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Whitby Free Press, 29 Jan 1986, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 29, 1986 WHITBY FREE PRESS Whitby Clinic o!!ersoneàwstop !amily medicine It's been ten years in the making but next week it ail cornes together with a ceremony that will mark the grand opening of the Whitby Clinic, one of the most comprehen- sive medical facilities to be found this side of Toronto. The new clinic bas gathered under on roof a range of services wbich together offer virtually one-stop shopping for the family medicine customer. There is a pharmacy with a fully computerized records file, a laboratory which can provide a compiete range of blood tests, a full x-ray department, a cardiology clinic with echocardiography, , a low dose mam- mography machine for early detection of breast cancer, eigbt general practitioners and, within the next two months, a complete physiotherapy clinic. Located at the corner of Brock and Mary Sts. the clinic is designed s0 to be totally accessible to the bandicapped and is open Saturdays and 's Signs of 201 Burns st. W. LOCATED TO 3EECH ST. 3, WHITBY serve our cilentel n writing, iprinting and i Iettering 3-1464 iweekday evenings s0 you don't bave to take the afternoon off to have your annual physical. One of the most in- teresting features of the new clinic is the mam- mography machine. The x-ray machine produces such a sharp, detaiied picture that small tumours can be accurately detested up to two years before tbey can be felt. And because the machine produces a very low dose of radiation, it is safe and women. can bave regular checks witbout fear of developing the side-effects frequently associated with normal x-ray technology. 1Anyone with a family history of beart problems will want to visit Dr. Naresh Kumar's cardiology clinic. The clinic's state of the art equipment ailows early detection of heart irregularities and higbly selective sur- veillance without the use of dyes. "It's a pretty unique situation," said one spokesman about Whit- by's latest medical clinic. 'It's not often you find a clinic like this one in a town hike Whît- by."l And Dr. Wilfred Butts would probably agree. LOOK AT THISI The FramIng Centre 668-4521 N OF THE îHITBY To assisf the Town of Whitby in.keepIng the streets clear of snow, the public Is requested to co.operate by fLot parking in a manner thai willi n- terfere with the snow clearing operations. TOWN 0F WHITBY TRAFFIC BY-LAW 1862-85 Section 413)(d). No person shall on any highway stop any vehicle In such a manner sa, f0 interfere with the movemnent of f raffic or the clearing of snow f rom the highways. Section 4 (8)(l). No person shall on any hlghway park any vehicie for more than three (3) hours. Section 22<(8).- A constable or an of f Icer appointed for the carrying out of the provisions of this by-iaw upon discovery of any vehicle parked, stop- ped or standing In contravention of this by-law may cause it f0 be moved or taken ho and piaced or stored in a suitable place and ail cosf s and charges for removing, care and storage f hereof, If any, are a lien upon thevehicle which may be enforced in the maniner provided by Section 48 of the Mechanics' Lien Acf. R.A. KUWAHARA, P. Eng., Director of Public Works. r b-t Frances Logan is one of the lab tecbnicians wbo will be manning the new Bestview Medical Labs faclhty in the Wbîtby Clinic. The iab is equipped to carry out a full range of For Dr. Butts, the new clinic is the realization of a ten year dream and he believes the town will be well served. "I think the clinic is going to be a great con- venience to the people of Whitby," said the doc- tor. PICTURE PERFECTI The Framlng Cen re -668-4521 blood tests and a heart monitoring program. The Witby Clinic celebrates its grand opening next week. Free Press Staff Photo FROM PG. 2 Time to move ahead- Buffett promotionai expenses, government lban payments and various downtown improvemen- ts. If the membership accepts the board's proposai next Wed- nesday night, the average levy wiil be $186 a year. Wile he PRO DODGE Your Local Chrysler-Dodge Sales and Service Parts & Service -Thursdays tili 9 p.m. 209 Dundas St. W.,,Whitby 666-3000 'ATTERa E Ray Formerlyc HAS RE 300EB UNIT' to botter ý sigr screen vinyl 66E '1(1 ~I -~ I admits some members approval for the budget might find that figure a we'll have to continue on bit steep, Mr. Buffett as a very skeletal believes it is a small operation. We'Il lose price to pay for real, Georgina and, tangible progress. basically, we'll just be a "Sure it might hurt a caretaker organization. littie bit but if you're not "We have to demon- prepared to do strate that we're something about it serious. If we don't ap- you're just going to go prove this budget next on hurting. It's the old week I think our story - you've got to credibility will be in spend money to make question," said Mr. Buf- money ... If we don't get fett. FROM PG. 5 B5ih Swan Sam deals the cards, quick, his wrist flicking almost too fast for the eye. "Got enough?"' he asks. Johnny is busy counting cards. He doesn't see as Sam scoops up several aces fromn the bottomn of the deck, storing themn in bis left sleeve. "Just in case," he says. ..xt week they are to play again. They'll meetý he.-e in the saloon again. But then the saloon will belong to someone from Ewessofeh. Dangling Dan, the bartender, will be free to move tthe nortb side of the street and serve soda pop to kids; Gertie and Garter will open a seamstress shop, across thestreet; 'Fingers" Tom will be playing' God Save the Queen on an accordian on a street cor- ner. Sam'ii bring in a bunch of his friends to take their places. Free trade, you kr.uw. Johnny Cannuck? Oh, he'il be back at the table next week. He's gonna put tep aunt Melinda's farmn homestead in the poker pot. Till then be's gonna sit in the bar and sing Irish songs. He knows Sam loves 'em. j, PROFESSIONALS I ~ ~149 Brock St.N., Whiiby GOLO JACKET REALTY LTD. 668-6221 CORPORATION TOWN OF W ON-STREET PARKING & WINTER SNOW.CLEARING PRIME WHITBY LOCATION lmmac. 5 lev. S/Splii, F.R. w. F.P. & WIO, cible af t. gar., mn fi. ldrm, D.R., CIA, Ig. lot. This one won'f last. Must be seenl Priced ai $129,900. Anne Shaddock 668-6221, OU.- 7666.

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