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Whitby Free Press, 5 Feb 1986, p. 10

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PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1986 WHITBY FREE, PRESS Grit bashing prevails at P.C. annual meeting iki Ontario's LiberaI spoken Sarnia MPP and tinued Mr. Brandt, they "I1t's frustrating for ce's wealth. The J governnient isn't doing former Environment have lifted it straight Conservatives who Liberals have aiienated everythlng wrong, ac- Minister was prepared frons the pages of hold- believe you should pay iawyers, according to B « k i cording to Progressive te, make in a recent over bis prepared by as you go to watch this Mr. Brandt, by taking Conservative industry speech te areà party the Conservatives kind of spending," he away their Q.C.'s, and taecii o niymot aither bAd t ack- ae bythe Liber-N stdP ac- bdgo h et. cusing citem f or a- 1~ Jj' Bandt trade crlticAny athful. Acnd a e foethey wbere oD a- ust d gidofthe Lter i nharmaci ofor s- i things.- assessment at that. cord' "If you can't cut the charging the public, the IL wemo ne craatiwic n -k r --l Ait_ _ Wnereverte Liberals have succeeded In coming Up with some good legislation, con- Assessrnent SBoard Jan uary 31, 1986 File: EP-85-06 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT BOARD RE:, An 'application by Decom Medocal Waste Systems Inc. for a Certif icats of Approval for a new pathological waste transfer station to be located on Sunray Street, ln thé Town of Whitby (more particulariy descrIbed as Part of Lot 22, Concession 1, Town of WHItby, and Lots 9 and 10 n Plan M-1204) NOTICE The hearing ln thîs matter, previously scheduled 10 commence ai 10:00 arn. on Tuesday, February 11, 1986, has been postponed 10 EQESA FEBRUARY 26. 1986.4 commencing aft 100p.m. i the Councîl Chambers, Town of Whitby, 575 Rossland Road East, WhItby, Ontario. Yvonne T. Fernandes HearIngs Registrar NOTICE 0F PUBLIC HEARING IN THE MATTER 0F Section 32 and Section 33 of the Ontario Water Resources Act, (R.S.O. 1980, c. 361) as amended, -and - IN THE MATTER 0F an application by Decom Medical Waste Systems Imc. for a Certificate of Approval for a new- pathological waste transfer station 10 be iocated on Sûiiray Street, ln the Town of WhItby (more particuiariy described as Part of Lot 22, Concession 1, Town of Whitby, and Lots 9 and 10 ln Plan M-1204) NOTICE 0F PUBLIC HEARING TAKE NOTICE that the Environmentai Assessment Board has appointed WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26,1986 at 1:00 p.mf. forthe commen- cernent of a public hearing to be heid In the Coun- cil Chambers, Town of Whitby, 575 Rossiand Road East, WhItby, Ontario. The purpose of this hearIng sa 10 receive evidence with respect 10 1h18 proposai and 10 obtain the views of the public, so that the Board can make recommendations 10 the MInistry of the Environ- ment. Submissions may be made ln person aI the hearing, elther oraiiy or ln writing. The Board wil not consider any submissions regarding the proposai aller the hearing has been closed. Documents regarding this proposai wIii be avalabie for exarnInation and Inspection during normal business hours ln the of fice of the Cierk of the Town of Whitby and the Environmentai Assessment Board, 51h Floor, 1 St. Clair Avenue West, Toronto, Ontario. EXPLANATORY NOTE The proposed waste disposai site ls ta receive pathologicai waste and pharmaceutIcals for trans- shipment ta disposai sites In Cleveland, Ohio and Gatineau, Quebec. The waste disposai site la 10 consist of a biomedical waste transfer station iocated on 2 acres of land and Is to receive and transfer approxImateiy 50 tons per day of Typé A Pathologicai Waste, Type B Institutionai Waste and Pharmaceutical Wastes. Thet transfer station wiii aiso include a faciiity for the washing and dIsinfecting of vehicles which are used 10 coliect and transport the wastes 10 the transfer station. Aller washing and disinfection, the collection vehicies wiil be parked ouI of doors at the transfer station. There wlili be no provision for storage of waste at the site and ail transfer wiii be direct truck bo truck transfer of waste within the transfer station. DATED AT TORONTO THIS 30TH DAY 0F JANUARY, 1986. Yvonne T. Fernandes Hearings Registrar assesament of the Peterson -government's, 1 performance as the out-" Speaking at the an- nuel meeting of the Durham West Progressive Conser- vatives Jan. 22, Mr. Bandt told an audience of more than 100 that he had some serious con- cerns about the direc- tion Ontario has taken since the Literais took office Iast sunimer. "They started with a budget that should raise two red flags right off the bat. A $700 million tax increase and a $500 million increase in the deficit," said Mr. Bandt adding that the federal Liberais under Pierre Trudeau increased the national deficit fromn $7 billion to $32 billion. "No goverumuent can spend ts way to prosperity," 'he said. In order te help pay for soft services, Mr. Bandt said it made sen- se to let the deficit go "'a bit" during the recession but now that the economny has im- proved, it is incumbent on a responsible gover- nment to take steps to cut back the deficit. A Conservative gover- nment under Larry Grossman would have succeeded in cutting the deficit in 1986 without ralsing taxes, added Mr. Brandt. deficit when you're on a roll then you've got no leverage when things get tough again. You've got to put something away for a rainy day. " Mr. Brandt accused the Literal government of ioosing sight of the fact that they must generate income in or- der to pay for the soft services and, by way of Illustration, attacked their decision to close the provice's, foreign officeIn Pennsylvania. "We did $1 billion business there.last year and that office cost us $200,000, " said Mr. Brandt. In the short time that the Literais have been in office, Mr. Brandt said they have suc- ceeded in aiienating a large portion of the province's professionals and business people who hie said are responsibie for creating the provin- Politicians back people on mail delivery By JAN DODGE Free Press Staff Scott Fenneil, the local member of parliament, says he gets more complaints about the post office than about anything else. "Ninety percent of my mail is about the post of- fice - either from people not getting delivery, not getting service, or com- plaining about the post office hours. "We're sick of it, and Canada Post wan't listen." Fenneli, in< con- -ýsultation 'with 'Mayor Bob Attersley, called the public meeting last Friday evening for Whitby residents te discuss delivery' problems with Canada Post officiais. Fenneli told residents he had been listening throughout the meeting and would te taking their views ta Michel Cote, the utinister responsibie for Canada' Post. In answer te a question on how residents could organize SEE PG. 17 Amplica. The world of satellite TV at your finger tips. c From Amplica technology ln Calitornia and COMSAT. lhree advanced new satellite receiversOne tor every price level. The top ot the fine ls the CSR-300. The ulimate satellite receiver Is also the easiest to use. tl has sterea, sound and programmable memories for satellite, Individual transponders, and audio/video tfunctions. Once Vou have prog'rammed the receiver with your hand held remote. tl con be operaied tram your easy chairwith the press of, o tew buttons. Amplica offers the same technology ln two more compef r. tively priced models. as well os a complete, compatible system tfor the highesl quality performance. Ailt with a tul year's limited warranly Ll 4605 Baldwin St., Brooklln Cail (1/ mile N of FamjIy Kartways) 655-4069 aomnestic wine înaustry by charging that it's product was unsafe for consumption, the con- struction and housing industries by extending rent controls and the province's doctors by eliminating extra- billing. Mr. Brandt said the Conservatives on the other hand, would con- tinue to fight for private enterprise and en- trepreneurship. "We want a gover- nent which rewards those who give more and produce more for this. province. We believe in the reward system and in helping those who are in need. We are not insensitive but we are aware of the people who make the engine run. Without the shakers and the movers this province would be in a bad way," said Mr. Brandt. By BE T-JEAN BLYTH jm Cal0537wlth Retefr thisclm This past Sunday was Groundhog Day and the sight of ail that sunshine s0 depressed me that 1 don't even want to think about it, heraiding as it does six more weeks of winter. So depressed i fact that ail I want to do is crawl back into bed and stay there. If you don't see or hear from me i the-next few weeks, you'Ii know that I've done just that. COMMUNITY DANCE This Saturday is the date for the big dance plan- ned by Ashburn Community to raise funds for the upkeep of is centre. It will be heid at Thunderbird Golf and Country Club and offers live music by Magnum as well as a hot lunch for $20 per couple. There may be a few tickets lef t if you cail right away one of the following numbers - 655-3401 or &95- 4625. SENIOR CITIZENS TEA A Vaientine's Tea wil be held for ail Senior Citizens on Feb. 9 in Brooklin Community Centre at 12:30 p.m. It is unider the auspices of the Kinsmen Club with the cooperation of their wives. A delec- table array of soups, sandwiches and desserts are being prepared as a VaIentine tribute to the senior members of our society. Admittance is free so if you're a card carrying member of this eiite group, be sure to get out to this fun-filled afternoon and bring a friend. PAPER DRIVE The Cubs and Scouts wili be conducting another paper drive on Feb. 8, this Saturday. For newcomers to the area, this means that if you bun- die up ail your oid newspapers, no giossies please, and tie them secureiy both ways, you can leave them at the curb before 9 a.m. and the boys wiil pick them Up. Please note: Ashburn residents must take their bundies to the Community Centre in Ashburn on Friday for pick-up. Please do not leave them there any earlier as they can constitute a fire hazzard. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE MEETING The Resolution Meeting of Brooklin Women's In- stitute wiil be held at Brooklin Community Centre on Feb. 19 atl1:30 p.m. The Motto for this meeting is "Perfection is not expected, but improvement is". Roil cail is to be.an- swered with a need or concern in our community. Mrs. Camre Arksey will present the current even- ts. Hostesses wiil be Mrs. Hilda Stanley and Mrs. Royce Irwin. AIl visitors are welcome. Girls %So!tball The Whitby Girls Sof- ages of 7 and 20 are tbali League wiil be welcome te join and holding registration at there will also be ap- the Iroquois Park Arena plications available for on Feb. 8 and 15 from 9 anyone interested in to 12 a.m. coachlng one of the rep Ail girls between the teams. THE CORPORATION 0F THE .TOWN 0F WHITBY PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMVENT PUBLIC SKATING INFORMATION CALL IROQUOIS PARK ARENA - 668-7765 OR LUTHER VIPOND MEMORIAL ARENA - 655-4571 - .uYUIY PRODshUIuoe

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