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Whitby Free Press, 11 Dec 1985, p. 32

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si ý4 i 1ý 1 %Ill.'2<iN*A ici, A PV iv t 1 i1 Oi.> litITty\'FR> FF1 PR0i3 %i SKIS à BOOTS ski length 170 cm. hoot aine 10, $75. Meple kitchen set, tour chaîna. $145. Duncan Fyte, excellent condition, $125. Sewing machine, $35. 683-6638. ANTIQUE hutch mcima 1860)1 iglt finisht, top has 4 aitelves hehInd 2 (originel glanai dnoors (lieplate dispteol, hottnm lias 2 enlnned sheixea, very ine pece, cp- praiaed $2,000, seliing $1400. Alan muple and wcluu senrelary eurly 1800's, $675. Phtone 571- 3636. ELECTRIC mower. $75. Phone 68-2155. WHITE helirnm bedspreani. etentrin blankel, 3 sets of sheets, $125. Pone 8-&5645. FOR SALE kitchen suite crner nook hennit style 41 plane, ike new, $250. Air conditioner 8000 BTU ventical, I sear nId. $350. 866-4302. DINING ROOM lubie, 4 Cane buck chairs, annellent conditinn. $275. Four mtai parînur chairs. $60 for set. Antique desk, $100. Rocinic chair, $30. Old cinker truxk, $25. Fine boues of nId 78 recnrda, $75 imany nalenlabiel. PhonaI883-6638 TENT, 2 room, 8xl2, vinyl tînor in Sleeping area, gooni condition. $80. Balhronm doubte sag in- tare, $25. 668-9772. BUFFET pins rapin, dry sink style, 48" wide, 33" iigit. $380 Elactrin typewriter. $200. Ryale servined wll guarantea. 6662243 SNOWBLOWER, 5 tant MKee modet 320, for 3 point hici. ax- nellent condition, S795, Phone 655-49M. KENMORE portable dishwasher. avonado. 7 years nid, $100. Trea tlar apana saner, $20. Oueen siza ben, $75. Doubte hen. $100. Elen- tInn grill, $5. Large dog house. $10. Spane heater, $15. Eighi dracer dresser, $15. Large ham- ster nage wth cheet and waler baille, $15. Cati 728-8865. 1663 SUPRA, $14.000. IBM. PC. VR. color monitor, 128K D0$ 2.1 basin. $1.780. 1884 amaha Virago 10M0 $3.550. Ail min. Huga comic collection, $8,000. Phone 666-9740. FOR SALE boys caulded Lunge skaese. 51e 10. excelent noný dilian. $20. ivdy house and f ur- nitore. $40. Fisher Price lape recorder, $30. Mtai dag case. $25. Nec rcbbiî cage, celer bl- lie andinuidloar pan,. JR21fgirls 10 speeni bike. $50. Phone 723- 076& FOR SALE cube clay brick. liglil notor. $40. ScISti filepiace scneen. 38"x28" plus Andirans. $45. SciStil ireplace (bal sel. $20. SciStI i repaca cooditalder. $15 Phase 668-9041 allerS5 p.m. REFRIDGERATOR Admirai. 15 nu. I., excellant condition, $300. TRSSO computer, nec 64K. an- pendeni basic, clai campuler prinier enni cassette tape player tam pragnums, $380. Computer annisotae only $175. Plana. nec scale Wiliam, 1908, Oshaca buili. recondItIaneni. $1.800. Phoxe 699-8001. POOL TABLE dt encessarias. excellent condiion. $800. Phone 579-3573. CANULE STEREO cth radioacnd speakers. ix gond candition. $80. Cennle cassette playan, $25. Mekeup mmio, $25. Pull aI size 6 Dominion rliar skates. $20. comas in skuixg bag for $10 Hamster cage, $10 Or basi allai Phtone 668-6459 FOR SALE flira unean and lec- mrin ogs $50. 14" black andiwchue TV. $25. Tcn lubie lumps. $20 sel. tap endntalbe,. 55Tmaflacar ples. $5 eech. Phone 668-4032. FOR SALE IBM $eietrîc. goani cnndition, ment ha sean. $300 Cali 728-31639u.m IoS5a c FOR SALE buxk boni, $200. Rolaif skates, boys. smo 81h. $25ý Oueen size beni, $25. Tripla dresser, $50. Denk. $35. 668. 1680. PUR JACKETS: vecriy nom, short dnasny Chine Mînk, dcrkbramn. size 14. $195 Grgeaus flume Muskiet. luck mixk rîm. size 12 $135. Grey prsuex iamb. suada tInn. nza 12. S95 Black leather ladies cout, iuiiy lîxed i cîh îoai lur. sîze 16. $40 Nec. cili can ladies noau. classîn style mauve patilla 10112. $25 Mas's ail coal MnGeorarnecoal. lko nom sze 38, $25. Oldai standard lypecrîter. $25 Haîirvaie nec $750. Bundin buggy $5 Hanni hld shocar mussage $10 Phone 6687404 When the anvertiseni item is sod. disposed ofi. tir usîvîtilahle fotr chatever etis. the item wit be deemeni liihave bheinsold and a commission wmut be charged batt>seon Tift' *F IVEITSE I 8CE as tlustrateni helîîm regardless if prce im steteot with 'i otffer' If tht i tmiti ()InN tSOLD tir dilspised ot. the 'ad il ii o- un tir i bIt NTtt>î anti.1 MNINM tHRG ofInti i $-, io iî miapply payablet ain da nce ofiiptilialtiti iof thtelîrni iad The aine minimum charge iii iii-applied i)tiithe final coimmissioin idue'Maximnumniiiiilini$104> Ixi Ail anver isi'nents tituNl he place n n afeîxclusive' hasts mith iil.wi' tI rrIY {REF, i1t'5$ Sand run i(leIast on ifil f oui stli RATES if article i, 'tlît i .i% cet adtîctîsNeiprice ap ta 8400.t00 1% ofi balance tiser 8400.600 EX SMPI.I Solid Item cdverined for# 1 i.ou (tx-itaissitnti du.0 - i iniimuni i-arge h, 117.50 Private advertîsîng unly' Please nîîlîfy the Whîlhy FrcePlress immediatly when item is sou su that we may delete il frnm the ioiowîng issue Ail ads nol fttîng the Emporium guidelînes ii be ireatei and churgeni per week as regutar ciassifiet anis on a pre-paîi basinsacheas services. hetp wanteni. clthîng. eai esilae. andi personal message type ans, or uds nul quoting price tir quantiiy Plrivate ciassified ans mcy appear in the Fmpiirium secltin unîlîr >ppripriati' beadings AU, AilS WILL Go1 IN CLA&SIFIEI)SE<'TiiIN t 'NLESS iIERWISE SPE'IFIEi3 MAL, .0.1 Tf FREE PRESS EMPOR>IUM P.O. lias 206 Whitby. LIN 5ali If in dîuthriail 668-6111 131 Breek St. N. Whibv nt in. TIIE [EADLINE lFOR EMPORUM AI)S ISTIIE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO) PUBLICATION AT NOON. BANDSAW General 15"OiW hp wenlosed stand $88. Joister Generci 6" t hp ciopen stand $725. amahu 080 organ trea keybnards $2900 Reese locd lexeling trcairhinch 10.000 lb ccp $110 Computer business progrcm Inoi Design GIL. AIP. ltM wîth aclnry backupn. sel $195 Jet weli nump 112 hp w/30 gai tank $185 Uiity bon fnr pitikup trock ceatherprool 30weblia23h citock $115 Wcixct vnna t144 $15 Wond threcdîxg Innis " Oic t. xici battomîng reps set $315 Router & steel nase wîth guides $55 Wîne ccrbny 12 ta7 galan $18 Ccii 6554003 FORMAL WALTZ iength drean. dusty rose cotai. peari nieckline, pleaie irinsentinixfront nI skiri and Georgette cape on te buck. hat ta match, oniy worn once. paîi $260. iii accepi $150, Format tul engt dres. Robinegg blue calai. beadeni front and ful lenglt Georgette siseves, nnly coin once. asking $75 or hast ofI fer Phone 578.1059. FOR SALE Coixco Vision cit 7 nertrîiges. $80 Commodonre 64. 1541 sngle dîsc drive wth 33 dîscb .isc bcnk. loy stick, boks oan Ina 64, $500 Phaone 668-5851 size 9 excellent condition. anking $700 Phono 868-2213. eenings GIRL'S innlaied skates, nec, $20. 39' bed. $30 Double bai. new matrass,. steel trame and headboard. $40. $ewing machine. 2 yeecs nid, $100. Mns bike. $25. Two gaîbilis mt nage anni foot. $10 Ccstle Grayakuil axe sevarai men incladeni, $20. Hot Wheei Cty. $10. Humpty Dumpty loy hou. $15. GoBai commai cen. tre. S12. Cuit 427-8887 ASSORTED ktchen ;abixoiS unnnr. 0(1er, double sîîik and cps. nxod corb. itackage dxci, $85 Nec rborîte countenite14 $25 White crbaîîte nauvrirîti balt ix stova top (4i lniennsi $85 Vhite nenamai iaandiy tub iut oange arbarite nouxîiter $35 orange shag naîpet 9î12 aetc uxerpcd, $85. Genentîion car pal, 12.18 cutundeina,$95 Otacntity ambet cotorna decoratot giens. $10 Flotte 668 7404 WO0D00R COAL burnîxig ktchen slave. ix gnad coditn. 6 uis white eenumai milh higli bcck. $300 Caii anytime. 8558032 aming crraiopmasnt.vann0 Cites ntaeiîp80ecse cclio 8-88178 For ae Iwo ladies 3speed bikes, $40 eacci. Phone 6684032 TWO PAIRS nf cross country skis wilh bonis and potes, manie hy Skiiom. stan 12, $15 andi Lite. size 2 and 3. $25. Pair ot mens skctes. stan 9. $10 Phone 668- 9753 LSHAPEO noie tnt scie. 5 vears nid. very gond condition. cskîng $200 Phone 668-1485 FOR SALE gala fiînge and gcn sino, duci ovens. cpproo 7 yearn aid. $4001f rm 666-4036 BLACK LEATHERETTE raclnma in escellent conditinn. $200 One cotleand mn enditchies. $80 Phone 6663844 4!ârCON FUSED?. Don't put off advertising in the Whitby F'ree Press Enporiumi sim- ply because you find the advertislng guidelines confusing. l)on't miss out on our low advertising rates just hecause You have N questions. flopeIuiI:. the explanation below can clear Up many of your questions ilf not, do eal 66X-6111 and we'II be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to.voIl pers>nally. If you: *are a priva teadvert iser. *have an article to seli. and @have a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (sec guidelines above for more detais Your ad will run each week uni il the article has been sold I(maximum three mont hs, A minimum charge applies If) t enînI-lvmprium ad; $750 payable in advancî' belon' the finit înî sertion of your ad. If your article does N(iT seil wîlhiri thievntt ths. you pay only the mini mum c harge Il is :i fortunate that no newspaper can guaraitef' yiur article will seli. but where else ciull ti gel tbree months adverlistng for r ui. $-.tl 'Vhen your article seils. a comhnmissiontl s charged. based on the adv.erlised prive lutin mission is: 5% up lu $400.' 2% of the balance over $400 LESS the minimum charge described above. 1 have read the Kmipininî guidelitieîc abtin i tii . iîttili followtng advertisenvirt plau'ed under thîi "ecI ii i l lu ir hlitn1 t IPressi Ienuiîisf.' $î7 al Illi nu îti.Il II Iitl IlltcIti il iii î',re '7iiil) oit'. Vînt ,îtîitit l ard F %Jts. tti M-'Il- TO WHITBY FREE PRESS PA). Box 206 1:11 Broc k St. N. Whitbv IN.5S1 lili\ ,rv siiome xamples of what you would be t'harged il xiiur article sold within three months. ii1i1lllts huiwn include the minimum. ,,hiiirge ,îil ati' hus the TOTAL AMOUNT ~tI s ait îs,'.l I'i Il E' i it'i. iii s île. lIC lIai j. titi j. tilti s 711h :it iliki j. ~88l $11881 $21881 $:i.î88î $4 1881 $5,OfMland up Total Amount Payable $ 7.50 s 10.00 $ 15.00 $ 20.00 $ 22.00 s 24.00 S26.00 $28.00 $30.(K) 1 32.00 $ 52.00 s 72.00 s 92.00 $ 100.00 1), Emnporim Ads wili nly be ccepted subject othe folowmg conditions. ruI c s t ot'Afo MUSICALAUTOMOBILES QOf NSUMENTS C FOR SALE1 BONTEMPI electrmn organ. Min- 1995 DODGO Dcxl O , black, 5 sicet modal mlh adapter and 2 speed. AMIFM sieren. Eagle GT tearning books. nec price $850. radiale, alumIxum roani cieels, sai loi $400. Phone 668-2155. 45.000 km. carraniy, $8.500. 655- 4078 or 655-4989. GERRARD.HEINTZMAN oprigiti - piano. good condition. renon- 1980 CHRYSLER ps., p.. 2 diiioxied. $1.650. Phone 688-5072 donc, 60,000 miles, $4.250. Pitone alter 5 p'.M87203. 1976 CHRYSLER CORDOBA P.,. ph .,air casdIiinnng,$600or STRbhast aller. Ccii 655-3176. 1976 NOVA us ls.$180. Phase 1976 WO0O0S hcrdtop rciier, us 655-6001 or 668-2187. s. $1.800. $leeps xighl. bus slave. inn hou andi turnane. 16 1978 HORNET WAGON, 6 cyl, boot caea boul andi monr. reliable, qulck sale, $400 or hast $1.500, asuis 668-2702. citer.Phone 728-W676aeffer5p.n 1975 COUGAR, P.s., phb, 8 irack. AUTOMTIVE appron. 85,000 miles, neenis REPAIRPARTS oma motnr cark and oter minor repaira. body lair, $600 or TRAPAULIN nover for a Mazda besi aller. 668-8227. long ban truck, nec lest $163, wlii sali for $100 or hast nfter. Phone 1972 MONTE CARLO L88 honni Waler 666-1337 avexings or 663- scoop. 350 2 bitl, aiso wmli nclude 2366 das.Ica onec colors andi calipers, for 2386uys.resioratiox or parts, $400. 668. - - 2145. AUDIO VOXChryIer. etectronin _____________ lu dasit. AMIFM mple steran 1969 BUICK Skylark, 350 4 brI, cassette cut clnck, digital reani auto. p.s., phb., nec brakes, tires oul, 12 preseis, seek, acan, and mare, gond condition, $500. dolby, auto reversa, mataI 1970 Camera R.S., 350 4 brI, auto. capahliity. Fils ail laie modal malallin black, ps., phb., nom- Chrysier produnta. $300. pieely resiored nside andi nul. Malorola AMîPM staren cassette. annellent condition, keaders. push ballon lunlxg, cula reverse, duel auhausi, many more atres, universel fit. $125. Four Chrysier $3800 canif lad. 1981 Chexeite, 4 raiiy citeals it esntres, 1dim door. 4 speeni, 65,000 miles, rings. iug nuls, ta fit ail *'K' cars. macoons, excellent condition, Omnis, Mini Vans etc.. siza $3500 certIlieni. Cuil Vce 666. 14"x6'. $200. Four BF. GcodrInit 3802, anyilme. Euro radiat TA. ires, size ______________ 205170HRI14. 11,000 miles cit carreniy, $400. Edeihrock SP2P atumnum inleke manifold, wiib Insallation kil. ta lit srnai btock DUT 'Dg Cheny, Brand nec unit (4 bbll. $200.Set oI plished.lInnseni bit elumninues rocker caner, la fit 302 Ilin Ford angine, $100. Set aI faclnry c bo tainiess steel. tube leaders la ast.uq MW f il laie modal 302 Ford angines. l. le ia5 huatndi ta, $275. Phone 655-3268. te 0e.. êtt9. chust Ut. saa.illedshI aie camV tatVotesr 505ls.. Yenu e' htees ytoi* lua. gaaumai emis aeet t i LOISecle an *4 hmm IsweIosi V(,,;doMi@tile an aitill àtai Oetssas adesla î el bncI 1 vu.lstflel(iIifJ I WHITBY FREE PRESS M"

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