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Whitby Free Press, 12 Feb 1986, p. 25

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1986, PAGE 25~ FREE PRESS E M POR1IUM Emporiuin Ad@ will only be accepted subject to the foliowing conditions. ARTICLES ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE MIN1K PUR COAT pastel beige, FOR SALE cube dlay brck, lilgit aize 9, excellent condllon, colo,, 840. 5w/iS l irpiace askIng $700. Phono 668-2213, acren, 36x28" plus Androns, evenfinga. $45. SciSti irepace 1001 st, $20. SciSîl firepiace coodboidor, $15. ANTIQUE halxh (ciras18)I lghtî Phono 6608-941allerS5 p.m. -finish, top has 4 aheives bohind 2 (original gus) 40cr (ie. pite dispisy), botlom bas 2 enciossd shoives, very nIce pace, op- praIsed 82.000, solIing $1400. Ase mapie and wainat eecroaay early 1800e, $075. Phono 571. 36M5., FOR SALE parlour elave, 81 50. Woodhoider, 85. Phonoe084032. WOOODURNINQ lurnoce, Surof Ire 201, attaches 10 exIsling lorced Ir fumnace, hetts 2,500 aq. fi.. nover usad, $750. Phono 655- 4682 allerS p.m. PRINCES8 canopy bedroom suite, chte clh goid trIm, ln cludles bed ciih csnopy trams, chesi of dramee, drsser and mIrror and nuei-table. Aiso box aprIng and mettrens, mtchIng canopy caver, spread, sharo and curtaIna, &acsobed linons, $70). Att like nec. Caii 433-4093. iNOLIS 30" white gas stove, $150. Goid Kenmore diahwasher, 9 yeare otd, motor andf pump 1Ilot yeare oid, 8175. White change table, $5. Rosi coioared couch and chair. 8$0, Phono 6084.023 NEW arborite vsnItY couniter, 10 foot, white. $25. White arborloe counterwth but-In tone top (4 .eïtents>,88.Whito enamei iaundty tub In orange arborite couier, SU5. Orange ahag car- Pt..""l12 and underpad, $65. Gr.-.n nylon carpet, 12x16 euth under pad, M0. Qusnliy amber coiored decorator gose, 810. Phono 688-7404. F1514 TANK for sasie, 15'x72ox23'*, approx. 100 gallons, Teak top, Ighta, pump and base Inciuded, 1150, Prie negotiaiiie. Phono e888-048. POOL HEATER hat any site pool, vlue 81000, noc for 340, naturel gaz or propane. Caii 723- 1644 or 725.«02. 19853 SUPRA, $14,00. IBM. PC. VR. coior mnonitor, 128K DOS 2.1 basic, $1,750. 1984 amaha Virage 1000, $3550. Ailmini. Hugo. comnic colection, $,000. Phono 608-740. REFRIDOERATOR Admirai, 15 vu. fi., excellent condition, $300. TR88 computer, new 64K ex- psnded basic, color computer. prInior and casette tape ployer for programa, 835. Computer and software nniy 8175. Piano, new aGala WlIiian, 180, Oshawa bul, ricondIIoned, $1,800. Phono 69-6001. GIRLS 21 " bik, Raieigh,* blue transit, $55, good condition. Cai 65684274 afler 6 p.m. POOL TABLE clh accesories, encellent condiion, 860. Phono 5790373. MOVIN, MUST BELL. DinIng room suite cilh 6 chairs, 2 yoars aid, $880. Ladies 3 speed bice. $W. 1*0 paire of ladies rouler skates, site 4 and 7 825 each. Tco aide tables, $20 @&ch. Round gose table, $55. AMîFM radio with record poyer. 325. Chnt 0f drawora, 820. Phono 6861-4220. CANOLE STEREO with radio and speahers, ln good condition, 880. Candis cassetteo'ployer 825. Mskoop mIrror, 825. Pair of site 6 Oominion rmuer Miains. $20, comes ln ekating bag for $10. Hamster cage, $10. Or best offer. Phone 668-5459. SIZE 12, Kastinger Golden K ski boots, now, $150, nover worn. Phono8685-4102aler 6 p.m. SIS àBOOTS ski iengib 170 cm, bcd abs e10, $75. Mapis ktchen set, tour chair,,$145. Dncan Fyfe, excellent condition, $125. Socirg machine, $35.6834M53. FUR JACKETS: nearly roc, short droey China Mink, dark brown, site 14, $195. Gorgeoos f lame Muskral, back mInk trim, ite 12, $135. Grey pèemian lamb, suede trIm, sizo 12, $95. Biack losiher ladies coat, ioiiy Iined ciih rosi for, site 16. 840. New, ail cool ladies coat, ciasnic style, mauve, petite 10112, $25. Mns& Il cool Mc0regor carcoatilike nsc, site 38, $25. Older ntandard typecriter, $25. Hsirdryer, new, 87.50. Bondie buggy, $5. Hand -hoId shocor massage, 810. Phone 608-7404. -PLEASE READ- Wen the adverised Item la sold, disposed of, or unavaliabie for whaiever reason, te item wlll ha deemed ta have been soid and a commission ciii be charged based on THE AI3VERTISED PRICE as Iiiustrsted below, regardiess i price lasiated with 'besi offer. If te item la NOT SOLD, or dispoaedi of, te ad wiIi ha run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $750 will appiy payable in advance of publication of the irai ad. The above minimum charge wiii ha appiievi ta the finai commission due. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ai adver- isemenla mut ha placcd on an excluive beis cit te WHITBY FREE PRESS and run ai teasi one monlt if9flot sold. RATES if article là soidi: 5% af adveriised price ap te 840.0f 2% of balance over $400.0 EXAMPLE: Soidi Item advertiaed fer $150.00. Commission due 37.59 (minimum charge la 17.500 Privata advertising onlyl Pleas e nvlfy thse Whiiby Free Presa lmmedisteiy whea Item ta soid go thai we msy deleta it from thc foUloing issue. Al ada not fiting the Emporium guidelinea wilU ha lraed and chargcd per cccli as reguar ctasmiflcd sias on a prc-paid hasis aucit as: services, haip wanted, clvtinhg, reai calate, and personat message type act, or ads xvi quoting price or quantIty. Private ctassiflcd sds msy appear ln thse Emporium section under approprtate haadings. Al ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECT ION UNLESS OTHERWISE 5PECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUJM P.0. Box mW Witby. LIN SSI If ln doobi call: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brack St. N. Whitby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOREMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. SKATES, boys site 3, Wayne Grotxky modal, $15. Boys site 5 new Bser, $25. Hockey Eqaip- ment, houtdor padse, pents and other equipmnenl, fils 8-11 year boys, $20. Ski boots, mens Roicker S buokie boots, site %'a 835. Ladies lace boot. site 7,310. Eie.ciricai panels, S Isse panai, $12. Twa 30 amp panes, 85 esch and 60 amp disconnaci, $10. Ciii 576-7697. AUlIOtE dosk, Pinso bp, refiniobod, 250. rite negotiabie. Cail 725-1435. 01PiNN ROOM SET, soid peton pedlesisi ovai table wth 1*0 eaves, four beige uphoisterod and caned chaire, ico cith arma, excellent condition, $450. Ranch mink flli ingth fr coat, sito 18, 8550 sisl. Cali 6082551. FOR SALE etop end table, $5. PhoneOOS-4032. FOR SALE boys mouided Lange skates, site 10, excollent con- dition, $20. Sindy bouse and fr. niture, $40. Fisher PrIco ape recorder, S3. Moisi dog cos, $25. New rsbbIt cage, watsr bol- lie and ouldoor pun. $50. JR giuln 10 spvvd biko, $50. Phono 723. 0788. ELECTRONICS - home raInIng L-S14APED sofa for sale, 5 yesam noes and labo, electronfits cir- Id eygocnitnakg cuit designer, digital molîmter od eygodcniioskn and many more componenîs, $200. Phone 66&-1485. cout ",500, ceil for 34M. Phono 6662456. SPEED OUEEN heavy dt ANTIQUE Slffordshiro doge, fsmiiy olftour, 215", 28, cIrce 1900, together Sm0. Phone 683- 9471. BEAUTIFUL bioe lac ladies jachet (Saga-For>. nec, site 14, $80 or boastaller. Liko nec, Iight biae, 2 plece ahi suit, site 14,$75. 427-863. KIRBY VACUUM complote ai- taxhments, $250. Phono 6fl- 2155. FOR SALE roiisr sikstes, boys site 81h, $25. Oseen Site bad, $25. eak, SM. Phonoe68-1680. SNOWSLOWER, Toro 12 alsec- trit, excellent condition, $125. Phono 655-4110, afior 6 p.m. FOR SALE antique dlning roomn xuie, ln showroomn condition, S pisces, approvimsîoIy 80 yesrs aid, table when enlonded sosie 10 people comlorabiy, prIce $1,650 or boatsiter. 668-2481. washer and dryer, 4 years oid, good appearance and corklng ordor, $450 for the pair. 427-6244 or 427-2654. DININO TABLE, soiid pins, double podextat, 92x35, on- cellent condition and 6 pins alraighi botk chairs, SM0. Phone 655-3f88, aller 5 p.m. WASHERJSPINNER, SImpiicity, sparment site, looks and rota liko nec, $90. Phoino 655-4989. PaamnPaflsnnJI Q9INSRUENTS1 DESUT, Locray orgas, excellent condition, askIng $950. Phono (70578682543. FIVE 000 EAR Wrangler, radial al lorrain tires, sica, Pl9W75R15, oniy 2,000 miles,' $450. Four Dodge (Mlsaibushi> Colla Sapporo, Challenger, Arroc, 890. Phono 665-326. SNOWTIRES Michelin No. 1970 WO00DS hardtop traiter, ai P22515, on overaize Buick rima, la, $1.600. Sloops oight, has like nec, 830. Phone 655-4862, si,, ce box end lumace. 16 &fier 6p.m. foot coer boat and motor, $1,500, as ia. 668.2702.a JEEP RENACADE 1N5, excelln condition, ruai, tint, htch, tilt, hard-top, 5 apeed, 6 cylinder p.b. ps@., cintertaummor package, 8.000 km, $13,500. Phonoe6M& 462 afIr6p.m. 1M0 CHRYSLER ps., p.b., 2 doar, W,000 miles, $4,250. Phono 6687203. lo1i79 01EV Monta, V6 sotomatit, 2 door halchback, ps., p.b., AMIFM cassette sterea, 70,000 miles only, heu new ires, excellent condition, 82,100. Cali 664890 sîter 5p.m. 1977 0000E Aspen 5.85., radio, goccd ires, as le, 8450 or hoastal- fer. Phonoe831-385 aller 5 p.m. 1977 0000E 44 ton club cab, 318 o. ln., 4 speed stick, pas., p.b., $1,495. Calil661>2655, allerS5 p.m. 1076 CHRYBLER CORDOBSA ps., ph., air condiiioning, MW0 or boat offer. Cali 655-3170. 1oi6 DUSTER, 840, as la orbhast ofler. Phone 668-503. 1074 014EV IMPALA, ps., p.b., 350 aslomatit, Biauplunki stero end euuaiiter, good condition, certiiiad 8$650). Phono 6682187. 1969 BUICK Skyiark, 350 4 brI, soto, psà., p.b., now brakos, tires end more, good condition, $500. 1970 Camero R.S., 3504 brI, auto. molaiiic back. ps., phb., com- pieieiy restored Inaide end oui, excellent condition, hoader,, duel sohausi, many moro oxîras, 83.800 corified. 1951 Chevete, 4 door, 4 spood, 65,000 mles, maroon, excellent condition, 83,500 certif led. Cali VinceOU66- 3802, anylimo. Thin ian fota bid.as hsy are pointed end Charlie la now et Dicksan Printing là Office Supplies smiling et thie many ploasant assitants. CA i S UA . 116 4ý ,CONFUS-ED*? Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Firee Press Emporium sim- ply because you flnd the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss oui on our low advertising rates just becaus.e you have If you: *are a private advertiser; ehave an article to sell; and, @have a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details). Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months. A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $7.50 payable in advance before the first in-j sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT seli within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article will seli, but where else could you get three months advertising for only $7.50? When your article selîs, a commission isi charged, based on te advertised price. Com-I mission is: 5% up to $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge described above. questions. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear up many of your questions - if not, do cail 668-61.11 and we'll be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to you pèersonally. 1 have read the Emporium guidelines above and wish to have the Ifollowing advertisement pîaced under this section of the Whitby, Free I Press. 1 doni forgel lv inciode yosr phone number i :1 enclose $7.50 tocover the minimum charge. Charge $750 to my Visa accounit. Card No. Exp. Dlate Name ipiense priai Address City Postal Code MAIL TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whitby LIN 5S1 Below are some examples of what you would be charged if your article sold within three months. Commissions shown include te minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE. Advertised Price Up to $ 150 $ 200 $ 300 $ 400 I $ 5M0 $6700 $2,000 $,000 $5,000 and up Total Amount Payable $7.50 $10.00 $15.00 820.00 $22.00 $24.00 826.00 S28,00 $3000 832.00 352.00 $72.00 $92,00 $100.00

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