIICE an ittuslrated betw, regardlens if price is stated ilS "bent ofer'* If the item ix NOT SOLD, or dispased of. the ad wili be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of 7.50 iii appty payable in advaxce of publication of0the lîrst ad. The above minimum charge iii be uppied ix the fialcommission due. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ait adner- tinemenis musi e ptaced on an exclusive bois witin the WtItTBY FREE PRESand run ai reanI ose montS il vol soid. % RATES (ifiarticle isnord)41 or etadvertiieîl price xp t1$0460,6 2% of balance ever 0.6 EXAMPLE: SoId Item advertitedl for $150.00. commusso due $750 (minimum charge to 87.50) Private odvertising ontyl Please notify the Witby Fiee Press immediotely when item ix xoid 50 tOat me may delete il fromt the folxwug issue.Ait ads vol fitivg the Emporium guidelines miii Se tseated and cbarged per meek as reguior ctassified adn ou a pre-poid basin such as: services, eIp wanted. ciothing, reol estate. and persovol message type ads. or adsn ot quoting prie or quantity. Privute ctasnified adn muy appear iv the Emporium section under appropriote headivgn. ALL ADS WILI. GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTIIERWISE SPECIFIED. 668-6111 131 Itrock St. N. Whtby. Ont, TIIE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS TIIE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. DURO LAUNDRY tub pump, as naa, $65. Reese ioad eltuallins httct, 1" bars and extra parts. $110. Hoover upright vacuum, $30. losa eiectric brush. as now, $50. Viking electric broum, $10. Lawn rotier, 18x24, water tltleci, $30. Router 518 h.p. and case, $50. Cunooo.14 tt, tibergiasu, 36 beom, 13" depth, as new. $175. Phone 6554003. TWO COUCH SET pined-based, sectionai. Ovr-stutfed, brows corduroy pittoms, good con- ditIon, $375..Phone 655-4059. 12 BUDGIE breeding cages for suie. Compiete mith nest boues and equiyment. $10 each, Phone 668-4521. duty, eellen oiiixnaki $760 or boni olter. 725-6255. R B AB YN E D S Kovmoa, harvoxi goid, $260. Cxli 571-3636. CRB SET green and whileln- cixOox: top and boliom sheelu, T AIERS pumao, monrsbie bumpor padu O S L and comiortor (ieephani motif)lORS L Brand nem, nover used, $60. Cati BOX TRAILER for sale, 4x8 ir Kim 666-3260. Askng $295, Phone 579-4212 INSTRUMENTS LIVING ROOM PACKAGE, con- KIMBALL ORGAN milh bevch, ining of solo, chair, rocker, par- eocellent condition, lxii iy ottoman (collea labil and tma keyboard . baspodaIn, auuiomaic end tables, encllent condition, 6 chording and rhythms, Askivg monihs 014, $700. Phone 576- $750.66-3203. 3893. OAS STOVE 30" Hardmick gas slave excellent cxsdition, $275. Phono 669-2014. FOR SALE buttai and huich, $85. China cabinet, $75. Tao umali tabes, $25 asd $35. Mapla hait table, reflninhod, $250. Droptoal gatolag table, roinishod, $225. Tan chairs, $15 aach. Tmo kit- chen tables, moodon, $25 and $80. Tetephono 663-6638. APARTMENT SIZE masher and noye, Qea.- revr.a.x made in Czechoxionokia, exý collent condition, usOd lor xniy 2 yoars. comnes mith deluxo case, ankirlo $200. Cali 666-25088 OROAN Vamaha C405, nom con- dition. l'h years aid, nam $4.500. anking $2.900. Phonoe606-4713. OROAN, Vamaha modal A-505, double keybord, pedaoletrn- cludos bancS and books, oniy a yoar nid asd In excellent con- dition, $950. Telephovo 623-4124. MUST $ELL 1974 Gibson ripper bose 4 wmone sw nitch, mapto aood. gronor koyn, nery gond condition, hard sheit cane, $360. Also 1981 El Mayo imitation sirolo castor motl pick guard, cherry wmo liango bar artS harO shoit cane, $275. Colt Karen 723- 2579. FOR SALE Hammord eleclric organ, comple milS bosch, ex. cellent condition, ankino $300. Phono 668-7472. UREARPASIR/PARTS FIVE BF. Goodrich Alit Terrain R.W.L tires 07601 5, 1 new, 4 mitk 1,000 mites, $450. Pour Season Manier Ail Season RW.L. tires P23517OR15 radiais milS 2000 mites, $400. Ose nom Ediebrock SP2P aiumlnxm Intake manhIld muS iInstallation kit for emait block Chan, $225. Ove Chen Oxadraiel 4 bbi carburator, $25. Fino sets iacioiy'slicone pixo wiros for amai bock Chryxtar, $20 each. Ove vew Chryar producis (taie modet> AMIFM MPL xiotreo radio, $75. Onea Motorola AMIFMV MPLX cassette (In das unit> puxh buiton tunirtg, auto reverse, universal fit, $150. Phone 655.3266. FOUR CAL-CHROME 14 Inch mag rime, muS centres, wmuS 4 brand 00w Bridgastono steel beitod radiais (15), aroady mounied on rime. Mini condition and look as Ifl hey hava nanar 50ev uxed. Alitfor oniy $650 which ix ahatIl cas cosi you fxr xnty 2 ai a cxxtxmn car store. Phone Chis ai 655-8902. 1977 PINTO Wagon for parts, xtli ln running condition, new steel beiied tires, $200. Phone 579. 4212. FORD 289 robuiti motor. $300. Two Crugar magx wiih goxd tires, $200. Phono 668-7546. FOR SALE 2 tires on rime, biax piy xaieiy, 99 nylon, F78-14, iko nom, onty 7,000 km., $50. Roof top carrier, 46ox43e1x2",.flis Axpen Carrier, $40. Dense lxamn rubber, queen sizo. $40. Cuti 688- 9113. 1983 VAMAHA OT 125, iquid cooiad, imo siroko, $900 or bout xi fer. Phono 668-4093. 1981 HONDA 900 Custom, 18,000 kma., nomehauxi. tires, lune-up, engins guardu, backrest, cor- tiiied, $2,30. P11000 868-1795. FOR SALEJ 1980 TR7 convertible, excellent original condition, AMIFM stereo, txg temps, Brilti green. 2.0 litre angine, 5 speed, oniy 29000 km., certIfled, asking $5,875. Cai 576- 7697. 1879 GMO VAN V8, 305, weli maietained, Interior - carpet. bed, ink and cabinets, cortIlied. Asking $4,000. Phone 660-0263 aller 6 p.m. 1979 LADA ove omner, askieg $500. Cati 5764096 aller 5:30 p.m. 1979 VOLKSWAGON Rabbit, 2 door, 4 speod, A-i condition, $2.600. Phono 666-271. 1975 FORD hait-ton, 6 cytinder, as a$900. Phono 4346 or 579- 0669, ask for Tim. FOR SALE 1974 Oidsmobiie Delta 88, Asking $750. Phrone 579- 4212. 1974 FORD CoureriMazda Pick- up truck noedx 504d, gas tank, 1 iront tender and wIndshieid, has nom brakes, new exkaust front ix roar and iwx SOw rocker panais insiaiiod, aiso 4 white spoko wheeta and stop bumpor. Most xf body work compietad, $575 or of- fer. Phono 282-8760. 1973 MUSTANG, liy ioaded. Asking $80 or bout otier, Phono 666-2734 aller 6 p.m., weekends anytima. 1967 CHEVELLE Convertible, 283-V8 engins. gond fuel econxmy, very gond condition. nary Il11e rion, exhausi sysiem ln groat shape and neoda 50w xhxckx, muai soit, $2,100. Phono Chris aller 6 p.m., ai 655-6902. PONY Reg. 'h Arab. 'h Wêlxh. e aSile mith gray mono and lait, 13 Sick Rouix yours, excellent jumpor, groo qu p ne i pony club prospect, voods gond q i m n homo or iii board. AukIng $600. Caii eveningx 649-5000. Loan Service Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusind. Don't miss out on our low advertising rates just because you have If you: *are a private advertiser; *have an article to seli;- and, *have a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details) . Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three monthst. A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $750 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT seli within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article will seli, but where else could you get three months advertising for only $7.507 When your article seils, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. Com- mission is: 5% up to $400; 2% of the balance over $400;, LESS the minimum charge described above. ç~ questions. Hopefulîy, the explanation below can clear Up many of your questions - if flot, do cail 668-6111 and we'lI be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to you personally. r1 have read the Emporium guidelines above and wish to have the rfollowing advertisement placed under this section of the Whitby Free IPress. i dot forgel 11110e udr vîrur phonn urnhr- I enclose $75010o cover the minimum charge. Charge $75010 my Visa account fard Na. Ep liaié,' %Name ipteaseprief I MAIL TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whitby LIN 5S1 Below are somne examples of what you would be charged if your article sold within three months. Commissions shown include the minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE.1 Price Up to $ 200 $ 600 $2,000 J $5,000 and up Payable S10.00 1 5.00 $20.00 822.00 S24.00 S26.00 328.00 $30.00 832.00 852.00 $72.00 S92.00 $100.00 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMP'ORIUM P..Bonx246 WhibyLIN SI 4%FCON FUSED? City Postal ( oue d 1 1 '.- 1

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