PAGE 26, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1986 WHITBY FREE PRESS CALL-A ~~rFÇEs sIOA v9 YOUR TICKET TO INCIREASED BUSINESS 4 PERMA PAINTING AND YDECORATING LTD. 'Residentiai SryPitn *Commercial 'SryPitn *industriai a'New Construction 'Walîpaperîng 0'Repaints FREE ESTIMATES 15 years experience. References on requesf. 666-3689 If no answer cail atter 5 p.m. Barry Thompson fpý & Sons 0'Roc rooms 'Fonces 'Bathrooms 'TI IIng 668-«8455I MIDDLETON'S STATIONERY OFFICE SUPPLIES, PRINTING, BOOKS, GREETING CARDS ~~ 113 DLNDAS ST. W. 668-2492 eMON.-FRI. 9-5:30, SAT. 9.5 ACCOUNTS RECEl VABLE Service avaliabie 1FREE consultation 723-.5387 Sewing Machine Repairs All Makes Free PICk. Up and delivery Cornpiete turie up 129 95 Reconditioned Sewing Machines From S49.00 12 Months Guarantee 571-1385 Top Line Sewing Centr 400 King St. W . 1 Dines Plaza, Osha a MOLLY MAID SpiaIizîiîg an l 'e Ceai il Feir larti il an,, 666-2144 1 TRAFFIC TICKET ? INOT GUILTY? *Did you know that we are the most ex- *perlenced trafflo court agents serving Ontario. 1 We 'are former trafflc enforcement *police officers, stili serving and protec-I *tlng'- with adlfferencel 1 Get experlence on your side. *CALL POINTTS LIMITED * 666-3777 *~~~CUTOUTO& RETAWI--- SENIOR DANFORTH CITIZENS- TYPEWRITER 'SAVE MONEY' 408 Dundas St. W.ONAUTO AND Whitby, 686-0861 HOME RentaI, Sales, Service PNURNI IDE and Repairs PN IG Ask about our INSURANCE rent to own 683-9725 Plans 10% 0Discount (o Students on Rentais CRE R Parking Avalable HOME REPAIRS & ~ r~i m IMPROVEMENTS > Hours: METRO LiC. S-2554 Mon.-Fri. 9-5-30 Kitchens, Ceramic Sat'10. Tiiing, Drywaii, Rec. Roomns, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. CALL 668-4686 MRff- -l - MCLIP ASAVERi- - -- WARDNMALETTE osligsevcs %nrainlv i& ik R r o Sale Continues ti11 Feb. 1 Sth Ail Benjamin Moore Pinte on Sale SREGALAQUAVELVET $25.56 4 L 20%-OFF ALL WALLCOVERINGS ýi-' (Book arders onlyf CENTRAL PAINT AND WALLPAPER 295 Rtson Rd. S., Oshawa 728-6809- BRIAN DEEGAN, DENTU RE THERAPY CLINIC, HARWOOD AVENUE SOUTH AJAX, ONTARIO 683-6074 if you are ai.d you wish (o secure a payout annuity f rom your RRSP, calil HERB.TRAN Oshawa 725-6564 Whitby 668.598 TOP FIVE QUOTES AVAILABLE ATTENTION HOMEOWNERS LOCKS DEMASTERED LOCKS REKEYED S~Tax and Labour lnciuded $27n49Each additionai '5.00 Sale Ends Sut., Feb. 8, 1986 Wide varlety of patio looke 'Locks demastered *Locks rekeyed *Auto *High securlty deadbolts @Keys cut & pick proof locks DNUE TVEAuu 668-7975579-8752' U e i ýee dav 1l683-02ciS 13 [ AY 'DcksInstallations *Garages Decks