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Whitby Free Press, 30 Dec 1985, p. 19

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WIIIT13Y FREE PIZSS, MONDAY. DECEMBIR 30, 1985, PAGE 19 November... It's 'Yes' to Mayor Bob one more time Mayor Bob AttersleY swept int a third term last niight as he trounced is only challenger, in- surance consutant Lynda Buffett, in an election that climaxed an often bitter cam- paign. And whiie the race for Whitby's two regional council seats began as more of a seesaw affair, the two incumbents -- Gerry Emxn and Tom Edwards -- walked away with their seats in- tact. The strong challenge mounted by former mayor Jim Gar- tshore had fallen short of the mark. But there was 1111e drama in the races for town council. Ail three incunibents running -- West ward Counillor Joe Bugelli, was ac- claimed - were re- eiected. North ward Councillor Boss Batten faced a strong challenge early in the race from ReuwVerrydt but Batten neyer looked back from the 24-15 lead be beid af- ter the first poli. The Mayor pulied ahead of Buffett early in the cowting, estabiisbing a pattern that held throughout the night. By the first poli ceunt aI 8:40 p.m., At- tersley had ciocked in with 37 votes 10 Buffett's four. He neyer looked back. The second poil a few minutes later brought the count to 82 for Aler- siey and 18 for B4ffett wbile the third poili in- creased tbe spread 10 114 to 24. After 26 poils, it seemed al but wrapped up with tbe Mayor holding a commanding 772 t0 335 iead. By 10 p.m. Attersley bad jum- ped t0 1,600 compared 10 Buffett's total of 640. In the race for the two regionai seats, Emm took an early iead witb 29 votes, wiie Gar- tshore was second a! 21 and Edwards third at 16. Emm jumped to 64 in the second poili and 77 in the- Iird wbile Gar- tshore slipped bebind bis two opponents with 60 votes by the thirc! poili. Edward's comeback was the most dramatic, bis taiiy shooting up 10 78 votes so that be pu]iled abead of tbe pack by the ime the third poili resuits came in at about 9 pm. In spite cf Garîshores strcng sbowing -- and bard canlpaigning -- the former mayor seemed 10 be slipping beyond reacb of bis goal by the 261b poili. Incumbents Edwards and Emm had pulled abead witb 679 and 603 respectively 10 Gartshore's 503. After 44 poils --by about 10 p.m. the spread had increased even more witb Edwar- ds clocking in at 1,323, foilowed by Emm with 1,244 and Gartshore et 1,036. Early in the evening il became evident there'd be no new faces from the wards sitting on town councîl. The North ward -- which recorded a high voter turnout in the lest local elections -- looked as if il would host a real race after the first poli results. Ross Batten took a 24- 15 lead against his op- ponent Rein Verrydt. Il was still close by the 26th poil with Batten ahead by 54-46 but by the 441h be bad taken a commanding 182 10 96 lead. The East ward race had been expected 10 be close and dramatie. Two long-time foes --in cumbent Joe Drumm and civic activist Den- nis Fox had slugged it out in a bitter campaign that saw more than a lit- tle mud slung. But Drumm puiled ahead of bis rival from the first bell and be neyer looked back. By the fourth poil, Drumm had outpaced Fox 39-10 and after 26 bad repor- ted, the lead had reached 112 to 17. Af er 44 poilIs -- at about 10 p.m. -- Drumm was walking away from Fox with a count of 267 10 157. Centre ward incumn- bent Marcel Brunelie took an early lead out- pacing bis rival Novemnber.. Bowman pulls electoral !eat In a stunning electoral feat, a 22-year-old political novice took a seat as trustee on the Durham Board cf Education edging out ber two fellow trustees in the popular vote. Pal Bowman, a private art teacher and recent graduate cf the Durham public schooi system, led incumbents Ian Brown and John Buchanan in the race for the three sea ts. Frornl page 17 Sidewalks protesting is feliow councillors insinuation that be bad flot been listening 10 is con- stituency. ..,IFm giad we're baving Iis debate," in- terjected Reg. Coun. Tom Edwards, ever- conciliatory. "But 1 think il wouid be unfor- tunate if tbe motion was defeated in view cf the support it bas among the ratepayers cf Wbît- by.". Brunele's amen- dment was deteated by a vole cf 2 10 5, witb Brunelle's only support fromn North Ward Coun. Ross Batten. The quarrel resolved, council went on 10 unamninously approve Mayor Bob Attersley's initiai proposai, now over a year old, 10 take up the plcugh on bebaif cf the taxpayers cf Whitby. The enthusiastie Bowman pinned ber success on strong com- munication skiils and added: "As I lok aI il, you dont gel a second chance 10 make a first impression." Brown and Buchanan ran on their record aflter five years service witb tbe boards. Ted Shiner, in is second bid for a trustee seat, ran close bebind the Iird place Buchanan. In fif 1h place was Jerry Moskaluk, manager of a data processing company. Mike Knell, former community editor cf the Free Press placed sixth with Larry Kinnear traiiing. Eroin p.ige 5 In tbe separate scbool races, a busband and wife team led the polis. Judi Oldman won as separate scbool trustee on the public board wbile ber busband Tom took one cf the four seats on the Catbolic scbooi board. The other three seats were taken by Ed Finan, Caîbarine Tun- ney and Tia Woodcroft. AIl the trustees eiec- ted are newcomners to the board replacing the incumbents wbo retired Ibis year. Wbiie Woodcrof I is new t0 Whitby, sbe 'bas served for five years as a separate scbool trustee in Oshawa. ,Swan on stippage H-erald Syndey, Australie). BRA FIRM STOPS SLIPPAGE (The Express, Merthyr, Wales). Each month the magazine Columbia Journaiism Review publishes a collection cf headline blunders. Among those publisbed in recent months: MAN MINUS EAR WAIVES HEARING (Jackson Tenn). RETIRED PRIEST MAY MARRY SPRINGSTEEN (Bloomington, Ind. Hearld- Times). CONVICT TO MARRY STEPDAUGIITER HE RAPED IN UNUSUAL CEREMONY (Idaho Press Tribune). HOSPITAL OFFERS CLASSES FOR SPANKING NEW GRANDPARENTS. (Suburbia Repo Reporter Houston, Tex>. My favorite, though, comes from the Globe and Mail a few years ago when the Love Canal story was unfolding in Niagara Falls New York. The Hooker Chemical Company was being accused of dumping of toxic wastes. The Globe beadline, a eight-column banner across the bottom of the page: Hooker Ad- mils b Emitting Noxious Gases. environ- mental planner Vera Hugel -- 324 to 160 by the 26th poil. 0f ail the candidates, former mayor Jim Gar- tshore was the most gracious in defeat. In an emotional address aI the election centre in the municipal building, be said: "I remember wben i stood bere as mayor and held that the people were always right 1 still accept that and i take tonight's result with humility. 1 apologize 10 Ihose who have worked for me in this campaign thel they havent produced a win ner He aiso commended bis fellow candidates and pointed 10 their "excellent records on town councils." Edwards praised Gar- tshores speech and in- sisted be bad notbing 10 apologize for. "Il was a clean figt," the regional councillor said. "And Garîshore lost like a real gentleman. " Buffett thanked ber campaign workers for their belp and promised 10 try again nexî lime. Privately she expressed satisfaction with the resuits saying: "I put in a good show. Il was a great experience. More people sbouid run for public office She also said that she feIt ber campaign would keep Mayor Attersley -on bis toes' and keep hlm looking for areas 10 improve on. She added that herbor develop- ment in Port Whitby was something she pianned 10 pursue with developers she bad con- tacted during the elec- lion. Coaches needed Whitby Minor Basebali wants to hear from you. If you are in- terested in coaching al stars for the pee-wee or bantem leagues, please contact John Bates al, 668-8225 or send in your resume to, P.O. Box 81, Whitby, Ont. LiN 5R7. U.E.L. MEETING The Upper Canada Branch of United Em- pire Loyaists wiil meet at 7:30 pm. in the auditorium of Whitby Public Library on Thur- sday, Jan. 9. President Paul Clark wili project a film 'The Amerîcan Revolution 1763-1783. AIl are welcome. FURNITURE. STRIPPING Rtoflnishlng & Custom Upholstery ANTIQUES BOUGHT & SOLD Open 7Days AWeek 413 Dundas St. E., Whltby, Ont. 668-548 IBecome a carrier for the Whitby Free Press today. Become the outstanding carrier of the montb and become a winner! Learn lo be a business person with responsibility while earning money. 668.6l11 <ROUTE CARRIERS EARN $$$I> We hope that you wiII find peace and prosperity during the coming year. Our best to everyone Whitby Free Press 131 Brock St. N., Wh itby 668o6111

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