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Whitby Free Press, 9 Apr 1986, p. 10

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PAGE 10. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 9, 1986, WHITBY FREE1'RESS Vets open doors for Animal Health Week Animal Health Week is corning Up April 14 through the 21 and to mark the event three Whitby veternary clinics will be opening their doors to the general public provicling a unique op- portunity for people to see what goesl on behind the scenes. Durlng open bouses at the Baker Animal Clinic, McKay Animal Clinie and the Brooklil Veterinary Hospital, the public will be taken on tours of the hospitals, and sbown 'possible surgical, x-ray and medilcal displays and there will be oppor- tunities for question and answer sessions with staff members. Also included among the many special events planned during Animal Health Week wii be poster and essay con- tests ini the local schools promotlng an awareness of animal health and a nuzaber of private companies have donated prizes te be awarded to the top en- tries. There will also be displays set up at the Brooklin and Whltby libraries featuring surgical equipment, x- rays of interesting cases and posters addressing various aspects of veterinary medicîne. Plans are also under- way for a petting session with various dogs and cats at one of the local seniors homes altbougb the final details have yet to be confirmed. Througbout Animal Healtb Wèek, ail area clinics Willbe»handlng out relevant material te the public includlng colouring books for the children and an Infor- mative *newsletter for adults. If you've always won- dereci wbat exactly goes on at your local veterlnary cllnlc, wby not plan to drop by for one of the open bouses near you. The Baker Animal Cllnic open bouse wli be beld Wed- nesday, April 16 bet- ween 6:30 and 8:30 p.m. The foilowlng nlght the McKay Animal Clinic wlll open its doors bet- ween the hours of 7 and 9 p.m. and the Brooklil Veterlnary Hospital wil ha open to the public fromn 7 ta 9 p.m. as weil. An important function of Animal Health Week is to help promote the upcoming annual rabies clinic whlch wiil ha beld in Brookla and Whitby later this montb. In the past two. years, the in- cidence of rabies in Durbam Region bas bit record bighs and- everyone wbo bas not had their dog or cat vaccinated against the disease this year is ad- vised to attend. The clinics, wbich are subsidized and super- vised by the South Durhama Veterinary Association veterinar- ians and staff, are for rabies vaccines only and wil not include *otber dog and cat vac- cines sucb as distemper. Ail dogs sbould ha leasbed and cats should be restralned ilaa sultable container when they are brougbt to the cllnic and tbey must ha a minimum of 16 weeks of age. The cost of the vac- cination la $5. In Whltby the cllnic wlil held Thursday, May j from 12 a.m. tili5 p.m. at the Iroquois Park Arena. In Brooklln, it wlil ha held at Lutber Vipond Memorial Arena Tuesday, April 29 from 2 Unl5 p.m. Type writer RENTALS also SALES & SERVICE PRO DODGE Your Local Chrysler-Dodge Sales and Service Ltk1 Dealer Parts & Service -Thursdays tili 9 p.m. 209 Dundas St. W., Whitby 666-3100 The Witby Jaycees and the Junior Cham- ber of Commerce -recently beld an introduc- tory breakfast meeting in the Red Room of the Witby Mail Restaurant as part of the organization's on-going campaign to recruit new members. Seen here at the session are Jaycee Peter Sutton, prospective member John Dinsmore, guest speaker Charles Killington and Jaycee president Bob Stanley. Free Press Staff Photo Uritil May 15, 1986, VG National Trust will charge you NO FEE*, whcthcr you nee a new mortgage or wish to transfer from another financial institution. Plus, you get:ua Excellent rates à Fast, easy approvais a Savings with our flexibld plans a Mortgagc insurance to protect your famnily for just pennies a day Contact your nearest National Trust hranch today. This is one opportunity you can't afford to miss! *NATIO NAL TRUST A ivisio,în ot Nationail \ itoiana md .rey Trustco WHITBY - 352 Brock St. 666-1800 OSHAWA - 32 Simncoe St. 723-5207 308 Dundas St. W. 668-9324 PICKERING - Pickering Super Center AJAX. Harwood Place Mail 683-7344 1792 Liverpool Road 831-6501 Nuppi- t fe pli tis gl Y' i-ie m ad eal l 1Xa dulemtrplx , Y m i fS' ft i &ýicd F *tbepidu tip New Recruits Opportunityknock<s. NATIONAL' S EARLY BUY SPECIALS ON ABOVE GROUND POOLS DIRECT FROM OUR WAREHOUSE 18' ROUND ONLY $19171.92 24' ROUND LOOK $19338..36 15x24 OVAL NOW $1 ,484.28 SALE ENDS APRIL 30186 843 KING ST. W., OSHAWA CALL (416) 433-0055 m

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