WHITBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY. MAY 15. 1985, PAGE 19 FREE PRESS E M PORIlUM Emporium Ads will only he accepted subjeet to the foliowing conditions. FOR SALE mink stole, $250. Full langîfo plat glass door mrrar, 5 fI. x2 fi.. $30. Bah accassorien, 3 place, white prcelain and chrome, $20. WV Coninentlibnd, $5. Phase 6663516 or 66.8-99 PANASONIC 6" 8650 TV, ACIDO n very good condition, $75. Hot water heaier fusan type 220 sat, $55. and winch 3200 LB capecity, nlurdy steel gese, reversibia Wbrake, $150. Phase 282876. 1973 MERCUAY MARQOUIS, 4 door, 429 cu. ln., AC, AMIFM 8 truck alerta, 5 gaod iras, as sa, $400. Aise 1600u. fi. freezer, $150. Eercise aquipmenl, $95. 883 1094. ANTIQUE PEDESTAL sink, unique and very beautilul, large versaoq out of tht aid King Ed- ward oti, coas wilh unique antique crase fixtures. Muet be »ean, $280. Cali 571.363. LEATIIER rocking chair, $25. Lned ott white drapes eith heavy duty drepery track, $50. Al good condition. 668-5254. LARGE CIIEST typa freezer, 22 cu. i., cen b. delerad, $250. Aiea white gas slave, $50. Phone 6684505. DISI4WASHER, Stars Dlusa portablt, chopping bock top, good working condition, $165. Eectric race car set, anar 100 fi. of track, 6 cars, 2 transformera, tep caunter, masy etras, AFX & TYCO, $95. Mati circolailng frepiace gre, $15. Oeil 576 7897. STORM DOOR alum. Forîda typa, 32"n60", $35. Thre Chrysier rim, mounted P20515 tires, $20 each. Ose Firestona 721 G78-15, ainest new, $25. Phoane 728-8953. FOR SALE piaw, 2 turre, for 3 pint htch, Ilke new, $295. Phse 655.495. PATIO STONES 24x20 Inch, plin colaur, $1.50eaicti, Buyar muet tliti patio and maya 75 ants. 668-8528. FIVE large double slder Win- ce, $50 each. Aum. Sorm door, rusi claur, $5. Oeil 655- 3178. THREE WMEEL, 3 speed ladies bike, eskIng $195. Oeil 668-1507 or etltare8p.m.,68-0625. COMPLETE EOUIPMENT ta gel you trtd In an anpiieil driveway neaiing business, unad for lwo nummars, se $16800, wiii sali for $1,200 or Seni aller.COei Wall, 666-1337. FOR SALE skis, 195 cm., Look Sindings, $45. Circuler sac, Black and Deckar, $35. Phono 433-4689. AOORN ELECTRI fIrepace. $411. Prafessionai hair dryer, $50. Stars videa, arcade plus 11 Alanl gamen, Inciuding Feoman, Tepeworm and Defendar, $175 or besl aller. 5766592. VCR SONY SL 5000 Bal, May requira head, as 15, $100. Girl's skates, size 11, $10. ockey heimef, Cooper OSA, 6;4-7,, $15. Twa hockey sticks, ockeye (15) and Victoriaville (16, $5 each. Faiding stop stool, $5. Soal contra for %½ ion, 110w, bledk, $15. Sonny lurtie swimming pool, $5. FUI1 and Spiash swimmIng pool with caver, 12" deep s 5' diameler, $25. Laslern Fty0-Vac epartsmen, $20. Camping tolait seat, $2. PC. board hobby kl, $10. Drflng tee square, $5. Phase 668.6 CHROME TABLES, smokad glas, 'lcafat table, 2 end fables, 2 brunch tables, sel $250. Ktchen table, 2 chairs, black eroughi Iran, $150. Al llems ta. cellent condition. 427-7069. FOR SALE lea iitasy duly work banches, coodes, ana - 6x3x3 fee, and ose 7t½n3a3 apprat. dimension, $25 each or SesI a. fer. Oeil 6553729 aller 7 p.m. DURO LAUNDRY luS pump, an se, $85. Roesne oad aqualizing iitch, 1"' bars and etil parts, $110. Masser upriehl vcuum, $30. lana elecîrlo brush, as nec, $5. Viking eiecirIc broom, $10. Laws rouler, 18x24, celer filed, $30. Rouler 518 h.p. and cane, $5. Canoa, 14 fI. fibergiens, 36" Seam, 13" deplh, as nec, $175. Phase 655.4003. LAWNMOWER, riding type, 3 biaden giva 5 f. cul, 16 hp. tels cylinder, 5 forcard peds end reverse, perfect condiin, sec cae$8.995, asking $3295 or besi offer. 6554995, Brooklsn. -PLEASE READ- When the adnertised item la ntid, dinpoted nf, or unanailabie for whaiever reasen. the item wiii be deemed ta base been soid and a commission ciii be ciarged based as TIUE.AOVERTISED PRICE as iiustrated bette, regardiaso iU price sa stated with Set offer'. If the item la NOT SOLO, or dispaaed af, the ad wiii be ron for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $7.50 wiii appiy payable in advusce of publication af the irai ad, The abave minimum charge wi be appiied ta 1the final commission due. Maximum commisaion: 8100.00. Ail adver- tisemenis musi be pluced o ansexcluaive basia ih the WHITHY FREE PRESS and rus ai leasi one monih if sot aaid. RATES (if article te seidi: o% f adverttaed price up ta 8400.00 2% of balance over 1400.00 EXAMPLE: SoId Item advcrttsed fer 1150.00. Commission due 97.56 (minimum charge le 97.501 Piviate adverising onlyl Pleane natiiy the Witby Frae Press immediaeey wban item la soid go tirai ce may delete Il frem the e laing issue. Ait adsnetsoi iting fthc Emporium guidelines ciii ba treated and cbarged par ceek as regular ctnssified adn an a prepaid basin such an: services, belp wanted, cloiling, rosi siate, and persenal message type ada, or ads net quelinfi price or quantity. Private classiîied adn may appear in the Emporium section under appropriais Seadings. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIEI) SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL AD9 TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM PO. Box M6 Whtlby, LIN 555 If in deebi cati: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Break St, N. Whitby. 0sf, THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. , ARICLS .: HUSEOLOMUSIMl FOR SAL GODOSINSTUENTS SEWINO MACHINE for sale, par- 22 OU. FT. chant freezer In g00d ORGAN Yamaha C405, new con- table, gaad earking condition, wsrkIng arder $125. Phone 668- ditian, 1 1 years aid, naw $4500, $45. Grls and boys bikes, $35 8914. askIng $2,900. Phone66M-4713. and $50 Calil 683638l. ___ ________ FOR SALE Osa Mareniz lape dock and receiver. 4 Lazer speakers, lt'A years aid, $1000. Ont Technics Syslamn, complat cli h cabinet, 1 yaar aid raceiver, lape dacti, turniebie, 2 speakers, 1 teelaiiotape dock, $1200. Remington shaigun, nemil- auiomatlc, FAC required, moael 1100. complatcih case, nielis and duck decayn, 6 monts aid, $450. Cannas A.E.-1 Progremmed camnera euth flash, $325. Cail Debbie or Mary, 666-4876. FOR SALE mnapie kifchas sel, 4 chairs, $225. ining roomn sel, 4 chairs, $325. Cemasi miser, $125. Ailns excellent condition. 683- 6838. FOR SALE Stars alerta sysfem euth recarder player and 8 rack, $100. Boys 18" bicycle, 3.peed, $50. ronfing Sourd, $10. Cail 434 6474. FOR SALE girls hirise bike, ex. collent candit ion, $50. BOYS standard ika, 24' iras, $25. 3- spaed bax fan, $20. Tea 8aayo- buoy lies jeokels, lits 0 t090 ibs., encelent condition, $14 each. Phase 68f8429. GAS STOVE 30" Mrdick gos siova excellent condition, $275. Phase 6682014. FOR SALE buffet and hufch, $85. Chine cabinet, $75. Two smaii fables, $25 and $35. Mepie sali fable, riisishtd, $150. rapleaf gafegtfable, refinished, $175. Tes chairs, $15 eck. Tea kif- Chan tebles, cooden, $25 and $60. Taephane 683-6638. TWO OOUOM SET pined-Saned, seciionai. Oversfufad, brses corduray piiiaes, goad con- ditlis, $375. Phase 655.4059. APARTMENT SIZE easher and dryti. Stars Kesmara. heaoy doly y.xtcellent condit ion, anking $750 or boni aller. 72".255. DISHWASMER f ika se, Stars Kesmore, hrvasi gold, $280. Oel 571-336. DININO ROOM SUITE, pins, Paul Bunyan cal lection, fable 44"x7", 2 Captais chairs, 4 raguier chairs, buffet and hulch, minI condit ion, $4000. Phase 666-3430. MUST SELL 1974 Gibsn ripper bse 4 eey font selîcti, mepie eoad, graver keys, very good condition, hard sheil cane, $360 Aso 1981 El Maya imitation 51 rata casier motel pick guerd, cherry eoad lange bar eh h hard shah cane. $275. COeilKarts 723- 2579. FOR SALE Memmond efacirlo orges, complat euh bosch, as. cellent condiin, enkIng $30. Phose 6687472. SAILSOAT, 18 f. s t fLi, coodan hu complatclh selle, naedn sme eark, $300 or make affar. Se Ifenyfime In driveeay ai 134 Hickory Si. M., Whiiby. isînp. Beever Lambor) ARTICLES ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE elr 7 pm.,68-9181. PETS & PONY Reg. 'A AraS 'A Weinii (B SUPPLIES enle. cisgrA- m nt- na.- u4.11l' yaars, excellent lamper, greaf pony club praspect, needs good home or ciii board. Asking $600. Oeil evasinge 649-5000. 12 BUDOIE braading cagts for sala. Complaî th euh aciboots and aqalymesi, $10 tacti. Phase 668-4521. FIVE B.F. Goodrlch Ail Terrain F.W.L. lires G78x15, 1 new, 4 with 1,000 miles, $450. Four Seasan Maslar Ail Seasan R.W.L liras P23517OR15 radiais wilh 2,000 miles, $400. Ose sac Edlabrock SP2P aiumInum intaka mailfold cliii installation kil for smaii block Ctîev, $225. Ose Chas Quadrajat 4 bbi carburtor, $25. Fine sels faclory silicone pisg wlras for nmaii block Chrysiar, $20 eaci. Ons nec Chrysier producis liate modal) AMIFM MPLX ntres radio, $75. Ont Motorola AMIFM MPLX cassette lIn cdash unit) push Sutan tuning, ato reversa, universel fil, $150. Phione 655-3266. FOUR CAL-CHROME 14 loch mag rime, weuh centres, wilh 4 brand nec Bridgesane steel beitad radiais (15O0e), alreedy mounted on rime. Mini condition and look as Iil hey have neyer bten used. Ail for only $650 whIich la chatIil cen casi yau for aniy 2 ai a custom car store. Phase Chrn ai 65502. FORD 289 rebut malar, $300. Tea Crager mags withigaod lires, $200. Phone 668-7546. FOR SALE twa tires an rima, bias piy saîaiy, 99 nylon, F78-14, Ilke new, oniy 7,000 km., $50. Roat top casiler, 46"o43"x12', fils Aspen Carrier, $40. Oeil 668-9113. 1968 VOLKSWAGON sunroot, gaod malar, tiras, fandors, salit for parts, $200. Oeil 668-8528. 1977 PINTO Wagon for parle, euhl in runnIng condition, naw steel btid tires, $150 or Sosi oller. Phone 579-4212. BOX TRAILER for sale, 4x8fi. AnkIng $250 or basi otier. Phone 579-4212. UTILITY TRAILER new lires, seads ona new rlm. $165. Phone 4!oCON FUSED? Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emoporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our low advertising rates just because you have If you: *are a prvate advertiser; *have an article to seil; and, @have a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details). Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months. A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $750 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT seil within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article will seil, but where else could you get three months advertising for only $750? When your article selîs, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. Com- mission is: 5% Up to $400; 2% of the balance over $40; LESS the minimum charge described above. questions. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear up many of your questions - if not, do caîl 668-6111l and we'll be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to you personally. r1 have read the Emporium guidelines above and wish to have the following advertisement placed under this section of the Whitby Free IPress. Below are some examples of what you would be charged if your article sold within three months. Commissions shown include the minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE. Advertised Price -- doni Irrgef la isclude yîîur phase number 1 enclose $750 to cover the minimum charge. Charge $750 to my Visa account. Card No. Na me ipteese prînti Addrnee Ciy Eop. lDaie PoaaI Code 1 MAIL TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whitby LiN5S1 $ 1 500 $6200 $7300 $24000 $3.000 $4.000 I $5,000and up Total Amotint Payable $ 7.50 Il 10.00 S15.00 $20.00 S22.00 S24.00 S26.00 $28.00 $30.00 S32.00 S52.00 Il 72.00 1 92.00 $100.00 1989 TR7 convertible, tocelent original condition, AMIFM slarea, fog lampe, Britishi green, 2.0 lire angine, 5 speed, aniy 29.000 km., cartIfied, asking $5875. Oeil 576- 7697. 1979 OMO VAN V8, 305, wel msIined, intrior - cerpei, Sed, sInk and cabinets, certified. AnkIng $4000. Phone 668-0283 alter t p.m. 1979 LADA ana owser, enkiog $500. Oel 5768961 aller 5:30p.m. 1978 OHRYSLER CORDODA, ps., p.b., air condllaning, $95 or boat offer. Oeil 6553178. 1875 FORD hallon, 6 cylinder, as $800. Phase 4346 or 579: 0669, si for Tim. FOR SALE 1974 Oldamobile Dlla 88. Asking $750. Phone 579- 4212. 1974 FORD CaurieriMazda Pick- up truck needs bed, gas tank, 1 frash fonder and windshieid, has nec brakas, sec enhaust ront ta rear asd Ico sac rocker panais instalted, aiea 4 white apake whoois and stop bumpar. Most af body wark camplefed, $575 or of- fer. Phase 282-8780. 1973 MUSTANG, fuliy iaeded. AskIng $80 or boat 0f fer. Phase 6866-2734 aller 8 p.m., wekends enylime. 1967 OHEVELLE Convertible, 283-V8 angine, good fuel econamy, very good condition, vary Muit rosI, tahausi sysiem ln gîotishaeaend naïade new ehacks, munisaili, $2.100. Phone Chris aflter 6 p.m., et 855-M92. 1983 YAMAHA DT 125, Ilqaid caaied, Ico niroke, $900 or boasf citer. Phane 668.4093. 1981 IlONDAG900Customs, 1,000 kma., nec tohausf, tires, lune-up, angine guards, bactiresa, car- tified, $2,300. Phase 686&1795. 1978 VAMAHA 750, loadtd for laurisg, Valier and Krauner equIppad, tauring seat, AMIFM cassette alerta, 81,600. Phase 660&3483. UMM"