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Whitby Free Press, 27 Nov 1985, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1985, WVHITBY FREE PRESS Br®oklin Bylines By BETTY-JEAN BLYTH Cati 655-3679 wlth Items for this coiumn Our Canadian men are a pretty hardy breed. Oh 1 know V've talked about what babies our men can be when they have the sniffels, but in general they pretty much take what life has to offer in their strîde. There la one exception however; there is one thing that is guaranteed to turn the strongest of themn into a nervous wreck if flot a downright IUC&@OZ G M LINS " r Coming to your I iGtW4UNS& house this week I 1 inBeta &VHSi IOPEN SUN DAYS i 1 p.m. to 6p.m. until December 31, 1985 i 76 Baldwin St. I I Brooklin i 655-4229 P MITCHELL -BROTHERS Cssels & Church St. e e BROOKLIN 65-<9 WE CARRY ALCMNPEF OLETE -HARDWARE-TOOLS- -NAILS-PAINT- -ELECTRICAL-PLUMBING- -BUILDING SUPPLIES- s driveling idiot and that is the awesome sight of their wives and daughters armed with a bundie of cash and credit cards off on a shopping spree. Such was the case last weekend as eighteen of us shuffled off to Buffalo. Actually, It was coming home that we were shuffling and limping under a mountain of ili-gotten gains (if you look at it from a Customs Officer's point of view). There's a sort of group hysteria that afflicts women suddenly let loose on their own without the usual encumbrances of husband and children. Normally sane and in- telligent women who run their business' and households with ail the astuleness of a Scottish banker suddenly go berserk and race through stores sounding their battie cry -- Charge it!l t is not a prelty sight. However, given a few months for us and our husband's bank accounts bo recuperate and things should be back to normal again. Just about in time in fact, to go back again next year. KINETTE FAREWELL The Brooklin and District Kinette Club wish 10 thank the many individuals and business that have supported themn over the last nine years. t is with much regret that the Club has been for- ced 10 surrender ils charter due to a lack of mem- bers. The popular Valentine's Tea for Senior Citizens will stili be carried on by the Kinsmen with the assistance of their wives. OPEN HOUSE You are invited to a Christmas open house ai the Village Pottery on Nov. 20 from 5 to 9 p.m.; Nov. 30 from 10 a.m. 10 5 p.m.; and, Dec. 1 from I10o5 p.m. Enjoy some refreshments while viewing the new works ai the studio. The Village Pottery is located on Highway 7 across from Cashway. Caîl 655-4087 for more information. ELIMINATION DRAW You have a few days left to pick up your tickets aI $5 each for this year's Elimination Draw aI the Legion. t takes place on Nov. 30 in the Legion from 12 noon bo 12 midnight. Every tenth ticket drawn is a winner so gel your tickets now from either the Legion or the Brooklin Village Shoppe. MYRTLE NEWS Myrtle Church is holding ils White GifI Sunday on Dec. 8. Please wrap your gift in white. Both clothing or provisions for adults or cildren are welcome. This is a lime 10 remember those less forlunate with love. Myrîle UCW is taking on the responsibility of an area family in great need Ibis Christmas. t consists of parents and a amali girl of four years. If you have anything bo help Iis family, please caîl Mrs. Murray Franklin. On Dec. 14 at 5:30 p.m., the churcb will hold ils pot-luck Christmas party and Sunday School con- cert. A special invitation is extended 10 al newcomers b Ithe village. Santa Claus will be there wilh treals for ail the youngslers. Il is a higbiight.0f the season so be sure 10 come ouI and enjoy the fellowship wilh your family, neighbours and frien. Christmas Postal Schedules As a service bo customers during the frantic lasI weeks TAKE NOTICE THAT a Public Meet- ing ef the Liquor Licence Board ot Ontariemili bc held at theMCHAEL STARR BUILDING. 33 KING STREET WEST, ROOMS M.N.0., OSHAWA, ONTARIO on FRIDAY. DE- CEMBER 6th. 1985 at the hour ot 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon. at which ime the Board wîll hear an application in accordance with the Lîquor Licence Act. and Regulations thercunder. The folîowing establishment has appîied for a licence of the class ndicated, and the application wilI be entertained aI the aloremen- toned location and time: Application Fer New Licence Eldorado Family Restaurant West Lynde Plaza Dundas & Jeffrey Streets Whitby Dining Lounge Licence and Patio Licence Applicant: Renir Enterprises Limited AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any persan who is residenti n the municipiliîy and who wishes te make representalion relative te the application. shahl make Iheir sub- mission te the Board in wriirg prier te the date et the hearing. or in person at the time and place eft he hearing. (Copies et written submîs- siens wîl bc Irwarded te the applicanti. Lquor Licence Board oI Ontarie 55 Lakeshere Boulevard East TORONTO. Ontario, M5E 1A4 MINISTRY 0F CONSUMER AND COMMERCIAL RELATIONS THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT L[fi8v3!,O before Christmas, the Wilby Post Office an- nounced lasI week that they will be open Satur- days beginning Dec. 7 until Christmas. Although there will be no delivery on Satur- days, acting Station Manager Wayne Ellis said post office staff will carry on normal wicket service between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Dec. 7, 14 and 21. "We'll be handling parcels, money orders -- any service normally available aI the wicket," said Mr. Ellis. 'II think this will be a particular benefit 10 people in town wbo can't make il in to the post of - fice during regular business bours." People are advised to gel their Christmas carda and parcela mbt the mail early and Mr. Ellis said they have establisbed deadlines for customers who want their mail bo reach ils destination prior bo Christmas Day. Infact, he said the deadlline for surface delivered par- cela lu foreign destinations is now past. AIl firat clasa, out-of- town mail muat be posted by Dec. il and in- town by Dec. 16. Air mail deadlines, depen- ding on the destination, are either December 2 and 5. Ln-town parcel post sbould he in the office by Dec. 13 and out-of-town parcel post for Canada and the United States muaI he in Dec. 6. Mr. Ellis added that Personaliied Christmas Stockings FUI1 them with our large * selection of stuffers & glfts. Gourmet goodies, assorted chocolates * stufled animais, party favours AND MUCH MORE... ALSO AVAILABLE IN . BALLOON BOUQUETS : THANK YOU! My sincerest appreciation to Centre Ward residents and Business People for your support during the November l2th election. It is my intention to work hard to reward your Faith and Confidence in me. MARCEL BRUINELLE ail cards must be in sealed envelopes. Canada PostIslaalso offering speciai rates Ibis year for Christmas cards mailed in Decem- ber tbrough January. Sealed cards bearing the special issue 32 cent stampa will receive normal service and Mr. Ellis said the slamps are available in bookiets of 10. According 10 acting Station Manager Wayne Ellis, letlers should be addressed 10 Santa Claus, North Pole and the postal code is HOH OHO. Ail letters with a relurn address will be answered by the white haired gentleman him- self so make sure you don't miss out. The parade is scheduled lu begin atio10arn. sharp. Fairman Parents visit board The Durham Board of Education is getting ready for a visit from Whitby's &.A. Fairman parents. Acting on a motion fromn Whitby Trustee Ian Brown, the board bas asked staff lu prepare a detailed cost analysis for busing of French immersion students in Durham. Brown said parents would be making a presentation 10 the board, probably in con- junction witb parents of Frencb immersion students aI other schools, bo prolest the unsafe situation which resuls witb so many parents delivering and picking up children at the schools. The Durham board does not provide busing for French immersion students unless they are on a bus route for other pick-ups such as special education students. When special education classes were moved fromn E.A. Fair- man in Seplember, parents had 10 provide transportation tb E.A. Fairman for French immersion. Trustees opt for hearing into site By JAN DODGE Free Press Staff The Durham Board of Education served notice on the regions developers, Monday night. At the final meeting of the board trustees voted 10 go 10 the Ontarioi Municipal Board (0MB) ratber Iban ac- cept an Ajax site offered by Runnymede, and ap- proved by the region. Linda Carder, the Pickering trustee who made the motion, said "We're going to 0MB 10 stand up bo a developer- We don't seem to bave any say in where we build achool. " Carder said the site was dangerous wilb a 30 foot drop in the backyard which ends in a ravine wîtb a creek flowing through il. Ian Brown, suppor- ting the motion, said the developer had a diaregard for the needa of the achool. The aile, be said, was nol even located centrally witbin the subdivision but on the eastern fringe, and Ibere waa a heavy ar- terial road near the site adding 10 the danger for children. Whitby trustee John Buchanan added that the property committee bad preferred two other sites but the developer was nol willing 10 seli tlîem althougb the committee said the other site waa not ap- propriate and wouid be dangerous 10 atudenîs. "Lt la lime we challenged them on i," he said. David French, trustee for Ajax said, "The sad- nesa la we take thia ac- tion witbout support of the Town of Ajax and the region whom I would have expected bo share our cuabodial intereat." Chairman Ruth Lafarga agreed. "It's for the students in Ajax we're lrying to gel a better site," abe said. Children who want 10 gel Ihat special message ouI b Santa Claus before he takes bo the skies Christmas Eve had better gel ouI on Dec. 7 for the Whitby Jaycees Annual Santa Claus Parade. Whilby Post Office leller carriers will be marching in the parade again Ibis year to collecî lellers destined for the North Pole. THE CORPORATION 0F THETOWNOFWHITBY ON-STREET PARKING & WINTER SNOW CLEARING To assist the Town of Whitby ln keeping the streets clear of snow, the public ls requested to co-operate by not parking ln a manner that wiii inter- fere wth the snow clearing operations. TOWN 0F WHITBY TRAFFIC BYLAW 188285 Section 43) (d>- No person shahl on any highway stop any vehicle in such a manner so to lirterfere wlh the movement of trafitc or the clearing of sflow from the hlghways. Section 4 (8) 1).- No person shahl on any highway park any vehicie for more than three (3) hours. Section 22 (8). A constable or an officer appolnted for the carrying ouf of the provisions of this by-iaw upon discovery of any vehicie parked, stopped or standing ln contravention of thîs by-iaw may cause it 10 be moved or taken to and piaced or stored ln a suitabie place and ail cosîs and charges for removing, care and storage thereof, if any, are a lien upon the vehicie which may be enforced in the manner provided by Section 48 oif the Mechanlcs' Lien Act. RA. KUWAHARA, P. Eng., Director of Public Works. Letters to Santa QUALIT Y PRODUCTS U =Cgi e4e>

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