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Whitby Free Press, 27 Nov 1985, p. 28

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- -- À j i x, 7xuu r7Iro r uPI-,'T V FCDP. F PR1V Pl AG E 28, WEDNESDA Y, NOUV'lLM t u'oERl WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ ALJ~ f%3RVIES] MY PERSONAL COLOURS Dîscover the colours &shades thai com- pliment your skIn tone & enhance your Only $30 par Consultation gIs ou h adrtn profeasonalhoetnde wokmn- shlp,- roaîai a$2,bd comorl fhromesî$3m.ales Coil839-42777or 8083 rBb71 2 "98 PANTNOR DRINGJ WNITDY Imalala ed rm Inlurde uililad omarall WHIT BY Imct 3 bedroo nu bunalbowJarugeygara19, dendl unit, central air condition, monlh plus uiliies, irai and leai, referencea requIred. cati at- ter 6 p.m., 668-2064. 1 APME NTS/ ~CON ODO IS FORRIENT ATTENTION SENIORS 65 PLUS, Whliby; 00w conceptIn 0living, 000 bedroomn. 666-3220. WI-IITY bosomoni aparimeol, avalable Dcomber 20, 1985, $450 por monih includee parking and uîîîîîîes. cou 728.5 SEMI OR lownhouse wniad, for cash, Whiiby or West Oshawa, ciosing Dcembar 1510 PFebruory 28, privais, no agents. 000.1380. WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for tant on professional floor. mould b. sulable for awyor, accouniani, sic. Renf Includes ail uilifiOs and la nogoiabte for an appropriale tenant. For luiner Information coul 608-6372 beiwes 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday t0 Fridap. ,0 ËDCAIONAL Jklff ERIES 1GRAMMIER for people wfto hala grammar' ae the 14001 pockof refereoca book for business people. $3.95 par copy and avalabie ai Olckson PrInting & Office Supplias In the Ails Plaza. Oeater enquiries invilod 68131968. CDENNEMENTS1 CONGRATULATrIONS on our forlhcoming marriage. Pleaso visw sur samplea of engroad wedding Invitations ai pour leisure ln sur Aax Plaza sftor. ickson Priniing & Office Sup- plies. 683-1968, FOR SALE chasterflold and chair, good condition, bat 0f far. Cati 855-3801. GEOTYFE press-on iletaring now la sfock ai ickson Priofiog & Of. fice Supplies In the Alan Shop- ping Plaza. Large sieciion of sfyles and sizes. Why poir more for a amallar ahei of etieriog? 88n'1968. EL DEGAS fine string bonio, boat offer. Phono 4346857 ofler 8 pm. FOR SALE 0ne aparmeni lzed drper, aehlng $150 or boatIciffer. Clt 88-2738 dasontp. MATTRESSES and box aprIng aai hal price. McKsso Purnlaro, 524 SimcesaSreet South, Oshawa. 725-5181. VISIT our usod furnIiura warohouae bp appoinîmeol. Big aavings on dosks, chairs, filing cabinets, eftc. Coli ickson Pris- tIig IL Office Suppies io rrenge an oppoiniment t10 oiow. 683. AQUARIUM with pump. sand and gravol, lghts ad osras. Phono 083-7480. C.I-.I.P. PROGRAM. Onlp 125 dops lf. For a f ree oslimaie con- ftct McClosve lsulalion Ser- vices, 1-800-263-3204. CHESTERFIELD. suites, lovseofs, sectlonata, es han ½ý prico. Largo . soeactIon. f4Kean Fumiluro, 524 Simcoe S. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. HE o0f the Bible" colouring book avoulable af Dichuon Prin- tIng & ofice Supplies, Aax Plaza, 883-1968. Dealer inquirlea invitad. SALE 0F LAND by tender, of 528 KingsoRoad, Pickarng, On- tario. The Estolo 0f Mariol PaulînO Bafour, through lils Eecutor, James Graham LiItle, (thea"Estats") la sfferiog for sls bp tender, the propertp munlcipaily known as 526 Kingston Rood, Pckerng, On- lalo, (the "Real ProperIpi). Seled Tenders mrkad "Tender - Dos Not Open - Pickering" wiliiba racoinod bp the EsIate untili 3:00 ln the fîsmoon on the 29th dap of November, 1985. Att tenders musI be accompanled bp e car- 1f lsd cheque payable fa Tom- pleman, Brady, MennIngo, Kart & Farbrslher. In Trust, for 5% 0f the iendered purchase prîco, whIch witt horelurnod If the fon- der la eccoplsd and the sale la nos compielod by the succesaful tondorer. The hlghest or any Ion- der willi 001 necessarllp b. occep- lad. Shouid Intereslod parties wiah 10 Inspoct the Real Proper- t, arrangements shoutd be made wih Tempiemas, Brady. Men- nInga, Kart & Plrbrothsr. Att tenders are sabieci la the Con- dtions of Sala bp Tender, whlch ehali form pari Ihereof. The Con- dIti005 of Sale bp Tender, fsrms 0f tender, and further delails of the Roai Property beisg offered for sais moy ba obtained from Templeman, Brad, Mnninga, Kort & Farbrofhsr. Ooled Ihis th day of Navamber, 1985. The Estate 0f Muriel Poulina Bafour, cia Tempteman. Brady, Mon- ninga, Krt & Fartrother. Alto: Hiarold J. Van Wnssn, Suite 200, 205 undas Street East. PO. Bon 234, Belleille, Osiariô. K8N 5A2. Toiephane: (613966-2820. SERVICESi RELIADLE day caro ln mp home, CedarrWontworth, Oshawa. 571- 2985 AUTIGIOBILES FOR SALE 1977 MAZDA B1800 'h tan, robulit engins, good body, new cap, $2,200. Clt 655-4483 aflter 6 p.m. 1977 CHRYSLER New Part, ox- cellent mechunicat condition, requtres soma body work, $1,200 astla. 6-3408. 1975 aUICK LeSabra, excelent condition, 10w mîleage. 07,000, M50as ta. 723-7079 or 579-8221. 1973 DODUE Van. good molar and transmission, needa batterp. good brakos. needa 11111e 10 cor- lIly. Beat affer. 608-9184. FREE: Drap lto the OIcksan Printing & Ofice Supplp store ln the Ajax Plaza and pick up a free copp of Ihir 1985 Miie Calen- dur. Pinted In Iwo colaurs. Il makes for hundy rofarence. 683- 1968, TYPEWRITEA rentai. many makes and modela, bp the waakend. weok or monlh. Discounfsavaitable. Ocksan Printlsg & Office Supplies In the Aax Plaza. Cati us for business machine repaire 683-1988. NQTICETO CREDITORS ALL dlaims againsi the estate of RUPERT JOSEPH LEE, laie of Oshawa, Ontario, deceased, wha died on or about the 5th day af October, 1985, must be f lied wth the under- slgned personal representatIve on or before December 6th, 1985; thereafter the un- derslgned wIli distribute the assets of the sald estate havIng regard aniy ta the cdaims ai which the underslgned then has notice. DATED November BIh, 1985, JOHN MICHAEL LEE and PETER WILLIAM LEE, Executars, cia Lawlor & LeCiaire, 10265 Vange Street, Rchmond Hill, Ontario, L4C 4Y7. ISGOD THE MWhy do we have so many different churches? Cali 2632993 1 KAY JO8DITT 18 IookIng lot hor Iwa sistera Lauro and Kaîloon Dunbar. Pieuse cali 723-2316 If pou have any information. NEED To KNOW SOMETHINO ABOUT YbUR NEW aOMMUNITY? lýe1omfelsqo LPhonoe 668-8943 Our hostoos wili brvo gfus and gretings. along wlh, hoiplul communily intormalîvn ~ONS AUCTION SALE SAT., NOV. 30 110:00 A.M. 161h Annuai Skl-doa sale ai Orval MlcLean Auciion Çentre, Lindsay. Many anowmablles, cars, trucks, tbals, irallers, truck parts, truck baols, 3 air compressors, 2 and 3 h.p. 10 a.m. sharp. Star- llng wth big items. Cal! OR VAL MCLEAN AUCTIONS 324-2783 LIN DSAY Give UNICEF r gifts and fi cards and help a child contacd IlelCnaaI. 443 MC Plosant 115, Torono. Ont. Ma 2L8 0, CalIi (1ICEF C&,uY5a ltoilI- l8W20853&i îhC 1125X126&klh-i, AUCTION SALE Antique & Collectabie Estate & Conslgnment Sale 10:00 A.M. SAT., NOV. 30 Braokiin Community Centre, Hwys. 7 and 12, (watch for signs). Featuring 1955 GMC 1/2 ion pick-up, 10 piece wainut dining roamn suite, aid Eurapean wali dlock, crank telephanes, Empire chest, wicker baby carniage, Deacans bench, pine cupboards, Boston rockers, smaii tables, pressback chairs, brasa bed, modemn Ioom, blue wiiiaw, lin laya, Royal1 Doulian, Nippon, Occupled Japan, Shin piasters, casi ran doggle bank, and much mare. Doars open ai 8 a.m. Terms cash or ap- proved cheque. Sale by: O.L.S. AUCTION SERVICE (416) 434-6333 DALE SMITH & GARY HILL AUCTIONEERS TV AUCTION Rotary Club of Oshawa Presenie Live on Rogers Cabie TV Pins Ridge Omble 10 FRIDAY, NOV. 29 5:00 P.M. TO MIDNIGHT & SAT., NOV. 30 10:00 A.M. TO 8:00 P.M. Over 400 items, retail value $45,000. Produci listing avallable ai Square Boy Pizza, Mothers Pizza and Mc- Donalds. ARE YOU LOOKINO for a lob or a lob wort h worklng for? Donit flght M tLoam frow fa use the computer and bo a stop ahaad In the lob market. Wo offor lob placement and fInondlai assisance for thoso unomployod or low incomo. 427-3010. cAREERS IN TRUCKING. Orloor lob franlng and placement holp la avaltabto. cati Rodgors Scfrooi ai (416)709-3ff8. COULD vOU USE a $150 ta $200 par weok In pour spore lima or woutct yoLI 1sft h o f0 Up. plament your rofîromool Incomo. Whp soi givs me o clt, colt 723- 3412, ask for Gary Coffîn. Must fh000 owflcor. CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN >FR!., NOV. 29 6:00 P.M. Three miles east of Little Brtain or 7 miles West Of Lindsay on the Lindsay Little Brlain Rd. Dining room extension table, fiat top farm scaies, wainut gateleg table, floral chesterfield and chair, oak rocking chairs, console color TV, pot beily stave, coffee and end tables, modemn dressera and chesi of drawers, washsiands, antique piatform rockers, occasional chairs, pine cupboard, Viking 2 door refirgerator, Westing- house ref rigerator, wicker chairs, kerosenie heater, wooden kitchen chairs, odd pressback chairs, waii dlock, china cabinet, quantity of new toys, 1977 Ford 1/2 ton truck, quantlty of tools, china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN (705)786.2183 CAREER OPPORTUNITY Canada Lfe o unique opportunllY for self- motioaled. cameer mlnded In- dividuals Whotsfelet thl ei preseni position la n01 living up lalils original promise. W're an intemnatioal campany wiih a disiinguiahad past, a dynamis proseni and an expanding future. Vaure traning wilh us ulli be sphisiicated and ihoraugh, youlte worklng entronmsnt sllmulating an4 supportive. For porsonai and confidentiel inter- view pleasa cati Jack Sneddon, 725-1107. WINTER cruIse nsedod. Cati 683- 3300. Complote III usîrated guide to *home securily againslt tre$, etre netsadburgtars. U$.95 post pald, satisacion* 1guaraned. hiloh1 Assocatte, P.O. box 405, Stations A, Toonto.isM8W RFm w J NEW BRANCH OPENING Canada Trust ls opening a new branch ln Whitby. We require career mlnded Individuals, who are weil groomed and enjoy meeting people, to fil! varlous positions which we have availabie. The positions are as foiiows; Fuil Time Tellers - Monciay ta Friday ratatIng day shifts. Applicants muat have 1 year prevlous ex- perlence on 00f s system. Part Time Teliers - Evenings and rotatlng Satur- day shif ta. Experlence preferred. Part Time Savings Clerks - Evenlngs and ratating Saturday shifts, prevlous teiler experlence la essential. For appoiniment contact: Janfice Wil fon 869-6337 Canada Trust IBecome a carrier for the Whitby Free Press today. Become the outstanding carrier of Che month and become a winner! Learn ta be a business person with responsibiliiy while earning money. CALL CIRCULATION 668.6l11 (ROUTE CARRIERS EARN $$SI) ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Visa card ready when caiiing. If biiied - $6.00 for 20 words; every endeavour ta forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be 14e each additions! word. however, we accept na liability regarding loas or damage hiable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographie BIRTHS, DEATHS - $700 for the first 100 words; 12e each alieged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied !d such replies. We wili flot bie responsibie for box nuaiber reec aIy detsmnt.Aama ppo teppr adtio word1<ec diiniwr.DALNS ona onpirt ulcto aisr yLAth Fe D rr R u oaES:ximum o 20 otirs 2 ah d UTINAin0<elnNwrasartoon. repoies ertcalelmfor ihi 30day. don ai weor if pe-pcaid.Youychageour C lassifîace aiie Bx numbes are vailablputbancatiCAL Ad ta your Chargex or Visa accaunt. Please have your ditional charge of $200. The Whitby Free Press wiil make 6861 LML- sport driners needed. Now ta lhe lime 10 train for your Clasa A ticena.. For pre-scraentng InIer. view and lob paementt Infor- mtion, contact Morv Oms Tran- sport Oriner Traning, Brampton 1-800-265-1260. v»7 IN

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