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Whitby Free Press, 4 Dec 1985, p. 34

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PAGE 34,WEDNESDAY, ,DECEM BER 4, 1985,WHITI3Y FREE PRESS M Anders on, Henry Street, Denis O'Connor HIGHSCHJOOL NEWS WEEK By JENNY KLAREN Henry Street H.S. Do you want to make lots of money, for your- self or for your team? Well then ail you have to do is seil Dankins stuf- fed animais or citrus fruit. How, you say? Well just get some sign up sheets froni Mr. Brady or a students council rep. When you seli any Dankin product ~~;EEEEEz4r~ you receive a painters cap with Dankin on it, or if your a top seller you could get a stuffed animal. For citrus sales for each small case of oranges, grapefruit, or PO NY L $6445. STELLAR STELLAR SL 118995 Plus PO I & freght DURHAM'S LARGEST HYUNDAI DEALER HOME 0F THE HYUNDAI STELLAR & PONY MON.*THURS., 9-9Gp.m., FRI. 96 p.m. ONTARIO PONY 49MANO D . SAA5676 THE CORPORATION 0F THETOWN0F WHITBY BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whtby will be consldering the mattor of appointments to the following Boards and Committees this Fali:Trmo Board or Commutte. Board of Management for the Whitby Centrai Business District Improvement Ares Committoo of Adlustmont Fence-Vlower Gamo Proserve Commltteo Grovesido Cemetery Board Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committe Responsibliities To beautif y and maîntain public lands, buildings and structures located ln the improvment area and to promote the area as a busi- neas and shopping centre. To review applications for minor varances f rom the provisions of the Municipa- litys zonlng by-laws. To review matt ors relative to the prescrlbed standards for the erection and mainte- nance of lino fonces. To administer the Municipa- litys Game Preservo Program. To administer Municipal cemeterios. To research and promote the conservation of heritago proportios within t ho Municipality. Plumbers' Board of Examinors To examine applicants for master plumbers licenses. Proporty Standards Committeo 1Whitby Public Library Board To reviow matters relative ta the proscribed standards for the maintenance and occupancy of proporty with- n the Municipality. To adminîster tho public librarios within the Municipality. Appointment Three Years Three Years Throe Years Throe Years Three Years Three Years Three Years Three Years Threo Years1 Any resident of the Town of Whitby wlshlng to bo consldered for appoin- tmnent to one of the above boards or committees la invlted to complete an application for appolntmeflt whlch may be obtained at the Clerk's office. Completed applications are to be submltted to the Clerk's office by no later than December 6,1985, for the Councils consideration. DATED at Whitby, Ontario, this 27th day of November, A.D., 1985. Donald G. McKay, Clerk The Corporation of t ho Town of Whitby 575 Rossland Road East Whtby, Ont aro LUN 2MBI Phone: (416) 668&5803 m tangerines, you will receive $1 for you or your club, with every medium case $2, and for every large case $3. Both orders will be in on Dec. 12 to 15, just in tume for Christmas. At the last students' council meeting the cheerleaders received money for new uniforms (this is an example of how money is spent), now the cheerleaders will look even better (if that could be possible!).- Also school jackets will be on sale, they will ho the varsity type, and the cost will be about $90. Students council wiii be holding the semi formai on Dec. 6, in the cafeteria, tickets will go on sale this week, at $20 a couple; it will last from 8 p.m. to 1 ar.. and there will be a buf- fet and door prizes. Lastly anyone plan- ning on going to Univer- sity or College should have their applications ready for Dec. 6. By VERONICA FILO Denis O'Connor H.S. The grade 's are coming, the grade B's are comingi1 Next year's grade 9 population made the rounds of Denis O'Connor last .week. Our elemnentary feeder schools froni the Whitby, Ajax, Pickering and Uxbridge areas sent their grade 8's to in- vestigate what our high school is really like. Groups of five to ten students were led by somne of our grade 11's through the many areas of our school. We hope that we will be able to physically welcome another surplus of grade 9's next year! ~Get set for thei IHOLIDAYS1 See our expert haîr styl. les today for that new, beautiful, holiday Image you want. 4.- Or surprise somoone witii our:- ,,' which cen be used - et any lime and any service. LA CONTESSA BEAUTY LOUNGE 119 GREEN STREET, WHITBY 668-9262 The Sadia Hawkins Dance was yet another successful event of DO'C's Student Council. The music and fluorescent light show provided ail those who went with a great time and "glowing" energyl once again, there has been a great deal of sports action this past week. The junior girls' basketball teamn ended their season in quarter final action against Ux- bridge High School. The score was a very close 32-31 for Uxbridge. High scorers for DO'C were Heike and Heidi Fischer with il and 9 points respectively. The girls had a great season win- ning ail but one game putting themn in first place in their "AA"' standings. To the skating rinlc: DO'Cs boys' hockey team shutout Harwood Vocational Institute 3». Andy Houston scored two of the goals and An- thony Livingston scored the remainder. Their season now stands with two wins and one loss. Keep up the good work, guys. Preparing for season play, the midget boys' basketball teani won in exhibition action again- st Ajax High School. The score was 59-42 for our guys. Let's hope that this is a sign of great upcoming season play. For ail those who are not 'into" team sports, Mr. John Stafford is presently organizing a badminton club. The members will meet one evening a week in our gym. The club's co- ordinators are Mr. Coghlan and Mr. Smart. Also on the indoor court scene is an in- school squash club. Mr. White oversees this event which takes place at the Ajax Recreation Centre. By KARA BARRARD, TARA WOOD AND LAURA SOLETO Anderson ILS. Science. What a fascinating subject. To many students, it is a find great enjoyment i it. This enjoymer, stretches far past thE day to day. studies. A Anderson Colegiate, wi have a club which comr prises five scienci loving students. Thes dedicated students havi sacrificed a Saturday t enhance their scientifi minds. On Saturday, Nov. 11 the members of th A.C.V.I. Science Clul participated in the Yori University Scienc Olympics Challengî These students are la Kelly, Alex Lee, Sanja Singh, Selena Tsai, an Shirley Tsai. These er thusiastic student competed against f if t other high schools. Th students experience the challenge and e, citement of workin against the dlock on number of variou science-related event The club representg A.C.V.I. extremely wel and the members wei named students of t week. These studen' are already hard work preparing for ne: year's scien challenge. The Science Club is very active extr curricular activity. the future, they will attending many scie tific lectures ai presentations. On Thursday, Nov.2 Miss McEwan took ti Science Club membe to Durham Colege to i tend the lectu~ 'Halley's Cornet". TI lecture was given by D C.T. Bolton, ti professor of Astronon at the University Toronto. Then, on Saturda Nov. 30, the Science CI travelled to Toronto attend the presentatiî "The Return of Comr Halley". This prese tation was given at.t! McLaughhin Plane, rium. On Friday, Dec. the club members ai the grade 10 physi students of Anders will atte nd the af terno lecture "Lasers ai Holography". This li ture will be present by Dr. Jeong. We wi good luck to this n, group! Congratulations Anderson's Senior Bo: Volleyball team wN played a strong game OFSSA, winning the f st two games tû qualifying for t playoffs on Saturdi Nov. 23. There, unfî tunately, they loc Their success at getti. as far as they did m. have been partially d to the Pop Rally tl~ Anderson arranged wish the team lu, Millie Minas start things off by getting t audience "hyped u before she introduc Mr. Hamilton, the coa of the senior bo~ volleyball teani. Ateî brief background oft team's qualities, ea teani member was troduced individua& See page 3 1

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