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Whitby Free Press, 15 Jan 1986, p. 10

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PAGE JWEDNESDA Y, JAN UA RY 15, 1986 WHITBY FR EE PRESS Henry Airband contest raises !unds in memory of Greg Boyer If you had wandered HSHS Airband Contest and leht sho. into the Henry Street High Sehool library last Thursday at lunch-time looking for a quiet place ta, catch up on your honiework, you would have been in for a bit of a shock. Instead of a few students earnestly bent over their books there 3W4 gathered about the foot of a makeshift stage for a rock concert - of sorts. Instead of Canadian history and geometry, the order of the day was the Sex Pistols, Teenage Head and ather phenomena seldom associated with scholastic endeavours. The event was the Date set A preliminary hearing date has been set for two Whitby men charged with sexual assault with a weapon and theft in connection with a Nov. 20 rape of a Whitby woman. Phillip Vincent Gib- and the ineup of bands, or rather, facsimilies thereof, was brought tagether to raise money for the Arthritis Foun- dation in memory of Gregory Bayer, the 17 year aid HSHS student who died last month of a spontaneous brain hemorage while piaying hockey with friends in the Iroquois Arena. Students who packed inLo the library paid 50 cents to watch ciassmates thrash away at imaginary guitars and sing along with memorable musical greats like Sid Viciaus and Biily Idol backed up for rape son, 20, of Lyndeview Dr. and Christopher Dochuk of Bell Dr. ap- peared in Whitby provincial court Friday. The hearing will begin April in Oshawa provin- cial court. The two men are alieged to have broken According to organizers Gregg Tilsten and Tom Bartan, the lunch-hour Wood- stock, probably raised $100 for the Arthritis Foundation after expen- ses. The winner of the con- test was an imitation of the band Love and Rackets, second place went ta students mimicking Triumph and third ta Starpoint. Members of the top three imaginary bands were presented with prizes donated by Sam the Record Man in Pickering and Pat and Mario's of Whitby. hearing into the home of a Whit. by woman around midnight, threatened her with a knife and sexually assaulted her. Police say the men then stole a wedding ring and fled the scene. This grizzly tria were amang those competing in event, mare than $100, will go ta the Arthritis Faun- the Henry Street High School airband competition dation in memory of Gregory Bayer the Henry last week. Over 300 students packed into the Street student who died iast month. school's lîbrary ta see the event. Proceeds fromn the Free Press Staff Photo iFICE Ford.ý1 " DESKS e TABLES " FILING CABINETS " ADOING MACHINES TYPEWRITERS li " CHAIRS " SAFES * KARDEX - " CASH REGISTERS " ELECTRONIC CALCuLATORS " STEEL LOCI<ERS e FANS " SHELVING a TIME RECORDERS " TRANSFER CASES ETC. " OUPLICATING MACHINES DESIGN ami MMI MM!FgaL" MLI4ý 1 qq(-;r DESK CHAIRS FILES ETC. CUMPLETI IRINTIING SERVI 218 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax Shopping Plaza, Ajax Telephone 416-683-1968 and 416-683-1970 LCATCH THE OWASCO EXCIIEMENII OWASCO invites you to our expansion party DATE: January 18,1986 TIME: 0930-1600 hrs. Corne in & meet Yogi Bear. Have somne cof tee, hot chocolate, donuts & baîloons on us. There wiII be live Bavarian music & Mayor Bob Attersîey wili be ln attendence at 10:30 You'iI get a chance to wîn: " a trip for two dawn south air onlyl compliments ai Wardalr & Owasco excluding Christmas & Sprîng Break) * a weekend for2 in an OWASCO camper with $5000 spending money * passes to Canada's Wonderland * passes ta Marlneland & Game Farm * passes for whtewater rafting compliments aI Winderness Tours *WE'LL HAVE DOOR CRASHER SPECIALS ON OVER 1/ MILLION DOLLARS WORTH 0F VEHICLES *accessary specls * rentai specials DId you know that OWASCO offers: * the most madernly equîpped Body Shop handling aIl vehicie makes * rentai department cansisting ai cars, vans, buses, and campera in Whitby, Calgary, Vancouver, and the continent ai Europe * thé most modernly equipped service deparîment * sales & leasing department * parts & accessories deparîmirent * ALL AT VERY COMPETITIVE PRICES * Owasco Volkswagen 1425 Dundas St. East, Whîtby Whîtby 668-9383 Toronto LUne 361-1128 Ajax 683-3235 An 1Gir,- andI 0. ff. o'- ra nt lw,,rt VES WE'RE EXPANDINGI Il Guesa how many square feet in aur wîn a trip ta the sunny south. Came In and f Ill out a new addition & you could Sballot today. - TraUfic restricted on Euclid Concern from residents on Euclid St. about the numnber of heavy trucks using the residential road has prompted Whitby council to place a "Heavy Traffic" restriction along Euclid and Mary Sts. Council turned down the résidents' request ta restrict left turns off Dundas St. anta Euclid however. According toaa report prépared by the public works dépar- tment, only six percent of the total traffic on thé street, or 174 vehicies a day, is created by iéft hand turns from Dundas Sts. and therefore such a measure would have littie impact. The réquest from residénts was a respon- se to.the high volume of light as weli as heavy traffic they've been ex- periencing on thé street. Since Euclid connects Mary ta Henry St. - twa collector roadways - ap- proximately 3,000 vehicies use the street ta get to such community facilities as thé library, Henry Street high school, the sports com- piex, the haspitai and thé Whitby Marina. Public Works diréctor Dick Kuwahara says thé town can do nothing ta prevent such traffic, nor would it be désirable ta divert it since the stréet was,.désigned with the facilitation of downtown traffic in mmnd. Thé town cannot prohibit traffic on a street, hé quipped. The résidents also asked that a traffic iight be instaiied at Dundas and Byron also for the purpose of réducing traffic flow on Euclid. While the public works director was not convinced that such a signal wouid have any significant effect on traffic volumes on Euclid St., he pointed out that such a signai <ta help movements already taking place at thé intersection) has already been proposed for installation in 1988. $ ~ THE CORPORATION 0F THETOWNOFWHITBY IN THE MATVER 0F THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, R.S.O. 1980, c. 337 AND IN THE MATTER 0F THE LANDS AND PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO NOTICE 0F INTENT TO DESIGNATE TAKE NOTICE Ihat the Cauncîl af the Corporation af the Town of Whitby lntends ta designate the properly, inciuding lands and buildings, aI the fallowing municipal address as property of hlstorlc or architectural value or inleresl under Part IV af the Ontarlo Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1980, c. 337. The James R. Matthewson House Part of Lot 26, Concession 7 Whitby, Ontario REASONS FOR THE DESIG NATION 0F THE JAMES R. MATTHEWSON HOUSE Historical This house was built in 1864 by James Mat- thewsan. He was an inîluential farmer who alsa served on Whltby Township Cauncil as a Coun- cillor, Deputy Reeve and Reeve tram 1880 - 1890. The larm an which the house sat was known as Springfield Farm and was pictured In the 1877 On- tario County Alas. Architectural The hause is an interesting example af a mid- nineteenth century farmn house cambinîng Greek Revival and Gothic Revival styles. The house stands on a fine granite fieldstone foundatian and s assumed ta have been origînally constructed with horizontal clapbaard. Any persan rmay, befare February 7, 1986, send by registered mail or deliver ta the Clerk of the Town af Whitby notice of his or her objection ta, the proposed designation tagether with a statemnent af reasons for the objection and ail relevant tacts. If such notice of abjection Is recelved, the Council of the Corporation of thé Town af Whitby shahl refer the matter la the Conservation Review Board for a hearing. DATED ai the Town af Whltby this 8th day of January. 1986. Donald G. McKay Town Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossland Raad East Whitby, Ontario Li N 2MB3 Phone: 416) 668-5803 Il ýK 1 INSTANT PRINTING 1 >ork Orgu-nizer 111*

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