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Whitby Free Press, 4 Dec 1985, p. 37

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WH-ITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDA Y DECEMB ER 4, 1985, PAGE_37 WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY «LAD CLA$$IIFD ALJ rE0 tS FOR SALE chesterflaid end chair. OUALITY, retiabta day care MY PERSONAL gooci condition, hast 0f fer. Caii anaitabie la tretnad, praided NEW FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY COLOURS 6553601. home, fuiip equipped pay res, Diacover the colours fencad gardon, referances UNIQUE IN THE AUTOMOTIVE & shades ýthat corn- FOR SALE an@aeperiment alzed eattlable. 680-&M. AFTERMARKET IN DUSTRY, plmet our aî erek 10o afofr Atlas supply company o Canada Llmted, has a tone & enhance your ca18-7de5ny 55 year record of success as a national best featuras.SEERiAoaceerh. PERSONALS Automotive Atermarket supplier froni coast to 0 ,I $ 3 e c n iton A R 3 c s m e s 6 t ae , c a Cml R70 taA-, -as e.8 APE PROTECTION. Neci To meet the demanda of changlng market con- UI-770wats 25. Ct 8-45.fe "Rapulse" non-viofent rape and ditions, enhance customer service and ac- p.m.assauif deferrent preisad by 1mw celerate growth, Atlas le dramatically reorlentlng UNEMPLOYED HELP CENTRE., aaforcament encies. 12 posf t s aktpaepsto yliltn ag c Nsad hetp? Wattters' Compan- GEOTYPE pres-on fettaring ow psItt. Satisfaction gufran chIset Y stlon, Wetfare, OHtPeassistance, lnasfock et Ocksn Prittilg & Of- Shifoh Associates, P.0. Box 405, frnhs systeni acrosa the country. Uaempiapment Inerace, or Ie. Supplies In the Alax Shop- station AToronto, M5WIC7. We are looklng for the aggresslve, financlally criais re9-1ra1.etatylesrengancia, plnghPlaza.mLrg e slc a tsecure entrepreneur who can capitalize on oppor- ceif5791821 stlasaad .lzn. Wp pp m r--- ----L.---9r - 0 i tunities that exiat wlthln their own exclusive PAINTING à DECORATING profesianat boadad warhmaa- ahtp, reaideattet end commercial, fres etimates e cat&8354277 or 889&9712. dm, ODSEîj 1 1FOR RENT WHITDY 2 badraam bungalow. waing distance f000O bus. $975 par manth plus utities, tiret end test, avetiabie Jenuary 3, 1988. 68-3564. AVAILAULE IMMEDIATELY tour bedraom, 2 bathraorn, treplacO, eiectric heafad, garage. smaii pond, S80 par math piun utiltias. Durham 23 et Cheik (PARTMNTS/ CCO0S0RNTSF0RREN1 TWO BEDROOM basameat eper- tment avaitabta Decamber 17, 1985, case ta chois. buses and stores, aemi-furnished. waahar inciuded, $388 manthiy, ftirai and lest raquired, suitabia for Mature individuel. 68-5698. WHI-TSY OFFICE SPACE for rent on profesianai floor. Wold be sutabia for faer, accountant. etc. Rant Inctudes ail utiltitas and ta nagofiabte for an epproprite tenant. For iurthar Information cati 889.872 betweafl 9:30 &.m. and 5 p.m. Mandep ta Fridap. "dRAMMER for peopta who hâte gremmer- la the Ideel pochai -strnce book far business 6831968. MATTRESSES and baxsaprIngsaie hall prie. Mcf<aan Furnture, 524 Olmcae Street South, Oshawa. 7255181. C.H..P. PROORAN. Onip 118 dapa toft. For a free estimats con- tact Mccieane insulation Ser- vices, 1.800-281-3204. CHRISTMAS TREES cut pour awn, Scott ine. Spruce and Whte ine. $10, $15. $20. HIgh- wap 2, north Myrtie, Tacaine Raad East. 50% OFF ait or short courses, gît t coupons Worth $195 Witt hae sotd for hall price. computer Schaai 427-3010. VISIT oaur used furnture warehoose by appatntmeftt. Bg savînga on danka, chairs, fingri cabinets, etc. Cati Dchnan Prin- tlag & office supplies ta arrange an appalntmeattofavlew. 683- 1968. CHESTERFIELD suites, lavaseata. sectionais. les$ fthan Wh prîce. Large seletcioIn. McKeaa FuraIttre, 524 SImcoe s. S., Oshawa. 7255181. CH4RSTMAS TREES Cul your aca or pre-cut, Sprue or Pi ne, cana wreaths, Whtby. Thckean Road elt et 401, north 4 mîes ta coatîn Raad. east 1 mita. Open daiiy itaS5 p.m. SINGLE 550 metreas, head- board and frame, $85. Ladies Shedlng coat, iza 10, Iano- caftant condition. $250. Phane 889-7372. -HEROES of the Bible" catouring book avaifabie et Dicksafl.PIin- tiig & office Supplies, Aia Plaza, 893-1968. Deaer tquinaes Invlted. peopte. $3.95 par copy end avait abia et DIckson Prnting & Office Supplies lntfha AiaPlaza. A TM BLS Deaer onquirles invited 683-1968. 1982 PONTIAC J2000 hafchbactt, ~SIA N0U CEME TSI 4 Speed. sport modal, epprox. 45,000 mitas, $5.500 or hast aller. 655-49M, Broakita. CONGRATULATIONS on' pour 1978 CHEV Metibu, AMIFM18 torthcoming merriege. Ptese treck. P.S., FBS., auto. Vil8,$1,895. viaw aurfsamptas ai eagraned 1979 Dtaun 28MZ3(IL 28&2 wedding Invitations et pour toadeti cartitieti, $8.500. 1979 etaurs ln aur Aia Paza store. ch -ipl,9psegrwgn DIckon PIntig & 111C SuP F.., F.B., aufto, 35, air. $2.995. pies, 683-1968. Cati 8654089. 1977 PLYMOUTHI Forp, good candifion, naads enheunt. $500 or beasfoffer 688-4708 FREE: Drap ittathe Dcksnf PrintIng & Office SuppI tsore in fha Alex Plaza and pick up a f ree capp of thir 1985 Metric Calen- dar. Pinted ia tca colours. t makas for handy refareace 6831 1975 FORD couger for Parts. Phone 68-2984. 1272 FORD Mustang Knochback, asklag $350 or basf affer. 699& 4594 eter 5 p.m. $25 REWARD. Last dog Wthite Eskimo. If faund pMase cait868 5351. WANTED aid thingo - decapa, furnItte, wlches, ciacko, quittfe, foots, cracks, pont carda, ram et. tic. basameaf or shed, cash. 655. 8049, avannge SASEMENT SALE table and chairs, freezer, dishas, curtatas and drapes, 902 Ceaire Streat South, Whitby, 9 s-m. fa 3 p.m., December 7. TYPEWRITER entai, maay makes and modela, by the weakend, waek ar manth. Discounts avaitable. Dicksnn Prlating & office Supplies ln the Alan Plaza. Cai un for busines machina repairs 683-19U8. NEED To KNOW SOMETINO ABOUT 'YbUR NEW aOMMUNIIY? Call Piione 668-8943 Our hostris will bing guits and greetiflgs, long wth hrlpiul comniUity inormhation. CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FR1., DEC. 6 6:00 P.M. Three miles east of Little Brtain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay Little Britain Rd. Conten- ts of local astate plus other consignments. Round oak pedestal table, 5 prassback chairs, dropleaf table, antique dressers, oak tamn stands, black cherry cradle, 7 cu. ttL freezer, GE washer and dryer, GE -fridige and stove, chestertialds, pressback rockers, pressback high chair, console color TVs, RCA VCR, mahogany table, 3 pc. bedrooni suite, box stove, Sutton 10", table saw, 3 and 5 hp. snowblowers, 1971 Olymplc 300 ski-doo, quantity of tools, china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN (706) 786-2183 ANTIQUE SALE THURS., DEC. 5 6:30 P.M. At Orval McLean Auction Ganter, Lindsay. Conten- ta of Peterboro estate, pine bureaus, antique marbie top and back sideboard, picture f rames, some oval, pins washstand, oit tamps, antique rockers, dlocks, rug, crocks, collection plates, Royal Doulton figurines, Humnmels, an- tique sideboard, oit pain- ting, silver dollars, wicker, quilts, prînts, 2 antique scalas, Victorian loveseat, country couch, pressback chairs and rockers, organ stool, trunk, oak dlnlng table, settea, wardrobe, many dois, 2 showcases, inlald unusual colfea table, smali tables, large quantity china, glass, collectibles. 6:30 sharp. ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTIONS 324-2783 LINDSAY AUCTIONEERS The people of Whitby and area love attending auc- tion sales. Let them know about your next sale by advertising in the most widely read pages in Whit- by - the Whitby Free Press Classifiedsl Caîl: DOUBLE AUCTION SALE SAT., DEC. 7 11:00 AN. &1:00 P.M. Brand new furnîtura and the fîxtures of HI-Fl Ex- press now bankrupt. 870. Taunton Rd. E., Whltby (on Taunton Rd. between Thickson and Garrard Rd.) 11:00 AM. SALE:' Havlng recalvad Instruc- tions from Dlotta HuskIns & Selîs Ltd. we are clearlng the f ixtures froni HI-Fl Express In- cluding sharp electric cash regîster, 8 sections steel shalving, 4x8 lighted sign, car stereo, display cabinet, 2 good couniters, wood shalving, repair Items not plcked up, radios, amps, etc., 5 ft. patio door, desk, 4 dr. f iling cabinet, 10 display banches, plus boxes of smali articles, plus some housahold articles lett Ironi Oct. 26 soma bad- ding, dishes, sultcase, ciothing, etc. 1:00 P.M. SALE brand new fur- niture, approx. 20 chestarl ields, sac- tionals, bed chester- fields, lovaseats, coffea and end tables, bedrooni suites, dining rooni fur- niture, buffett and hutch, whlrlpool bath, large quantlty of lamps, box springs, pine single bed, video cabinets, nite tables, plus many other articles. VEHICLES 1983 Datsun Santra, 1981 Honda Accord, 1973 Volkswagan. Note Tume: il a.m. and 1 p.m., good sale of new furnitura. Vehicles MIlsailiat 1 p.m. bafore furnitura. Drass warm, building not heated. MCLEAN AUCTIONS & LIQUIDATIONS 576-7550 or 686-3291 EXECUTIVE ASSiSTANT. Persan with a minimum afftine pears ex- partance ln a senior position required. Building management eopertance an assai. Rigftt per- son wiliiha a self starter and sftauid bo able fa work with ittia or no supernision. satary and benefita accortting tfa eaperien- ce. Muef hava a car. Business la ta Pickering. Rasuma ta PO. Ban 490, Ptckering, Ont. LIV 2R7, At- tenilan: Frank. couLo YOU USE a $150 fa $200 par week ln yaur spere lime or wouid pou bat ika ta aup- plament pour rtirament lacome. Whp not giva me e cati, Cati 723- 3412, esk for Gary coffin. Munt hune owa car. lob worth worklag for? Dont tlght Iti Leara 50w taousa the computer and be a stop ahead tn ha lob market. We aller lob placement and tinanciai assistanice for thos uempiaped or toc incarna. 427-3010. babysit fine maath ai d girl. preferebtp ta my hame, weekdeps 6:5 a.m. ta 4:45 p.m., Brack St. and Ranstaad ares 888-2908. CAREERS IN TRUCING. Driver lob training and placement hatp se avaitbe. Cati Rodgerns choat et 4161 769-35-48. NO E2PERIENCE aecenaerp, $270 par waek, car raquIrad. Cati 833300. ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEILS Please check your advertisemfent for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. If biiled - $600 for 20 words; every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be 14e each additional word. however, we accept no liability regarding loas or damage liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwardîng errors in publication beyond the cost of the space ocupe BIRTHS, DEATHS - $700 for the first 100 words; 12e each such replies. We will not be responsible for box number lby the error up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. dînîwr. replies not called for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classîfy or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $800 for the fir- reject all advertisemfents. Ads must appear in the paper st 5 words; 12 each additional word. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert one ay eefreetheycanbe haned o caceled.or cancei Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication ed a j fore hycnbeiagdorlneld oLASSIFIED RATES: $400 for 20 words; 12t each ad- AUCTION SALES -40eper line. (No word ads ailowedl to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX N'M BERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $200. The Whitby Free Press will make 668-6111 Jm a wholesaliretail Automotive Aftermarket business warehousing and suppiying products to local service stations, garages, end ugers and do- it-yourseif custoniers. This is an extraordinary one-of-a-kind oppor-1 tunity that combines the entrepreneurial spirit of an independent buinessman with the enormous resources and support of a weIi established muiti-miilion dollar corporation In a franchise par- tnership. We are inviting responses lrom professional business managers, sales prolessionais or in- dependant businessmen, with experience in the Automotive Af termarket flieid. An immediate opportunity ls availabie for the territory of Oshawa-Wh Itby. If your community presence and personai in- tegrity are cieariy well established and you see your background being a good fit for this superb opportunity, piease repiy with resumne to: Atlas Suppiy Company of Canada LiMited 35 Worcester Road Rexdaie, Ont. M9W 1 Kg Attention: Franchise Director. AUCTION SALE SAT., DEC. 7 11:00 A.M. Sallng* at Orval McLean Auction Center, Lindsay. Large assortment of brand new furniture. New dlshwasher, stereos, new white Elna and Bernina sewlng machines, radios, stereo, video recorder, color televIsion, mattresses, bed chestarfields, lovaseats, lamps, tables, chesterfield, badroorn suites, dining roorn suite, stareo stands, gift items. Dont miss this one. Ideal chance to buy Christmas gifts and name brand furniture. Approxinlateiy $40,t00 liquidation of quality fac- tory Items. Previaw Fr1. 3 to 8 p.m. Sat. morning 9 a.m. to sale tima. No reserve, ail must go. ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTIONS 324-2783 LIN DSAY NANNY REOUIRED la my home for 1 year o14 boy, Manday ta Frictay, 7 ar..f0 5 p.m. C1one fa Higttway 2 and Harwood. Cali 68"4284. A CAREER IN TRUCINO. Tran. sport drivera needed. Now la fthe lime fa train for yoor ClaosA licensae. For pre-scraening Inter- viaw and lob placement infor- mation, contact Marv Orra Tran- sport Driver Training, Brampton 1-800-265-1280. [PROTET YURHOMEJ *Complet e Iiiustratad guide to *home security agalftftres* *torms, insecte and burglars.* $S9,95post pald. satisfactionM 1uarneed. jShIlo Aatociaiaa, P.o_ Son 405, Station A, Two<o, MSW MOLLy MAtO la accepttng ap- plicetions for lght housewarit ln Wfitby. Full and part-timO. Cati 668-9673. TORONTO STAR newsppear requires circutation helper ln Whltby. ApproImatalY 10 fa 15 hours par weak. Muai be availabie irom 6 a.m. 10 8 a.m., work ln co-operatiot' wlth the dlirict manager and Toronto Star carriers. muet suppiy owa transportatioa. ideal for studeat or houseaife. Cati Mr. Menas 728- 5 117. 6

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