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Whitby Free Press, 29 Jan 1986, p. 26

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PAGE 26,WEDNESD AY. JAN UA RY 29, 1986 WHITBY FREE PRESS WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ tLA$$IFi[L1 4L~ I ARTICLES ~7EERTY ~ESFOR SALE ] O ENT FOR SALE FOR SALE WJNTED 90 WNE _____________________TOP RATED ACA videa cassette _____%______________________ C AL CmcreslahafcmrL Hgwy2nf rkSfrfIi MY PERSONAL recorder. siaehed $444, no money Doovrteclours 4 a5%ofCayKfy,30Whtfby, Four Corners. newy TOWN 0F WHITBY I &shades that comn- Wenfwort h St reet East. Osfhawa, renovafed, 800 square feef,. pui en y ur skn 71142.suifabie for? M882095 or 666- 51.59 Acres R l rtone & enhance your GE1TPE press-on ieiferIng n0W ---8V PUBLIC TENDER, Ontario Land Corporation is mmeEo aI l $30 prConsifaffnafge mi n Aa h best features. ln sfock af Dickeon Prinfing & 0f. lnvltlng tenders for the purchase of farm land: Due to expansion we are presently looking for Oy$0pColatio ngceSplz.resetecfiSo of STORAGESPACE Located on the S Wcorner of Columbia Road familles willllng to open their homes for fuil-tîme nnn17% styles and sueas. Why pay more Loaton 1cesofHy7 and Conr ae n ie ot fHowv adshort-term placements for children who hiu PAfINTING à DECORATINO profesonai Sonded workman- ship, residentiala ndfcommercial, frtee estimates. Cati 8394277 or 8»89712. *Ederly Folka ln ourl *Pckerng Countryl *Hone. Lodglng,I meals laudryetc. a1lpov dicA pleasant homely place to be. 655-8966. UNEMPLOYED HELP CENTRE: Nsed ifsip? Woritera' Compen- sation, Wefare. OHIP assistance. Unempioymenf insurance, or criais referrets f0 other agencies. cati: 579-1821. 'GRAMMER for people wfo fhalle grammner slathe Ideat pocket reference book for business peope. $395 per copy and avatabie et Dickeon Prining & Office Supplies ln the Aax Plaza. Deaer inqudes Inuted 6831968. OId GoId Bought & SoId 1 OK -$4 per gram 14K -$5 per gram 18K -$6 per gram Also Dlamonds Durham rGotdsmlthlng 666-4612 THEIIEALTIl CARE SCAMI *Wifatyou shouid knowM *medicat profesaionai speaksM ouf on auto cassette, $795 PO Bex 408, Staffes A iTooette MSW 107 VfDEO DISCS for test, Oak TV., 389 Kng Street West, Oshawa, 725.583 MCKEE gis bar for taise. Higif- wap 7 and 12, Brooklil. 5-3318, ash for Dans McKee. TYPEWRITER rentai, many makesasndf modeis, by tifs wsekend, week or mont if Discounts avalabte. Dickson Printing & Office Supplies ln tifs Aax Plaza. Cati us for business machine repurs. 883-1968. for a smaiier sheef of ltfering? W83-1968. CHESTERFIELD suites. f oveseat s. seciionsis, isss than Wa price. Large selection. McKeen Furnifure, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshraa. 7255181. SENSATIONAL sterso systemn Maraniz high output receiver, semi auto turniabie. Dolby cassette deck. 2 huge 3-wuy speakers. $388. less than $8 weekiy. Crazy tellys, 350 Wen. tworth Street East. Oshuaa 571. 1412. HEROES of the Bibis" colouring book avslabte ut Dickson Prin. ting & Office Supplies. Aax Pfaza. 6831968. Deaer inquiries invited. MATTRESSES and bos springs ai hafif price. McKeen Furniture. 524 St mcoe Sreet South. Oshawa. 725-5181. WOW 26" XL100 remote conirol console, stashed f0 $899 WT, no money down. 1 hour deiioery. Crazy Kelys, 350 Wenfworth Street Est, Oshawa, 571-1412. VISIT our used furniture warehouse by appoiniment. Blg savings orn desls, chairs, f11109 cabinets, etc. Cati Dickeon rin- ting & Office Supplies t0 arrange an appoinfmenf f0 uew. 883. 1988. SENSATtONAL 20" SCA colof TV. smash. fabulous remole con. frot 20" XLIO. $399 WT. no money down, pour aid TV. makes a down paymenf. ess tifan $5 weehiy. Crazy Kelys, 350 Wen- tworth Sftreet East, Oshawa, 571. 1412. 21 CUBItC GE. freezer, six mon. #has --arnt-s savreo, na AR lust nort h of Aax. Fine acres of paiking, excellent for storing bots, traitera. rocks, campers. heavy mach inury. Aso indoor storage avaitabte. Fenced ln properiy wtt ifoched gates, 24 hr. daiip access. $150 an- nuaiiy. Cati 855-8988. 7, in the Town of Whitby *The property is descrlbed as the north part of Lot 31, Concession VI. in the Regionai Munici- pality of Durham *Tenders will be received unti' 2:00 p.m., Tues- day, March 4, 1986 F F~ORL R ENT For Tender Package, Cali Mr. Joe Ciasadonte, (416) *WORKSHOP 24 f. x36 l. 585-6787, 777 Bay Street, 161h FIr, Toronto, On- plus office spece, excellent tro 5 E for uphotstery , woodmorklng, tro 52E *furniture rftnshlng crafts soart sndf music studio. The hlghesf or any tender wîil ot necessarily be $400 monthty test or $19.000 accepîed. 7 E lust north of Aise. Cati 855. Otntario 890". ( ) Land n HOUSESCorporation i FOR SALE TWO BEOROOM dstuched, uniy LEGALANOCMNS iding, elecitic heat. compîeteîy NOTICES refinished. S8.9W. Pifons 983. ~ATCMODON ACCOMMODATIONS requred for University studenis, rom Mid Aprît untit Labour Day. Peuse contact Carolyn ai Weali and Culen Nurseries, 8554300. 7 f0 4:30, Monduy tifru Tifurday. BASEMENT spariment for rent. suliabie for tanmais.Pifons 886. 4580. 9444. OFFICE SPACEI WHtTBY OFFICE SPACE for test on profesoronai f ioat ifoutd Se FREE: Dop int o the Dickson Prtnting ancf Office Suppiy store n tifsAia Plaza and pick up a frtee copy of tifs 1988 Msfric Catendar. Printed in two cotours if makes for fsndy reterence 883.1988. suit able for lawyet. ccountant. etc Sent inciudes ait utiiti es snu s negotialbe for an uppropruate tenunt. For turiher informution cuil 8686372 beimeen 930 .m sncf 5 p.m. Monday ta Frday AUTOMOBILES SRIE FORR SAELE 1 FOURTEEN pear otd boy wan1109 1985 PONTIAC Acadian, onytitY ta abysit chiidrsn in Whi i S ares 12,000 km., mosttp hlghmsp onip. 6689780. mifeage, $7.500 negotîsbie. Cai alter5 p.., 72-5M.MOTHER of Iwo wiii babysit in mp home. West Lynde ares. Cati 190 PONTIAC Parisienne Pst66-4218 wagon, A-I condition, oaded, 55000 mtes, certifisd,$55.995. Phfone 666-3396. MOTHER of ans wii babysit in 1979 0000E Chalenger, body ln excellent condition, motor needs tff la mrk, AMIFM stereo cassaei- te, new tires, $1.500. Cati 68-8 6588. 1977 OLDSMOBI LE Cutiasss. nery good condition, for ontp $2.000 uncertifted. 1985 TtsnsAm. one 0f a ifind, has ta ha seen ta ap- preciste. Oniy serious offers. Cuti Ray Borg 68-89288. my home, part or fuittime. Rosedate ares. Calil666-3288 before 3 p.m. CIAY CARE ansitabie in n, home, fuit or par-time, Sossisnd and Cocifrane area. Pifons 8682034. ask f or VickL MOTHER of two iii babysît in my home, 18 months sncf un. reassnable rates. W6-9976. NOTICE TO CREDITORS & OTHERS IN THE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE 0F THELMA LAWRENCE, DECEASED Ail persons having dlaims against the Estate of THELMA LAWRENCE, late of the Town of Whitby, in the Regional Munlcipatity of Durham, who died on or about the 1sf day of Novomber, 1984 are hereby notlfled 10 send ta the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of Fobruary, 1986, fuît par- ticulars ot their dlaims. lmmediatefy after the said date the assets of t ho said deceased will be dîstrlbuted among the parti es entitlod thereto. having regard only f0 dlaims ot which thoy shahl thon have notice. DATED aI the Town- ship of Scugog this l6th day of January, 1986. KELLY, JERMYN, ZULY & FOWLER Barrîsters & Solcitos 217 Queen Street. P.O. Box 131 Port Perry, Ontario LOB 1 NO Solicitors for John Richard Lawrence, Ad- ministrator of the abovo estate. MR. & MRS. ROBERT GADSDEN of Whifiiy are happy f0 unnouncs tifs mu'iage of thsir caugifier, Robin Micifete ta Paul Johnson, tifs soni of Mt. & Mrs. Sidney Johnson of Whit S. CONGRATULATIONS on pour fortifcaming mariagd Pleas view our samples of engruued medding invitations ai vour leisure in aur Ajue Plaza store. Dckson Prnting & Office Sup. pie5s, 83f988 (ALL 668-61 1i i 'lO P lA(i: YO 1UR AUCTION SALE SAT. FEB. 1 Numerous antiques and coliectibles, plus variety 0f househoid items. Prevîew 9 a.m., Auction 11 a.m. Ref roshments. 168 KING ST. W. 728 64&l A&AfJCTONS MEstais. Liquidation. and MEINSTER, Son sncf Juliesare M onsigrimeni Sales. etc. WeU proud parents ta thisr tiret ch id --lzei or ae K a i s A n se So r n D e c e m b e r 3 0 , e*s p f h P oe s io a e 1985 et 7:38 p.m., welghing 7 ho mtiemers Asf citifsn 11 ozs. Proud grandpstents ar LARRY ANDERSON Franf ad HlenGaron t Wf i AUCTIONEER Sp. 7284296 AUCTION SALE SAT., FEB. 1 10:00 A.M. Brooklln Communlty Hall, Cassels Rd. E., Brooklin. For a prominent Oshawa Estate. Large sale of an- tique and modemn fur- nlshlngs Includlng dinlng room suite, living room suite, bedroomn suites, Maison and Rlsch apariment sîze piano, coffee and end tables, butternut lam cupboard, Victorien style chair, oak bow front china cabinet, Glbbard dropleaf table (miniature), mahogany china cabinet claw feet, mirrored hall rack, ladies stationery desk, Oak dresser, oak hossier cupboard, pine blanket box, pine benCh, large wardrobe, small freezer, plus rug. Dishes, glassware and china in- cluding Gouda and Royal Doulton figurines, cups, saucers, spooners, assorted pressed glass, oil iamps and oid plat- fers. Exceptional collec- tion of books, miscellaneous Items In- ciuding oid tins, guns, dlocks. kitchenware, linon and bedding, Kruse accordian, old cameras, palntings and prints in- cludlng R. Bateman, R. Kenyon, June Ford, and D. Stewart. Jewellery in- ciudlng diamond rings and wedding sets, 14K gold man's pocket watch and assorted Jewellery. Plan now to attend this excitlng auction. EARL DAVIS AUCTIONEER 7284455 LOCAL AUCTION (Inm nom tsking conslgnments. estates sndf coliectible Items for Janusry Sais. Ouaiity merchandilse onty. For more information piesse cuti 7286194 or 983-9358. PART OR FULL-TIME W.T. Rawtetgh Company sa exandtng with a great new sales plan boat ln the direct sales tnduetry. Cara about your future..1 do. Contact Tarry Armstrong, cai cottect 519- 627-1337. ATTENTION 100 openings, ait traintng prontded, aitljobs satsry, no commission sales. Cati 883- 3300. WAREHOUSE HELP. A book publisher tocated ln Pckering, ifas Immediafe openIngs for botf permanent and casuat hetp. Tifose tntarested are tnitied f0 appiy In person on Tifursday, Jenuury 30 and FrIday, January 31. Setween fours of 10 sm. tf03 p.m. ai Generat Pubttahtng Com- pany Ltmited, 1410 Bayty Street, Unit 13, Pckering. Principals oniy. A CAREER IN TRUCKING.-Tran- sport drineasnseded. Now sa the lime f0 train for your Clate A tIcense. For pre.screening Inter view and lob placement Infor- maillon, contact Merv Orres Tran- sport Driver TraIntng, Brampton 1-800-2651260. BABYStTER requIred for 10h year old boy, meakdeys 6:15 a.m. before scifoot sndf affer schoot untIt 5:45 p.m. ln Ottercreek area If possible. 888-0649. ARE YOU LOOKINO for a lob orsa lob worth wotrtIng for? Dont ftght Iti Learn how f0 use the computer and Se a stop ahead In the lob market. We 0f fer lob ptacement and financisi assistance for those unempioyed or tom Income. 4273010. BABYSITTER needed ln nip home, two chiidren, fine dayesa waek, :30 s.m. uni il 2 p.m. Phone 68-89718. CAREERS IN TRUCKING. Driver lob trslntng sndf placement hetp la anaitabie. Cati Rodgets Schooi sf1(4161 76935«6. ARTICLES FOR SALE, AUCTIONS, REAL ESTATE AND MORE... E a Developmental Handicap. At this lime wo require fulI-tîme familles for a 14 year old female and a 16 year oid male. We are aiso looklng for a short-term placement for a 10 year otd maIe. We are offering a complete training course for ln- terested familles. Joîn our Associate Famlly team, recelve Salary, Expenses, Benefîts and ongoing support. cu5636 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $6.00 for 20 words: every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will flot be 14t each additional word. however, we accept no iability regarding loss or damage liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographie BRHDAH 70 o h is 0 od;1eec alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in publication beyond the cost of the space ocupd BdiRTHS A TH 70fr h is 0 words 2 ec such replies. We will flot be responsible for box number by the error Up to a maximum cost of the first insertion, replies not called for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classîfy or IN MEMORIAMS. CARDS 0F TIIANKS - $8.00 for the fir- reject ail advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50 words - 12e each additional word. [)EADINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert one day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $400 for 20 words; 12e each ad- AUCTION SALES - 43z perlUne. (No word ads ailowed). to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL A d to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $200. The Whitby Free Press will make 668-6111 -1 -1 Fm

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