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Whitby Free Press, 9 Apr 1986, p. 23

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Bm ngo decision goes recommnendation -des- members of the aharing," Bill Irwin, bingo proceedk pîte concerna expressed 'operations committee. treasurer of the Rotary On the v in the clerks depar. "This means patients Club of Whitby tnldeav tment report ind.lcating in this area have to committee membera. association that of the $282,000 in travel to Toronto "Why should there be managed to( bingo proceeda raiseri in hospita1s were they can a fence around Whit- .89 percent of the town in 1985, ap- be treated, " said Harold by? " receipts to c ,proximately $108,000 or Cobb, adding that this The clerks depar- 1p05poSe ý,38 percent of the would not reflect in the tment does not want to To combi 'proceeds left the town. figures showing rnoney build fences, according problem whici. However, some in at- remainlng in Whitby. to the report, but assist organizations tendance at the meeting The Treasurer of the organizations which are compîy with t. disputed that dlaim. Oshawa Optimists Club haylng difficulty cofli cial regulationi If one million people agreed. Ronald Brown plying with Provincial term of two Co in Canada have a kidney said his organization, regulations governing bingo licenç related disase then has spent over $30,000 in bingo. The main reason - weeks), I between 180 f0 200 the Region of Durham, for their current dif- disqualified people in Whitby have a including financial ficulties are the growing having a bing kldney related disease, assistance given to a number of bingos, states for one year. the Executive Dîrector terminally ill child for a the report. of the Toronto and trip.to Disney World, a Provincial regulations "Our job as]L District Chapter of the child who lived in Whit- require any «to enforce the r Kldney Foundation, by. organizýation conducting regulations," which rues a bingo "What on earth is a -bingo to liniit ad- chairman gamne in Whitby, told charîty about if it is not minlstrative expenses Brunelle, ab WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9,1986 PAGE 23 to Coundil Monday trage, the only contribute fit's gross charitable at this ,h calîs for failing to te provin- ns over the onsecutive ses (26 to be . from go license licenaee la provincial . said Marcel bout the such as hall rent, adver- tising, honorariums, equipment, security and license fees, f0 15 per- cent of gross receipts. The organization must also achieve profit levels of et least 20 per- cent of gross receipta. The report states that only three out of 16 weekly bngos held in 1985 complied with the regulations. The report goes on to state that one organization, the Whit- by-Garrard Minor Lacrosse Association, discontinued it's. bingo operation- last year because of a lack of Centre presenting parenting sessions The Durham Famlly Education Resource Centre presenta a new program. format for Sprlng 1986. "Parent Falk" la a series of eight bvorkshops. Parents rnay attend one ôr more, Jepending on thelr -in- Fror.a-Pg. -19 Big Bi rgnznpays littie D)r no role in the relatoship. Mr. DeGuerre said a few Urnes a year the Oshawa-Whitby Big Brothers plan a group get-together and events îuch as the )rganzation's5 annual 3owl for Millions fun- Iraislng campaign are isually attended by nost area big and little ,rothers. The reat of the Ime, however, the big mnd little brother are eft to their own devices ind whether they like to go to a hockey game, vatch baseball or juat ipend a quiet afternoon ,ogether talldng, the mportant thing la the Ime a big brother spen- la with his new-fotihd 'riend. "They're there to help m ach other. Infact, ýometimes the little irother helps out the big irother. It's mutually, teneficial. Personally, 1 «eame a big brother tecause I had two laughters and I juat vanted to have e boy round to do thinga à'th. My littie brother School addition approved Afhitby Council has ap- )roved a site plan ap- >llcation which would ermit the construction f a general purpose 'oom adjacent to R.A. ]emînett Public School at 00Kng St. Before construction, ommences, the achool imuat subniit a grading ndt drainage plan f0 the 'ublic Works Depar- ment for approval long with five large cale drawings of the ddition which must eceive the approval of ie Planning Depar- nent. Construction is expec- id to begin sometime ils week. teresta. Topica include: singe parenting, teaching your child about sex, choosing daycare, helping your child wlth educational needa, building self esteemn, supermon syn- drome, stepfamilies, rothers lidn't have a fether and didn't have a son so it worked out for both of us," said Mr. DeGuerre. If you thing you would enjoy spending a few hours each week withoa 1fatherleas boy, give Oshawa-Whitby Big Brothers a MaI today. They cen ha reached at their Oshawa offices, 579-2551. DON'T FORGET - PAIESCHIOKIN 1017 DUNDAS ST. L.WHITIY 666-3324 GOLDEN GATE 107 Brock St. S. Whltby 668-2222 This popuier 30.year aid, chines. restaurant bas recently Introduced Szechuan Cuisine for thoae wha like hot, spicy disites. n addition to It, chines,' tare the Golden Gate aiso of- fers a wide selection af Canadien dishes. The B-Bo piaffer and their chicken fingers are two speciailes worf h trying. Perfect for fun- ch ordinner. Open trom il ta 2 ar. de'iy. Fridey and Saturday untit 3 arn. Puiiy icensed. ins-fn and fast home delivery. latchkey children. These two hour workshops are held on alternate evenings. Cost la $4 per person for the firat workshop and $3' for each additional workahop. A special workshop is elao _scheduled with Sharon McKay, author of "Streetproofing - Gently and Creatively", who will present a four hour workshop on Saturdey, May 3 frona 10 a.m. untll 2 p.m. "Gen- fde and Creative Street- proofing - A Program For Parents" la a sen- siive approach to protecting your child, based flot on fear, but on warmth and undersfan- ding. Cost of the progran ih $10 per per- son. ffor* more infor- mation, ceDl the Centre et 579-2021. M.. Frlday Nlght la Party Nlght Dance 10 the music of A.J. the D.J. W .: CATCH0F THE DAY EVERY DAY DIFFERENT MONDAY TO FRIDAY LUNCHEON SPECIALS 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. DaiIy EXCELLENT VALUE, EXPRESS SERVICE WEDNESDAY DINNER SPECIAL * SOUP OR SALAD *T-BONE STEAK (Approx. 1 Lb.) * DESSERT PRIVATE ROOMS FOR BANQUETS, SEMINARS, WEDDINGS, GRADUATIONS, orjust a GOOD TIME! 301 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY CALL. FOR A RESERVATION 666-3070 committee's decision. on the decision on April Town council will vote 14. Ç~ WE'RE THE NEIGHBOURHOOD jPROFESSIONALS C R ýùfY, 149 Brock St. N: Whltby GOLD JACKET REALTY LT.D. 668-6221 TAKE A STEP Up TO LUXURV Beautîful 4 bdrm Iexec. home on a ravine lot. fam. rm. w/heatilator Insert fireplace, 21/2 baths, cible garage, wlred- wood gar. dr. many many extras, wont last long. jEflne MacFarlane 668-6221 or 571-31>1. N EWCASTL E GOLF COURSE OPEN - APRIL 11186 2 mles east of Newcastle Village off Hwy. 2 on Golf Course Rd. -ELECTRIC CART & CLUB RENTALS - DRESS CODE IN EFFEOT -SEASONS PASS & PAY AS YOU PLAY WEEKENDS 18 HOLES - 311.00, 9 HOLES.- '8.00 MID.WEEK 18 HOLES.- 18.00,9 HOLES.- '6.00 WEEKEND TEE TIMES 987-4851 THE CORPORATION 0F THETOWNOFWHITBY N THE MATTER 0F THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT,RS.O 1980. c. 337 AND IN THE MATTER 0F THE LANDS AND PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO NOTICE 0F PASSING 0F BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE that the Councîl of the Corporation of the Town of WhItby has passed By-iew No. 1997-86 to desîgnate the foîlowing property as being of architectural and historical value or ln- terest under Part IV of the Ontario Heritege Act, R.S.0. 1980. c. 337: The Alexander Campbell House 60 Queen Street Brooklîn, Ontario LOB 1 CO REASONS FOR DESIG NATION 0F 60 QUEEN STREET, BROOKLIN Historîcal The house was built ln 1868 by Alexander Cam- pbell. He is beîieved f0 be the original operafor of the Brookîin Mill. Architectural Ait hough the house iS of no particular architec- turai style, il is in the vernaclar lafe VIctorian tradition using such elements as peaked gables, bargeboard, open verandahs and bay windows. The house la weli preserved and retains much of ts original detailing. DATED af the Town of Whitby this 9f h day of April, 1986. Donald G. McKay Town Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario LiN 2M8 Phone: (416) 668-5803 a .. . . .... s 95 133

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