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Whitby Free Press, 9 Apr 1986, p. 12

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PAGE 12. WEDNESDAY,- APRIL 9, 1986, WHITBY FREE PRESS COMING EVENTS CALENDAR FASHIONS811W The 9th Whltby Boy Scouts WinI be staglng a Spring Fashion Show Monday, April 14 begin- ning at 8 p.m. in the HoIy Parlsh Hall, 91 Rlbblesdale Dr. at Manning Rd. Fashions for the show wil be provlded by the Village Shopin Brooklin and there wll ha refreshments served. ickets are $4 and can be purchased at the Village Shop or by callng Linda at 668-7275 or Pat at 668-1406. Ail proceeds wll go to the 9th Whltby scouts. GOSPEL EVENING Burns Presbyterlan Church in Ashburn willl be presenting an evenlng of Gospel music with the Torchmen on Sunday, April 20 begin- THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY w7DD) 0F DURHAM DUJRHAM NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING Take notice that the Regionai Planning Committee wiII consider at a meeting to be heid on: APRIL 15, 1986 AT 10:00 A.M. PLANNING DEPARTMENT BOARDROOM 105 CONSUMDERS DRIVE, WHITBY AN APPLICATION TO AMEND THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWN 0F WHîTBY The amendment as submitted by the Council for the Town of Whitby proposes to-address the use of the holding symbolIin the Town's Zoning By- iaws ln accordance wth the'Pla'nning Adt, 1983. This wouid enabie the municipaiity to zone land Identifying speciflo uses whle, at the same time, preventing deveîopment untîl conditions specifiled n the Officiai Pan are met to the satisfaction of the Town andior Region, as the case may be. Subsequentiy, the Regionai Council wiil consider the recommendation of the Planning Committee at a meeting to be held on: APRIL 23, 1986 AT 10:00 A.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, REGIONAL HEADQUARTERS BUILDING 605 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST, WH ITBY The report reIated to the amendment application 18 available for Inspection In the offices of the Planning Department, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, or by caillng Mr. L. Kotsef t, M.C.l.P. Plan- ning Department, (416) 668-7731. Requests 10 make a presentation before the Plan- ning Commuttes concerning the amendment ap- plication must be forwarded to Dr. M. Michael, M.C.I.P., Commissioner of Planning, 105 Consum- ors Drive, Whitby, Ontario Li N 6A3, and should be received by the Friday precedlng the meeting. Requests 10 make a presentallon before Regionai Councl concernIng the amendment application must be forwarded to the Reglonal Cierk, Regional Headquarters Building, 605 Rossiand Road East, Whîtby, Ontario LiN 6A3, and shouid be received 48 hours prior to the Regional Council meeting. Gary Herrema Regio.nal.Chairmnan C.W. Lundy, AM.C.T. Regionai Clerk ning at 7:30 p.m. The Torchmen are six Gospel musicians from St. Catharines well known as radio and recording artists and who play a wide variety of music accompanied by banjo, bagpipes, bass gultar, guitar, accor- dian and piano. There wlll also ha refreshmen- 18 served and everyone ls welcome to attend. CYSTIC FIBROSIS FILM The Durham chapter of the Canadian Cystlc Fibroeis -Foundation would like to announce that on Monday evening, April 21, the ABC Television Net- work wiI be airing Alex: The Life of a Child. The made for TV movie 15 based on the book by the same name and 18 the true story of a You have to be someone pretty special, someone pretty unique to become a foster parent. To accept a stranger into your home. Especially a you.ng person who's been in trouble with the law. The stability, under- standing and guidance pro- vided by a temporary foster home can mean a great deal to a young persons future. If you're this special per- son and want to be part of our team, we'll provide sup- port and financial assistance, A challenge for you. A chance for a kid. Ontario ()Communlty and ' Social Services Hon. John Sweeney Minister Peter Damnes Deputy Minuster littie girl wlth CF who dled in 1980 at the age of eight. The film should provide a revealing glimpse into the nature of a disease that Is responsible for taking the lives of more chlldren than any disease except cancer. LACROSSE REGISTRATION The Whltby Garrard Road Minor Lacrosse Association wli hold 118 second registration day Saturday,. April 12 hat- ween 10 and 2 p.m. at the Iroquois Arena. This year's houseleague registration fees will ha $35 per player - $50. per famlly. An additlonal $20 per player 15 requlred for rep teams, tyke through inter- mediate and registration for paper weight (3-6 years) is free. Games in the houseleague schedule (tyke through bantam) wil ha played on Mon- day and Tuesday nights this year. On registration day there wil ha used lacrosse equipment for sale and anyone wlth old equlpment available can cal Bonnie Wilsom at 725-6455, Linda Shan- non at 571-1653 or Beth Paddick at66&98773. but i's your gift of kindnless and sharing that wvill really makc the difeérence. lb fi d out how you can help, picase contact: Plrob)ation/Foster Home I'rogram 2195 Yonge Street Toronto, Ontario 965-0130 50'S AND 60'S DANCE The Durham chapter of the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation will be staging the chap- ter's fourth annual 50's and 60's dance Saturday May 24 at the Iroquois Arena. Don Daynard and Craig Smith of CK- FM's "Lookin Back" wlll ha the masters of ceremonies for the event and'Don Baker of DMB Sound wlll be providlng the sound system. Tickets for the dance- are expected to go qulcldy and wii go on sale Saturday, April 19 hatween 9 and 12 a.m. at Iroquois Arena. Tickets are $12.50 per person and there is a limit of 10 single tickets per customer. AIl proceeds from the event will go to Cystic Fibrosis research in Canada. THE CORPORATION OF THETOWNOFWHITBY TOWN 0F WHITBY 1986 INTERIM TAX NOTICE The second Instalment of taxes for 1986 Is due and payable AprIl 15, 1986. If payment Is not recelved by the due date, penalty wili be added on the f irst d ay cf default and the f irst day of each caiendar month so long as non-payment con- tinues, at the rate of 11/4% per month or part thereof. Taxes may be paid at any Whltby bank without bank collection charges oral the Municipal Office, 575 Rossland Road Easst, Whitby, Ontario. Corinne Wendt, A.M.C.T.(A), Tax Coilector, TOWN 0F WHITBY. MUSICAL EXTRAVAGANZA Ceebrate Youth, a concert featuring some of the finest musical talent in the Durham Region, will h held on Saturday, April 19 at 7:30 p.m. at Whtby Senior Public School. Participants la this ex- travaganza include the Markham District High School band. This band has just returned from a two week tour-of several European countries. Other musical groups particlpatlng are the R.S. McLaughlin stage band, O'Neill Colleglate jasa choir, and the PANCAKE WEEKEND Once again lt's time for the Central Lake On- tario Conservation Authorlty's Most popular event, the Puple Woods Conservation Area Pancake Weekend. The ninth an- nual program will ha held on the weekend of April 5 and 6 and is co- sponsored by the Durham A.M. Kiwanis Club. Everyone. is in- vited to attend'and ad- mission, parking and tours of the sugarbush are free. The program runs from 9:30 a.m. tili 3 p.m. both days and includes half-hourly tours of the maple syrup demon- strations and pancakes sold by theKijwanis Club and topped off wlth fresh maple syrup produced this spring at the conservation area. Communlty groups wishing to attend the program are requlred to make reservations wlth the Authority. For more information or to make reservations please cal 579-0411. FRIENDS 0F TUE MENTALLY ILL Friends and relatives of the meùtaily il1 wil meet Thursday, April 17 at 7 p.m. on thie second floor of 111 Simce St. N. ia Oshawa. The guest SEE PG.13 QUIT SMOKING PROGRAM There is stiil time to register for the Durham Lung Association's stop-smoking progrars, "Countdowa," a proven method of qultting smoking, that has establlshed an average 82 percent succeas rate among participants. The seven session course wli begin Tuesday, April 22 at 7:30 p.m. in Roomn 2, St. Gregory's Auditorium, 194 Simncoe St. N. in Oshawa. Registration is $50 in advance and in- cludes ail costs in- cluding counselling-and course materials. For more information call the Durham Region Lung Association at 723- 3151. UNI VERSITY WOMEN'S MEETING The University Women's Club of Canada and District will ha holding a meeting tonight in the auditorium of the McLaughlin Public Library on Bagot St. in Oshawa. The guest speaker Will ha Maxine Noel, a native Canadian artist, who will speak on Canadian art from a native perspective. For more information cail Sheila Smyth at 668- 3M2. Admission is free. SPECLAIL PEOPLE qsý# -, il WA ý ý TEL) MW Whitby Senior Public School concert band. Tickets are $2.50 at the door. The Whltby senior concert band will be holding a bottie drive tliis Saturday, April 12 to raise funds for the band's upcomlng trip to Montreal. Your donations in the form of pop or beer botties would be greatly ap- preciated. HOCKEY BAKE SALE The Women's Auxillary of the' Brooklln-Whitby Minor Hockey Association will be holding a bake sale April 12 during playoffa at Iroquois Park arena. Ail donations of baklng from hockey parents would be appreciated. The bake sale is expec- ted to get underway around 9 a.m. and will continue through the af- ternoon. CESAREAN SUPPORT MEETING The Cesarean Birth - Support and Education group willhold 118 next meeting Monday, April 14 beglnning at 8p.m. at 306 Admirai Rd. in Oshawa. The topic for discussion will be vaginal birth after cesarean. The support groupý was established to meet the needs of women who have had, or are plan-: ning to have, babies by cesarean blrth.'- For more information please cail Joan Nac- carato, 723-063.

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