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Whitby Free Press, 14 Aug 1985, p. 20

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WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ SERVIES ~ C~ ICOLOURSI Dicvrthe cotours & shdes hatcom- pliment your skin *tone &enhance yoirl 11st eature1j1 Only $30 par Consulftaiion Cal 666-2770 WANTED TO PURCHASE prIecle, bright, 3 or 4 hodroom homo, family room mlh frepiaco, up ta $75000. No aenfts. Ccii 1.705)- 7995667 aller 6 pm. and weekends. ýéOE5IIïGES FOR RENT COTTAGE on Mazinaw Lake, flshIng, swimmlng, 2 bedroom, asaliebie by weok or weokend, 1200 par week, Augusf and Sop- tomber. 4334869. LAKtE SfMCOE eaut of Orillae, 10 high lenef acres of delopmenl property wilh 500 teof of mafer- front, sandy beach and good roads. Appiy 10 Tom James, 326- 3718, RS. Harmer Real Esfate (P A R T I M N T S (IONF OR RENJ ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT In ormait Whlfby building. Aduta only. Includes fridgo, tone, hydro and parking. OChi e TV and laundry faclifis asalable. Phone 6684372 between 9:30 c.m. and 5 pm. ACCOMMODATION WA1~NIDNTEDJ IJRGENTLY REOUIRED f ursiahed rooms, aparmens or bouses fa font for ouf of Province 0100- fricians. Contact IBEW Local 894 cf 623-7931 or 623-7851, week- dao, 9 acm. f0 4 pmm. UNEMPLOYED NELF CENTRE: Nèem helP? Workers' COMPon- saalon, Weffaro. OHIF assistance, Unempioymet fInsurance, or criis referrals f0 niher agencios, call:579.1821. ORAMMEN for people who hale grummur" la1te ideal ponkel refereece book for business people. $395 pur copy and aauluble ai Ockson Prlnfing & office Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. Dealer enqulrles Inolled 631968 VACATION W W RENT RAS Eçlearwaer -Thee bdoom mobie hmes HetedPools, tîennis, coeto beachs andl Imuararactionsï hild1OeI mocome 1lisse han motel erooml 683-5503 1 WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for rosi ,,.n profoasionai f loor. Wouid he aullublo for lawyer, accounlafli, eic. Rent Includes ail uiliies and la negof lubie for un appropriaie fenant. For furiher Information cati 868-6372 bel een 9:30 c.m. and 5 p.m. Monday f0 Friday. TYPEWRITER reniai. musy makes and modela, by the weekend, week or moni h. Discounts auvalabie. Dckson Prlning & Off ice Supplies ln the Aax Plaza. Cail us for business muchine repaira 6831968. CONGRATULATIONS on your forlhcoming marriage. Pieuse slow our aumpios of engrused wedding Invitationsa aiyour leisuro in our Ajax Plaza store. ickson Prinfing & Office Sup- plies, 883-1968. "Specialiin Re oue Cleaning for Parti culer Peope" 66m2144 1907 0MEV M ton pickup for par- t s. Phono 683-5676. 1978 MERCURY Zophyr, good condit ion, $2750. Phonoe6M. 1970 0MEV Impala, 60,000 Miles, needs body work fa cerfify, ln good condition, 5500or basf Of- fer. 666.'1844. 1950 00 INJI ln exceflent con. diion, $4.000. Phone 86663914. 1974 MONDA 175 Dut bîfre, faf runnlng, $150. Four 15x7 Frebird mage, 1k no, $150. 100 chaf n flnk fonce, $650. Phono 668-1734. APARTMENT SIZE washor/dryor, apf. sîze freezer, and gos bar- beque, ail A-I condition. Caeil 831- 2696, ask for Shelley. CHESTERFIELD nulles, lovsesaS, secîloals, Ios han 'h price. Large -sleclion. McKeen Furnilure, 524 Simncoe Si. S., Oshawa. 7255181. CHESTERFIELD SET- chester- field, 2 chairs and Ottoman, $100. 686-1844. VISIT aur used furnilure warehouse by appalntmenl. Big savlngs an cesks, chairs, filing cabinets, etc. Cal i Dckson Prn- flng & Office Supplies lo arrange an appoinîmeef lu view. 683- 1968ý EXPERIENCED MOTHER with nuraes training wlli prckslde daycaro and loue la Infants. (0t-. ter Creekl 66-4881 - CREATI'JE DAVOARE offerod hy retired feacher and mothor of 5, for cilidren 3 t0 5 yoars of cge during achool houra, commen- cing In Seplember, excellent for teachers needlng dcycaro for iheir cblidren. Phase Mary 666- 1844. FR68: Drop inl0 fhe Dckson Prlnting & Office Suppiy store in the Alun Plaza and pick up a firee capy off heir 1985 Metric Culesý dur Prinled in twon colourS. Il makes for hundy reference. 683- 1968. ARTICLES FOR SALE, AUCTIONS, REAL ESTATE A1%.15 inRFlUL Charlie prefers uniferm excellence and knews he wiil gt it Dickson Printing & Offiîce Supplies Maere every.thing is inspected. WHITOY MENS' Afhioflc Association, 1985 Touch Pool- bal, Ragsîraf on Meefing, Location: Iroquos Park Arona, Front Lobby, Dafe: Thursday, Auguof 22, 1W5, Tîme: 7:30 - 8:30 p.m., Fo: S15 JAMES, TERRY DEAN - the family of the loIe Terry James woufd f ha 10 f hank ail Ihose roho aupporteri us Inno 0many maya durfng sur recof osa.. our fhoughtlfunoe ahas meanf 50 much and eonotfhlng you hane dons la fruly approclafed. Speclal f hanka f0 Ihose who made charifable donaftions In bIs honour. Norma, 805510, Derrick écis Jesse. BUIESS C 5TU7NIÃ"TI'IESI UNLIMITED INCOME maling cr- cufats, f ree delalîs. Wrlfe: T.L. Parker, 100 King Hram Sf.,.loger. soli, Onaro, N50 116. GARAGE SALE monlng, muet self. Salurday and Sunday. Augusf 17 and 18, 9 a.m. f0 4 p.m. 35 fHabitant res., Whlfby 6866- 2361. BLUE TICK PUFS for sale. hors June 11, 1985. Phoneo686775. * Compiete Lawn & *Garden Maintenance * Free Estimat es * For Competitive *PrcesM a few. - good - boys and v- girls! Become at carrier 7toduy. Leurs be be usinesperaons rou 1esponsibiliy 'white earnlng money. Bcomo the outsland- Ing carrier 0f1 te month and hecome a winseri Taik fa our Circulaion Manager. Cal 668-6111 Todayi WHITBY FREEPRESS AUCTION SALE THURS., AUG.15 6:00 P.M. Seiiing et Orval McLean Auction Centre, Lndsay. Local estatas, furniture, appliances, some an- tiques, modemn chester- filds, bedroom suite, of- f 10e desks, eiectric typewrlter, Zerox copier, antique chests, antique dlocks, oak table & chairs, restaurant styro containers, dishes, etc. 6:00 p.m. ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTIONS 3242783 LINDSAY NEW IN TOWN? LET us PUT OUT THE MAT FOR YOU! Poe 668-8943 NEW 12 speod ladies bike and AMIFM Cilizen radio lape dock, fir condition. 80sf offers. Cali 66-5881, ouf. 367, ask for Alison. f-fEROES of the Bible" calourlng book availahi etaiDicsoan Pris- f lng & Office Supplies, Ajax Plaza, 683-1968. Dealer inquirles -invifed. MATTRESSES und hon springs ul hall prîce. McKeen Furifure. 524 Slmcoe Sftreet Sout h. Oshawa, 7255181. C.fl.f.P.- PROGRAM. Only 230 days ef f. For a free ostimale con- ladt McCieave insulalion Ser- vices, 1.800.263-3204. GEOTYPE press-on lellering n0W n stock ai Dickson Printing & Of- fice Supplies in the Ajax Shop- ping Plaza. Large seleci ion oi styes and sizes. Why puy more for a smnailer sheel oi leffering? 883-1968. CORNEILS AUCTION BARN TUES., AUG. 20 6:30 P.M. Three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west Of Lndsay on the Lin- dsaylLlttie Brtain Rd. Chesterfilda, oak bed, office desk, single box spring and mattresses, 3 place modern bedroom suite, 30" electric stove, chrome kitchen suite, ovai top trunks, oak buf- fet, refridgerators, modemn dressera and chest of drawers, colt ee and end tables, portable and console coior T.V.s, occassionai chairs, parlour tables, large quantlty of hand tools, and modemn household Items. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER RR.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-788-2183 Sf. John Ajradace fbas boom feacfuM and aorvnin Canadla uloce 1883. Yourfe 0M10td fI o ea parii cf hoîr maxfihurtdred peatu Ove If-rm a ccli, Learn 80*10Io018 St. John Ambulane TSe reed Ne«mrc*w AUCTIONEERS The people of Whltby and area love attending auc- tion sales. Let them know about"your next sale by advertising in the mosi wldely read pages In Whit- by - the Whitby Free Press Ciassifiedsi Cali: 668-6111 ARE YOU OPEN FOR BUSINESS? THE CLASSIFIEDS VA~EARE! *. The classifiled pages S are for everyofle 2 whether you are selling or buylng PLACE YOUR AD TODAY! WHITBY FREE PRESS 668-611il Pl InAnC"in llUntUÇ!AV AT(tICZ 4 là lgc I ITRV PPFP P OD .V 1F à la J CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FRI., AUG. 16 8:00 P.M. Three mites east of Little Brtain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lin- dsay/Littie Britain Rd. Dominion upright piano and stool, round Oak pedestai dlning room table, square oak dinfing room table, mahogany drop teaf table and 4 chairs, crock churn, Hoosier ktohen cup- board, parlour tables, refinished washstands, Hoop bacit chairs, Ingils washer and dryer, oak sideboard, 15 ou. fI. Westinghouse refridge- rator, Jacques & Hayes chairs, 180 amp. Lincoln electit welder, 20 fi. alum. extension ladder, air compressor, Hobart battery charger, 2 h.p. Johnston outboard motor, 7 hp. M.F. riding lawnmower, 1972 Dodge window van,- quantity of china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 TO 50% UP m9Y FRAMING CENT E Never PaY Full Retail Prices Again! 668-4521 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Visa card ready when caliing. If billed - $600 for 20 words; every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be 14f each additional word. however, we accept no liabiiity regarding loss or damage liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographie ITS ETS-$.0frth is 0 od;1eec alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occBiRTS ETS-$00frtefrt10 od;1<ec such replies. We wilI not be responsible for box number by the error up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. dinlwr. replies not called for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS. CARDS 0F THANKS - $800 for the fir- reject ail advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50 words; 12 each additional word. 1)EAD)LNES: Monday noon prior 10 publication to insert one day before they can be changed or cancelled. o aclCasfe d.Fia onpirt ulcto C LASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12t each ad- AUCTION SALES -40r periline. (No word ads allowed) aisr rcne moimAs dîtional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Ciassified BOX NLi.MBEItS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL Ad 10 your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditionai charge of $200. The Whitby Frce Press w1l make 668-6111 'AGE 20,WEDNESDAY. AUGUSI'14. Mil 1 IIY t-Mr.r. rMtZýa îîîîiim AD$

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