WIIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 198.5, PAGE -35 'Tomato succes s 'tViats ttîre delicittîs titan fresh tomatties picked frîsm yîîtr nwn gurden? A few sinmple ips, a littie bit tif attention andi stme coi- operation frîînî Mother Natutre wiil make you a successfui tomato gardeni'r, says Ilorti- cîtiturist Jeff Morton of the Ontario Ministry o)f Agri- culture and Food's Itidgettîsvn Coliege tif-Agricut'titrai Techttoiogy. 'lo belp ensime sttt'iess. chitose varieties that saîit yotir nî'eds, taking intît aî'î'îîît yîîîr space limitatitons and tihi endu tirof tite tomato, whetiti'r for freslitsies. canning tir Sd cataloguies are goiîd sources of this informatioin. If space is limiti't. try varieties that require staking. ike "Giuînt Beefmaster- (big siicesi or "Basket Vee" because 'the' plants <an be spaced <loser together. If staking seems too) troutble'- some, a grtnvtit cage ean be used which requirî's tno tying. Or yoîî ean avoid staking hi' griiwing the btîsit variî'ties liki' "Starshiot" (iiîw atiti i-Pautio Plrize" and "Sm<til Fr't" <'ierri toîntatiiis. Bitt r'mt'ntber. these varietiî's Iti rtquiri' ntîrî spuice. Extend the harsi'st seasîtî bv ;rii«%ing severati jlatîtittgs tif ti' saîntevarietits. ("tr î'xanitple h oo 'Iîîsî' i fi'n plaints, ntatvbi'twit tr tiîrî'î tf an i'arlN ariî'tv liki'*I.:.Irl% iiyhrid" (54 îlays( aidthetii sante foîr a aid-s'asitton ti' ike "Floritni'rit'a" G5 titiS s tir 'Svi'et 1(1(1" a chetrry type 1(i0idais sI anti iatti-siîst n Sariîtii's liki' -Blig Girl- (78 daysi. "Wonder BIty" (80i da.ys( tir lratgg'r (15 iatys i. Foir toipqutaity toitattiîîs. asii trattsparttittg tîtî 1i'tîîtattiis niot -set frtit ssili in titi' ,tld i(itsv Ii10tiigre'is CelIsiuts tir.5( dîgrt'es 'airett- lieîit i so i'urly piattting is tî aiwutvs b'neifitial and titi risk tif frîîst is grentttr. Mini-grei'nitttsi's tait iii placeti ts'ir iplants ti piniu- ireasi' tentperatunî's ittt it's bî'st tut deiay pianting tîtîtil Sîîii tenipî'ratîîres si'arnt tilt. patch'1 secrets If youa aiv iant tgi) pro- ducee eariy tonatîtes vîti nglit try trnsinlntittg tiîem into 101 rentintetre (louir inc'h 1 pots and griiwing tivi'n indotirs tîntil outtsiult' î'ît ioiîns are favotrablhit' - mýtihe t'first uveek iintng. -Tiilgivi, platnts an eatrIy start anti avoid tihe' itlîl spring wahe.But tht'> ivili need brigh t suniligh t a nd sittolî be grtiwn at a rtoiler leîtîperature for ont' îti'ik prir ttt transpianting îîîîtdtttrs." Mortoîn sait. When trans;îianting, îvtrk inil maulire oir comiTpost as ivt'I ais alettnitt'fertilizer stititas 5-10(-5 ut a rate tif 1.5 k iogratns per 10 sqtiare' netres (about three poîînds per 100( square fî't)t. Gond totnîatites start %vith gtîod transplants. Stttuid disease-fret' plants at t'ssentitti. bt' disttirhed us lth' us ptossi- ble. andi firmed inttt thte grtttnd with stii. A îtqt tf mi'trtir sarte'r solutin ivili gt't tht"jîints toff tnd grttving. als s%'i'i as a huis aair aitnd iti'r toiiiptti'trititti ti' rîet s. Plantt s;ring fltîniring btiis iin tinme titi' grouitis frttzen. tii give tuent ttilet' tii u dîît i'stahlisiiidhî'fîrî' nintir. sayss iliîrtrcutitrist Anntia Ballait- îvnî' tf titi'(( )tariiî Ministrs tif tigrictuîrt anti Foi ii's Cuti- sitnii'r I nfoirmationînItv. T'IIN BRANCHIES Moist plaints bi'nefit frîttt lrîtî- Iliîrti(iiltiirist Anna Baliatr- tvîîi tf tihi' Ontario ini nstntif Agrh'îîltiiri and I"iiîd's Cuit- sttmi'r Infoirnmattin Cenître. 'Torotot. 'thin brancheis tii itît-thirdthetti original ii'1f art'a tii ri'dtiî" at'r tusie andtisîtiiî- (att' grîiwt t tiritigiottiid iti' plaînt. Complete Lawn& Garden Mai ntenance 1 oVertet Licen- Free Estimates sed, Weed Control, F For Competitive Fertllizing, Mise. aiPricea Landscaplng. Cali Landscape Design & Serice For Ail Your Gardenlng Supplies NOW $5,95 PIN EBARK CHIPS Reg. $8.95IFlYer10 SHRUB REPLACEMENT GUARANTEE Our quality trees & shrubs grow best.I OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK - 9 A.M. -7 P.M. For ailyour gardening needs * Avallable Frlday, May 3rd185 *Spreadlng Junlper 2 fi. Diamoîrs Golden Flizer Reg. Il13.75 *Mini Julep Special 18.75 * *Perennials $2.00 (3 to a box) *Gardon Mums '1.15 tBeautlful Fushias '112.75 4Hanglng Baskets ALSO AVAILABLE:- *PEATMOSSoTOPSOILSANO - PATIO STrONES-INTrERLOCKING STrONES* * "Mot hors Day Gift Cerfificates * * Now Available" OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 9-7 *DRIVE A LTTLE yi 4 SAVE A LOT îK5wEMzmS e DE LtVERED & OR INSTALLED 1I ½ Mles North Hwy. 2 Brock Rd., Pickering MSHAWA » mARDEN CIEVICE your complete one stop gardening shops in the durham region 11/2 M. West Of Brooklin on Hwy. 7 FRESH CUT FLOWERS FOR BOUQUETS SILK FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS Foaturlng: A good sloction of our own fleld grown NURSERYSTOCK - EVERGREEN UPRIGHTS -FRUIT TREES -SPREADERS -PERENIALS -SHADE TREES "'ý' ANNA, -BLUESPRUCEI.ntcin& -AUSTIAN PINES g(içviln im -SHRUBS îîîih.