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Whitby Free Press, 20 Nov 1985, p. 24

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t) A sr-V là W P NI Rs D~A Y O VFMRPRIn1 t00<WH TtT RYV C1?1 PRESST CRYSTAL CHANDELIER, FOR SALE cube dlay brick, ight burgandy enamel centre. gaid catar, $40. SaISt lreptaca cotour armns,15 lghts, $170. Tari. sorsen, 36"x28' plus Andirons, 2 raom, 9 o 12, vnrpi loor In $45, SaiStit lrepiaca ol st, $20. sleeping area, gaad condition, SaiSt lrepiaca oodhoider, $15. $80. Baihraam double saag lia- Phionse6-0041 aler 5 p.m. ture, $25. Phare 668-9772. ______________ FOR SALE bar, $250. Couch arnd chair, $150. Couch anrd 2 chairs and Ottoman, $350. Table and 2 chairs, $75. Baby cardage, $25. Wooden boataase, $150. Phone 4334653. FOR SALE hutcher suite carnar noota bench styla (4) place. tvae nem, $250. Air conitionier 8000 BTU vertical, 1 pear aid, $350. 868-4302. TWIN BED, trame, brasa head- board, boa spring and mattress, $250. White harioom becspread, eiectrIc blaniret, 3 sets ai sheets, $125. Ait eacellena condition. 668- 5645. CUSTOM DUILT wooden ktchea noata, table 2949", eacellent condition, $200. Phtona 668-1382. DINING ROOM table, 4 Cane bacla chairs, eacetlent canditian, $275. Foar mtai parloar chairs, $60 tor set. Antique dea, $150. Rocking chair, $30. Old icirer trust, $25. Five boses 0i aid 78 records, $75 (many coteclablel. Phone 683-6638. FOUR SEATER coach and ar- mchair, $60. Soid mapie mood rocker, $30. Daboar tubalar bunkbed, $500. Mattres tr ahane, $50. Coltea table and end tabe. $25 each. Antique rosamood table, $100. Phone 686- 3476. BONTEMPI lectric ogan, Min. trel model ith adapter and 2 learnieg books, new price $650. sai for $400. 12"blacka and white TV., $50, hardiy ever used. Phone 668.2155. DISHWAS14ER, Saura deluxe por table, chopping bock top, thrire levai washing action, $170. Coeman tanter ciw case, $10. Oaaetectrical panel, $5. 60 amp. discannect, $25. Boys cras country skis, 160 cm IZa, cia potes, $10. irapiaco crean and Sat circaiating grae, $18. Vs S.p. electric mator, $10. Toaster. Sir curing set, lectric coieea grin. der, Monte Carto 15" rim, $10 each. Phone 5767697. OIL SPACE heatar. lorcad draît haro, 3 speed lan,'excelient con- dittoal. Ideat tor 8110P Or cottage, $75. Phone 666-554. SNOWOLOWER, 5 taot McKea modet 320, for 3 point btoS, an- cellent condition, $785. Phare 655-4995. FOR SALE rarIdgaratar, $350. Stove, $250. Hair dryer and chair, $100. Phone 5794212. TWO CASES ai Or. Baliards dog food, $18 a casa, 24x25.5 aza. each. Phone 576-3998. For aitle imo ladies 3-speed biNes. $40 aach. Phare 6M8.4032. L.SHAPED soaafor sale, 5 yaars aid, nery goad condition, ashing $200. Phone ffl-1485. REFRIDGERATOR Admirai. 15 ou. fi., ecellent condition, $300. TRS80 computer, naw 84K, an- panded basic, colon computer- prîntar and cassette tape playar for programa, $350. Computer and sotmaea nly $175. Piano, new soale William, 1908, Oshawa hut, recanditioned, $1,800. Phase 899-8001. UTILITY TRAILER enclosad, 7xlOaS5, good spingsanad ante, carrying cap 3,500 has, tilt decta, $800 or hst aller. 655-4187. FOR SALE ira sreen and lec- iric loge, $50. 14" black and white TV, $25. Twa table temps, 520 set, Stap end table, $5. Twa fliaer pales, $5 aach. Phone 668-4032. FUR JACKETS: neriy ram. short dressy China Mii, darta brown. size 14. $195. Gorgeaus tie Mustarat. backa mmInktim. siza 12, $135 Grey parsian iamh. suade tim, site 12, $95. Backa leaiher ladies coat. iuliy ined ailS reel fur, site 16. $40. New, ail woai ladies cool. clasto style, mouve, petite 10112, $25 Mens ail wool McGregor carcoal, iva new, size 38, $25. Older standard typewriler, $25. Halrdryer, ram, 57.50. Bndie buggy. $5. Hard haid shower massage. $10 Phare 8-7404. Pl Wben tire udvertised item ta natd, dinpaaed af. or unanaitabte for wttatever reoson. tire item wilii e deemed ta have been soid and a commission wjtt ha charged bused an THE ADVERTISED PItICE as itiastrated beina, regardiesa if price la tated wth "best 011r'* I the item la NOT SOLD, or dispoaed ni. the ad wmut ha rua tor :3 MONTES and a MINIMUM CHARGE ni $7.50 wmut appty payable on advunce ai pubtication af the irsi ad. The ahane minimum charge iii ha appied ta the finat commission due, Maximum commrission: $100.00. Ait adrer- tisements must ha piaced on an encusive bonis mutire WHITBY FREE PRESS und run at leunt une masth i nat soid RATES (if artcte as std t: 5% of adverttted prie Up te $400.00 of a batance aver $400.00 EXAMrI.F: Setd Item adertîsed fr$ 150.80. (emmisn ue dr7.59 inlmum charge l437.50) Pinate adnertiaing aniy 1 Please notiiy thre Whithy IFree Press immediatety when item is aotd 50 that me may delete il fromnthe falltawng issue. Ait ads ratfitting tse Emperiumo gideines witt ha treated and ctsorged par meeta as regatar ctaasified adson000 pre-paid hasts suciraso: services, hetp wassed, clthing, reat enl.ate, and persoalo message type ads, or ada rat qaoîiog price or quantity. Pivate ctassified ado may uppeor la tire Emporium sectian under oppropriote headinge. AA t. u Ic wt.GOrnIN Ct.ASSIFtEt3 SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. FOR SALE 6 dramer dresser, dariv 1985 0000E Omni GLHE back, 5 aaod, wmuS tiltimirror, asking $85. apeed, AMIFM eterea 8Eagia OT Cali 723-9176. radiais, aiaminum raad aheets, 45000 km. mananty $8,500. 655- .....ca.V ,' f .,. nd -s 4078 or 855-4989. atone, duel onans, eppran. 7 years aid, $400 irm. 866-4038. BLACK LEATHERETTE reclitor n excellent condition. $200. One calles end two end tabes. $60. Phone6866-3844. KING IZE mrrarad canapy, four poster waierbad, "Plantation" saasoned pire, etras t00 numerous ta lis, excelent con- dition, wont it ln naw home, muet sacrifice ai $1.500. Cati 655- 4187. MAIL AIS TO: ORoIIELIVER TO: LIVING ROOM SUITE couoh, PO. Stan206 668-6111 WhiIby, Ont. I Smo end tables, lice ea. $700 or * Whtby LI.tN 581 e hst sitar.68-5934. *THIE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. uit FORSAE FR ALAFRSLE 1 OERRARD-HEtNTZMAN apright dItioned, $1.850. Phone 668-5672 SUPER SCANNER C.B. antenna, FOR SALE IBM Selectnic, good $TEREO console. $125. Blue alter 5p.m. amItcS bo, cabieanad ieads. condiion, muai ha sean, $300. veloat amaga and double panai gaad condition. $100. Asa a Cali 728-3163, 9 a.m. taS5 p.m. curairs, $75. Woer beige tweed madIcine cabinet, whitedrps2paas50mda97ATMTE enamiiedmati, sidig miror AMIFM car radio cassette, $50. long, $45. Phare 666-4264.RPARARS doars, pertect for collage, $15. Camping aquipment, vaiaus ___-___ Cali 686-4953 anytirne. Items, tataling $80. Please cali 688-8178. PLOW. 4 Furrow Maasey TRAPAULIN caser for a Mazda Etectronic air clearer, Lerno, $125. Phone aller 5 p.m.. 655- 3854. BANOSAW Garerai 15" V Sp mlenciosad stand $880. Jainler Garerai 8V 1 Sp alopan stand $725. amaha D80 argon Ihrao eybaards $2900. Reese iaad lanelIng traiter hitch 10,000 lb cap. $110. Computer business pragram Inior Design GIL. AIP, IIM ilS iacory buokupa, nul $195. Jet mail pumnp 'h Sp w130 gai tank $185iJiiitySbo loi pickup truck wmatherprool 30ao511o23h ailacta $115. Walnui veneer 1414" $15. Wood threading taois 1, YW, 1" Imci bottaming laps sut $315. Rauter & steel case ilS guides $55 Wine carhoy 12 Vs galion $10. Caili6554003, 3 HP. gas mamer. $70. Eiactric mamer, $75. Table sam and matar, $60. Gardening bals and wheai barrom. $36. 50 boot hase, $10. Enqira 868-2155. ANTIQUE hutch circa 1860) light finis. top 4 sheloas hehind 2 (original glassl doars (le. piated dispiapi. batiom, 2 anciased shelvea, vary nice place. ap- praised $2.00, seiiing $1.400. Aso sin pressbacks. $600 and a maple and mainul aacralary eariy 1800's, $700. 571-3636. BAR BELL set, 160 ibs., bancS press ilS ieg press, $110. Phare 6688271. ASSORTEO kitchen cabinets. upper. lamer, doubla sînk und laps, neati mark, package deul, $05. Newaranhrîto caunter. aSite. $25, White arborile countar ilS bultin 8t000 lop id elemeirisi. $85 White enumul iuundry tub in orunge arbarilo caunlter. $35- orange shag crpal. 9a12 and underpad. $65. Green nylon cur- pet, 12u18 ilS andarpud, $95. Ouantiy umbar coiored dacorator giasn, $10, Phone 668- 7404. conditian, 3 point iloS, asiving $295. Cutivatar. excellent 10 fi. aida. cia height adjust and auto $20. headîb $10. t FORN dusty pleali Geani la me $250. full te colar, lengtt fer. Pt sali br $100 or besi aller. Phone Water 666-1337 eveninga or 863- 2366 days. AUDiO VOXiChrysier, eetcronlo S insuiatad skaes' ram. Ie danS. AMIFM mplo sterea 39" hed.$30. Doubla hed, cassette mlh ciack, digital raad maitresa, sisal trama and out, 12 preseta, seh, scan, board, $40. Seming machine, dolby, auto reverse, matai ýr aId, $100. Mar's bîka $25. capabiiity. Fls ait laIe modal gerbiis ilS cage and bat, Chrysier producîs, $300. Castie Grayskuii and sevarai Motorola AMiFM niarea caasette, lnciuded, $20. Hot Wheei pus button tuning, auto reverse, $10. Humpiy Dumnpîy loy universel lit, $125. Four Chrysier $15. GoBoI cammand cen- raily aheels alSh centras, irIm 12. Cali 427-6887. rings, iug nuls, ta it uili"K cars. Omnia. Mini Vans etc., sîza 14x6, $200. Four BF. Goodrich MAL WALTZ lengiS drassa, uro radial T.A. tires. sueO erase calar. peari neckiine, 205170HR14, 11,000 miles ailS sd IinseO n iront ai skirl and marrsntp. $400. Edeihrock SP2P gette cape or the bacta, hat aiumlnum intake manifold, alSh abSh, onily marn once. paid installation kit. ta fitilimait block mlii accepi $150. Farinai Cheon, Brand ram unit (4 bbll, agiS drasa, Rabinegg blue $200. Set ai polisied. inned 7, beaded iront andtfll auminum rocker covera ta lit 302 ýh Georgette steaves, onîiy Fard angine, $100. Set ai iactory once, aaking $75 or heai of. siainiass steel, tuba headers la 'hna 578-1059. fitifaie modal 302 Ford angines, __________________ Sand nea, $275. Phare 655-3266. 181 CI4EV Suburban SItoarado 350, Va, Oew, 8,000 km, 4 BBl-, air, cruise, pas., p.b., tisted mindoma, AMîFM cassette, brown and beige, very good condition. $8.500. 655-4187. 1980 CHRYSLER p.s., p.b., 2 doar, 80,000 mites, $4.250. Phase 668-7203. 1979 CIIEVETTE Hatchback, aatomatic, goad condition, miii certity, asking $2.250, mii ragotiata. Phase 579-2644. 1976 CHRYSLER COADODA ps., pb., air condlitolSg, 5600 or hast aller. Cali 855-3178. 1977 VW Rebbit, automnatic, gaod condition, $650 lirm. 683-2188. 197'7 PINTO wagon, good runntng candition, ready for winter, entra snam tiras and rims, cartilied, $950. 888-6566. 1976 NOVA as te, $150. Phone 655-8001 or 88-2187. 1976 NORNET WAGON, B cpi,, ratiabia, quica sale, $400 or hast aller. Phase 728-0678 altar 5 p.m. 197$ COUGAR, p-s., p.b., 8 traca, appran. 85,000 mites. needs soma matar work and athar minar rapairs, body tait, $650 or hast aller. 668-8227. 1974 OLDSMOBtLE Delta 88, 70,000 mitas, asking $200. Phare 579-4212. 1970 WOODS Sardtap traiter, as la.,51,800. Siaaps aight, Sas stoae, Ice box and lurnace. 18 foot cedar boat and matar, $1.500, as s5. 668-2702. putoffCONFUSED?ý Don'tpuof advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- questions. Hopefully, the e: ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't your questions - if not, do ca miss out on our low advertising rates just because you have the Emporium Section to yo If you: *are a private advertiser; ehave an arlîcle to selI;- and, ehave a speified asku.pg price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details I. 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