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Whitby Free Press, 15 Jan 1986, p. 21

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WIiITB Y FREE PRESS, WEDNESDA Y. JAN UA RY 15, 1986 PAGE 21 *FREE PRESS Emporium Ads will only be accepted subject to the following conditions. MINit FUR COAT pastel beige, FOR SALE cuba ciey brick, tight oa 9, eucellent condition, color, $40. SciStI itreptace askng $700. Phono W68-2213, ocreen, 38"x28" pios Andirons, evesingo. $45. SciStI tirepiece totl set, $20. ScIStI firepiace woodbolder, $15. ANTIQUE hutch tetrca 18W)1 toht Phone6M8.9041 aller 5p.n. f inish, top has 4 sholoos beblnd 2 farîglool glasol doors fIe, plate dlepîcy), botlom has 2 eoclosod ohelves, very nîco place, op- pralsed $2000, 001110$ $1,400. Aiso maple and watnut secretary early 1800s, $675. Phone 571- 36M8. ELEOTRIC motivr, $75. Phono 668-2155. NEW PARLOR eoae, 4 loches high, largo Interior chomber, chrome rais and t1dm, maorne pipes and cceaeorles. Price $325. Phonoe6554860. ASSORTED kitchen cabinets, upper, lower, double sink and tops, eed work, package deat, $85. New orborile counier. whte, $25. White arborte counter wlth bulin S ave top (4 lemoentol, W85. Whie enomoel iaundry lob In oronge arborito counter, $3. Orange shag carpet, 9x12 and underpad, $05. Greon nylon cor- pet, 12018 wlth underpad, $95. Quenllty ambor colored docorator gls, $10. Phone 868- 7404. BUFFET pife repro, dry sInk style, 48" wide, 33' high, $35. Etectrix lypewrIter, $200. Royale sorvlced witi guraniee. 66e.2243. SNOWDLOWER, 5Sfoot McKee model 320, for 3 point Miecb, ex- cellent condItion, $795. Phono 655.4095. KENMORE portable dishwasber, 'avocodo, 7 yeers oid, $100. Three lier spaces saer, $20. Queen size Wd $75. Double bod, $100. loc. trio grill, $5. Large dog bouse, $10. Space beater, $15. Elghl drecer dresser, $15. Largo ham- ster cago with whetoand caler bottle, $15. Ceil 7288865. POOL HEATER heat eny size pool, value $1000, 110w toc $400, naturel gos or propane. Colt 723- 1644 or725.802. 1913 SUPRA, $14.000. IBM. PC. VR. color monitor, 128K DOS 2.1 baaic, $1,750. 1984 Yemaha Virago 1000, $3550. Ait mini. buge comlc collection, $0,000. Phono 666.9740. REFAtOGERATOR Admirai, 15 c. fil., excellent condition, $300. TRS80 computer, nom 84K, ou. panded basiu, cotor computer. printer and cassette tape ployer for programa, $350. Computer and software oniy $175. Piano, new scate Wlliam, 1908, Oshawa butit, recondiioned, $1,8(X). Phono 699.1 GIRLS 21" bike, RaIeigh, blue transit, $55, good condition. Cati 66-3274 aller 6 p.m. POOL TABLE wth acceasoories, excellent condition, $80. Phone 5793573. FOR SALE lire creen and oiec- trio logo. $50. 14" back and white TV, $25. Tmo table temps, $20 set, Step end table, $5. Imo tiower potes, $5 each. Phono 6688-4032. FOR SALE IBM Soiectric, good condition, muet ho aeen, $30. CaI 728-3183, 9 am. 10 5 p.m. CANDLE STEREO wiib radio and speakers, ln good condition, $80. Candio cassette player, $25. Makeup mIrror, $25. Pair of size 8 Dominion rouler skates; $20. cornes In skating bag for $10. Hamster cago, $10. Or beot citer. Phono 6884459. PINBALL machine, "Rock- makers' (2 mays 10oint ln very good condition. asking $468 detivered and sel up ln your borne. TxM, 6889170. Forcl at WO ladies 3spoed bikes, $40 each. Phone 688"032. FUR JACKETS: neariy no, short dressy China Mink, dark brown, lie 14, $195. Gorgoous tiame Muokrat, back mink trim, sire 12, $135. Grey peraian iamh, suxdo thlm, suze 12, $95. Back teather iadlescoxat, lup itned Wth rmui fur, size 16, $40. New, ait WOOi ladies coat, clest style. mauve, petito 10112, $25. Mens ait lWOOi Morogor carcoat, tIke nem, sizo 38, $25. Gider standard typewriter, $25. Hairdryer. new, $7.50. Bondie buggy, $5. Hand heid aower massage. $10. PhoneO 8687404. -PLEASE READ- When the advertised item is soid. dlsposed of, or unavailabie for whaiever reason. the item wiii ho deemed ix have heen sold and a commission wiliI h charged hased on THE ADV.EHTISED PElLE as iiiusiraied beiow. regardiess if price is staied with "besi offer** If the item is NOT SOLO, or disposed of, the ad witt ho run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $750 witt apply payable in advance of publication of the firsi ad. The ahove minimum charge wiit ho apptied lx the final commission due. Maximum commission: $10000. Ail adeer. iisemenis mus( ho placed os as exclusive hasis wiih the WHîTBY FREE PRESS and run ai least one month if noi sotd. RATES (if article b sldi: 5% o0 adveriised price uopgo 6400.00 2% of batance ever $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sod Ies adverlised foc $150.00. Commissioe due 87.30 (minimum charge le 87.50) Private advertising onty! Pieuse notlfy the Whitby Free Press immrdiuteiy wben item is uoid 50 thal we may deetelf from tbe fxiixwing Issue. Alitsdas ot filting the Emporium guldelines witi ho treoted and charged par week as reguiar ctusalfied ads onua prepaid boots such as: services, beip wanted, cixthlng, reai esta te, and personai message typa ads, or ads nox quottng price o r quantlty. Privale ciosslfied adn may appear in Oie Emparium section under uppropriote headingo ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESvx OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADOSTO: PREE PRESS EMPORIUIM P.0. Box 200 Whitby, LIN SSI lfOis doubi cati: 668-6111 OR DELI VER TO: 131 BrockSt$. N. Whltby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. SKATES, boys alzo 3, Wayne Gretsky modal, $15. Boys size 5 nec Bauer, $25. Hockey Eqip- ment, shouider pado, pots and othar equipmant, lits 9-11 year boys. $20. Ski boots, mensa Retoker 5 buckio boots, sizo 90k, $35. Ladies lace 5001, size 7, $10. Etectricai panels, 8 fuse panel, $12. TWO 30 amp panais, $5 each and 60 amp disconnect, $10. Cati 576-7097. WOOD OR COAL SurnIng kitchen stooe, ln good condition, 6 lido, white enamet Wiih igh Sack, $30. Cati anytimo, 655032. FORMAL WALTZ iength dreos, dxsty rose color, peari neckîIne, pieated Insert ln front of okIrl and Georgette cape on the Sack, bai to match, oniy mxrn once, paid $260, wIii accepl $150. Formai fuit iength dreso, RxSin.ogg Stue coixr, boaded front and fuit iength Georgette steeves, oniy corn once, asking $75 or hast of. fer. Phono 5761059. FOR SALE boys rnouided Lange skates, sica 10, excellent con. dition, $20. SIndy bouse and for- nibure. $40. Fisher rice tape recorder, $30. Metai dog case, $25. Nec rabbit cage. Water bot- lie and ouldoor pen. $50. JR girls 10 speed bike, $50 Phone 723- 0768. GIRL'S Insulated oboles, nec, $20. 39" bed, $30. Doubla bad. naW mattreso, steel tramo end headboard, $40. Secing machine, 2 years aid, $100. Mens& bibe, $25. Tmo gertIlis Wth cage and foot, $10, Caste Grayokuit and sevarai mes Inciuded, $20. Hot Wbeel City, $10. Humpty Dumpty loy box, $15. GoBnI command cen- Ire, $12. Oeil 4274887. FOR SALE Commodore 64, 1541 single diso drive Witb 33 dises. disc bank, loy stick, books on the 64, $500. Phonoe88.5851. BEAUTIFUL blue fox ladies jacket (SagaFur), nec, esue 14, $280 or Seot citer. Like xew. iight blue, 2 plece ski suit,, sze 14,6$75. 427-8836. FOR SALE rouler oboles, boys size 81h, $25. Ouean esue b.d. $25. 000k, $35. Phone68-1680. WOOD DESK, large 80"a30", 10 monIhs oid, $250. Antique deok, pins top, refinisbed, $250. PrIces negotiabie. Cuit 725-1435. SKIS à BOOTS ski iength 170 cm, boot suze 10. $75. Mepie kitchon set, four chairs, $145. Duncan Fyte, excellent condition, $125. Sewing machine, $35.86836638. BABY NEEDS 40040 piypen, $35. Joiiy Jumper with stand, $25. Swingomattoc ith reciining seat and canopy, $25. Stoe top sterilizer, $2. Infant zlp sleeping bag, $5. Crib mobile, $5. Cati 688- 6552. L.SHAPED sofa for sale, 5 pears oid, very good condition, asking $200. Phone 688-1485. FOR SALE gxtd frtdge and gas stxve, dual avens, approx. 7 years oid, $4001100,. 688.4036. SPEED OUEEN haoy duty casher and, dryer. 4 years oid, good appearance and corkIng order, $450 for the pair. 4276244 or 427-2854. ~2 PiJ7TIIeJC/I 10 WOODS hordtop traiter, as 1080 CHRYBLER ps.. phb., 2 se, $1,800. Steepo elgbt, bas door, 60,000 mites, $4.250. Phono sixce, Ice hou and furnace. 16 66-23 foot cedar boat and mxtor, ___________ $1,500, a e. 668-2702. 1970 0MEV Monza, V6 automnallo, 2 doar batchbck, ps., pSb., AMIFM cassette stereo, AUTOMTIVE 70,000 mites oniy, bas now tires, REPAIRPARTS excellent condition, $2,100. Cati 666-89O0 afIerS p.. TRAPAULIN cooer tor a Mazda long box truck, naw last $163, wiii oeil toc $100 or boat olfer. Phono Walter 86-1337 eveoings or63n 23668days. AUDIO VOXIChryster, electronlc In dlash, AMIFM mpiu tereo cassette with dlock, digital read oui, 12 presets, assek, aon, dolby, auto reverse, mataf capabiiity. Fils ait lte modet Cbryoier producta, $30. Motorola AMIFM sterea cassette, push button tuning, auto reverse, universel it, $125. Four Chrysier ratiy cheels with contres, trim rings, iug nuito f00t1ait 'K' cars, Omnis, Mini vans etc., size 1406xO, $200. Four BF. Ooodrich Euro radiai TA. tires, size 205170HR14, 11,000 mites with warranty, $400. Edeibrack SP2P aluminum Intake manifold, with Instellation kit, to fit ornait btock Chevy, Brand new unit f4 Shil, 1200, Set of poiisbed, iinned aiumloum rocker covers o 1fit302 Ford engine, $100. Sel of factory stainleso steel, tube boaders 10 fit tale model 302 Ford engines, btand 00W, $275. Phonoe65M"268. 1976 CHRYSLER CORDOBA ps., pSb., air cxndiiioning, $60 or bot 0f er. Oeil 6553176. 1976 NOVA as te, $150. Phono 655.800 or 66882187. 1975 DUSTER, $400, as sa or beat otior. Phone 668-5038. . 1974 0MEV IMPALA, pos., phb., 350 outomatix, Biauptunkt stereo and equatizer, goodi condition, certitied $050. Phone 668.2187. 1972 MONTE CARLO L88 hood scoop, 350 2 bbi, atso miii nctude tWo neW rotors and couipera, for restoretion or parts, $400. 8688- 2145. 1989 8UICK Skylark, 350 4 bIt, auto. p.8,, p.b., new brakes, tires and more, good condition, $50. 1970 Camera R.S., 350 4 brI, auto. melallo black, ps., pb., com- pieteiy reslored Inaido axd out, excellent condition, headerS, duel exhaxot, many more Otras, $3.800 certitied. 1981 Chevette, 4 door, 4 opeed, 65,000 mites, maroon, excellant condition, $3.500 cerltied. Cati VInco 6M. 3802, anytIme. ;eFCON FUSED??*" Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our Iow advertising rates just because. you have If you: @are a private advertiser; @have an article to seil; and, @have a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion see guidelines above for more details i. Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three monthsi. A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $7.50 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT seil within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article will sel), but where else could you get three months advertîsing for only $7.50'? When your article selîs, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. Com- mission is: 5% up to $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge described above. questions. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear up many of your questions - if not, do cail 668-6111 and we'II be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to you personally. r* - - - - - - - - - - - -- --i 1have read the Emporium guidelines above and wish to have the following advertisement placed under this sectionî of the' Whitby Free' Press.I enclose $750 ta caver the minimum charge donI forgît ,,rrv udr. vour phom. ounrix'r Charge $750 ta my Visa accaui lrd No. E 1î ) îlt, Nâme tpleve prini e Address City Postal (ode MAIL TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whitby LIN 5SI Below are some examples of what you would be charged if yaur article sold within three months. C'ommissions shown include the minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYVABL E1 %dsîvertiseel .IPrive' $ 200( i $ 500 $ .6(10 $9700 $1.000 $2,000 I $3.000 $4,000 I $5000 and up Total Amount Payable 87.50 810.00 815.00 S20.00 S22.00 $24.00 S26.00 $28.00 $ 30.00 S32.00 $52.00 S72.00 S92.00 $ 100.00 ah

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