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Whitby Free Press, 8 Jan 1986, p. 25

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WI-IITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY.TANIJARY 8. 1986, PAGE 25 FREE PRESS E M PD0RIUM Emporium Ads will only be accepted subjeet to the foliowing conditions. MINK FUR COAT pastel beige, FOR SALE cube dlay brick, ilght sizo 9, excellent, condttin, color, $40. SciSîl liceplece aaklng $700. Phono 688-2213, acron, 38"x28" plus Andirons, ovoninga. $45, SciSti iroplace 1001 sel, $20. SciStil ireplace oodothder, $15, ANTIQUE hutch (ires 18W)0I loht Phono 668-0041 aller S p m. làtsbphs halvesa'be hl ndc2 (original glass) doors (le. plate dlsplay), botlam bas 2 enclosod shelvos, very nîce place, ap- pralsod $200, 5011109 $1400. Also maplo and calsut secretary early 1800e, $875. Phonoe 571- ELECTAIC mowor, $75. Phono W&82155. FOR SALE ktchen salle corner nook bosch style (4) place., lko new, $250. Air condllloner 800 BTU vertical, 1 year old, $350. N88.4302. ASSORTED ktchen cabinets, upper, locer, double slnk and laps, neod cark, package doat, $85. New arborîte countor, white, $25. White arborilo coonten cltb hut-to slave top (4 lomentel, $85. White onemel laundry tub ln orange arborîte couster, $35. Orange shag carpot, 9x12 and underpad, $85. Green nylon car- pot, 12x18 clth onderpad, 495. Ouantlty amber colored docorator glass, $10. Phono 668- 7404. BUFFET pine ropro, dry slnk style. 48" cide, 33" hlgh, $350. Eloctria typewrlter, $200. Royate servce wIlli guarantoe. 868-2243. SNOWBLOWER, 5 foot MoKee modal 320, toc 3 point htch, on- cellent condition, $795. Phono KENMORE porable dshcasher, aeocado, 7 years oIn, $100. Three lier apaco savor, $20. Osoon sizo bat, $75. Doubte bed, $100. Etec- trio grill, $8. Largo dog bouse, $10. Spaco heator, $15. Elgbl drawor drosser, $15. Large ham- ster cage wlth wheel and caler botte, $15. Cati 728.885 POOL I4EATER hat any lze pool, vlue $1000, n0w for $400, naturel gos or propane. Colt 723- 1644 or 725-802. 1983 SUPRA, $14.0.IBM. PC. V. color monitor, 128K DOS 2.1 basic, $1,750. 1884 amaha Vrago 1000, $3550. Att minI. Hugo comlc collection, $8,000. Phone 66&-9740. REFRIOGERATOR AdmiraI, 15 cu. fil,,oucellent condition, $300. TASBO computer. new 84K, ex- panded basic, colon computor- prînter end cassette tape player for programs, $350. Computer and sotwcare osiy $175. Piano, noc scale William, 1908, Oshawa buill, recondtloned, $1800. Phono 899.8001. GIRLS 21" bike, Aaleigh, blue transit, $55, good condition. Cal 666-3274 alter 6 p.m. POOL TABLE wltb accessorles, excellent condition, $800. Phono 579-3573. FOR SALE ire screen and elex- tric logs. $50. 14" black and white TV, $25. Tco table lampe, $20 set, Stop end table, $5. Two locer polos, $5 each. Phono 8684032. FOR SALE IBM Sotectnlc, good condition, must ho seen, $300. Caîl 728-3163,9 a.m. to05 p.m._ CANOLE STEREO wlth radio and speakers, ln good condition, $80. Candie cassette ployer, $25. Maheup mirror, $25. Pair oft sue 8 Dominion coller skates, $20, comos Is skallng bag for $10. Hamster cage, $10. Or boul aller. Phonoe888.8459. PINBALL machine, "Rock. makers" (2 caps t1 cml n oery good condition, asklng $495 dolloered and set up sn pour home. Tom, 868-9170. For sale two ladies 3-speod bikes, $40 each. Phono 668-4032. FUR JACKETS: noarly nec, short dressy China Mlsk. dark brocs, sizo 14, $195. Gorgeous liamne Muabrat, black mink tim, size 12, $135. Grey porsian lamb, suode lrlm, size 12, $95. Black leathor ladies coat. fliyIlined wth ceai fur, suze 18, $40. No, aIl wool ladies coat, classlc style, mauve, petite 10112, $25. Mes's ail ool McGregor carcoal, liko sec, size 38, $25. Odor standard typocnloer, $25. Hardryer, nom. $7.50. Bondie buggy, $5. Hasd boit shocor massage. $10. Phone 868.7404. -PLEASE READ- When the advertised item is oold, disposent of, or unavaitabte for whatever reason. tihe item wiît be deemen to1 have bees sotd sod a commission witt be chargent baseot on THE AI5VEI(TI5EI) PRI('E as ittustrated betow. regardless if price is stated with "hest offer' f the item is NOT SIILD. or disposent of. the ad wmdl be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of$750 wiît appty payablesnudvasce of publication of te first ad. The above minimum charge witt be apptied to the final commission due. Maximum commission: $100.0n. Att adver- tisements must be placentoosas exclusive basin with te WIIITI3Y FREE PRES5S and rus ut teast RATES (iIf article b s ld) 5% et adverthied price up lu 840.00 2% of balance uver 8400 EXAMI'I.: SoIt tem adrertîned far 8150.00. ('ommisios due 97.50 i minimum charge la 87.50) Privale advertising oly! Pleass notify the Whilby Free Pres mmeniately wben item lu soid so thal we msy delele It from the fottowisg issue. Ail ados ol filiing the Emporiumo guidetines wiît be treentisnt chargent per week as regutar classifient adsonosa pro-paint basis such as: services. bnlp manIent, clothing. reai estate, snt persosut message type ado, or ados ot qooting price or qusntily. Privale ctassifient ado may appear in the Emporium section under appriipriate beadins ALL ADS WI LL GO IN CLASSIFI ED SECTION IJNLESS IITIIERWISE SPECIIFIED. MAII.ADI3 T: FREE PRES.S EMPIUtM P.O. Box 206 Whiby. LIN S55 lb ln douoh caîl: 668-6111 OU l)EIIVEIO TO: 131 ltruck St. N. Whithy. tOnt. TIIE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. , ATICESARTICLES ARTICLES FOR SAL FOR SALE FOR SALE BANOSAW Generai 15" th hp IRLS Insulatent skates, 50w, TWO PAIRS of cross country skia wienclosed stand $88. Joînter $20. 39" bed. $30. Double bent, wlth boots and polos, made by General 8" i hp wiopen stand new mttrons, steel trame and Skllom, sîze 12, $19 and Lolte, $725. amatra 080 organ three headboard, $40. Sewlng machine, size 2 and 3, $25. Pair of mens keyboards $2900. Resei loant 2yearsold,S100. Men's blke, $25. skates, aîze 9, $10. Phono 868- tevellino traiter hitch 10000 lb Two gerblls wth cage and foot, 9753. ca.$1.Cmputor husiness program Intor Design GIL. AJP, IIM cith lactory bachups, sel $195. Jet coul pump 1ký hp w130 gui tank $185. Ulity bas for picbup truck ceatherprool 30cu511u23h cilock $115. Walnut veneor 14x14" $15. Wood threading bools 1",, ', 1" Inci. boltomIsg laps sol $315. Router & steel case cltb guides $55. Wine curhoy 12 th galionl $18. Cal 6554003, FORNAL WALTZ tonglh dusly rose color, peeri ni ploated Insert ln frontlofais Georgette cape on the hi 10 match. aniy cors anc $280, will accopt $150. fll iength dress, Robin-el color, booded front ai ienglh Georgette sieovei corn once, asking $75 ort to. Phone 576-1059. BEAUTIFUL blue ton lachel (Saga-Fur), nec, s $280 or haest otter. Liho se% blue, 2 place ski suit, sizo 427-8836. t ross, lechlse, skirt and ,ack. bal ce. paît Formai )gg bIse $1.Castie Grayskull and severai mon Includent, $20. Hot Wheel Cty, $10. Humply Oumpty loy boa, $15. 00901 comment cen- Ire, $12. Ceil 427887. FOR SALE Commodore 84, 1541 single dlsc drive cllh 33 discs, sc banh, joy stick, books on the 64,$500. Phonoe8W8.5651. FOR SALE boys mouided Lange skates, sizo 10, encollent con- dition, $20. Slndy houso and tue- nture. $40, Fisher Pice tape recorder, $30. MoIsi dog case, $25. New rabbll cage, caler bol- lie and ouldoor pon, $50. JR ginls 10 spood bibo, $50. Phone 723. 0768. [n ul WOOD 085K, large 80030", 10 le onip monlhs old, $250. Antique tosb, beat ai- pino top, rehonished, $250. Pices negoliabie. Cail 725.1435. ladies, SKIS à BOOTS ski englh 170 cm. ize 14, hool sizo 10, $75. Mepie kitchen r, ight set, toar chairs, $145. Duncan 14, $75. Fyto, eucellent condition, $125. Secing machine, $35. 6836638. WOOD OR COAL burning kilohen slone, ln good condition. 8 lits, 1 1070 WOODS hardtop traiter. as 1885 DODOE Omni GLH, black, 5 s3, $1,8W. Sloeps olgbt, bas spood, AMIFM steroo, Eagle GT atone, Ice box and turnaco. 16 radiais, alumlsum roant cheota, taot coer bout and motor, 45000 km. warranty, $8500. 855- $1,500, as leS68-82702. 40768or 55-4989. ~N'7~M TIYWl 1980 CIRYSLEA .s.. p.b., 2 U.9JEPAR/PA TSI door, 60,000 miles, $4.250. Phono 68-87203. TRAPAULIN cover tor s Mazda long boa truck, nec test $103, ii 1978 CHRYSLER CORDOBA p.s.. solitfoe $100 or boat oller. Phono p.b, air condlllonlsg, $80 or Walter 888-1337 evnnnga or 663- boast otter. Cal855-3178. 2»6 days. AUDIO VDXiChrysIer, eioctronlc n clash, AMIFM mpmx storea, cassette wllh dlock, digital read out, 12 presets, sook, acon, dolby, auto reverse, motel capebllity. Fils ail tale model Chrysier producîs, $300. Motorola AMIFM sloreo cassette, push button tuning, auto reverse, universel lit, $125. Four Chrysler raily wheets clth contres, trim rings, lu9 nuls, t0 lit ait "K" cars, Omnis, Mini Vans etc.. sîze 14"x6", $200. Four BF, Ooodrlch Euro radial TA. tires, size 205170HR14, 11,000 miles wlth warresly, $400. Edeibrock SP2P elumlsum Intake manîtoît, wlth installation kit, t0 lit smsll block Chony,ý Brand nom unît (4 bibi, $200. Set of poishod, tinned elumlnum rockrcovers to lit302 Ford engins, $100. Set of faclory staInloas steel, tube boaders to it lte model 302 Ford angnes. brand nec, $275. Phrone 655&3266. chIle enamel clth hlgh back, $300. Cali anytimo, 65558W32. P y n FOR SALE coller skates, boys o sie81k, $25. Oueen size bed. $25. 008k, $35. Phonoe8W8.1680.1 9 Give _ UNICEF 'so gifts and the ealss¶0et osa cards e sM i'l m and lielp a child O-fmnIm etiué t covtau ellessi., 05hans tnieef Canada Q .u a. s Ote ed la Iwoce . p«satiloo. 443 MI. Reasunt Rd, Whoe seIns, 54 teetSai Toonto. Ont, M4S 2L8 o.siead 54 ld Io4 0,c4 ~.iUNICEF Cari" i Irîm VO,,Ier sl. oimiltbutnto. i 00Ol6364(InBC 11280026663641 ThOlt nssdy.en be ilba ra. ,Ossp. 668-6111 et WIITSY FR88 PRESS 1978 NOVA os ls, $150. Phono 855-8001 or68&2187. 1978 HORNET WAGON, 6 cpI,, rellablo, quick sale, $400 or boat olter, Phono 728-068aller 5 p.m. 1974 0MEV IMPALA, ps., phb., 350 automallo, Blauplunkt stereo and equelizor, g00d condition, certllled $850. Phonoe0682187. 1972 MONTE CARLO L88 bood scoop, 350 2 bhi, also wilii nclude Ico new rotors and calipors, for rostorallon or parts, $400. 86& 2145. 1969 BUICK Skytark, 350 4 brl, auto, ps., phb., n0w brakes, tires and more, goont condition, $500. 1970 Cameos AS., 350 4 brl, auto, melallil black, psa., phb., com- piotely ealoret mnalte and out, excellent condition, hoadora, duel oshaust, many more entres, $3800 crtlfled. 1981 Chevolte, 4 door, 4 speed, 85,000 miles, maroon, encollent condition, $3500 crtltiont. Oeil Vînco 68& 3802, anytime. L.SNAPED sots foc sale, 5 pears oint, very good condition, aklng $200. Phonoe681k1485. FOR SALE gold frldge and 955 stove, duel uvens, appmox. 7 pears old, $400 herm. 88-4036. SPEED OUEEN heavy duty casher and dryer, 4 tisors old, good eppoaranco and worklng ordor. $450 for the pair. 4276244 or 427-2854. ;erCON FUSED? Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out- on our Iow advertising rates just because, you have If you: .are a private advertîser: *have an article to sel, and, *have a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details I. Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three monthsi. A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $7,50 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT sel] within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. (t is utn- fortunate that no newspaper con guarantee yîsur article wilI seli, but where else could you get three months advertising for only $!'.5'! When your article selîs, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. Com- mission is: 5% up to $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge described above. questions. Hopefully. the explanation below can clear up many of- your questions - if flot, do cail 668-6111 and we'I be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to you personally. r have read the Emporium guidelines above and wtsh lu have the following advertisement placed under this section of the Whithy Free IPress. _______________________________________ doilri.'l ogl i iriiluitc vur phoneiiuînîls'r Charge $7.511 to my Visa accturit tard No. :%î Date Nami' 1pIeuse print 1 Address City Postail ('ode MAIL TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 1:11 Brock St. N. Whitby LIN 551 BeItw are some examples of what you would be charged if your article sold within three months. Coummissions shown include the minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABR . Ad v e rt isîed Priv-e' lSp lit $ $150t $ 2(X) $ 3 00 $6400 ' $ 5 00 $8700 $ $900 j $2.000 $3,000 $4.000 $5,OW and up Total Amount Payable $7.50 $10.00 $15.00 $20.00 $22.00 824.00 I26.00 $28.00 $30.00 S32.00 $52.00 I72.00 $92.00 $100.00

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