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Whitby Free Press, 5 Feb 1986, p. 22

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PAGE 22, WEDNESDAY, FERRUARY 5. 1986 WHITBY FREE PRESS FROM PG. 1 Homes remain feit It bad. waited too long for service. John Fellows, general manager of collection and dellveryfor Canada Post, said mhe systemn is already in place in Stouffvllle, Bolton, and Bradford. Fellows sald, "The decision was made in May, 1985 not to extend door-to-door delivery in new% growtb areas. 1 The reason for mhe reduced service is ta help the crown cor- poration of Canada Post break even. 1Canada' Post fi show the yearly c door-to-door servi bo $113 for bouseboid as oppc a communlty boxj for eacb househo]t post office letter cî filIs the box or $3, private contractor it. Whitby is split ween the two sysl Fellows said. "lSomne in Whitt3 bo serviced by a tractor; some, Compete Beai From Headý Analysic "The Place F LACG 119GREI 66 NEW& USED OFFICI -BUY-RENT-SEL No tricks. No strings. Just an extra $50,000 for your retirement.' How? Simply by making your money work harder. It's a fact that every extra 1% earned each year on an annual $5,500 RRSP deposit will mean $50,OOO* added te, the value of your RRSP in just ever 21 years' time. RRSP savings deposit accounts new pay about 8% interest. Seatinels frem Wood Gundy will pay up to without door to door delivery (Canada Post) wihU do." delivery to al. corporation was unable figures Feilows later said the More than one to flnd any other cost of figures given for com- questioner suggested solution to the problem. ice ta munity mailboxes take tbls was dlscriminatory. H-e said alteiate day each Into consideration main- In mhe words of one service had been sed ta tenance costs,. snow resident, "It is not fair discarded as at $83 removal, cost of person that a proportion of mhe uneconomical because d if a to f111, and to transport population la penallzed mhe post office would 'arie pus ultimate in mhat way" lose $25 million ln 35 if a, replacement in 20 years. Referring ta the loss revenue from junk mail, ýr does Canada -Pest figures of revenue on door-to- as sendiers would take show 54 percent points door anomher said, "If mheir business it bot- of cail now receive door- you can't cape, stop ail eisewbere, as would the stems, to-door delivery service, door-to-door." billing industry. The ef- 46 percent do not. /Anomher suggested, fect be said would bM to y will Fellows said the cor- "Maybe we should get a raise the coat of door-to- a con- poration could 'not af- tax rebate," arguing door delivery, not take It we ford ta givedoor-to-door mhat mhose who didn'tget down. delivery had to. pay Val, Walmsley a from their income taxes Pringle Creek resident ty erv ce he sorting and deiivery who bas been living mt S rv c costs of those wbo got without mail delivery door-to-door service as since August 1984, t<> Toe well as their own tran- summed up the feeling sportation costs t pick for many after the up mail from the post of- meeting. Is, Makeup, Colour fice. "I think moat people s and Much More One Lowder Place are angry about not get- resident protested the ting delivery 'wbile inequities of who got others do." Friends Recommend" door-to-door service. One question wblch She said she, bad picked brought smiles but no Up ber mail for two and answers was, 'Tas L N ES A.a half years, yet nearby Canada Poat considered ON TES A BelwoodDr. residents mhe salvage value, of JTY LOUNGE wbo hMd located more mhese, boxes (com- recently got mail in six munlty mallboxes) af- EN T.,WHIBYMonths. ter a change In gaver- RN ST.,WHITBY"The Issue la equity," arment?" insisted one resident. Bob Richardson, 18-9262 'If I'm force to'accept president of mhe Whitby the fact, mat 1 cannot Jaycees, chalred mhe - expect door-te-door tbree and one hall bour jdelivery, then I demand meeting,'ailowlng at fir- E F RN TURE you no longer 'waste st only wrltten questions .L- LEASE- I delivery for anyone. " read. Later, fe some Fellows sald Canada expresse dissatisfac- I et hMd a mandate te, tion, bhe ailowed In- * break even, and after dividuaisto make their * three years of study the own statements.. 1.8%*'*. Guaranteed. Some equity mutual funds have grown at 18% over the long term. Think of ail the extra retirement living that kind of performance can mean. The key is professional advice as to the best RRSP investment for you. Talk te us about the extra $50,000 you can earn for your retirement. *Difference between 9% and 10% return, compounded annually. *As of November 26, 1985. Rates subject to change. Plan to attend.a FREE RRSP SEMINAR TUESDAY, FEBRUARY l8th, 1986, 7.30 to 8.30 pin. Ajax Community Centre, Alberta Boom. Seating by reservation only. Please cal one of -the above numbers. Corri'do r Capers ~ By MARY » Call 725-9Î7 wiIh l ICEACHERN Itms for ihis columo. SCOUT PAPER DRIVE« This Satwday will be the montbly Scout and Cub paper drive. Please have your papers tied and by the road by 8:30 a.m. in order for the Scouts and Cubs to have sufficient timne to pick up the papers. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT HEARING FOR DECOM The hearing, originally scheduled for F eb. 1ba been postponed by the Ministry of Environment un- tii Feb.,26 at 1 p.m. in the Whitby Council Cham-' bers. Last year, Whitby Town Council rejected the ý proposai by Decom Medical Waste Systems Ine. to: establisb a Transfer Station on Sunray Dr. in Wbit-1 by. The company appealed the decision and an en- vironmental assessment hearing wili take place. Many residents are opposed to the Decom Company establishing a firin In Whitby, so keep the date open,, attend thebhearing, and registe,îrour complaints. CANADA POST MEETING Friday evening, Scott Fennell, M.P., Mayor At- tersley and three officiais from Canada Post spon- sored a meeting te linform new residents of the community, how and wben to expeet mail dellvery,, or the lack of mail delivery. A new pollcy bas been ia effeet since May of 1985, and that ls that no new, areas will.receive door to door mail delivery..Comn- munity boxes are now the in-thing for new residents in new subdivisions. Approximately 250*cpncernéd citizens, along witb two Ajax counicillors, Joe' Drumm, Tom Edwards, Gerry Emm and Mayor At- tersley were dissappolnted wltb the outcome of the meeting. However, this metbod will be an ap- prevement from Picklng up their mail at the Whitby Post Office. Canada Post bave -ne plans to im- plement every other day delivery. The word la' community mail boxes for ail new subdivisions. CORRIDOR AREA RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION The Corridor Area' Ratepayers wil hold ain executive meeting tonigâht at the'home of Joan Piiniuk, 127 Thlcksoni Rd. S. (corner of :Bellwood and Tblckson), 7:30 pi.m. Ail executl<'e members are asked to attend. Area residents welc.ome. WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH Oshawa Presbytery'lMen'ls ally - Saturday, Feb. 8. Registration 6 p.m..Roast beef dinner 6:30 p.m. ($7.), Speaker Jack Arthur, President National ,*A.O.T.S. Contact Walter Campboll 725-0798 for reservations. Please caîl with news items for the column. Stud-ents need homes ASSE International Student Exchange Programa (ASSE) is seeking local families to TO: WOOD G UNDY INC., PO. Box 1762 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa, Ontario* LIH 4G2 Attention: Lorraine Engiish Telephone: 576-3321 Name ICity Province ___________Postai Code Te:Business Home Gundy account. pleuse indiîcate the came of your acrouat ext, utive, "y -J hast 15 Scandinavian French, Spanish, Ger, man, Dutch, Swiss anc American girls anc' boys, 16 to 18 years oý. age, coming to this arei for the upcoming higi' school year. These per' sonable anc academically selec, European .anc American teens arc bright, curiaus an(c anxious to learn abou, this country througl living, as part of c family-, attending higî sehool and sharing theii own culture an( language wimh theii newly adopte(' Canadian family. The students ar( fluent in English aW are sponsored by ASSE a non-profit, publiI' bonefit organization, af filiated with the Swedisi and Finnish Depar tments of Education an( cooperating with thi Provincial NMinistries o Education. Persans interested ir obtaining more infor, mation about becominp a hast famnily o- becoming a studen' abroad should contac' ASSEs local represen tative: Don Alton, P.0 Box 1082 B, Oshawa'I Ont. LIJ 5Y9, 728-4694. PROFESSIONALS ~ ~Ï49 Brock St. N., Whltby GOLO JACKET R EALTY LTDr. 668-6221 SUPER CLEAN - WH ITBY TH. Just lsted - 3 B.R. end unit home w. 2 decks. Early poss. avail. Cal Terr Geary 668-0191,668-6221. Eam $50,000 More m your RRSP,

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