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Whitby Free Press, 4 Dec 1985, p. 36

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»-,I '24 %lirnxiuçnn0Abr' A lO0R UJLITRV PRE~F)1RESS 1~' SKIS & BOOTS ski length 170 cm. boot sizo 10, $75. Maplo kitchen set, four chaire, $145. Duncan Fyfe, encellent condition, $125. Sewlng machine, $35. 86838. ANTIQUE haloh Icru1860) lght finish, top has 4 shelves behlnd 2 (orginal glas)l doors fle, Plaie dîsplmy, botom ha 2 enciosod shelves, very nce place, Sp. pralsed $2,000, selllng $1,400. Aso maplo and anut sacrelarY early 1800s, $675. Phone 571. 3M3. ELECTRIC momer, $75. Phono 68-2155. WHIITE helrtoom bedapreud, electrlc blankèt, 3 sels of aboula, $125. Phone8668-5645. FOR SALE ktchen salle corner nook bench style (4) place, like no, $250. Air conditioner 8000 BTU vertical, t year Id, $350. 66-4302. DININO ROOM table, 4 Cane back chairs, encllent condition, $275. Four moti partoar chairs, $60 for set. Antique desk, $100. Rocklng chute, $30. ld wcker lrank, $25. Fine boes of old 78 recorda, $75 lmany collaclable). Paons 883.6638. TENT. 2 roomn, 9x12, vinyl floor ln sleeping ores, good condition, $110. Baîroonn doube swug f la- tare, $25. 868-9772. BUFFET pins repro, dry slnk stlt, 48" wtde, 33' bigh, $350. Elecfric typowrlter, $200. Royale eervicod ii guarento. 88M.2243. SNOWBLOWER, 5 foot McKeo modal 320, for 3 point hllcb, ex- cllent condition, $795. Phono 855-4995. KENMORE portuble dishwaabor, anocado. 7 yoars old, $100. Tree fier space saver, $20. Oueen sîze bed, $75. Double bd, $100. Eec- tric grill, $5. Large dog bouse, $1. Space bouler, $15. Elgbt dremer drsser, $15. Large ham- ster cage with wheol and mater boitte, $15. Cati 728-885. 19813 SUPRA94 14,000. IBM. PC. V. cotor monitor, 128K DOS 2.1 basic, $1,750. 1984 Yamaha Virago 1000, 3,550. Ail mini. Nage come collection, 36,000.ý Phono 686-9740. O ~VDL~ FREE PRESSJ EM.PORIUM Emporium Ade will only be accepted subject to the following conditions. in Ir II 9_ _ _ _ M_ _ __x 0f L SPACE hater, torcod doit baro, 3 speed fan, eocellent con- dition, Ideal for shop or cotuge, $75. Phonoe888-554. FOR SALE refrldgerator, $350. Stove, $250. Nair dryer and chair, $100. Phono 5794212. FOR SALE cube dlay brick, ligbt color, $40. SaISt ireplace ecreen, 38x28" plus Andirona, $45. SwiStl firoploco foot set, $20. SWlSti firopluce woodhoider, $15. Phono 68-9041 afler 5p.m. REFRIO43ERATOR Admirai, 15 Cu. fi., eocellent condition, $300. TRS80 computer, aew 84K, ex- pundod basic, cotor compator- priiter and cassette tape pluyer for programs, $350. Computer and software onty $175. Piano, nom scale William, 1908, Oshawa hut, reconditionud, $1,80. Phono 899.8001. POOL TABLE wilh ucceasOrlea, encllent condition, $80. Phono 5793573. CANI3LE STEREO mith radio and speakers, la good condition, $60. Concie cassette ployer, $25. Mskoap mirror, $25. Pair of -izo 6 Dominion rouler skaes, $20, comea ln skating bag for $10. Hamster cage, $10. Or bet ocifer. Phono 868-8459. FOR SALE ira acreos and lec- tric loge, $50. 14" biacir and white TV, $25. Tmo table temps, $20 st, Stop end table, $5. TmO flomer potes, $5 each. Phono 688-4032. FOR SALE IBM Setectric, good condition, mueI bo soon, $300. Cuit 728-31639 eam. to 5 p.m. FOR SALE bunk bad, $200. Roior skates, boys, sizo 8,h, $25. Ousen sus bod, $25. Triple drosser, $50. Dosk, 535.888-1880. PUR JACKETS: nouriy no, short drossy China Mink, derk bromo, sizo 14, $195. Gorgoous f lumo Muskrt, black mInk f rim, sizo 12, $135. Grey prslan iumb, suodo f rim, size 12, $95. Back leathor laddesa coul, fuity inod aith roui fur, size 1, $40. No, uaimool lis coul, ctassic style, meuve, petiteo1012, $25. Mns ail mool McGrogor carcouf,Ilike no, size 38, $25. Older standard typomrIfer, $25. Nairdryor, ea, $750. Bundle buggy, $5. and held sbomer mssage, $10. Phono 888-7404. When the advertiled item is sold, disposed uf, or unanrailabie for whatever reason. thre item wiil be deemed ta have been sold and a commission willi be charged based on TIIE ADVERTISEI) PRICE as iiiusrated below, regardiess if price is sialed with "'best offer". If thre item is NOT SOLO, or disposed of, the ad wiil be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $750 iii appiy payable in advance af publication f Ihe first ad. The above minimum charge wiii be applied la tthe final commission due. Maximum commission : $10000Alil adver- tisemenis must be piaced on an exclusive banjo with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run ai least one monh if sol sold, RATES tif artice ls sldl: 5% of dvertised price Op tu $400-00 2% of balance over 8400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertised fer 915.00. commission due $7.50 1 minimum charge hé 17.50) Private udvertising onlyl l'iease atify thre Witby Free Press immediatly aben item is sold no that vie may delete It from tire foiiuing Issue. Ail ado flot ftting the Emporium guidelîses mut hoe treated and cburged per week us regulur ctamsified asn un pre-paid baais sucb us: services, beip wonted, ciothing, resi estate, and personal meage type ads, or uds not quotiog price or quantity. Privale ciassified ads may appear in tihe Emporium section undor appropriate beadiîgs . ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Bon 208 Whithv. LIN 5Sf 668-6111 131 track St. N. Wiiby. Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. MINK FOR COAT pastel belgd. aize 9, eocelent condition, usking $700. Phonoe888-2213, suenInga. GIRL'S Insulted skates, nom. $20. 39' bed, $30. Double bad, osm maltreos, steel frumo and beudboard, g-4o. Soming machine, 2 yours old, $100. Mens bike, $25. Tmo go0lls mth cage and foot, $10. Cashs OGraskuliad soveral men lnciuded, $20. Hot Whesl Cty, $10. umpty Dampty loy box, $15. GoBaI commond cen- tre. $12. Cali 427-667. ASSOATED klichoo cabinets, uppor, lomur, doubles smO and laps. need mork, package deai, $65. Nom arborite counitor, abits, $25. White rborite countorwmllb bult-in nIons top (4 elsmonla>., $85. White sosmol taundry tub In orange arborte coualer, $35. Orange shag curpet, 9u12 and anderped, $85. Green nylon car. pet, 12x15 mth underpad. $95. t3uantity embor colored docoralor glass. $10. Phono 668. 7404. STEREO console, $125. Blue voinol smags and double punel cartains, $75. Moyen beige tmeed drapae, 2 paels, 50 ide x 97 long, $45. Phone 888-4284. AMIFM car radio cassete, $80. Camping oquipment, verloon items, totling $80. Pese cul 66"-178. FORMAL WALTZ tonglh drosa. dusiy rose color, poart nockline, pteatod Insert ln front of sin aaad Georgotte cape on the back, but 10 match, oniy orn once, paid $280, iii accuPt $150. Formol fu longth dreas, Robin-ega blue cotor, beaded front and ful tsngf h Georgette steeves, oaIY worn once, asking $75 or boat of. fer. Phono 578-1559. L.SHAPED sots tor suis, 5 yOsrs old, vory good condition. asklrg $200. Phone 868-1485. FOR SALE goid f rldge and ges stono, duat onons, apprun. 7 Yoars old, $400 fîrn. 686840M6. BLACK LEATHERETTE rocllnsr n excellent condiion, $200. One cotfos and tmo end lubes, 588. Phone 68-3844. BANDSAW Gonorsi 15'hV hp wanctosed stand $88. Jointor Genrat 8" 1 bp lopen stand $725. Yamabs D80 orgus tbrso keyboerds $2900. Asese load lsueling trilor btcb 10,000 lb cep. $110. Computer busines program ntor Design GIL, AJP, IIM mtb actory beckupn. sot $195. Jet meli pump Va bp w130 gai tank $185. Utiity box for plckup truck ethrproof 30wa511a23h itock $115. Wlnut. vnsur 14'4' $15. Wood thradcing bolts i', Y4, 1" Inci. botiomling laps set $315. Router & sfeel case alh guides $55. Mine carboy 12 Va galon $18. Cuit 855-4803. FOR SALE boys moulded Lange skates, suze 10, excellent con- dtion, $20. Sindy bouse and fur- ntare, $40. Fisher Pries fepe recorder. $3. Mtel dog case, $25. Nom rbbIt cage, mter bol- lis and ouldoor pon, $50. JR girls 10 spood bike, $50. Phono 723- 0788. FOR SALE Coleco Vision iIh 7 crtrldges . 0.Commodore 84, 1541 single dise drive mtir 33 disca, disc bunk, loy stick, books on the 84, $500. Phono 688-5051. For auIo imo ladies 3speed bikes, $40 euch. Phone 6884032. UIUIIIiTRIJEdS~UMNTSFOR SALE BONTEMPI etectrtc organ, Min- 1985 DODOS Omnt OLH, btack, 5 oirai modal mibh adapter and 2 apeoul, AMIFM sforeo, fagle 0T toamIag booka, nom prIco 5SM, radiais, utumtnum road abools, self for $400. Phonoe888-2155. 45,000 km. aarranty, $8,500. 655- 4078 orO655-49M9. piano, good condition, recon- dltioned, $1.850. Phono 6885872 allerS p.m. 1970 WOODS bardtop traiter, us 1a, 5,800. Steopa eight, bas stono, ice bou and furnuco. 18 ol coer bout and motor, $1,500, asas6888-2702. TRAPAULIN cover for a MaZda toug box truck, nom faut $183, wlili sait for $100 or besf ofter. Phono water 6868-1337 evenings or 6n3 23688days. AUDiO VOXIChryster, oiectronic n dlash, AMIFM mpta stereo cassette mith cdock, digitat reed oui, 12 prosots, sook, scin, dolby, auto reverse, motet capabiiity. Fils ait toto modol Chrysier producîs, $300. Motorola AMIFM stereo cassette, pushbubalon tuning, auto reverse, universl ft, $125. Pour Chrysor raiiy aheels wth centres, trim rings, iug nals, 10 fil ail "K" cars, Omnis, Mini Vans otc., sica 14"x8", $200. Four BF. Goodrich Suro radiai T.A. tiras, sloe 205170NR14, 1,000 mites mth marranty, $400. Edelibrock SP2P aiumlnum intako manifold, miih Installation kit, to fit smnait block Chovy, Brand nom unit (4 bbi, $200. Sot of poishod, filnad aiumlnum rocker covers ta fil 302 Ford engins, $100. Set of fuctory stalin teel, tuba hoadors f0 fit lte modot 302 Ford onginos, brand nm, $275. Phono 655-326. door, 60,000 milan, $4250. Phono 688-7203. 1976 CHRYSLER CORDOBA ps., p.b., air condiontng, $80 or boat offer. Colt 855-3178. 1976 NOVA as se, $150. Phono 655-8001 or661k2187. 1976 HORNET WAGON, 6 cpi,, rliabie, quick sale, $400 or bast of fer. Phono 728-06 aflor S p.m. 1975 COUGAR, PS., p.b., 8 track, uppron. 85,000 miles, needa nome motor mork and olber minor repaira, body fir, $80 or bast ocifor. 688-8227. 1974 OLOSMOBILE Delta 88, 70,000 milea, askInq $200. Phone 579-42112. 1972 MONTE CARLO L88 hood scoop, 350 2 bbt, aiso mli nctude imo nom colora and cuilpers, for rostoration or parts, $400. 68&8 2145. 1969 BUICK Skytarto, 350 4 brI, auto. p.S., p.b., nom brakes, tires and mors, good condition, $500. 1970 Camoro A.S., 3504 brt, auto, motaiiic back, PS., p.b., comn- plttoy rastorod Inside and ouf, oscellent condition, hoaders, dual eahaust, many more etras, $3,800 corifiod. 1981 Chevelin. 4 door, 4 speed, 65.000 Mites, mmaan. excellent condition, $3,500 cortflid. Cati Vineso686- 3802, onyImo. (flt#o~:hr~~~ -- I PaR rwIPa(71UflJ 4!àpCON FL Don't put off advertising i the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our Iow advertising rates just because you have ISEDMJC questions. Hopefully, the explanation below can elear up many of your questions - if not, do cail 668-6111 and we'll be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to you personally. If you: *are a private advertiser; ohave an article to seil; and, ehave a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details) . Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months) - A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $7.50 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT seil within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article will seil, but where else could you get three months advertising for only $7.51? When your article seils, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. Com- mission is: 5% up to $400; 2% of the balance over $400;, LESS the minimum charge described rI have read the EmporiumT guidelines above and wish to have the following advertisement placed under this section of the Whtby Free IPress. dont forget tonlude yhur phone number, Charge $750 to My Visa account. ('ard Ne. ExP. fDaIe Naume (pIeuse priat aIOve. CIey TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whitby LI1N 5SI Below are some examples of what you would be charged if your article sold within three months. Commissions shown include the minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE.1 Advertîsed Price Up to $ 150 $ 200 $ 300 $ 400 $ 500 $ 700 $ 700 $ 900 $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,OWand up Payable $10.00 $15.00 $20.00 822.00 824.00 $26.00 828.00 830.00 I32.00 I52.00 $72.00 $92.00 $100.00 above. City Pootai Code Umm@@" un

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