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Whitby Free Press, 27 Nov 1985, p. 27

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W14ITBY FREFE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEM BER 27, 1985, PAGE 27 SKIS & BOOTS eki tength 170 cm, bool aiza 10, $75. Maple ktchen et, four chaire, $145. Dncan Fyfe, excellent condition, $125. Sewiflg machine, $35. 6"3W38. ANTIQUE hutch (crca 1860) Ight finish, top hem 4 sheivea bahind 2 (original giame> doors (le. Pae dispiay), btom hem 2 enciomed aheives, very nice Place, aP- praied $2,000, selng $1400. Alto mapie end wainut secretarY eariy 1800's, $675. Phone 571- 338. ELECTRI C mower, $75. Phono M08.2155. WHITE herioom bedspreed, lecîrlo biankel, 3 mta of ahee, $125. Phome 668-56US. FOR SALE ktchan tuite corner noak bench tyle (4) pace, like naw, $250. Air coditioner 8000 BTU vertical, 1 yeec aid, $350. 68ff4302. DINI NO ROOM lubie, 4 Cane becir chairs, excellent condition, $275. Four mtai partour chairs. $00 for et. Antique das, $100. RckIng chair, $30. 014 wicier trunh, $25. Fine boes of nid 78 records, $75 imuny coileclebiel. Phome 6836638. TENT, 2 oom, 9x12, vinyl loor ln sleeping ares, goad condition, $80. Bathroomn double swegflix. tur, $25.8668-9772. BUFFET pine repro, dry mnk style, 48" %ide, 33 high, $350. Eictric typewifer, $200. Royale semvicad wsutguareneea. 6662243. L.SHAPED sofa for mle, 5 yaerm aid, very good condition, sking $200. Phone 6881485. SNOWBLOWER, 5 1001 McKea modl 320, for 3.point hlch, ex- cellent condition, $795. Phone DISHWASHER, Sars daluvu Par- lubie, chopping block top, ihreu levai wshing ecion, $170. Coeman tenter cis cae, 510. one elactricel panel, $5. 60 ump. disconnacl, $25. Boys coss country skis, 160 cm mie, ciw boes, $10. Fireplucu creun and haut circuluing graea $18. Vs h.p. lcîrlo molar, $10. Toaster, Sir curling mt, aiuctric cohuee grn. dur, Monta Orla 15" rim, $10 uuch. Phone 578-7697. ARTICLES FORRAISALE FOR SALE cube dlay brick, ight color, $40. ,.8w1511l irpace scraen, 38x28 plus Androns, $45,S SiSf i frepiace tot st, $20. $siStl irepace saodhoidar, $15. Phase 689041 ufler 5 p.m. OIL SPACE (teater, lorcud draft humn, 3 spuad fan, excellent con- dition, ideal for shop or cottage, $75. Phone 668-6554. FOR SALE refmidgerator, $350. Slave, $250. Hair dryer and chair. $100. Phone 579-4212. KENMORE portable dishsasftar, uvocada, 7 pears nid, $100. 17 du. il. Coldspol rafmIdgaratnm, shite, 4 yeurs nid, $100. Thraa ier space savar, $20. Ouean siza Sud. $75. Doubla hud. $100. Room disider, $15. Eieclric grill, $5. Lrge dog hause, $10. Spacu hautar. $18. EigIrI draser dresser, $15. Large hamster cage wiih mSuui and mater battis, $15. Cali 72888685. REFRIOGERATOR Admira, 1b ou. ft., exellent condition, $300. TRS80 computer, sea 84K ax- punded basic, colar computer prinfer and castette tape ployer for programa, $350. Computer and solftsare oniy $175. Piano, nam scalu William, 1908, Oshawa hull, rcosditionad, $1.800. Phase 69-800. BAR BELL set. 160 tht.. hasch proes alS Iag press, $110. Phase 666-271. UTILITY TRAILER unoised. 7'xlOx5, 9004 apris an d uxtu, crrylsg Cap 3,500 ihstiltiideck, $600 or hbnoaller. 855-4187. FOR SALE ire creen and eac- tric loge. $50. 14" black and mhite TV, $25. Tao table lumps, $20 sel, Stop end table, $5. Tan flamer polos, $5 uach. Phone 668-4032. PUR JACKETS: naariy su, short drossy China Min, durS homn, size 14, $195. Gorgeonon lame Msmral. black minS Imim, tino 12. $135. Grey parsian iamh. suede rim, sire 12. $95. Back leather ladies cou, fuiiy ined silS eai fur, size 16, $40. Nom. xii mool ladies 00, ciaxxio stle, mauove, patite 10112, $25 Mes's al sool McGregor carconul liSe nws sm 38, $25. Gider standard typamiler. $25. Hairdmya, nus. $750. Bndie buggy, $5. Hand Sold shomum massage, $10. Phone 66-7404. eU, sai K l K I l D l IllL,oe . ' - l 1? FREE PRESS A. * e te Iec eHowmSEon ditionsGUIE _____ _____ _____ J fo I it 5'ds w- on-y Ae acc When te advertised item la sold, dispaued of, or unuvuilable for wtstever reuan, tIre item silI be deemed ta hune been sold and u commission silI ha charged based on TIHE AIIVERTISE!) PRICE as iliunrtedl below, regurdlesx if price is tued with "besi offer, f the item ix NOT SOLD, or disposed of. thre ad silI be ron for 3 MONTIIS and o MINIMUM CHARGE af 7.50 wil opply puyable ix udvance of publication af the firsi ad. The abuve minimum churge will be uppiied 10 the final commission due. Maximum commission : $100110. Ail adver- tisemexts must Ire placed on un exclusive busis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS und run tleusl one month if xxi sold. RATES (ifîîarticle lis sld t: of uladvertised priceap te 4800 z% xf balance axer $400-00 EXAMPI.E: ild item advertised for $150.0. cummission due1.50 (mnimums charge las17.50) Prinnie adverising oxty! PIeuse notify thre Whitby Free Press immediuieiy mhen item le sold SO Chat xx may delete il frm the folluing nssue. Ail ads not filtixg thse Emporium guidelines will Ire treuied and charged per week as regular clssified ado onua pre.paid basiesuch as: services, Ielp wusled, clotiling, ruai etate, and personal message type ads, ox cios ot quoing price or quantity . Privule classilied ads muy appear in te Emporium section under approprixte headings. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION 1JNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIRD. MAILADS TO: OR DELIlVER TO: FEPRSEMOIM If ln doubt cuit: 131 ltruck St, N. P.O. Item 20666 611WlbOt WhItby, LIN SSI THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS 15 THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. SARTICLES a,ýYRTICLE1S *,ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE PER SCANNER C.B. anenne, FOR SALE IBM Salucîrlo, 0004 lch bo, cabia and iads, conditlin, muet ha sean, $300. STEREO console, $125. Blue id condIlios. $100. Aso a Cuit 7283163,9 a.m. to05 p.m. veletswgsanddobl. .ne unumeiiud mtai, liding mirror doors, pueut for cottage, $15. Cuit 688-4953 asylimu. 12x12 If, tant, wiih floor, $100. Elecîroplu air cluaner. Lennox, $125. Phoneaflur 5 p.m., 655- 3854. SANDSAW Gonerai 15*Vu hp wienciosîd stand $880. Joinler Genarai 6" 1 Sp siopan stand $725. Yamuaha D0 organ ihree kuybourds $29W. Reesu ioad luvling traiter hilcIr 10,000 lb cap. $110. Computer business program Infor Desigrn GIL, AIP, IIM mlh iactory huckups, mal $195. jet watt pump Vu Sp w130 gai tanS $185. Uiity hou for pickup truck sealhurproot 3awx5liu23h wilocS $115. Wainui vuneer 14o1l4' $15. Wood threading t10051", i/4",1" ixci. bolloming laps sel $315. Rouler & steal case wilS guidas $55. Winn carhoy 12 'h galion $18. Cali 655-4003, AMIFM cor radinossete, $50, Camping ectuipmxnl, sarraus items, luiai:ng $80 Fileasv cal 668-8178 FOR SALE bunik hud, $200. Rolar skates, boys, sizu 81h, $25. Queun sina bed, $25. Triple dresser, $50. DaS, $35. 668-1880. GIRLS Isuilad skates, nas. $20. 39" bed, $30. Doubla bad. sas mtreas, steel framea nd headboard, $40. Sewing machina, 2 peurs nid, $100. Mensa biSa, $25. Tsa gerbis wilh cage and foot, $10. Cusîla Grayskuii and severai musn inciudad, $20. Hot WSeai Ciy, $10, Humpty Dumply loy box. $15. GoBaI command cen- tre. $12. Cati 427-887. Por salea mo ladies 3-spaud biSas. $40 uach. Phone 688-4032. ASSORTEO kitchan cabinets, opper, laser, double sinS and laps, nevd mark, package deai. $65. Nus arboritu coustur, ailte. $25. White arboita cooier ailS but-m slave top 4 eiamennfsi $85 Whitv enamnel iaondry tub in orange arbarilu cooier. $35. Orange hag cupt. 9u12 and onderpad. $65. Greeni nylon cam- pal. 12x18 ailh undurpad. $95. Quantiiy amber conirud dacomar glass. $10. Phone 668- 74014. long, $45. Phone 6664264. PLOW, 4 Frros Masuy Pergussan, shtar pin typa, good candition, 3 paint hiIcS, uskIng $295. Cuilvator. excellant 10 f. sida, 01w huigSI adjasl and auto sutting. $85. Cuit 5767697. FORMAL WALTZ tungîS drasa, dosty rote colar, peari neckiinu, pieauld InsertI n front of skIrt and Georgette cape on the buck, Sut t0 match, oniy sarfi once. paid $260, iii accupl $160. Formai hall lngîS druss, Robin-ugg hiu color, haadud front and fuit tungîS Georgette sieevas, oxiy worn once, asking $75 or busl of- fer. Phase 578-1059. 1tu0 WOODS hardiaP traiter, as ix, $1.800). siuups elght, Sas stase. icu hon and furnacu. 18 loo1 cudar boat and motor, $1,500, as is. 66-2702. euwCON FUSEDa Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Enmporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our low advertising rates just because you have If you: *are a private advertiser; *have an article to seil; and, @have a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details . Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months . A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $7.50 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does No-r seil within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum' charge. ltits un- fortunate that no newspaper can guaranie vour article will selI, but where else could you gel three months advcrtising for only $750" When your article sels, a commission îs charged, based on the advertised price. Com- mission is: 5% up to $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge described above. FOR SALE 9 drawur dresser, derk 1885 DODGE Omni GLH, back, S wood, milS tiltI mrror, umkin'g $85. speed, AMIPM ulerea, jEagie OT Ceil 723-9176. radiais, auuom road sheais, 45,000 km, warrenty, $8500. 655- FOR SALE goid fridge end gem 4076or 655-4989. slave, dual avonm, approx. 7 yert aid, $400 iirm. 666-,4038. 1981 014EV Suburbun Silverado 350, V8, xaw, 8,000 km, 4 BBL, air, LEAHERTTEradner crise. p.s., phb., llnled windows, BLACK LAMiFM cusmelienebrowx and in excellent condition, $200. Onu beigecavery toe, oniton culte fanad lwo end tables, $8. big, 655-4187. diton Phonae608.364f.. 5065-17 KING SIZE mirrorud cusopy, four 1980 CHRYSLER p h .., 2 poster suterbud, "Plantation" doar, 60,000 miles, $4,250. Phone suasonud pins, exîcus -too 668-7203. numurous tal t, uxcelant con- dition, sont fitlniv nw home, 1976 CHRYSLER CORDODA ps., muet sucritice ai $1,500. Culit 655- phb., air condiiionirtg, 5600 or 4187. hast cffer. Cuit 655-31 76, 1877 VW Rabbii,aUutomatic, go04 .hI1NIIMu.dsilME#Ai condition, S650tfIrm. 683-2166. C D ISTRU ENTS 1976 NOVA us 19, $150. Phono BONTEMPI eteclrlc organ, Min- 65543001 or 668-2187., tIret modal wiIh adapter and 2 luarnin bhoaks, nuw price $850, suit for $400. Phone 6&82155. 1076 HORNET WAGON, 6 cyl,, ruluabia, quick sala, $400 or beat GERRARO-HEINTZMAN upright oller. Phase 728.M7 aller 5 p.m. piano, gond conditon, rucons- dtioned, $1.650. Phone 668-5672 1975 COUGAR, ps., phb., 8 truck, aller5 p.mn. approx. 85,000 mites, needs sama motar sork and othar - minor repaire, body fuir, $600 or AUTOMOIV]ES best ottr.6688227. R A T O M O ATI1 9 74__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D e l t a_ 8 8 , REPAR( PRTS 70000 milas, asidng $200. Phonle TRAPAULI N caver for a Mazda 5794212. ong boxtruck, xuu lusI $183, miii tait for $100 or best offar. Phone Walter U6-1337 avuninga or 863- 1972 MONTE CARLO L88 hood 2366dya. wo nas rotors and caipers, for _____________________ mraturation or perla, $400. 666. AUDIO VOXIChrytier, eiectranid 2145. in dlah, AMIFM mpix slerao ______________ caunsette wlh cdock, digitliraud out, 12 presuts, souk, acon, 1069 SUICK Skyiarle, 350 4 bel, dolby, auto reverse, motl auto, ps., phb., nom braSes, tires cupehliii. Fils ail uata modal and more, good condition, $500. Chrysier producîs, $300. 1970 Cererra R., 350 4 brI, auto. Molornia AMIPM sterea cassette, metallo biudk, ps., phb., dom- posh buitofi tuning, auto reversa, pieely restorud inaide and oui, universel fil. $125. Four Chrysier excellent condition, headers, ruiiy wireis ilS centres, îrim duel uxheust, muny more astres, rings, iug nuls, Io0fil ait "K" cura, $3,800 certif iud. 1981 ChevalIn, 4 Omnis, Mini Vans etc., sîze door, 4 speui, 85,000 mites, 14x6, $200. Pour B.F. Goodrich maroon. excellent condition, Euro radiai TA, tiras. sizu $3.500 certif led. Cati Vice 686.- 2151700R14. 11,000 mles wilh 3802,uanytimu. wurruniy, $400. Edeibrock SP2P aiuminum laSe manifold, with Insalliation kital,0fil amel bock Chevy, Brand nus unit (4 bhii Ui1 .0 $200. Sel of poished, tixnad aumixum rocker covars la fit1302 r A M Fortninaseu100lobet h1eaar a Foraninste, 10.bel 0f rtar fil laIe modal 302 Ford angines, hrund nusw, $275. Phone 655-3266. E 3 1________ questions. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear up many of your questions - if not, do cail 668-6111 and we'Il be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to you personally. Fhave read the Emporium guidelines ahove and wîsh iii have the' *following advertisement placed under this section of the Whitby Free IPress. 1 1 dont rgei turncde vourphoe number ' 1 enclose $7.50 to cover the minimum charge. Charge $7,50 t0 my Visa accounl MAIL TO: I-tla WHITBY i pirse pinliFREE PRESS Addrs !Il1 Brock St. N. Whitby LIN 5S1 City PestaI Code Belaw are some examples of what you would be charged if your article sold within three months. Commissions shown include the minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE. Payable Il7.50 Il 10.00 Il 15.00 $ 20.00 I 22.00 Il 24.00 S26.00 $28.00 $ 30.00 Il 32.00 $ 52.00 Il 72.00 Il 92.00 $100.00 -I>rice- Up to $ 150 $ :600 $2400 $4500 I $1,000 adu

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