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Whitby Free Press, 5 Jun 1985, p. 36

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PA DURO LAUNORY tub pump, as naw, $85. Rasa Joad eqxolIzIng htch, il, bars end extra pants, $110. Hoover upright vOcuxmn, $30. Ions efectrlc brusis, os new, $5. Viking electrIc broom, $10. Lawn rtier, 18x24, celer fIlled, $3. Router 58 hp. and casa, $60. Canoe, 14 ff. fbargf ess, 36" beam, 13", deplh, os nec, $175. Phono 855400. PHOTOGRAPHIC Enlarger 4" o 5- ngeive capablilty, ideai for starter hobbyisi, $90. Garage Door, mtai avrhead, 8 widx 7' high, al hardware 0f c, $75. In Whitby. cai anyfIme, 668-3669. BABY CRIS wiih canopy. ln- cludea motresa and b.dding, $200. Baby craie, $10. 688- 2273. VCR SONY $L 5000 Bts, maY roqoIre head, ex l, $100. Girlsa skates, site 11. $10. Hockey haimel, Cooper CGA, 63/-73/, $15. Twx hockey sticks, Hocteye (1L5> and VIctorievIlle (16), $5 aach. Faiding alep sf001, $5. Seat coners for %,5 ton, nec, bactt, $15. Sonny tate swImmixg pool, $5. Fi11 and Splash swimmIng pool wllh covar, 12" deep o 5' diameler, $25. Lanlern Ray-0-Vac sportsmnan, $20. Camping follet seat, $2. P.C. board hobby kil. $10, Drftiflg tes square, $5. Phono 668-8178. FOR SALE Go Karts - 1982 Bob- caf, axcalent condition, $750. 1979 Tomcaf. 9004 condition, $55. 601h have G200 5 h.p. orngines and axra parts. Cali Grog,68-0471. PANASONIC 6" B&W TV, ACIOC n very g004 condition, $75. Hot caltr h0er mimle type 220 vot, $55. Hand winch 3200 LB capecly, slxrdy steel gears, renersIbla Wibrstte, $150. Phono 283-8760. 1973 MERCURY MARQUIS, 4 door, 429 cu. ln. AC, AMIFM 8 fractt staren. 5 gond tires, s is. $400. Aiso 18 c.fi. freezer, $150. Exorcise eqipmxnt, $95. 663- ANTIQUE PEDESTAL sIntt, unique and ory b.axtil x, large version ouI of the old King Ed- ward Holel. cames clh unique antiqua brasa fIxtures. Musf b. seen. $250. Cati 571-3838. COMPLETE EQUfPMENT Io gef you slared In an esphait driecay sexiing business, uaed for fco sumrmers, new $1.600. ciii soul for $1.200 or bsl ofifer. Cati Waif, 866-1337. LARGE CHEST type freezer, 22 eu. fi., cani e deliierxd, $250. Alsa white gas lave. $50. Phono 668-050. DfSHWASHER, Sears Deuxue portable, choppIng blockt top, g004 worixing condition, $185. Eiecfric race car sel. onor 100 f. cf ract, 8 cars, 2 transformera, iap counler, mony extras. AFX & lYCO, $95. Het circulafIng firepioca grae, $15. Cali 576- 7697. STORM DOOR alum. Fioride typa. 3206'. $35. Three Chrysier rims, moanled P20515 fires. $20ech. One Miresions 721 G78-15. aIMot nec. $25. Phone 728-8953. FOR SALE poc. 2 furtoc. for 3 point htcrt, litte nec, $295. Phono 6554W95. FOR SALE Ico heeoy duiy cortt benches. cooden, one .6x3o3 foot. and one 7½ox3x3 approx dimension, $25 each or best Of- fer, Cati 6553729 aller 7 Pmc. FfVE large double shOot cWin dows, $50 each. Alum. storra door. roSI colaur, $50 Cai 655- 3176. FOR SALE One Marantz tape dock and reover, 4 Lazer speakers, lh years otd, $1000. One Tchnice Sysfem, complte cith cabinet, 1 year old receiver, tape dock, tumtabte, 2 speakers, 1 Reoltstlc tape dock, $1200. Remington shotgun, semi- automatlc, FAC requred, modal 1100, complte cif h case, shahse and dock docoys, 6 monfhs nId, $450. Cannon A.E.-1 rogrammed camera with flash, $325. Colt ebble or Mary, 866-4878. FOR SALE maple ktchen set, 4 chairs, $225. inlng room set, 4 chairs, $325. Cament miser. $125. Ail In excellent condition. 683- 6638. SEWfNG MACHINE for sale, por- table, gond working condiion, $45. Girl's and boys bittes, $35 and $50. Cali 683-6638. THREE WHEEL, 3 speed ladies bitte, asting $195. Cal 6681507 orailler 6p.m., 668-W825. BARNETTE crossbow, 150 lb. pull clh scope, quiner and loader, $500 or beat offer. 434- 6026. FOR SALE Sears slereo aystemn with recorder playor and 6 rack, $100. Boys 18" bicycle, 3-speed. $5. froning board, $10. Cali 434- 8474. FOR SALE boys standard bitte, 24 tires, $25. Throe speed boa fan, $20. Phoneo 668842. SOFTWARE for T. 1. Profassional Computer. CPIM86, CBASICI8, AMICOBOL, Supercalo, Easywriler Il, EasysPeliOr Il, Multiplan BPI, f nvontary Control. Ail unused, $50 oach. 868-3932 oaniflgs. FOR SALE leathar rocking chair. $25. Phone 688-5254. FOR SALE mocer for Ariens trac- lor, 42, $100. Sway bars for house traiter, $50. Mandolin ban- jo, $125. Coleman lanfarn, $15. Laco roler, $30. 30 diided dli- ner rsys, $1,50 each. Bed spread and drapes for double bed and ana set for twln site bed, $15 a sef. Two rode for sheers, wiliiau- tend to 150, $5. Phono 855-800. 14 FT. FIBERGLASS canoe, $150. 6 fi. residentiai divlng board for swimming pool, $100. Two burner propane camping stone wt h adaplor for fuel, $20. Cati 433- 4689 AGE 36,WEDNESDAY,J UN 5.I985MWIIIIUYl'FtREEaaR E E R E S E M PORIUIMJ Emporium Ads will only be accepted subject to the foliowîng condition@. -Pl JTaMoIVEI AIJOMOBILES When te edvertised item Jo 861, dispexed cf, or Unavalable for chalever reason. te Item wiII b. deemed fa have been aold and a commission cdll b. cbarged baaed o TfE ADVERTISED PRICE ex iîîustrated bel xc. regardless f price ix stated citis 'beat offer'. If the iem is NOT SOLD, or disposed af, the ad ciii b. Iun for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE af $7.50 ciii epply payable in advanre of publication of the firt ad, The abone minimum charge wiIl b. appîîed Ix tihe final commission due Maximum commission: $10080. Ail adver- oemnsslsotsemenlo mlstb. placed on an exclusive basis cittIhe WHITBY FREE PRESS and run ut leasl RATES IfI article la oofd : 5% cf advertfaed price opta 8400-00 o% f balance aver 8400.00 EXAMPLE: %nid tem odvertised fer$ 8150o.06c(ommission due 87.50 t minimum ckarge là; $7.50) Private adnerlising ortly! Please notify thse Whitby Fr66 Press immediately when item is aold s ta we mey delete il from tise followixg issue. Ail ados ont fitlîng fihe Emporium guideines cil I b. treated and cfarged per week as regular classifîed adsonosa pre-peid basis such as: services. hetp waxted, cîotiing. real estate, and personal ,nmsage type ados, or ado fot quoing price or quantity. Prinote clasnifîed ado may appear in IheEmporimr section under appropriale ediscngs ALL ADS Wl LL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTItERWISE SPECIFIED. FREE PRESS EMPOIRIUM P.0. Box 2%6 Whllby, .1IN 5Sf 668-6111 131 Brack St. N. Whitby,DOlt. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRDYPREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. MUSICAL HOUSEHOLO QÎUUINSTRNUMENTS SUPLIS OOS ORGAN Yamaha C405, new con- SAILBOAT, 18 fif.xoE6 f t., woden 'FOR SALE buffet and hutch, $85. dition. 1½ years aid, nec $4.500, huIt complote wthsi, ed hn aie,$5 w mi asking $2.900. Phtone 68M-4713. Ooe ortt, $300 or make offer tables, $25 and S3M. Maple hali SeIl ayim diay ti table, rfinished, $150. Dropleaf HeIkoryt. e n., Whi tby 134 gteleg table, reinished, $175. MfJSTicor SEL.1974Gibsn rpper Beanr Luber Two chairs, $15 each. Tco kit- basa 4 alana97 Gisc n i, map e ____________________ chen tables, cooden, $25 and -asa4 *a ton swlch, apl $60. Telephone 6836638. -Ao -, -ox mono. o cci-'- condifiohrd seils e, $30. Aiso 19861 El Mayo imitation stralo castor met pick guard. cherry wood f lange bxr cith hard nheil case, $275. Cati Karen 723. 2579. FOR SALE Hamcond eieclric organ. complte cith bench, eou cllent condition. asting $300 Phone 68-7472. 1983 YAMAHA DT 125, iquid cooied, tco siroko. $900 or besi citfer. Phono 668-4093. 1981 HONDA 900 CuslOc. 16.000 kms, nec exheunt, ties. luno-xP. engirte guarda, buotrest, cer- tif led. $2.300. Phono 686-1795. 1978 YAMAHA 750, loadett for touring. Veter and Krauser equipped. fauring neat. AMIFM cassette stereo. $1.800 Phono 666-3483. BOX TRAILER for sale. 4x8 f t. Asking-$250 or besi of er. Phono 579-4212. UTfLITY TRAILER nec ires, noeds one nec rtc. $185. Phone aller 7 pcm.. 6M-9181. Sick Room Equipment I .nn Service AUTOMATI C WASHER and dryer. Sears Kancore, heeny duly. ex- cellent condition, eskIng $450. Phono 5768271 afller 6 p.m. S Ff ECE dining roam sot, round table, glaso top wilh 4 whita vinyt swivol chairs cilh chrome base. off white buffet, ideel for apar- Iment. $500 or bonI olfer. Cati et- ter 7 p.m.. 6553729. DISHWASHER, ilite nec. Sears Kenmare. harnosl 9014. $260. Cati 571-363&. DINING ROOM SUITE, pins, Faut Bunyan collection, tablo 44x75, 2 Capfain chairs, 4 regular chairs. buffet and halCh. mini condition. $4.000. Phone 6683430. FORMAIL OfNfNG ROOM suife, souid cood, excellant shape. made by Hauseo0f Braemore. 9 pleces - 2 atmn chairs, 4 sida chairs. table ais 8 f0 10 com- forably. buffet and halch, $2.500 Phone 6688914. urpMeet the "Recycler 01 Unwants The EMPOrUuM Section 01t 1k WblbY iree PreSSI There is no rea- son to keep things you don't need or enjoy be- cause they're valuable. There are customerS wIIllng to pay good ruoney for things you've tir- ed of. Contact the "Recycler of Unwants", the cîassified depart- ment of the Whitby Free Press. You wili be pîeased with the quick resuîts. As fast as a phone cal, re- suîts happen! 1 have read the Emporium guidelines and Wish to have fthe folloWiflg advefse jment plaCed under f hîs section of the Whitby Free Press. _______ .(don't forget to inciude your phono number> I enclose $6.00 to cover the minimum charge. Charge $6.00 ta my Visa account. -Bill me $750 af ter f irst publication of my ad. Card No. ExpOate MA L 1) Name Iplease prîni - frsi and last namel WHITBYES Street Address P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. City Postal Code Whitby LiN 5S1 CU REPAPARIPARTS _ D O SL PIREcaBACfacine, 110 v ingie pon , 3ame, 1f folet- facle hmafa aansp0 and t lncfuding tolae racktrand yaars n aretucontire,4 ye1,49olTira hner by Bdtish- mo,495.acireiChydgrxliolate tirealsies 7.0015 throxgh 14.00- 24, Dupex, 10.00-16.5 fhrough 18.00-22.6, 4-20 piy rat ing, 230 voit, modal no. 931A, herdiy usad. newcocst $7,00, oefi for $2.850. 855-4995, Broottiln. FOUR CAL-CHROME 14 Inch ceg rime, cilh contres, cilS 4 brand new Bridgeslone steel beled radialea 150h, xiroady moxnted an rima. Mini condition and lookt us If lfey have neyer bean xned. Ail for only $650 chicis ta chat Il cao cost you for oniy 2 ai a custosm car sf0re. Phone ChrIs et 855-8902. FORD 289 rebulIt mofor. $300. Two Crager mxgs wilh gond ftires, $200. Phone 86687546. FOR SALE two lires on rime, blet ply safety. 99 nylon, F78-14, tItto new, only 7,000 km., $50. Roof top carrier, 46"x43n12", flifts Aapen Carrier, $40. Cati 668-9113. 1968 VOLKSWAGON sunroof, good malor, ires. fendora, sali for parta, $200. Cati f6684528. 1977 PINTO Wagon for panas, stiti n running condition, new steel beited tires, $150 or best cffer. Phono 579-4212. 12 BUDGtE breeding cages for sale. Complote wilh nesi boxes and eqipmenl. $10 vxch. Phono 668-4521 Give _ UNICEF gifts and cards and help a child Contact Uniécef Canada lY, 443 MI, Flosant fRd Toronto, Ont. M4S 2L8 O, çail JNICEF Ca.... (101f ,Il ,-) 1 80D26&6t364 1tlBC ;t12 80026b6364,- couI us Now At 668-6111 Or Use This Form TO Maili Your Ad ln@ fer. Cati bafora noon or after 8 p.m., 4348026. 1906 TR7 convertible, excellant original condition, AMIFM sferao, fog lamps, BrItsh green, 2.0 litre engine, 5 speed, only 29,000 km., certif lad. askIng $5,875. Cali 576- 769i. 1978 GMC VAN V8. 305, weli mainlained, Intertar - carpef, bed, sink and cabinets, certified. Asting $4.000. Phono 6680263 aflor 6 p.m. 1978 LADA one owner, astting $500. Cali 576-0961aler 5:30 p.M. 1978 CHRYSLER CORDOBA, P.. pb., air condtionlng, $950 or best cffer. Cati 855-3178. 1875 FORD hait-ton, 8 cyfindar, asisa $800. Phono 4344406 or 579- 0689,88sk for Tlm. FOR SALE 1974 Oldamabile Delta 88. AxttIng $750. Phono 579- 4212. 1974 FORD CourieriMazda Pfck- up fruck naeds b.d, îgos tank, 1 front fonder and wlndshlaid, has nec braets, 110W axheaf front ta rear and fwo nec rocker panais lnsfaiiad, alto 4 white spoke wheais and stop oumper. MosI Of body wortt campiafed, $575 or of- fer. Phono 2828780. 1987 CHEVELLE Convertible, 283-V8 engina, gond fuel acxnomny, very good condit ion. very HUIS erasi, exauaxt systr ln i great shape and nostde new shocka, mustosali, $2.100. Phono Chris afferO6 p.m., et 6558902. Ipin or - 0.01.,q lail n o em' a.ta mhn te 1.1.»axa a .,q..feu, 00.... 000""". y-hç x.a..d le.0.40 deate .0.0«"aPx.00tla n1. .0. mi.y a,.1mI as 668-6111 WHfTBY FREE PRESS - a -I 1 (>M L - - - 1 - 1 11-11 rocr: DDVÇ!'Q

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