W-HITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1985. PAGE 39 'to - .~'d A W~ ~w~-u-~-w¶ A M, T .'1' Y5Y I CARK13BEAIN UK U Iýý>Ntie NRWAY World's Iargest cruise ship 1 Tc duty free St. Thomas,, lively Nassau and NCL's own private island in the Bahamas. M/ S Southward neFrom$ 1300 p.p.Î> NSA Oeof the mosi popular Carlbbeart crulses to tour of the mout popular por- ta of cal: Puerto Piata, St. Thomas, San UERTO LT Juan and Nassau. An ail-time great SNJA favorite with f rsttime crulsera and honeymooners of ail ages. Day Port Arrive Depart Sun. Miami - 4:30 p.m. Mon. At Sea - Tues. Puerto Plata 8:30 arn. 1:00 p.m. Wed. St. Thomas 8:30 arn. 4:30 p.m. Wed. SanJuan 9:00 p.m. - Thurs. San Juan - 2:00 p.m. Fni. AtSea - Sat. Nassau Noon 6:00 p.m. Sun. Miami 8:00 a.rm. - PRIVATE SLAND Day Port Arrive Depart M iSS a w idSat. Miami - 4:30 p.rn. s.)ttSun. Private Island 8:00 arn. 2:00 p.m. From$ I13V00 p. .Mon. At Sea - For those In search of the unique and Tes. GrOc Rio 9:00 ar.. :00 p-m. excillng. The accent lis on silver Sand Wd rn ara :0an :0pm beaches on unispolled islands ln somne OH ý Thurs. Cozumnel 11:30 a.m. Midnighf of the Caribbean's most beautitul OLýILFr. At Sea - waters. And yolu've a chance f0 snorkel ISL~ANSt im :0an at ail ports. M ky a dDay Port Arrive Depart M S S y rdt Sun. Miamni z430 p.rn. Tues. Cancun 7:00Oa.rn. 6:00Op.m. Frem $13OO Mon.Te, ozme 0:0AtM The moast exciting new crulse ln years. Tues. Cozumel 10 3:00 p.m. The best of Mexco, the Bahamas and CANCUN Th. We. GaComel -100 3. :00 p.m. the Carlbbean ahit n one memorabie Thr. AGrSadCyan1:0 r.5:0pm weak. To Cozumel and Cancun on the CqOZUMEL F. A e Vucaton, Grand Cayman Island and ISRAND YNSat. Piatei tan 81:00 arn :0 .m. NCL's own private Island. .Sn im :0an 3nights 1ahomaiamiecrulieO Deyt Prt a r ive- 43prn M S Sunward Il F r Day iPi An 4:3Dopit Sal Nassau 9:00am 4NTS FEPR Sun Nassau - 630 a.m StA LNDL Sun. Private Istand 11.30 arn 6:00 p rn Frem $525 p.p. From $685 p.p. Mon. Miari 8.00 a.m The most popular 3 and 4-night cruiseS MIAMI .4.ntghtas Onhomrmecruito Ars ln the Cribbean. A gresat favorite for Mon MPimiD430pait singles, Young couples and Tues Nassau 9,00am - professiotiai people. For anyorle Wed. Nassau - 6:30 a.m Iooking for that perfect long weekend NSA e. Pîîvale Island 11:30a m 600 p.m Thursn Feport 8 00 a r &00 prm or mini-week break. Fît Miami &00ain - YOUR TREASURE TOURS CRUISE HOLIDAY INCLUDES: *Round trip airlaro - non-stop charter fllghts f rom Toronto *Crulae accommodation ln category seiected- tastef uily Vegas 5tyl with lnf ligtt meal and cholce of wlne or champagne furnished. ail rooma have telephones and color TVa -Ai mealsg oReturti tranufers - betweon Ft. Lauderdale or Mami airport 'Complets onboard entertalnment at.d captaln's cocktail NCL's far and Qusysîde party - NCL's entertainmertt le recognIzed as the flîneat sTreasure1 at ses. Nlghtty cabaret with International performers, et Toronto [,rla adbenUnesi before August 15, 1985 and off any 7day cruise -AT THE SHERATON YANKEE CLIPPER HOTEL IN FT. LAUDERDALE, INCLUDING RENTAL CARI Tri-City Travellnc. 1400 Bayly Street, Unit 6A, Pickering, Ontario. L1 W3R2 Next to the Picke ring GO Station Tel: 416-839-8710 Whitby Residents Cali Colleot Open 8:30 ar.. -6:00 p.m. Monday-Frlday WS4 MatrCe Each office îndependently owned and operated. R Llconced trado mark of Uniglobe Travel (International) Inc. SHIPS REGISTRY, NORWAYJ For secIl iclusitoncluiontsa cdos pi.ease ratffer f0 Treasure Tours, "FLORIDA BROCHURE' ~ie revue and Broadway mnspired productions son board ship - breakfast, lunch, dInner plus mous midnlght buffet and much more Tours represanlatives - ready 10 assiat you to and at the Quayside ln MiamnI ___ 6,1 i TEE BESI (JF r ýd mmo- 1 1