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Whitby Free Press, 9 Apr 1986, p. 30

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PACTE 30, WEDNESDAYi, APRIL 9, 1986, WHTTBY FREE PRESS E PAINTING à DECORATINO profaslonal bonded workman. shlp, realdantlal and commercial, fras astlmatea. Cail 839-4277 or 8889712. UNEMPLOYED HELP .CENTR. Need hlp? Workers' Compan. sallon, Walfare, OHIP asistance, Unamploymant Insurance, or crisa rferrals ta othar agenclas, cal: 879-1821, TIDY.UPI *Homes, apartments,I offlces, halls. Resnberates. T6-380 CLASSES aCandlewicking, Coun- ated Cross-stitch, Emn- Wbroldery and Crewei. We even do tNeedepoint and Trapunto tao. Joîn In the fun. Have a Crotive Crcle las n your home. Teaching you ta stlt* ch le easy. Book now and recelve a Fris 01f tl.Oel: Nadine, eveninga et 6«.1490 *'ORAMMER for people wflo hae grammr' la the Ideal pochai refoence book for business people. $3.95 par <capy ndý avallîble at Olkson Prlntlng &' Office Suppleas lbtaeAlan Plaza. Dealer Inqulrles lnvlted 8831988. FREE.~ Drap Inia t haOcsos Prlntlng and Office Supply store n the Aax Plaza and pick up a. frai copy of the 1988 Mal rlc Calendar. Prlnted In two coloura. If mkas for handy raference. 883.1968. MUSIC LESSONS for 10 yeur old, Intareafed In playlng harmonIca. Phono 688-9832. FOR SALE two year aId chlckena, 45 Ibo. whan dmaased, aultable for freezer. 68-83855. UTS SPINOI For yaur an. dacaplsg and mantenance needa cail 1uchway Ian- dscaplsg and Maintenance 649- 3183. CONGRATULATIONS on your forthcomlng marrlage. Pleine vlew our simples of angraned weddlng inviaions aif your lfalura sn oîr Aax Plazasto0e.. Dîcksoo Prîntng & Office Sup- plIes, 8831988. WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ COFFEE and end tablai, brand new, hînd aanded, glass top, saturai lniah, $450. Phase 86&- 0620. ROTO-TILLERS, whoeebarrows, chaInsaawa, pumps. DonIt buy them. when you cas rant thom ai Brock Rast-AIi. 513 Brock St. N., Whitby, 688.021, Vamle N. of Dîndas. VISIT aur îsed furniture warahausa by appoisîmant. Big savInga on deaka, chairs, fIing cabinets, etc. Cti Dicksas Pris. tîsg & Office Supplies ta arrange as appoisiment ta - dem. 883 1988. CHESTERFIELD suites, taneseats, sactiosais, les than th prica. Large salaction. McKees Pursitura, 524 5imcoe Si. S., Oshawa. 725-5181., CEMENT MIXERS, taddars. drilla, acaffoidi, wldera. Dont. buy themî Fent tham ai Brck Fent. Ait, 513 Brook S. N.. Whiiby. Va mita N. Dndae,6888-09211. "HEROES of the Bible" cofouing book ancliabia ai Dlckson Pris. ing & Office Supplias, Alan Plaza, 883-1968. Dealar Isquirles Invitad. DOW WINDOW, 75 x114,$125. Phase 578-4835. SPECIAL Toronto prîces, 20" colour TV. In bones, $449, 3 yîar fuit warrcnty. Facon TV., 100 Lapin Dr., Blair Park Plaza, 6888. 80, 72300 1. SPECIAL 26" colobr console tîlavîion, $599, 3 year fuil warrasty. Palcon TV., 100 Lupin Dr., Blair Park Plaza, 888400, 723-011. BEFORE YOU 511V a Zenith claur TV. from asy other dealer coma and sea Pacos TV. for boat prIces, 100 Lupin Dr., Blair Park Piaza, 688-08, 723-0011. SPECIALt $12.50 Service cals on asy make of colour TV., Falcon TV., 100 Lupin Dr., Blair Park Plaza, 888408, 723-0011, With ibis ad. GEOTYPE press-on letterisg nom sn stock ai DIchion Pristing & Of- ice Supplias ls the Alan Shop- ping Plaza. Large slactias 0f stylesand sizas. Why piy more for a smiller shoot of itterisg? MATTRESSES and baxsaprînga il hait price. McKaen Purnture, 524 Simca. Street South, Oshawa. 725-5181. BEAUTIFUL al-unit wltb glass doors asd iight. 3 fi. wida n 8fit. hgh. 8834409. MOVINQ - MUST SELL chanter- field suite, tarea stand, baby crib, iteel office desk, codar boat and more. 6888-4582. TYPEWRITER reniai, many moasesnd model, by th waekand. week or month. Dicountsaaalbe. Dickson Priting & Office Supplies ln the Alan Plaza. Cai as for business machina repair. 683-1968. FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CAL668-6111 ELDRIDGE, John William born Juna 4, 1928, Brookln, 0sftaro, aearchlng for Information abaut paresnts. Pline wrIte John Tuf y, Apt. 1706, 10045 117 Street, Ed- monton, Alberta. T5K 1W8. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCEAN, wa are irylsg te rtrace our fîmlly tree. Ail Information would b. greaily appreclaied. There are il Colline famîlys In Sask, and B.C. from our greai graea grandparan- fe the Colina and MadîlI familles. John and Mary Colina - resides- ce Pckerng area, ChIldren: Mer- the Marrlad Lipham, Mary marrlad Wilson. Chrinlmna morrdai-.J. Pters Dsec. 25 1858. George married Racheal MadilI (my great grasdparanial, Josphus married Hodîn. (mnisier), 5iraha marrled clark, John l?. William and Mary Madli - Chldres: Elzbeth ....Facheal mîrrled George Coline, Mary ?, rincis ?.' Vours ruiy, Jules and Helen* Sureau, 10040 Bamberfort Dr., Richmond B.C., V7A 1 K3. THANKS TO Si. Judeanmd the Sacred Heirt of Jeas for favours racelved. May the Sacred Heart af Jeas be adorad, glorlflad, ionad and prasarvad throughout the worid now and forener. Oh, Saied Hear of Jasus pray for us, S. Jude workar 0f miracles pray for us, Si. Jude helper af the hopeiess, pray for us. Say ihia prayer ina limas a day. By the elghth day yaur prayer wili be an- swered, regardiesaf how hopeleas your situaftion seema. Pubication muet ba promsad. AM RESTAURANT BUSINESS locafed In tant growlng Industri crac, Ideal opporfinlfy for atan- ded houri due f0 deand and newly acqulred tiquer licence, $79,5W00 boudes ail chatts, aeatlng for 44, licenca for 68, vandor rtIirlng, act now. Gall Daniel 8684M88,888-5085, Pamliy Trust Corp Realior. VACATION N~RENTAILS I 10 Mobile Homes Cerwaier - Threa bedroore mobie hmes.Heaed pools, tniclose to beaches and majoatractons, chldren, welcome. (Iessathin motel ro omI 683-5503 fi FORAENT WI-ITOY OFFICE SPACE for rani on profesalonîl floor. Would b. suliabla for lawyer, accoîntînit, etc. Rantiincludes aiiiutlli esand sa nagotiable for an appropriais teant. Por turihar Intormation cii 684372 betwean 9:30 c.m. and 5 p.m. Monday te rldîy. WHITBY COMMERCIAL SPACE availabla Juiy fla, 1988, ap- pronimafeiy 2,300 square test, bas been used for about theatast 10 years as a dance studio. CatI Mr Brges t 888.872. (PARMMETS/ Cf~OD OR RENT ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT In amali Whiby building. Adlte only. Includea ridge, slave, bydro and parking. Cible TV and Iaundry lacililas avllîbie. Phone 886M872 beiween 9:30 a.m. and 5 pm. H111E GARAGE SALE aometbin for anaryona. 311 and 313 SI. Lawrence Si., WhItby. Safurday and Sunday. AprIl 12 and 13, 9 c.m. to 4 p.m. 1978 VAMANA bih., 250 cc, an- cellent condition, sacrifice, $400 firm prIce. Caîl after 6 p.m., 888- 1291. 1978 HONDA 400 Twln wiib Cea. X fairing, $M0. Pickering, 831- 3075. NEXT TO NEW parla for 1974 lm- pala. Phase 433-1519 or 434-7677.' UMTBIES MWORFOR.SLE 1M5 PLYMOUTH Volara, 4 door, 6 cyl, p.s., p.b., new brakes, an- cellant condition, low mileage, reducad ta $1,700. Phone 433- B83after 5p.m. 1978 0000E hait ton with cam- per, good condition, $3.500 f irm. PickerIng, 831-3075. 1978 PONTIAC wagon, good run- nlng condition, air, cruise contrai and tllt1 sIaarlng, 31,275. Phone 888-4104. 1970 LEBARON, $0,000 milea, p.., p.b.. p.w., power sunroot, leathor Interiar, $2,500. Phone 427-8521. FRANCESCO à MARIA tONAZ- ZiTTO would Ilka ta thask thair mcsy fronde cnd relatives for making our SOtb Wîdding An- sivaraary c cary memorabia oc- casalon whlch tank place on Februery , 1988 at the Hoiy Famîty Roman Cathollo Cburch, Wbtby. Speclal thcnks to aur chitdran asd grasdchiidren for the iovaiy receptIon esd gifla they praaînted ta us. Mcny thon- ka aofor Ibe loveiy gifle receivad ram aur many guista wha were prasant from Akron and Cevelcnd 0h10, Toronto, Oshcwa end Whitby, Ontario. CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FR1., APRIL il 6:00 P.M. Three miles east of Little Britain or 7 mlles west of Lndsay on the Lndsay Little Britaîn Rd. 6 mat- chlng pressback chairs (reflnlshed>, dlnlng room extension table (reflnlshed), Boston rackers, washstands, Hot Point almond 2 door refrigerator, odd pressback chairs, mantie dlocks, single box sprlng and mattrese, co-olI lam- pe, console Colour T.V., 20 cu. f t. freezer, chest of drawers, pressback high chair, Captains chairs, Broad, axe, parlour tables, approx. 100 pcs. of depression glass, 2 wheeî box trailer, 8 hp. Simpllclty rldlng lawn- mower, 8 h.p. Roper gar- den Master rlding Iawn- mower, 8 h.p. 26" Arctlc snowblower. DON COANEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRI., APRIL 18 6:00 P.M. Three miles east of Little Brtein or 7 mlles west of Lndsay on the'Lindsay Little Britain Rd. A large auction sale of furniture, -antiques, dlocks, crocks, china and glass. In- cludlng oak and mahogany wardrobes, china cabinets, hall stands, oak barley twist tables, oak and mahogany sideboards, mantie clocks (some -Westmnster chimes), dlnlng room chairs, glngerbread dlocks, tea wagons, pins trunks, oak and mahogany chests of drawers, washstands. A large quantlty of pottery, china, brass, glassware and a good quantlty of furniture sultable for any home. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705788-2183 A¾DI~ J., AUICTION SALE SAT., APRILI12 - 10:00 A.M. At Orval MoLean Auction Center, Lndsay. Proper- ty of MARIE DUNN, Lin- dsay and DAWSON ESTATE, Cannlngton. FurnIture, eppliances, some antiques, collec- tables, dIshes, books, coins, new wlcker set, roll top desk, pressback hlgh chair, pressback chIlda rocker, washstand, trunk, qulIt box, sideboard, bed chesterf leld, brown refrigerator and stove, Royal Douton figurines. 10 A.M. sharp. To Cor- slgn estates, housefuls, quellty Items and an. tiques.or llst your sale Cal 3242783 MCLEAN AUCTIONEERS LINDSAY AUCTIONS FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY ATTEND ONETHIS WEEKENDI UNEMPLOVUENT ta a crack. 15 positioans anlliabia. 883-30. FASTBALL PLAYERS nsedad for a compeiltin. fus league la Oshawa, nlo travelling, 2 gamoes par waek, ptchera alacnenaded. Plumai colt 72-9543 or 7281891. A CAREER IN1 TRUCICINO. Tran. spart drivera needed. Nue la the lima fa train for your ClasA ilcasse. Par pr-acreening Inter- vIew and lob placement Infar- -motion, contact Marv Orn'a Tran. spart Driver Training, Brampton 1400-265-1260. ELECTROLUX CANADA Due ta the Introduction of aur nom cen- traI vcsystem w. ara la prenant need aI thrae fuitlime and fine part.tlme sales people. Car essentiel. For fîrthor Information catil 723-3412. SMALL, FRIENDLY centor neada .nthuaiastlc staff. E.C.E. teachera and asaistant teachîra requirad, fuailand pari-lima am- pliyment, wages nagotiabta. 888 0224, Aja. ARE YOU LOOIIN fr aljob oraà lob worth worlng for? Dont fight Itl Lean how to use the computer and b. a stap chead la the lob markta. W. offer lob placement and flianciai assistance for thosa unomployad orilow Inoome. 4273010. lEnpreced * Part-Ime *WAITERSII *WAITRESSESI Explorer Restaurant. 668"316 PASTE-UP PERSON WANTED PART.TIME To assIsi with preparation of local weekly newspaper. Ad assembly, headllner, and camnera Iexperience an asset. Appîy ln person to: Whltby Free Pressa 131 Brock St. N., Whltby 1 NEED IEXTRA MONEY?j BECOME A CARRIER! Heres as opportusii ta sars money for thon. thIngo yauve aimayo want- ad. A new bib., ciothes, sparts aquipment. alerea sot, or the thouninda oI olbar needa you may de- sire. Just a phone ciii miii brirg you ail Ibm informaItion. Chack1ilou CALLICIRCULATION 668-6111 WHITBY FREE PRESS SIMPLE! The simple solution 10, cleanlng storage problems n the attic and garage is a CIasslfiled Ad. WHITBY FREE PRESS .......6686111 DRI VERI INSTALLERS Canac Ktchene requlres professlonal experlenced Drlverln- Ipateliers for Metro and vlclnlty. Excellentl renumeration for proven hlgh qualty workmanship. Train- Ing provlded. Cali Mr. Capons et e881-2153, ext. 261 CLASSIFIED Il ADS I CONTINUE Il SEE I PAG 31 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $6.00 for 20 words; every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Freè Press will not be 14t each additional word. however, we accept no liability regarding loss or damage liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic ITS DEATHS - $7.00 for the first 100 words; 12e each alleged ta arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied BdIRtHSlwod such replies. We will not be responsible for box number by the error Up ta a maximum cost of the first insertion. dinlwr. replies not called for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right ta classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $800 for the fir- reject ail advertisements. Ada must appear in the paper st 50 words; 12e each additional word. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior ta publication ta insert one day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ada. Friday noon prior ta publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12t each ad- AUCTION SALES - 43o perline. (No word ads allowed). ta insert or cancel Emporium Ada. Iditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL Ad ta your Çhargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $200. The Whitby Free Press will make66-61

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