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Whitby Free Press, 24 Apr 1985, p. 32

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PAGE 32, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1985, WHITBY FREE PRESS A she s ays go vernment's c onuttment to helping umemployed can be* found m* Entrepr ise Ontario The provincial goveèr- nznent's recently an- nounced Entreprise On- tario program la a solid effort to create jobs, especially for young people, Durham West MPP George Ashe says. The incumbent Progressive Conser- vative member says that jobs are the foremnost issue to most, young people in Ontario. "Young people, maie and female, people are working and people who aren't, those with an education and those without are concerned about jobs," Ashe said in a written statement. "'They want a chance to succeed. Not by make-work programs or band-outs, but witb real opportunities that will last," be added. And that, Ashe main- tains, is the thrust of Entreprise Ontario. 44My goverrument believes it must give people the chance to succeed," be said, " Tbat's wbat En- treprise Ontario is ail about. This la a new program to free up tbe system and cmate jobs we need and to provide for greater job security." Tbe program will bring together the education, business, labor and government in a co-ordinated effort to provide for long terni solutions to tbe problema of unem- ployment. Make work programs, Ashie says, just don't work. "lIt May buy a few months of political peace," he said, "But it fails to meet the long- terni needs of the GOLD JACKET REALTY LTD., We u 149 Brock Street North, W 'e Whltby, Ont. 668-8221 unemployec." Part 0f Entreprise Ontario is a program cailed Ontario Youth Opportunities whlch Ashe Ashe says will con- solidate many provin- cial governnent programa tbat strive to create employment op- portunities for young people. Entreprise Ontario, whlch bas become the major platform in the Toriles' bld for re- election will also provide other support services such as daycare. "Entreprise Ontario la providlng additional daycare funding that will belp working paren- ts, single-parent familles and those wbo are training or being re- trained," Asbe said. New daycare centres will be set up near the place of training and be geared for an educational-type set- ting. "This will help many parents previously trapped at home with young children to go back to achool or into on-the-job training they need to get MES lon't just list your home. represent it. 75 x 200 FT LOT. WHITBY 1-9. SPARKLING Beaut. 4 B.R. bung., att. gar., IIG lazy 'L" home. One 0f the nîceat Vve heated pool, change rm., 4 plus lstedl 3 btha., prof. fin. R.R. w. 1 BR.'s, lg. Ell kit., huge R.R. F.P. & wet bar & priced 10 sell plus den & ldrm., 2 btha., pvt. uc.An hdok68 lot. $109.900. Christine Kendal qui221 An,655-3o90368 68-6221,668-7083.6218530. LOADED WITH POTENTIAL YOUNG LOVE WiII be yours ln 'This little charmer ls a 1 'h sty. Iis completely upgraded home w. a W/O 10, a deck off the bung-seml, shlmmering dlean sep. DR.. It has a country kit.. from top f0 bottom and you'll Dont miss Iis one. Cmii for love Ibis- $6,800. dwn. puts you further details, Carol Chantier ln your own home. Anne Shad- 668-6221.,6662560. dock 6686221, 655-'3903. NEAT AS A PIN Jus! listeai 3 B.R. T.H. ln Whltby. New upgraded brdlm., fin. R.R. w. bar. $5900. dwn. and choose your own closlng date. Caîl Terry Geary 668-6221, 668-0191. ROLLING PASTURES Beaut. i/G swl m. pool, 5 horse barn, 10 acres of new hay w. a lov. brick home, F.P., country kit., 3 B.R.'s plus bonus sep. ln-law upataîrs apt. w. 2 BR.'s. Near Oshawa. Anne Shaddock 668- 6221,655-3903. FULLY DET. $75.900. WHITBY This beaut. 3 B.R. det. home ls on a 155' deep lot In the heart of Whltby. It bas an att. gar., hollywood kit. w. Florida rm., mas. B.R. has a W..C.C. & 4 pac. ensuite. Cail now for detaill, Carol Chantier 66-6221.8666- 2560. ARE YOU AN EN. TREPRENEUR? Reat. bus. and RE. for sale. Owner wants 10 retire, may selI bus. sep.. Cali Tim Brumwell 668-6221. Canada's Iargest real estate network. a and TM- trademarki o Century 21 Real Estate Corporation EACII OFFICE IS INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED "IMPECCABLE 4 LEV. BISPLIT" Softly decor., L.R. w. bay wlndow, D.R. comb., EhI kit., 2-4 pc. btha., Ig. F.R., 3 B.R.s up, 1 dwn., W/0 door 10 fully fenced lot, iower lev. br- dlm. plus huge ldrm. & storage. Superior home. A pleasure 10 show. $79900. Christine Ken- dal 668-6221, 668-7083. FIRST TIME BUVERS lmmac. 3 B.R. T.H., fln. R.R. w. bar, 11/ bths. Near achools, stores & parks. A must t10 see. Wyona Sinclair 668-6221, 668-5733. SPECIAL 0F THE WEEK LIc. Rest. w. dance f Ir. dwntwn. loc.. Seats approx. 100. Move right ln and start todayl 8111 Robinson 668-6221, 723-6155 or Gall Waîmaîsy 723-8291. COUNTRY LIVING Charmlng exec. ranch bung. on 50 treed acres, overlooking kldney shaped pond w. guest cabin, Ig. i/G pool, barn w. well. Mostly cedar w. hemlock and maple trees. Many extras. Wyona Sin- clair 668-6221, 688-5733. We know the signs of a good neighbourhood. ahead." The government bas also established a ministry of akilîs development to co- ordinate training programa. "This ministry will plan for the akills we need and provide the people of this province with new opportunities," Ashe said. The member, who also serves as minister of energy in the current cabinet of Premier Frank Miller, also noted that he recently presen- ted a cheque for $615,983 to the Durham Region Youth Employinent Service. "This money wil enable the counseiling centre to create 273 jobs for bard-to-place young people," Ashe sald, "The centre, operated by the Durbam YMCA placed approximately 200 young people in the last nine months. ". . He noted that these jobs were created in co- operation with local business and the program pays the minimum wage to these young people while they are getting on-the-job training. "I arn very pleased that bas been a better than 50 per cent reten- tion rate of these young people who were vii!- tuaily unemployable," Ashe added. "Now tbat's a great success. " This means that the governrnent, he main- tains, la working on long-tenu prograins rather than looking for short-term solutions. "I believe we have 'been honestly attunded to the znarketplace and to the needs of the people of Ontario," Ashe concluded. 10 heritage homes will be part of ACO's Whiby alkng tour More than 10 bouses dating from 1834 to 1930 will be featured on a bouse tour in Whitby on Sept. 21. The tour, sponsored by the Durham brancb of tbe Architectural Conservacy of Ontario will include Inverlynee (1860), The Terrace on Byron St. (1857), the William Anderson House on Rossland Rd. (1834), the Hood-Hare bouse on Centre St. S. (1875) and tbe William Barnes House at Gilbert and Athol Sts. (1875). Also open for the tour will be St. John's Anglican Cburch, the Wbitby Museumi at Lynde House and the For the beat in CLASSIFIED ADV ERTISIN G Cal 'Mu grounds of Trafalgar Caste chool. Ticket sales are limited and by reser- vation only. Anyone in- terested in purcbasing tickets for the bouse tour sbould phone 668- 4290, 668-6058 or 668- 9691, or write to The Ar- chitectural Conservacy of Ontario Durbam Brancb, 208 Byron St. S., Whitby, Ont. LUN 4P6. Tickets are $10 eacb. Those mailing for tickets should include a" stamped self- addressed envelope. - The Architectural -Conservacy's Durham branch was formed in January, 1985 to promote tbe preser- vation of Ontario's ar- chitectural beritage in the Durham Region. THE WAY cusTom You WANT ITI " BUSINESS FORMS " LEGAL CERTIFICATES " WEDDING INVITATIONS Sp " NCR FORMS "*CARDS aFOLDERS PITIGAND " LET-rERHEADS & ENVELOPES !OFC* UPIS * CATALOGUES Get paid what you' re worth. -STATE 0F THE ART SALES TRAINING -NEW 4000 SQ. FT. OFFICE -BACKED BY $22 MILLION IN ADVERTISING IN NORTH AMERICA -INTERNATIONAL REFERRAL SYSTEM WITH 6500 OFFICES -CALLTODAY FOR A CAREER ASSESSM ENT 668-6221 G.OLD JACKET REALTY LTD). 149 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY Canada's largest real estate network. CENTURY 21 N ai rzd,'ntark'. .r< ,qitury *21 l.ira i iai v tr1w.rattiii EACH OFFICI S 1.INDEPEPE I' 'TL 0%'NED )AND) OPERATED. 1

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