Speaking tolYou By SCOT FENNEL /A~VM <PC -Ontario) LL, MP 1 have two things to bring to your attention today. The first is an announcement regarding the working hours for the Ajax and Whitby postal- offices. After much discussion with Ottawa Postal Officiais, I arn delighted to be able to inform you that the offices hours in both Ajax and Whitby will be extended. Beginning on Feb. 17 in Ajax, and Feb. 10Oin Whit- by, the offices will be open un'til 7:45 p.m., Monday through Friday. This will give residents an, extra two hours to pick up Priority Post, packages, General Delivery mail and other mail. For safety purposes customers will not be able to purchase stamps, pay for C.O.D. parcels, or carry out ai).. transactions involvng cash during the extended hours, My second topic is the economic progress being experienced in Ontario. Since the election, the On- tario economy haq shown signs of strength and is on the upswing. Unemployýment bas declined, job creation. is up, bankruptcîes are down and the in- vestinent climate bas împroved substantially. The latesb figures for Ontario show that: e201,000 new jobs have been created since Sep- tember, 1984; *'-Unemployment is down from 9.6 percent to 7.4 percent, a net reduction of 2.2 percent; 'Capital investment intentions for larger firms in Ontario is up 10.7 percent or $3.1 billion compared to 1985 levels; *Bankruptcies were down 19-percent in 1985 com- pared to 1984; @In the first ten months of 1985, exports originating froin Ontario went up eight percent ,which translates into an extra $3.4 billion compared to the same period in 1984; eRetail sales during the first il months of- 1985 were Up 14 percent over the same period in 1984 and by 15 percentsince the election; *The value of building permits in the first ten months of 1985 were Up 32.7 percent or $1.7 billion compared to the saine period in 1984, while housing starts in December 1985 were 21 percent higher than in December of 1984; and, *The Canadian Federation of Independent Businesses report that 47 percent of Ontario sniall businesses plan to increase their level of capital in- vestinent while 33 percent plan to increase their manpower within the next six montbs. FROM PG.20 Blantams the number of Swedlsh Bantam teain HUD- DINGE downed the boys 5-0.> December 31, off to the original capital of Flnland TURKU to play the 1985 Silver winners T.P.S. With Richard Millsap in net the boys had a strong game but not strong enougb as the garne ended 4-3 for T.P.S. The Brooklin boys lost Brian Munro for two gaines with strained neck muscles. New Years day, we were back in Helsinki and Witby got back to their winning ways. This team a team known as H.J.K. was beld to one goal by Sun Lee as Whitby won it 6-1. January 2, 1986, the team lef t Helsinki on Luxury Liner Silja Line bound for Stockholm. 9 a.rn. the' next morning on a bus and north to Koping (pronounced Sherping) to participate in the West Mannia tournament. That evening we were provided witb an exhibition gaine witb a neighbouring town Ar- boga. Whitby was vic- torlous again. After losing defenceman Adamn Foote wltb a broken arm David Grant and Keitb Primeau blitzed the op- posion. Grant with a goal and six assists and Primeau with five goals and an assist'to end the gaine 9-4 Whitby. January 4, the tour- nainent started against the hnst teain West Mania. David Mitchell' beld the opposition to two goals for, a ,3-2 Canuck win. Gaine two Paul Windover opened the scoring for Whitby in a 4-1 'Win over Ven- DISTINCTIVE WEDDING INVITATIONS Select your wedding invitations front aur complete catalogue. For you..a Keepsake copy of your Invitaion ie luxurious goId. INFORMMIONOF MND LANDL#ORDS Bill 77 was recently passed by the Ontario Legslature. settlng a 4% rent revlew guldelîne for any rent Increase since August 1, 1985 for private rentai unîts occupled prior tojanuary lst, 1976. This guldellne apples unless the ResidentialTenancy Commission approves a hlgher Increase. For more Information about how thîs legîslatlon affects you, please contact the Resîdentlal Tenancy ComnflssIon Office nearet you (as lîsted below). or dial "0"' and ask for Zenith 9-6000 (toil-free). Residential Tenancy Commilssion Offices Barrie St. Catharines (705) 737-2111 (416) 684-6562 Hamiilton Sudbury (416) 528-8701 (705) 675-4373 Kingston Thuader Day (613) 547-2244 (807) 475-1595 Kitchener Tinimins (519) 579-5790 (705) 264-9555 London Windsor (519) 673-1660 (519) 253-3532 Mississauga MtoToot (416) 270-3280 North Day 'EautYork (705),476-1231 (416) 429-0664 Oshawa Etobicoke (416) 723-8135> (416) 236-2681 Ottawa Northi York (613) 230-5114 (416) 224-7643 Owen Sound Scarborough (519) 376-3202 (416) 438-3452 Peterborough Tronto (705) 743-9511 (416) 964-8281 Further legislatlon has been întroduced t0 reform rent review for ail private rentai housing. lncludlng those units occupled afterjanuazy 1, 1976. Ths leglation ls presently belng consîdered by the Ontario Legîslature. WHITBY FREEPRESS'. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 5. 1986 PAGE 21 played with some -of the best delso I.K. Defence Mania* Bilets provided an outdoor facility and than the five they played a strong game, both the players and were to play a team replaced. The result with Bilan Mueggler, Whitby parents with a known as Svetlana. An was an 11-9 Russlan win. Trevor Rands, Britt very enjoyable time at estimated 500 people However, everyone was Giles, Bilan Shelfoon, the local Volvo Com- stood on tbe snow banks happy and the Russian Chris Guilbert and Greg pany Reception Hall. surrounding the rink. team officiais were im- Kerr holding the op- Ai lIn alI the team bad Everyone of tbemi had pressed. The players position to one goal as a wonderful turne in sometbing to trade. Fir- then were supplieri with tbey dld several, other, Koping Sweden. st periocl the Canucks bot tea and a two hour occasions during the Monday, - Jan. 6, the were fine and grabbed a trading session com- tour. tearn was back in 4-1 lead over the host menced. Sticks, pucks, Gaine tbree o! the Stockholm where tbey Russian team. Period pins, fur bats, guin, you tournament saw Whitby spent the night in the two the boys stîll had a naine it. beat Surabammar 5-2 to beautiful eigbt montb slin 6-5 lead. Period -To our sponsors go to the gold niedal old Royal Viking botel. tbree was a little dif- Peacock Family Sports, round. Tuesday, Jan. 7 the ferent. As'a matter of Kim Crouch collars, tbe Later that day tbe teamn arrived in Len- fact so was the Russian Kawanis Club, Mc- boys played the 15 and ningrad. Three days and squad. Yes, no less than Donalds, Brooklin 16 year old Czech teain four nights the teain and f ive Russian players Whitby Minor Hockey, and were out rnuscled 5- parents toured and were replaced and it so and everyone in Whitby 1. However Canucks relaxed. bappened that the f ive and Durbam wbo helped captain Simon Asbdown- Jan. 10, game day. substitutes were ail send us to Scandinavia beld tbe silver medal The team was bused to bigger and stronger and Russia. Thank you trophy igh as it was for a tip of a lifetime. presented to hlm by tournament officiais. That evening the West FORTH