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Whitby Free Press, 8 Jan 1986, p. 26

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PAGE 26. WEDNESDAY.JANUARY 8. 1986. WHITBY FREE PRESS WHITBY' '~ C E S ~ TICLESAUTOMOBILES j FOR SALEFOR SALE rER NA MARILE TOPPED sales counter. 1190 PONTIAC Parisienne H MYEROA $150. Approxlmafely 50 f. n 2 fi. wagon, A-1 condition, ioaded, wl COLOUIRS 0f sheîvng comploe wllfr 55,000 mles, cerf fied. $5.995. Da% Dscover the colours braclets, $200. Pfone 6835284. Phone 663396,.h &shades that com--_ __ yor knpETYEpeso eîern nw1976 OLOS Tornado, body le. yea plment yu kn GOYEpeso etrn o engins snd transmission good, fîtc tons & enhance your I stock ai Dlcksoo Prlntlng & 0f- prlmsand sow, $80. yea 0nIy $30 parConutto plng Plaza. Large slect Ion ofW0 Only 30 pr Cosulttion styles and sîzes. Why pay moreMo Ciii for a omaller sheet 0f letfarlng? 1914 VENTURA 8 cyl., as 18, 9300 Mct 666-2770 8831918. or basf offer. §W8.8348 aler 6 a 1 ____________ p.m. Scý QUALITY PAINTER. Interlor au MATTRESSES and box sprlngs et des fartor, home or office. Sf at19 rntu 54act off by decorsflng yoar surrourt. hait prIceMOKeen Far fr,2 RILS Htf dino. For free estîmates eili Simcoe Street Souft, Oshawa.FO RET 83-4264. 7255181. . i Wh ___________________Car PAINTING ài-DECORATtNO profeselonat bonded worleman. sbîp, rsldonflai and commercial, f ree estîmafos. CatI 839.4277 or 881k9712. SPECIALIZINOIn prsonalized Indepth bouecleaning. Phone 666.4023. We -take cars 0f *Pickrng Countryl *Hom.*Lodglng eals laudryetc. place f0 be. 655-8966. OUILTING CLASSES beginnIng In February et CuIlers Bock. For Information colt 6837107. _77AGEEIP FOR SALE LAKE DALRYMPLE 50 miles nor lb, approoimuieiy 1300 Bq. f. Vlceroy style homelcotage. wilh 860 sq. f.Insuiaed garage on 1.6 acres, ecllent fshlng, snowmobillng, boetIng, etc., fireplaco, 200 amp service, boul motor, snowmobiles, appiinces, $56.90. 66884104. WHITBY Mary Sfreet, 2 bodroom bungalow, rec room, firepiace, garage, $850per monlh plus utîlifies, rfrences. Toronto 889. 2508. SINGLE PARENT wth one child looklng for basement.aparl ment, worklng fulltimie, needed for May 1, 1986, preferebiy Alax, Whllby ores. 6836878. before 4:30 p.m. FEMALE. non-emolcer wshos room and hourd near Alun or 10 shere aparf ment, needed lm. medlefely. Phone 16271837. Plrent NEW BODY SHOP Wlhmodem spray bootb, of- fclreupholstary sbop, Immacuato two510r001 dech. Lots of parking. Loc.ted on Hwy. 7,. lad norih of Alax. 9850 montbly. WANTED 100 overweigbt people no try sale, new, effective produce. CatI 6680925. VISIT our usod furnilure wrebouso by appoinîmool. Blg savngs on desks, chairs.,f Ming cabinets, etc. Ceil Dckson PrIn. flng & OIffice Supplies f0 arrange an appolntment ta vlew. 883. 1988. CHESTERFIELD saies, lovesoals, sectlonais, ess ihan 'h price. Large selectlon. McKeen PurnIture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. 7255181. "HEROES of the Bible colouring book avulable ai Dickson Prin. tlng & Office Supplies, Aa Plaza. 6831968. Dealer Inquiries lnvlfed. OFNISPAPCE FOROREHTNT WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for rent on profsslonai floor. Would ha sulfablo for Iewyer,, eccountant, etc. 1100f lcludes ail utiliies and sa nagof albe for un appropriais tenant. For friher Information cuil 668.372 between 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Mondey t10 Frlday. mokes and modeis, tý weebend, week orn Discounts uvlfabie. DC PrInfIng & Office Suppliet Alax Plaza. Cail us for bti machine repaire 6831968. MOVING SALE Jenuary' .m.. furniture, eppli misclianous, and P.A. rý 9695 Hwy. 12, MyrI le Siaf ki 8092. SUPPLIE PERMANENT home want lwo kiffens, f rau. 68-83922 PUPPIES for sale, $20. 8 old. Phonea6.9645. Ï'GRAMMER for people wh grammur- seihe IdeulJ raference book for bu peuple. $3.95 yer coPy uvllubie al i OcIson Prîrl BUSINESS 0ffice Supplieientre Aiex IL..OPPO1III1ITUNITIES Dealer enqairren rniied 6K1 MALODRSECRETS IR EVEA LE D 1 SERVICE *Put dollars in your maillho E SRVICl *We'll show you ho w. FREI udtShlloh A5socialO5M BABYSITTINO avelah e, l.OX 0,etion A home, any age. Phone M6.9 Toronto, M5W IC7. PART TIME babys Il ng av NEED To KNOW SOMETHINO ABOUT YOUR NEW COMMUNITY? Cli Phone 668-8943 Oui hosiess wiii bring gilîs and greefings. along wth heiplul community information. Whilby ares. 668.1287 MOTHER neur West School wiil bubysi reesonable rafte. Phone 66E FREE: Drop lto the t Prlnting and Oifce Sappi n the Aia Plusa and pic fren copy ofI 1te .1986 Culundur. rlnied rn Iwo C Il mukes far huvdy rafi 683-1968. e NNOUCMl MOST WJDELY READ r NOTICES 1FREDERICK OAW, a funeral tas beld Dec. 19 for Frederlcb mw af Bums Presbylerian Char. hAshburn. Ha losf a fîve year ette wlth cancer In bis651h esr. Mr. Daw, a wesfarner, set. ld ln Onlarlo foiiowiog bis war sars ln the Canadian Navy. In mhbumn since 1952. Mr. Daw nrfed 34 yam at General, 4otors as a tooi maher. Ha was fltveiy lnvoived wlfh bis cburch aa past manager and Sunday 6001c Superinferdant. AI bis eatb, he was eider. Ha waes an finve membar of the BrooklIn lrfîcuiture Soclety and the iodcarvems group. Ha served Vhby, on the past Commanity minres Board and the T.B. and "an Lung Association. Mr. Daw by the leaves his wîfe Lois, fhrea sons mont h. James, Brian and Siephen and to ihan four grandchlldren. usiness AUCTION SALE SAT., JAN. 11 1,10 11:00 A.M. lances. At Oddfellows Hall ln ysiem. Port Perry. Good quallty on, 655- antiques, round oak table, large side board, Zblanket chests, china cupboard, wlcker rocker, chairs, good quilts, dressers, washsland, sel ted for local mllk bottles, mantie dlock, sîlver pleces, lînens, dishes, jars, plus weeks electrlc typewriler, por- table TV., plng pong - table and much more. PEARCE AUCTION )NAL SERVICES ES 655-8073 ho haie CORNEIL'S pockat AUCTION BARN jines y and FRI., JAN. 17 riinig & 6:00 P.M. n Plaza, Three mles easf of Litle 318. Britain or 7 mles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay Lttle Britain Rd. Conten- RE1 ts of local estate. Oak E l china cabinet (glass 3 sides), mahogany corner eMy cabinet, cedar chesf, ý-64 parlour tables, antique dressers, quanlily of vailabie good china and glass. lduys. More details nexl week. For sale Information or consigniments contact Lynde DON CORNEIL ai a ACINE ll3228 UTINE R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 -J LOCAL AUCTION firm 00w taking conigoments, asiates Dcso0n and colecible items for Janaary y stora Sale. Oaallty marchandise oniy. cil; ap a For more information pinse cal Meric 728"194 or 9839358 oloars. CONGRATULATIONS an your forihcoming mrriege. Pieuse vlew Oas nemples of engraved weddlng inviations ai your lesuare in Our AiaPlaza store. Dckson Priniing il Office Sap- ples, 683-1968. NTThD RN'S RNA'S Experlenced Health Cars AIda and Nurse Aida and homemnakers joîn one of Durham Reglons leadlng nurslng ser- vices. Becomne a Comcare nurse. Full or part-time work. Arrange own schedule and area of work. Paid weekly. Car an assel. CfYMCARE j571-3501 MOLLY MAIO sa acceptlng ap. plcaf ions for lghf bousework ln Wblfby. Pull and parfti me. Cali W8-.9073. A CAREER IN TRUOKINO. Tran- sport drivers needed. 10w ls the t Ime to train for yoar Clos A licenste. For preancreenlng Inter- vew and lob placement Infor. motion, contact Merv Orrua Tran- sport Drver Trainng, Brampton 1-800-265-1260. DRIVERS cash pld dally, muet bava smeli dependable car for light local deliveries. 434-8961 esk for Rob. PERMANENT fu or prtîlime felephone saes work, make bat. ween $4 and $8 an bour plus cash bonus peid delly. 4348961 ask for Rob5. HOME HELPER If you are lnterested n worklng wlth a professional nursing service, provldlng meal preparation and other household dulies for our clients. Applicanîs should be wllling f0 paricipale n a 3 day course and orientation and be available for work wlth flexible hours. Please cal CÇYMCARE j571-3501 BABYSITTER raqaIred for 10t,5 yeer old boy. waekdeys :15 a.m. belore school and alfer uchool unlil 5&45 p.m. ln Otercreek ores If possible. 688.4 CAREERS IN TRUCOINO. Driver lob training and placement halp sa evaleabie. Cali Rodgers School et (416 7693546. BABYSITTER aeeded fulltime in my home for a one yeur aid, required to work shifts. West Lynde ores. Cali 66885360. MATURE reliabin. bavng person lo cure for a foar yeur old ln my home. weekdays. car an asset, Cali aller 7 p .88 68-9505. ARE YOU LOOKINO forea lob or e lob wori h worling for? Donit f lght filiLeero how 10 ana the computer and beau step eheud in the lob markcet. We citer lob placement and fînanciai assistance for thuse unemployed or iow income. 4273010. ICALL CIRCULATION 668*6l11 (ROUTE CARRIERS EARN $$$I) /7 POaRncao SI. John Amb6ulnce has heen Cnda since Ir3. You*re ivvied 1lobea apari cl tbel, neel handred yeers Cive ibem e call Leau n h04 Iohelp S.JohnAmuac Tha need e«cwi Charlie is jumping for joy inca: ha found eut about the service at 0ickson Printing & Officej Supplisn te AjaxPlzj. CUTHEFRM CNRE 66.452 THIS WEE ATTEI Please checlç your advertisement for en-ors on the first day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will flot be liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the en-or up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or rejeet ail advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper- one day before they can be changed or cancelled. CLASSIFIED RATES: $400 for 20 words; 12t each ad- ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your NTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $6.00 for 20 words; me< each additional word. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $700 for the first 100 words; 12t each additional word. IN MEMORIAMS. CARDS 0F THANKS - $1100 for the fir- st 50 words; 12C each additional wîîrd. AUCTION SALES - 40e per line. i(No word ads allowed i. BOX NUMBEItS: Box numbers are available at an ad- ditional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press wîhl make every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we accept no liability regarding bass or damage alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding such replies. We will not be responsible for box number replies not called for within 30 days. 1>EADINES. Monday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication f0 insert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL 668-6111

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