WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1985, PAGE 9 Const. Peter Bramma' of the community services bureau of the Durham Regional Police Force was a guest during a recent taping of "For Obldren Only" hosted by Joanne Alexander (right). "For Children Only" is the only chldren's programn produced locally for viewing on the local cablecast channel. Free Press Staff Photo Whitby lady hosts only local cable show ei With a happy cry of "Skin-am-er-ink-a-dink- a-doo" Joanne Alexan- der magically appears on the screen, thanks to the technological won- der of television, to en- tertain local children with yet another episode of "For Children Only". The bright and bubbly 29-year aid Whitby resident is the host of the anly locally produced children's show on Channel 10, the local cablecat channel. Alexander, the daugher of East Ward Coun. Joe Drumm, works in the children's department of the Whit- by Public Library, for whomn she does the show. "-it was my concept, but it's really part of my job," Alexander saidin a recent interview. the 30minute show is full of magic and stary telling. She also takes time to promate the programs and services of the library. "Most children" Alexander says, "very rarely get ta the library. So, if I can reach them in a very small way and show them that books aeJnand they can learn samething fo them - then I've dane myjob.IP The show is now in its second year and has ex- panded its format for its new seasan. Alexander is now bringing in com- mumity workers such as firemen, police afficers and ambulance atten- dants ta talk about their work. Sehool forum The future of public schaols in the Town of Whitby wll be the topic of discussion at a public meeting being held on June 5 at the Henry Street High School beginning at 7 p.m. Senior staff members of the Durham Board of Education wilI be on hand ta explain the J board's plans for Whit- by public and high schools over the next fiveyears. Xclusively A recent taping was held at the main station of the Whitby Fire Department. Children were shown around the station by television camera and were in- troduced to the equip- ment * used by *firefighters. They were also given fire safety tips. In another, show, Con- st. Peter ]Bramma of the community services bureau of the Durham îRegional Police Force was on hand for a show devoted to street- proofing children. Alexander and Bramma stressed the for ehildren importance of neyer speaking ta strangers and children were read twa different stories on the theme. Children were also given easy ta understand instructions on what ta do if they are approached by someone they dont know. Alexander also treats each show as an entirely differently project. In one episode she ap- peared as a witch in hanor of Hallowe'en and then as one of Santa's elves in a Chrstmas special. "I try ta have something f resh for each show 1 do," she Trlnlty Christian Church Announclnig DaIly Noon Hour Pralse and Renewal Services 12:00 to 1:00 P.M. Monday to Saturday 508 Byron Street South Whltby 668-1551 WANTED IMMEDIATELY 400 born again COMMITTED CHRISTIANS You are urgentfy needed lmmediately ai the Trlnlty Cfi'istian church, 508 Byron St. S., Whilby, Ont. 668-1551. If yau wsh ta become lnvatved in the awesame, God-lnsplred ah1d Christ led challenge ta disciple The Durham Region and to daIJmThie Durtam'Reglon for Jesus Christ yau must have the fllowing nual. iflcatlons: A You must be a barn again Christian B. You acknowledge and gladly eccept that Jesus Chrtst is the Lord of your lite C You have a daily prayer and bible reading ime. 0. "au underatand and eccept thie respon- aîbilily of each barn again Christian ta seeti the salvatian of every unsaved persan E Yau are .prepared ta wllllngly conlribule your lime, yaur spiritual gifîs. your sklls and your substance ta the tasti of binging the thousanda af unaaved and ls persans ln the Durhaem Reglan ta Jesus Christ Our Lord. If you possess the above mentioned quai- ficelions and are leed by God fa parlicipate n this awesame tesk corne et 1I1:00 e m Sunday, May 19, 19851ta TRINITY CHRISTIAN CHURCH 508 Byran St. S., Whitby 668-1 551 Dr. McKinley Caîhoun, Pastor says, "I not only have to teach them, but I have to entertain them as well." The show is geared for pre-achoolers and children in the primary grades but Alexander says she gets responses from older children ab well. The show is usually seen on Channel 10 Wednesdays at 5 p.m.; Saturdays at 12:30 p.m.; and, sometimes on Sun- days at 12:30 p.m. TRAFALGAR CASTLE SCHOOL S "THE COMPLETE EDUCATION" Since 1874 aur school has been offering superior education in this community. Recently we have been accepting a greater number of day students. We have settled on a policy of one third af the schaol population ta be day girls. In January a new academic wing was opened ta accommodate this rising day population. At Trafalgar Castle we believe in the education of the whole girl. Academic studies are, as always, aur f irst cancern. However, we hold that a student is nat fully educated unless other facets are addressed. Therefore, we make an important part of her sohool life the fact that she develop her athletic, cultural, spiritual and social skills. We place a high premium on Ieadership grawth; we teach that each girl must accept responsibility for her actions. In a world as competitive as this one we want ta be certain that our graduates go for- ward not only capable of mastering university studies, but also prepared ta handle the complex problems facing modemn young wamen. The great majority of aur graduatp's do go on ta higher education; most of those then proceed ta important positions in business and the professions. We like ta think that attendance at Trafalgar Castle School played a part in their success. For information write: C. T. Craig Kamcke, M.A. Principal Trafalgar Castie School 401 Reynolds Street Whitby, Ontario Li N 3W9 WE NEED YOUR HELP Due to the strike by CUPE 1000, aur ability ta meet customer requirements is being stretched. We need your help ... please use electricity wisely. That way we can help avoid power disruptions and keep the cost of electricity down. Here are some suggestions: " limit the use of electricity weekdays 8 arn. ta 8 p.m. " wait for a full load before using washing machines, dryers, and dishwashers-and-avoid using themn first thing in the marning or between 7 and 9 p.m. " set air condiioners a littie higher and turn them off whenever passible. By imiting the use of electricîty naw-we ail can save. (416) 668-3358 Applications now being accepted for September, 1985 Grades 7.-13 9%