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Whitby Free Press, 10 Jul 1985, p. 35

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OURO LAUNDRY tub pump, aa nom, $85. Ross oad aquaiizing htth, 1" bars and etra parts, $110. Hover apright Vacuum, $3. fana lectil brush, as no, $5. Viking eloctil broom, $10. Lan raier, 8x24, ater fliid. $3. Rauter 518 h.p. and case, $50. Canoa, 14 fi.fIbrgiasa, 38" beam, 13" dopth, as no, $175. Phono 655-4003. PMOTOGRAPHIC Enargar 4" o 5" neatins capabliity, 14001 fat starter habbyisl, $90. Garoga Door, motltonsrhead, ' mide 7' high, ait hardware sic., $75. In Whilby, cati anylima, 8883989. BABy CRIs iih caopy, ln* dodogs mattreas and bedding, $20. Baby cra410, $100. 686 2273. FOR SALE girl's and boys bikas, $35 each. Catl 683.8838. FOR SALE Ga Karts -1982 Bob- Cal, excellenlt condition, $750. 1979 Tamcat, gaod condition, $550. Bth hae G200 5 h.p. onginos and extra Parts. Coli Greg, 6658.471. COMPLETE EOUIPMENT ta gai yoo started ln an asphal driaemay seaitng business, used fartwio sommets, nom $1.600, miii solit for $1.200 ar hast aller. Coul Wat, W661337. FIVE large doubla sider in- dams, $50 oach. Aumn. Stormr doar, rusi colaur, $50. Cail 655- 3176. FOR SALE Ima heany dty work banches, moodon, ana - 6x3x3 lest, and ans 7Vo3x3 appraa. dimension, $25 aach or basf af- for. Cati 655-3728 aller 7 p.. FOR SALE piam, 2 furra, fat 3 pint htch, ike no, $285. Phono 6554995. GREy ARBORITE table and 4 chir, $45. Uprght Hoover vacuum, $2o. Wainut finish cof. fee table, 20X66", $45. Picolo table mili ld ln 2 banches, $50. Brown aiominu oo 5r, 32M0", tt, $45. Oak vanoor dtntng tabla, $50. wringer ashar, $25. Pies Irtchen chairs, chrome, $4 sach. Phane8889017. FOR SALE leather rocling chair, $25. Phone 868&5254. WlI-ITB3Y FEE PRLSS,WEDNESDAY.JtitIY 10. 1985. PAGE 35 lFREE PRESS E MPORIUM Emporiumi Ads will only be aecepted subjeet to the foliowmng conditions. _______-,PLEASE READ- I avmanom1@ ~RTICLESI ipnRSAI.ELEF FOR SALE one Marantz tape deck and recoinor, 4 Lazer speakers, i ½ years aid, $1000. One Technics Sysem, complete wth cabinet, 1 yoar oid roceiver, tape dock, turntablo, 2 speakers, 1 Ralsiî tape dock, $1200. Remingon sholgun, seml- automatle, FAC roquired, modal 1100, complote wth casa, shahls and duck docoys, 6 moniha aid, $450. Cannon A.E.-1l Programmned camera wth flash, $325. Cali Oabbio or Marty, 66U-4878. FOR SALE oway bora for houso traiter, $50. 30 dlided dInntrr fray, $1.50 sach. Bad spraad and drapas for doubla bed and arts sel for fwln suze bed, $15 a st. Two roda for sileers, wIil extend to 1601,S5. Phono 655-8000. BARNETTE crossbow, 150 lb. poll iwtth scope, quiner and loader, $500 or besi offor. 434. 6026. FOR SALE Sears stereo systam wiih recorder ployer and 8 rack, $100. Boys 18- bicycle, 3-speed. $50. Ironlng board, $10. Cati 434. 6474. FOR SALE boys standard bike, 24" iras, $25. Three speed boa fan, $20. Phono 668-8429. SOFTWARE for T. . Protessionl Cmpter. CPIM8, CBASICI86, RMICOBOL, Supercaic, EasywrIter il, Easyspalaer il, Multiplan BPI, Inventory Contrai. Ail unused, $50 each. 6683932 soooIflgs. 14 PT. FIBERGLASS canaa, $150. 6 f. residentiai diing board for simming pool, $10. Twa humner propane camping slave with adaptar for fuel, $20. Cail 433- 4689. WEDDINO DRE$S size 7, chif- fonette oser taffta, Pearl em- broidared poka, chapet train, mafchIng cathedrai iengthvoil, cast $350 no, ashing $200. Phono 576-8218. ANTIQUES. moing mthout lhem, Secrstory (0017 unique), $780. Buffet, $375. Kitchen hutch, $480. Pine tabl, $200. Nons bat- veat fable, $900 and presaback Zeusa chairs, sot 0f 6, $150 sacir, (table and chairs nory uniqoe). Phono 571-3038. When tihe advertised item is sotd, disposrd of. or unavaîlabie tor whatever reasan. the item wiii 1w deemed ta have been sold and a commission wii 1w charged hased an TIif EAiWE'RTISEI) PiIICE as iiiustraied heiaw. regardlessoit price is tated wmur besi aller- If the item ts NiiT SIiLi. or disposed ot. the ad wii 1b rurr for :1 MIiNTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE o St 50wmiil appiy payable in dvance i publitcation oi the first ad. The ahane minimum charge wii 1b appied f0 the final commission due Maximumo commiston $150OO00 Ait adver- isements must bc piaced on an exclusive hasts mth the W.}IITBY FREE PROESS and run ai leasi one montifIot soid RATES (ifIarticle saiod t: of aIadvertised prereap te 8480.00 z% aI balance oser 1400.00 EXAMPIE: sotd Item advertised for 15.0o. ('ommiasios due 7.580t(mnimum charge la $7.50) Private advertising oly! Please notily te Whilhy Free Press immediateiy orben item is aaid so that me may delete it fram the fliowing issue. Att adanont ifting the Emporium gidetines ii 1w ireated and charged per eek as regutar ciassilied adsoan a pre-paid basis such as: services heip manted, clothing, eai nsate. and personai message type ads, or ada not qootiog price or quantity. Private ciassilied ads may appear in te Emporioum section onder approprrate headîngs ALL ADS WILL. GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UINLESS OTbIEiWISE SPECIFIED MAIL ADST(S: FREE PIIES.S EMPORIUIM Pli. Box 206 Whtby. LIN ONt 668-6111 131 Brock St. N. Whitby. (Ot. TIE DEADLINE FOHKEMP0RIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. CEM-s-. table, glass top mtit 4 white inyt smlnei chairs mith chrome base, off white buffet, ideal for apar- imont, $500 or besi aller. Colltal- lter 7p.m .655-3729. DININO ROOM SUITE, pina. Paul Bunyan collection, table 44x75. 2 Captain chairs, 4 regular Chars. buffet and hiulch, minI condition, $4,000. Phone 668-3430. FORMAL DININO ROOM suite. saiid mooli, excellent shape. mode by Nause of Broomota. 9 paces - 2 atm chairs, 4 aide chairs, fable sots 8 f0 10 coim- lartably, buffet and hutch. $2.500. Phono 6688914. FOR SALE mopie ktchen set, 4 chairs, $95. Dning orurset, 4 chairt, $295. Aitl n excellent con- dition. 8836638. SIX X ITCHEN chairs, w00dOO, $20 aach. Mapie hait table, $125. Woaden mithon set and 5 chairs. sil10. Throe end tables, $25 each. Cati M63.8 melatlO, complsteiy retlntshed. $3.600 Phone 728-6700. CAMERAS Poiaroid Colot yack Il mith carryiog case. Aino 35 mm Penlacan Prakica In excellant condition. Omner ieaing coun- try, $65 tar bath 668-7171. TEN PIECE soid mapie Vies bodroam soi, $500 Beige uphatstered mahogany chair, $100. Three ier mainul shett on pedestai, $20. Large capaciiy mater saltenor, $200. Green Brocade sofa, $200. Phono 8666- 4877 or 433-8998. ANTIQUES cauntry store coun- fer, $60, mokas a great rec. roam bar. Chorcit pam. $350. Phono 571-3036. $TEREO PACKAGE rceivor, lot- niable, cassette dock, oquatizet, 2 speakers, $400 complte. Car terea, Sanya receiver, 200 watt pomer booster, 4 speakers. 2 are 6x9 Alpines. other 2 are 4" Ton- vax. $250. 668-3064 ort888-080. BABY ITEMS for sala, &Il in ery gaad condition. Loaeat, $30. swing.0-MOtic, $15. Car bali, $15 Rocking 100090 chair, $10. Colt 668 7269, anytIme. TIRE% BAACE mhie o r d19 % ESCOT350 r Sf f. fer= CatiboFar oOR Afr Pracision Baiancing', 110 volts, single phase, 30 ampo, ail ai- tachorents ta balance up toanad incioding large track tires, 4 yeors aid, perfecf condition, $1.465. Tirs Changer by *Blsh- mon', eisclrIcyhydrauiit f060 tirealzsis 7.00-15 throogh 14.0- 24, Duplex, 10.00-16.5 tfrrough 18.00-22.5, 4.20 piy rafIng, 230 voit, madol rno. 931 A, hardty usad, nea cosaI$7000, osalifor S2.850. 6554995, Brookiin. FORD 289 rabulit motor, $308. Two Cragar mags with goali tiras, $250. Phonoe68-7546. 1968 VOLKSWAOON sunrool, good motor, tires. fendors, sel for parts, $200. Cali 668-8528. 1972 PI NTO for parts. 9004 mot, transmission andi iras. $250 or bast f f fr. Tam track equipment complota, boom and boom rocks, revoiving lights antd saddie. extra rigging, 10000 lb eloctilowinch, mark ioad of 9.500 ibs., eacellent condition, $1.500 or besi aller. Phono 655-3006. 18 PT. INVADER, day sailor mth caor andi salIs, excellent con-. ~ dition, $1.250. Phone 7286700.- ICAI Ci NURM E NT S OROAN Yamaha C405, nom con- d11100. r/ yoars aid, nem $4.500. asking $2.900. Phono 686-4713. NWI O N HARMONIUM, amail antique LTU U pump argon, famtty heiriaom, LTU U $1,000 or basf citer. John or Non- OUT THE MAT cy 888-4335. AVAL yourI IÇ',jHeartI p.m., 434-8026. 1980 CHEV Impala StatianwagOtt, auto trans., ps., p.b., eiectric rear window defrostar, air cand., fint glass, AMIFM sterea, cassette lapa, carisa immaculafe. $5.500 or basi offar. Cati peau.,683802 or joanne 5795269. 1979 LADA ana amner, asking $5W0. Cali 576-08l1 ffer 5:30 p.m. 1978 CHRYSLER CORDOBA p-s., phb., air conditiorting, $800 Or basf offar. Coui 655-3176. 1979 SUZUKI 100 0.s.. aary good condition, asking $450. Phono 666-2273. 1978 SUZUKI GS 400, goad con- dition, $800. Photo 6883447. 1976 YAMAHA 750, iaadod for ioaring, Veffar and Krausar ottuipped. footing seat, AMIFM cassette stores, $1.600. Phono 666-3483. 1976 KAWASAKI KZ 750,9$850 as s., 1978 amaba RD 400, $200 as se. 6883064 or 86-0801.- Give UNICEF < gifts and cards and help a child Contact. Inkef Cnd .f 443 mi. Riossant Rd, Torano. ont. MAIS2L8 o cail UICFS Canada 0r11t irtr 18M 26&"364d(in C Il 2 WO ff&364)tj - . - 7 l - Phne-668943 1 l// T Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertîsing guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our Iow advertising rates just because you have *~z~ 4 questions. Ilopefully, the explanatioîl below cari clear Up many of your questions - if not, do cail 668-61 il and we'I be pleased to explaili the Emnporium Section to vou personally. If you: *are a private advertiser: -have an article to sell; and, *have a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details i Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold <maximum three months i A minimum charge applies tu each Emporium ad; $750 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT sell withîn lhree mon- ths, you pay onîy the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee yîîur article will sell, but where else cîîuld voîu gel three months advertising for only $7.50" When your article seils, a commissîin s charged, based on the advertîsed price(Coîm- mission is: 5% up to $400; 2% of the balance tver $400; LESS the mîinum charge described 1have read the Emporiuml guidelines aiNivo'atnd wîshli thaive'tite following ailvertieentl pluced under Ihis sectfio ttti the'WIitîVIre'î Press. 1 enclose $7 51)otclive r the' n mnim c'h a 1-9' Charge $7 --)0 tut mv Visa ti ai('ltl t ard '%o %ha mr e.r.prîni1 above. City Postal od MAILI li, WHITBY FREE PRESS 11.0. Box 206 cliîBrock St. N. Whitby 1,LIN ;-SI li'hare i vîl tile sof wthanthree mtsnths. ('îîm misifuitiartwnin lde thnthre mnmum chmmrgeini hreIhus Ihe TtALAinmuNm charge andar hu heTTA MO TotalABLun Payable % (1 rie J Itot $ 1t-) 0 S $ t;t $ 1( $1 16 $21> $4.101> 310.00 $ 15.00 $20.00 322.00 S24.00 $ 26.001 $ 28.00 S 30.00 S32.00 352.00 S72.00 s 92.00 $100.00 4!àpCON FUSEDP 1 - (fi, ri 1 fi -rgt-I Îý ý il ri lti(it- ý - 1111 "il[ Il lm'r' 1 9 1

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