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Whitby Free Press, 4 Dec 1985, p. 6

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PAGE 6.WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1985,WH-ITBY FREE PRESS Loss to separate schools minimal The extension of seperate sehool funding has had litIle impact on the numnber of students in the public sysîemn in Durham. Bruce Mather, direc- tor of the Durham Board of Education said, "The level of co- operation with the seperate board in Durham has been high. I He said that last Mar- ch the public board had projected a greater loss to the seperate system, but it had not. happened. Because of crowding in Durhanm schools and continued growth in the region Mather said he did not expt ntany large shif t in student population t10 the seperate system. He did flot perdict any loss until 1989 when the public system would ex- perience a small loss with the opening of a new seperate high school in Pickering. Energy use down Energy consumption in Durham public schools is down over lasI year. Electricity, fuel and Sec page 12 Amplica. The world of satellite at your finger tips. rom AmplIca technology in Calilornia and COMSAT. lhree advanced new salele receiversOne for every price level. The top af the fie ls the CSR 300.lIre ulimole satellite and programmable memories for saellite, individual ransponders, and audio/video functions. Once you have programmed fthe receiverwifh yourhafld held remole, If con be operated from your easy chairwith the press of a few buttons. Amplica allers fhe same teclrnology ln fwo more compeli- ivety prlced models, as wett os a camplefe, compaibleSssem lar te highesl quality performance. Al wifh a fuît year's lmiled wrranty -t e BROOKL 5HELECTRONICS 4605 Baldwin St., Brooklln Cali (mile N of FamiIy Kartways) 655-4069 THE CORPORATION 0F THETOWNOFWHITBY NOTICE 0F INTENTION The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whltby intends to pass by- laws to stop-up, close and seai the untravelled Industrial Drive road allowance as shown beiow and as more particularly shown on Registered Plan No. 871. IVIUST-ilA (UNT7RA VZLL The Operations Committee of Whitby Towrn Council wiii meet on Monday, January 6, 1986, at 7:30 p.m. in Committee Room One of the Whitby Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario, for the pur- pose of hearing any person who ciaims that their land wiii be prejudiciaily af fected by the by-iaws. Any person wishing f0 be heard by the Operatlons Committee with respect f0 the by-laws-ls asked to advise the Town Cierk accordingiy on or before Frliay, January 3,1986. Dated at Whitby, Ontario, this 4th day of December, AD., 1985. Donald G. McKay Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossiand Road East Whitby, Ont ario LiN 2M8 Phone: (416) 668-5803 The Whiîby chapter of the Heart and Stroke sive growth over the past year, they expeet they Foundation will be coming to you looking for will need up to 500 volunteers bo reach their funds this February. This year's target is $33,000 target. Sean here on the lef t is campaign vice- and organizers are looking for volunteer can- chairman Jim Gartshore discussing strategy vassers and zone captains. With Whitby's exten- with chairman Karl Filo. Het! oundationf in high geai' Preparations for the Whitby chapter of the Heart and Stroke Foun- dation's annual fund drive are now in full swing and Iis year's target is $33,000, the most ambitious in the chapter's hisîory. The month long drive the first time the Whitby group will operate un- der its own charter - prior to being granted Iheir charter by the national foundation last month, Whitby volun- teers worked under the auspices of the Oshawa $259.0 VARIABLE- $280 SPEED$2 80 JIGSAW 318" ROUTER Doubie-ineuiated jigsaw Lightweight and easy ta fealures tilting shoe, big handie. Features powerfui operat ion. caiibrated depth. EXTRA $5.00 OFF WHEN YOU BRING IN THIS AD i - eLIYPRDUT I dation - and campaign Chairman KarI Filo is eager to prove that the 1newly autonomous executive is up to the challenge., "With the growth of the town we're going to 1need a lot more captains and canvassers. Many of our volunteers come back from year 10 year but we're going to need about 100 more this year," said Mr. Filo last week. Mr. Filo and his executive hope to have some 500 canvassers out knocking on doors in February, each one working about 30 homes, usually in their own neighbourhood unless they request otherwise. "We might have them do the next street over from their's. I know when I'm doing my own street it's going to take a lot longer because if it's my neighbour I'm going ta be talking to him for haîf an hour at least," said Mr. Filo with a laugh. Each canvasser visits the homes in their designated area aI least once and if there is no one home they will corne back for a second visit. If there is no one home the second time around the canvassers leave a Heart and Stroke Foun- dation envelope in which donations may be dations offices. According to foun- dation vice-president Jim Gartshore, ap- proximately 75 percent of the money raised will go to research, another 12 percent is slated for community education and other programs, seven percent covers the cost of the fun- draising drive and the remainder will pay ad- ministration costs. The foundation hopes to raise more than $160,000 throughout Durham Region in February and the national target for 1986 is $15 million. "'There have been some obvious successes in heart research over the years but there's still a long way to go," said Mr. Gartshore who was the 1985 fundraisirig chairman. Last year the Whitby chapter exceeded its $30,000 target by $500, according to Mr. Gar- tshore who anticipated another strong drive this coming February. Provided they can round up enough volun- teers, Mr. Filo believes support for the drive will be strong. "lWe need this money for research. I'm sure you know somebody with heart trouble - everybody does. Its our leading killer," said the chairman. LDWIN ST., HWY 12, BROOKLIN~Y 655-8828 Personalized Christmas Stockings FUI1 them wlth Our large *selection of stuf fers & gît tls. Gourmet goodies, assorted chocolates stu f ed animais, party favours AND MUCH MORE... ALSO AVAILABLE IN BALLOON BOUQUETS Try the Classilfieds 668-6111 668o611U (c Its "DTV" Its original. Its classic. Its Disney animation cut to favorite hi) tunes by original artists! On three separate videocassettes! ]Rock, GOLDENGOIES POP& ROCK RhytLmalwe ALSO "TO SMART FOR STRANG ERS" WITH WINNIETHEPOOH AND "1DISNEY'S HALLOWEEN TREAT" ONLY $19.a95EACH HOME VIEOP CHRISTMAS HOURS: 12 NOON - 6 P.M. 76 Baldwin St. Brooklin 655-4229 wm"F

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