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Whitby Free Press, 23 Dec 1985, p. 39

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WHITI3Y FREE PRESS, MONDAY, DECE_'IBER 23, 1985 PAGE 39 WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY REÂD et't ADSe MY PERSONAL COLOURS Dîscover the colours & shades that com- plîment your skln tone & enhance your best features. Only $30 par Consultation Cal 668-2770 PAINTING à DECORATINO proleasional bonded workmcn- ahlp, residentli anal commercial, free etlmafes. Cclli 83"277 or 068-9712. LOVLYCOUNTRY HOME Uldeal country en-I *vronment for pre I nrlghome elderly peope. All services provlded. 655-89866 LARGE, sunny, lurnished raya, privai a bath, la 86w house, srook andl Rossiand crea, $300 monlhly, availabie January 1. Phone 668 4073. ( PARIVNTS/ S CONDOS FOR R E SFRRENT TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT la afl WhItbp Aduli building. Cetîtraiiy loceied close la *GO & local bus stops. iJillies, hydro anal parking lnciuded .Ccii 68- 6372 betacen 9:30 a.m. andl 5 p.m. Monday ta Frldcy. CENTRAL WHITSY, new 3 bedroom brick home, double cf. iached garage, close ta schools andl chopplng, ellicieni gcs hast, $875 monthip. 4337002,9 a.m. ta 5p.m. ACCO MAION SINGLE PARENT wih ana chiid looklng for basement aparimeai, woriaiog flii.imc, neaded for May 11986, prelcrabiy Alax, Whiiby ores. 883.678, befora 4:30 p.m. CARTICLES i- ORSAE1 KIRBY VACUUM 2 years 014, ie new, ail atfachmenis, Inciudlng ehampooer plus exi ras, Worh $1,200., sking $700 or basf oiter. Must be sean. 723«698. FOR SALE ana aparimeni îlzed dryer, asklng $150 or basf aller. Cali 686-2738 days oniy. GEOTYPE press-on leterlng n0W n stock ai Dckson Plnllng & ai. ice Supplias la the Alax Shop. ping Pjaza. Large selection of styles and sizes. Why pay more for a amaller sheel ai ieîlerlng? 68531968. MATRESSES and boa aprings et hall prîca. McKeen Fariture, 524 Slmcoe Street Saufth, Oshawa. 725-5181. SM9 OFF Il aur qhort courses, gili coupons wort h $195 ahi be s54W for hall pnIeu. computer Sohool 4273010. VISIT aur u sed furnilure ,waraflause by;bppalntment. Blg sqylnge an desks,' chairs, f lllng cabinets, etc. Caeil Dckson Prin- lIng & Office Supplies ta arrange an appalalment ta vlew. 68. 168.', 1979 MALIBOU Ciasslc, 4 door, V8, ps., p.b., $3.000. Oel 686. 2912aeret 5p.m. 1978 CHEV Malibu, AMIFM18 track, PS., P.. euto, VS, $1895. 1979 Dalsun 280ZX GL 2&2 loaded, certlllad, $6,500. 1979 Chea Impala, 9 pussenger wagon. PS., PB., auto, 350, air, $2995. Caeil 55-4069. ATTENTION ail -winter mechanlos. 1971 Olds Cllias, 350 racket angine, 76,000 miles, aeads some body work, $50 un. cerf lied or beat aller. Oeil 725- 5965 aller 5 p.m. TYPEWRITER reniai. many makes and modela, by the weekand, weak or manlh. Discounts avallablu. Dickson Prlntlng & Office Supplies la the Alax Plaza. Oel as for business machine repairs 683-1968. ÉNiEATINALI VAF SERVICES1 '1GRAMMER for people who hale CHESTERFIELD salles, grummar s the ideal puckai loveneaf s, sectlonals, iess ihan rference book for buiness ½ price. Large slactlon. people. ',$3.95 par copy and McKean FurnItura, 524 Silncoe uvuluable ai Dicksan Printing & St. S., Oshswa. 7255181. Office Supplies la the Aa Plaza. _______________ Dealer enqairies Inviied 683-1908. 11111EROES of lue Bible" oaiaurivg book avaleabie ai Dickson Prin. ling & Office. Supplies, Aa ~ A N U C M N S Plaza. 6831968. Dealer Inquirien lnvitad. ___ CONGRA *TULATIONS on pour forthc4ming marriege. Ploase uiew aur samples aI engruned wýeddirtg Invitations ai your leloure la aur Ajun Plaza store. pieks, 8831968 Offce. u ,M5~X IMAIL ORDER SECRETS Pal dollars la pour malibou. CiPAR4eWa'ii show pou how. FREE ,j\ defuils. Shiloh Associalun,j P.OJ F. Boa 405, Sation A, Toronto, M5W 107. Charlîe is jumping for joy sincel ha fo und out about the service . j F R at Dicksan Printing & office Supplies in the Ajax Plaza. 1 FE:Do itth Dckn tl, NF 1 R'i NEW BODY SHOP Wlih modem spray booih, of- f ice, large upholslerp ahop, immaculcie iwo-torey *building wiih upatairs coer Locted on Hwy. 7, tuai north af Aa. $650monihlp. WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for ravi on professionel floor. Woaid ba saia8bie for lawyar, accounant, etc. Rentinludeialilit les and la negoilabie for an appropriaie tenant. For further Information cli 668M672 batwcan 9:30 a. and 5 p.m. Monday la riday. mmuv ADSER W" T US CAL i PrInling & Office Sappiy storevin the Aa Plaza andl pick ap a irae capy àf their 1985 MetricCaien- dur. PntdInfellafwo colours. il mattes for handp relerence. 683. 1968. Give _ UNICEF < gifts and cards and help a child conacto tissueS Canada i.'ý 443 ML Peaeni Rd, Tronto. ont MaI52L8 (> cal UNICEF C.-m aa.(ailrr ARE vOU LOOIINO for a lob ar a lob wort h worklng for? Donit fighl lii Leara how la une the computer and bus a stap ahead la the lob mariat. Wa aller lob placement andl inanclal assistance for those unempioyeal or low incomne. 427-3010. HIOfI SOHOOL atudentu wanted. Be an ASSE International lac. Exchange Siadant. Sludy la Scandinavia, Germany, Swilt zeriand, Britain, Spuin, U.S.A. for full echoal yetir. Contact Mr. Donald Allen.,PF0. Box 102B, Oshawa, LIJ 5Y9, or oeil 7284694 for caut andl qualifications. CAREERS IN TRUCKINO. Driver lob traning and l pacement help la avaliable. Oelil Rdgars Sohool ai f419> 7893548. BABYSITTER reqaired for smal baby Irvagular hours, Rssiand, Thiokson, Garrard area. 7232070. A CAREER IN TRUOKINO. Tran- sport drivers neadeal. Naw la the lime la train for pour Ciasa A Ilcense. Far pre-screanlng Inter- view and lob pacement Inlor. mation, contact Marv Orr's Tran. sport Driver Training, Brampon 14S06265-1260. FULLER BRUSH requiras fu and paniltime haip, gaad auringe. Oelil Carman 723-7044 anylime. NEFO To KNOW SoMETHING ABOUT YoUR NEW COMMUNITY? Onul Become a carrier for the Whitby Free Press today. Become the outstanding carrier of the month and become a winnerl Learn ta be a business persan wlth responsibility whlle earnlng maney. CALL CIRCULATION 668m6l1-11 <ROUTE CARRIERS EARN $$$!) TH CFAING CEDN 6842 PHOTOCOPYING 1 5 A LITTLE WANT AD S HO0UT S You can seil your unused items fast by placing a Classified or Emporium Ad in the Whitby Frèe Press. Results are just a phone cail away. Let 'bur Classified Advertising Manager help you write a clever ad and just listen ta your phone ring. Cail: CLASSIFIEDS 668-6111 The big catch s here every week ln the classlfleds. Dont rock the boat on costly Items, cali usi WHITBY FREE PRESS 668-6111 Q ,iomcuiarr,~ie AUTMOBILE1H' FOR SA.ELE ATE ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement far errors an the first' Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $600 far 20 words; every endeavour ta forward replies ta box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be '14<each additîanal word. however, we accept nio liability regarding loss or damage hiable for failure ta publish an ad, or -for typographie BRHDAH 70 o h is 0 od;1tec alleged ta arise throtzgh failure or delay in forwarding errors in publication beyond the cost of the space ocuped diRtHS A TH 70fr h is 0 words1<ec such replies. We will not be responsible for box number by the error p to a maximum cost of the first insertion. dinlwr. replies nat called for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right ta classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the fir- reject alIadvertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50 words; 12 each additional word. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication ta insert one day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12t each ad- AUCTION SALES -40t per line. (No word ads allowedi. to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. ditional word ifî pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX1 NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or.Visa accounit. Please have your ditional charge of $200. The Whitby Free Press wilI make 668-6111 1 1 L

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