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Whitby Free Press, 20 Nov 1985, p. 26

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 AG E 26.WEDNlESD)A Y, NO VEMB ER -10, 1985,WlllLHBY FREE PRESSt~ WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY REAI> w-- r MY PERSONAL LAST 4 DAYS 0F COLOURS UNTR LIUD IO Dscover the colours FURNTRELmIgTO shades that com- NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED pliment your skln WED. -SAT. 10A.M.6 P.M. tone & enhanco yaur Appru3x. $100,000 o> chestertields, sala beds, Iam- bes> toaturos. ps, dining and bedroam turnituro, accasional Only$30par coatiIon tables, complote telephane systems, etc. Such Cail names as Kraemler, Lanerk, Viles, Hause ai 66-70Breemare, Roxtan and others. Exemples: Kroemler 3 pc. sectional blue volvo> with woad pAosioNTI bNO AdeC ORkANO trm0cmpees 1 19 o $9.8 1c PATsIoNaG àoaedcOaIrmn- rmcmaea 119 o 55 c amlp, realdenflai and commercial. bedroamn sui te, compare et $799 Now $499. Cottee ires estimtes. Clt 839-4277 or table, glass top, compare a> $249. Now $139. Lave 6&9712. seat. compare a> $449 Now $269. 3 pc. chestertield UNEMPLOYED HELP CENTRE Need heip? Worfer' Compen- sation, Wafare, OHIP assistance, unempînymant Inaurance, or criis refarrais to aeher agendaes, coel:579-1821. CAVES DECORATINO Services, ceramic and quarry tile, carpet and vinyl Installation, point and calipaper. Coli Dave 666-38,110 CENTRAL OSHAWA, B year aid large semi, private sale, largo lot, dock, apotiesu 7283352. ('= 7 AMEMETS/ ifCONDOSNOFOR RENT ATTENTION SENIORS 55 PLUS, Whtby, nec concept in living, 12 bedrooma. 666.3220. TWO BEDROOM semi, turnisirad basemant apartcant avalable Oa. 20, 1985. Close ta uchoalu, stores andi bases. Firut and aest rent required, $360 par montir. Satabla for a qulte, maturaln- dildoal. Cali 666-5898 aler 5 pm. oniy pisas.- SEMI OR tacnirousa csnted. for cash, Wirtby or Wst Osiraca, closing December 15 ta February 28, priva, no agents. 688-1380. RESPONSIBLE yaang marrled couple ta rent or iouse oit priot ae dcaiiing until mid April. For mre Information Coeil668-3131. WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for rant on prfesalonal floar. Wauid be suitabie for facyer, accoant anC, etc. Rant maclades ail utlitias and la negotiabis for an appropriafe tenant. For furhar Information coul 6686372 beeceon 9:20 a.c. andi 5 pcm. Monday ta, FrIday. ..RAMMER for people cira iate grammar la tire Ideai paciret rfrence baock for business people. $3.95 par copy and ealabie atticksau Printing & 0office Supplies ln tir axs Plaza. Dealraenquiries Inlted66831968. CONGRATULATONS on your tortircorning marriage. F10880 aec aur sampias of engraved caridi ng invitations at your amiure in aur Ajax Plaza store. t3Ickuaa Priting & Office Sup)- liles. 6831968 GEOTYPE press-on ittering noc la stock t Ocisan Print Ina & 0f- fice Suppliesula tire Aax Shop- ping Plaza. Largo seloction of styles and izos. Wiry pay more for e sceller sheot ai itfering? 6M3-1968. ANTIQUES - Armoire, $1.400. Desk, $«0. 9 place dinlag roamn set, Duncan Fyfe, $2.300. Rattan living raom set. $700. Execufive desin, caod, $450. PrIce neoaie. 725-1435. FOR SALE ane apartmaat sized dryer, askIng $175. Cal 663(2738. MATTRESSES and bau spriags ai hait prico. MoKeen Frilure, 524 Siccoe Street Soutir, Ohaca. flAND CRAFTED bambaa kit- airen set, $605 vaue, aakiag $375. Aisa 6 place dlning rmont sot, auking $550. 666.1012. CHESTERFIELD tuilas. lovesealu, nactionalu, loua tiran ½/ price. Largo nloction. MaKeon' Furnitura, 524 Simcoa St. S., Osiaca. 7255181. *HEROES oatth iraOile' coiauring book avoulable at Olakson Prin- Iag & Office Supplias, Aax Plaza, 6831968. Dealer inquiries iavited. C.H.I.P. PROGRAM. Oaiy 132 days lI. LFor aIre etimais con. foot MoCloava nslaiovSer- vices, 1.80-263-3204. Prvong& Office Supply vivra in 9tSIT aur usad furalure ire Ajou Puca and pick up a ran careinouse by appoînîmeaf. aîg BOATSI cupy ai thir 1085 MeiloCoaln uaviagu on dauku, chrairs, Miing e - - 1 ...,.J du .Pîrid n Ico coivurs. Il cabinets, etc. Cali. icirson Pria- 1 OTbcaad1 .p oo, mal or vaady refrenca. 683- îîng & Office Supplies 10 arrange 1-OTbotad191hp. m 19ar, an appoîvîmeat la viec. 63 askiag $750. Phoane66- 2 1968. ARTICLES__ RSNL FOR RENT _ _ _ __ __1_ __ _ _ _ _ TYPEWRtTER retai, many IS GOD THE cakes and modea, by tirhe0 O FU IN ceakenri. ceairor month. MUIfl F ON USON Discount s avalabie. Diakuan Why do we have 50 many dit toron> churches? PrinfIag & Office Supplies la theo Caîl 263-2993 machine repaira 6831968 MOTHER 0F TWOcii bebysit I ea e my home, ceekdays, Rosiand Lesse and Wite Asir Or. ares, hot -~s-you do mealu proviteed.666-2062, Anne. i,( 1978 DATSUN 8210 for sale, pars car, fiber glase tenders, goad pocer train. Aso 1976 t odge 400 transmission citir canvartor and f eo plate. del AJ. AU TO OIE pick-up, hanrySOfl 1452 AD Na CaACH, manager or airer teaofficiai of the erookîla- Whiiby MInor Hockey Association ls autirorioed ta ln- aur any indebfedness an bahave af iha association and lire association wli not be respan- sIble for any debte incurred ln lis nomo by eny persan other tiran Mr. Louis Bandai, the duiy ap. polnferi aqulpmant manager, signed tire Beoklin.Wirliby Minor Hockey Associaion, by ls board ai directors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL dlaims agains> the estate ot RUPERT JOSEPH LEE, late of Oshawa, Ontario, deceased, who died on or about the 5th day ot October, 1985, must be tiIed with the under- signed personal represetitative on or betare December 6th, 1985; thereaftr the un- derslgned will dIstributo the assets o> the said estate hevIng regard only ta the cdaims af which the undersigned, thon has natice. DATED November 8th, 1985, JOHN MICHAEL LEE and PETER WILLIAM LEE, Executors, cla Lawlar & Leçlairo, 10265 Yange Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario, L4C 4Y7. ANTIQUE AUCTION FR1., NOV. 22 6:30 P.M. Brookin Communty Centre, Casseis Rd. E., Hwy. 7 and 12. This super sale Includes the contents of an antique store. In pino - a Vic- tarian cottage dresser, 71/2 tt. table, littop commode, Ice box, step back cupbaard, sideboard, 2 pac. cup- board, mantie, blankel boxes, etc. In oak - a hall stand, large raIl top desk, china cabinet, dining tables, Wall telephane, grain scale, etc. Plus a cedar ches>, sota table, several parlour tables, pressback rockers, Ed- warian china cabinet, piano and argan stools, varlaus washstands, mahogany sîdeboard and Hex table, Queen Anne desk, round and square dining tables, nursing rocker, hall desk, wicker chair and planter, spinning wheel, leather trunk, woadon churn, creamn separater, Bob sleds, Apothecary scales, decoys, several dlocks, wicker daîl rocker, A.M. dol, Dapey and athers, Penny game, set aI bag pipes, car- vings, variaus tins, granite ware, quilts, mats and rugs, reverse painting and ather pic- tures, ail lamps, cracks, butter bowls, capper ket- lies, Jardinere, 2 R.D. Christmas plates, pressed and cul glass, Engilish, French, German and Japan china, plus much more. Preview 4:30 p.m. Terms cash, Visa or appraved cheque. EARL MACKINNON AUCTIONEER 655-3526 NEEO TO KNOW SoMETHINO ABOUT YOUR NEW OOMMUNITY? Cali Phone 668-8943 Ion hostoss wîii brn)guis and grocinÈrs. aloflg withicllul comirunily informaion. 1 J mý Là- and chair and Ottoman, waod trim, compare a> $849 Naw $449. 7 pc. dîner table, 4 chairs, bufte> and hutch, compare a> $2.099 Now $1,300. Plus many other bargains. Shop oarly, some are one aniy speclals. Savngs up ta 50%. Open Wed. ta Sa>., 10 a.m. >0 6 p.m. MCLEAN AUCTIONS & LIQUIDATIONS 870OTAUNTON RD. E., WHITBY Between Thlckson & Garrard Rd. 576-7550 or 686-3291 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertîsement for errors on the first Visa card ready when caliing. If billed - $600 for 20 words: every endeavour to forward replies ta box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will ot be 14c each additional word. however, we accept no liability regarding loss or damage hiable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographie BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irs> 100 words: 121t each alleged ta arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied adtoa od such replies. We wiIl not be responsible for box number by the error up ta a maximum cost of the first insertion, replies flot caiied for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to ciassify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $800X for the fir- reject aIl advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50 words; 12e each additional word. l)EADINES- Monday noon prior ta publication ta insert one day before they can be changed or cancelled. o aclCasfe d.Fia onpirt ulcto CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12t each ad- UTOSAE.0pe n.îNwîddsloe i onsert or cancel Emporium Ads. ditionai word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBELIS: Box numbers are availabie at an ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditionai charge of $200. The Whitby Free Press will make 668-6111 CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN SAT., NOV. 23 11:00 A.M. Threo mlles oas> af Little Britain or 7 mles west ot Lndsay an the Lindsay Little Britain Rd. A large quantlty ot gaad antique items Includlng oak and walnut china cabinets, oak and mahagany war- drabes (heaviiy carved), pine blankot boxes, mer- bie top washstands, aak draw beat tables, quantity oak chairs, aak dressors, oak buftets, drap lbat tables, aak hall stands, brass lag boxes, dispiay cabinets, glngorbread dlocks, teawagons, pife wardrabes, oak mantei dlocks, balloon back chairs, brass candle haldors, pife ches> ot drawers, brass lamps, brass bed ends, West- minster chîme dlock, Oak desk, lamp tables, mer- ble ciocks, carniage dlock with woad and ieathor case, plus a quantity of cracks, stone jars, prints, pîctures, mrrars, china and glass. This se a large sale af gaad quaiity antiques, dlocks, furnture, brass and glassware. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER RR.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 SALE 0F LAND by tender. of 628 Kingston Road, Pckerng, On. tario. The Estate of Murlel pouline Balfour, tfrraugh tas Executor, James Graham Litlo. (the "Estate') la offerlng for sale by tender, the property munlclpally knoocr as 526 Kngston Road, Pckering, On- ferla, (the "Real Propertyl). Sealed Tandems marfeed "Tender - Do Not Open - Pickering" wIli be received by tire Estaf e until 3:00 n tira aftemoon on tira 290fr day of November, 1985. Ail tenders musetire accompanied by a car- tifieri chaque payable fa Tam. pieman, Brady, Menninga, KorI & Falrbrofher. In Trust, for 5% of the fendered purchase prîce, whlch Mli hareiurned If the ten- der le accepleri and ftha sale la not campieteri by the suocesaful tenritrer. Tireilghast or any tan- der Mlinof necessarfiy ira accep- ted. Shouid lnterested parties clir lao napeof the Real Proper. ty, arrangements shouid be made wlir Tempiemnan, Brady, Mon- ninga, Kort & FaIrbrrather. Ait tandems are aubjeat ta the Con- ditions of Sale by Tender, chlch shall form part f hereaf. The Con- ditions af Saie by Tender, forma af tender, and faither details of the Real Property being offered for sale may be abtalned ram Templeman, Brady, Mennînga, Kart IL PaIrtrother. Oted this t1h day of Novamber, 1985. Tire Estate af Mariei Pouline Balfour, cia Tempieman, Brady, Maon- nioga, Kart & FaIrirrother, Alla: Harold J. Van Winasan, Suite 200, 205 Dunda Street Eat, P.O. Bore 234, Beleville, Ontario. UON 5A2. Telephone: f813> 966&2620. HOUSE FOR RENT A One storey, twa bedroom ftrame bungalow Iocated a> 945 Jodrel Road, Squires Beach, Town of Pickering. Proceed south on Brock Road tram Hlghway No. 401. Turn oas> et stop llght ta McKay Road and tollaw ta Inter- section o> McKay Road and Mon- tgomery Park Road. Open Hause - 4:00 ta 7:00 p.m., Thursday, Navember 28, 1985. Otters ta Lease wIl be accepted ln Toron- ta un»>l 3:00 p.m., Manday, Decembor 9, 1985. For 0>1er ta Lesse and ,turthor infor- mation cal> Rajah Gurudevan Tel. (416) 965-2040. T.O. 148 File No.: M767-6 SMinistry ai Gavemmeari Services Ont aria WHITBY'S WONDER! The Framing Contre 668-4521 AUCTION SALE SAT., NOV. 23 11:00 A.M. n Prince Albert Hall, 2 miles sauth o> Port Perry. With 8' table saw, antique cupboards and table, appliances, color T.V., dry capier, good turniture, plus dishos, lamps, etc. Wo take Visa. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 855-8073 Bome a carrier today. Learn l0 be a business porson cith rauponuîbiliiy 'chute earnIag munay. Becuce tira nutstand- vog carrier ai the canlir and bacomea a ianeri Tal, la aur Circulation Managar. CatI 668-6111 Toalyl WHITBY FREEPRESS ARTICLES FOR SALE, AUCTIONS, REAL ESTATE AND MORE... -- - . -. - . -Il, 1-Tirc Dor.QÇ c ti 1

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