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Whitby Free Press, 9 Apr 1986, p. 31

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IWhtby's Most WideIy Read CLASS Fifi] bADS NE- PHE1 ~WANTE W~IAt1TED LOOKING FOR A CAREER IN W ADVERTUSI NG? Downtown business requires that person who: *Possess good communication skIlIs; *Has ambition and self conf idence; e 1s eage r to 1iearn; Ls capable of earning an above average Income; @Andis not afraid to work for it. if you possess tiheése qualities drQp in and see us. Experience not necessary. Fuil-time. Car necossary. Start im- mediately. CorneIn to our office anytIme Monday through FrIday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 131 Brock St. N., Whitby. I ~ TENDERS Onai . e i - - - T e-e MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS Replace Steam Trapa, Condensais Tank and 6" Valve at the Psychlatric Hospital In WHITBY, Ont. TENDER NO. ORI-88-34 OVERHEAD DOOR CONTRACTORS Repaira to Overhead Doors at the Michael Starr Building, 33 King St. W., OSHAWA, Ont. TENDER NO. ORI.8e.32 Sealed Tenders wlii be received until 2:00 p.m. local time - TUESDAY, APRI L 29,1986. Combined Tenders wiil not be accepted. Tender Documenta may be obtained from the On- tarlo Ministry of Government Services, Orllia Ditrict Office, 24 James St. E., P.O. Box 790, Orllla, Ontaro. L3V 6K7 Note: For further 16formatlon regarding the Ten- ders, please cail the Tenders Office at the above address, telephone (705) 325-7403. The lowest or any Tender not necessariiy accep- ted. ~ Ministry of Government Services Ontario SEE YOU DO IT... OUrDOORS! DON'T FORGET 10e70 DNCAS ST. E.WI 668332 Good health important FrpomPG;. 18 wlich maderate exercise is a part, thereby allawing organs af aur body ta func. tian praperly. Review your famii's living habita, If your familv eats taa much, site toa mach, rides tan much, and exercises toq littie, this might be a gond time ta encourage somne whoie- same family actavities. ~Your dactor of chiraprac. ha ens you that there he been great advances made ie the health services ta help yau live a langer and mare satisfying life, but real pragresa can only be made if you bave the desire ta tuaintain your heath. It is aten an act ôf wisdoni ta seek qualifled prafessianal counsel as early as passible fratu a dactor of chiropractic. TheSe bealit views are pubisbed by menthers.of thse OaLaro Chiropractie Association ln thee lterest of better public healh. From Pg. i1 Residents sa*y1 site. -Re said it was is ex- perience that there can be failings wlt-b the syst-em and lie ex- pressed concern about tbe posaibllity of water, wblch will wash t-le trucks inside t-le building, making it's way into CorbettCreek. A Canadian Registered Safet-y Professionai wlio took t-be stand said bis main concern is witli t-le beait-l and safet-y of t-le employeea and t-he public. "Tlie occupat-ionai beait-l and safet-y guldelines are inadequate for t-he proposai," said Roger ickner adding t-bat t-le proposed t-wo lihours of formai training and three days of training wit-l a supervisor "is a crock."l "Tlie normal reaction of a person in a criais is t-o get t-le lieU out," said Mr. ickner. He t-len proceeded t-o fire off a nuznber of rliet-orical questions in- cluding: wliat- are t-le precautions in case a worker trips and fails? Wlio will be training t-le empioyees? Does Decom liave a* direct-or of safet-y? Wliat- is t-le evacuat-lon procedure in case of an accident-? And, Wliat- testa and exams wilI drivers and inside workers be required t-o take? "The operat-lon and pot-ent-lal probiems at- Decom scare me t-o death," said Martin Doieweered. He said his concerna about- t-le transfer station increased aft-er hearing evidence from Decom witness, Wally Wela. Mr. Wells testifled on t-le first-, day of t-le hearing about- t-le safety of t-le transfer st-ation. He asked Mr. Lederer wliy Decom- is st-iil pur- suing t-le posaibilit-y of building in Wliit-by wlien Shotgun A man carrying a sliot-gun surprised a couple whlue t-ley were sleeping eariy Tliursday niorning and demanded beer - only t-o set-tle for a bot-tle of wliskey. Donald Clirer told police lie confront-ed a rnan carrying a aliot-gun wio liad ent-ered bis home on concession 8, nort-l of Brooklin and demanded beer. Mr. Chirer toid t-le man ie had no beer but- offered him a bot-tle of wliiskey. The man took t-le wliiskey 'and left thle premises. He was last- seen lieading nort-l driving a new model wliit-e car. Police are searcbing for a man described as 6 feet- in eiglit-, 21 years old, liaving liglit blond hair and a t-lin build. Theft Thie t-left- 0f a 20 pound propane tank is being invest-igat-ed by Durhiam Regionai Police. The tank, stolen from a traîler parked in t-le backyard of 6900 Bald- win St-. in Brooklin, Thursday niglit, is valued at- $50. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AVRIL 9, Il986 PAGE 31 no to Decom hearing cil and a cornmunitIes peared to be on the. their service, flot t-le wislies? ' he asked. defensive. ot-ler way around, " he He also questioned "Decom b as to prove said. why, ln lis opinion, t-he tous that they are a safe The hearing bas been Town of Whitby ap- company and we need postponed tilApril 21. I, Canadian Radioteievlsion and Telecontmunfications Commission Conseil de la radiodiffusion et des téécommunicions canadiennes t-le Town Council vot-ed against- Decom's proposai. Council voted on January .25 of 1985 t-o refuse Decom's ap- plication. 'Ilsit- cleaper ln Wlitby?" lie asked, He t-len asked Decom's lawyer wliy Decom h.-d flot followed up on an invitation by t-he Town of Newcast-le t-o build t-le transfer station tliere. Mr. Lederer said lie was not aware Decom liad ever approacbed t-le Town of Newcastlie, at wblch point Mrs. Joan Pilniuk produced a certlfied copy of t-le council of Newcastle's decision t-o accept- a proposai by*Decom t-o build their transfer station t-lere. "Im net sure wbat Decom stands for? Does it- mean decomposed? " Dennis Fox asked tbe board.- Mr. Fox said t-bat- sin- ce last- June t-le town bas told Decom Ilwe don't want- t-lem. How can tliey ignore a coun- Decision 86-303. Ferguson-Elora Cible T.V. Llmted, Fergus, Elora and Salem, Ont. Haiton.Trlangle lnveetnmnts Llmlted, Georgetown, Acton, Milton and surrouniding ares, Ont. Rogers Cibla TV. Llrlted, Newmarket, Bradford, Hoiiand Landing, River Drive Park and Sharon, Ont. Armstrong Communications Limied, Niagara Falls, Welland, Port Coîborne, Fonthli and aurrounding ares, Ont. Rogers Omble TV Llmlted, Oshawa, BowmanvIiie and Whitby*and surrounding areas, Ont. Approved - Addition of the signai of priority station CFMT-TV Toronto on a restrIcted channel. Decision 86- 345. Rogers Cible TV Llmlted. Brampton and Part of Caiedon; Part of Hamilton; Kitchener, Stratford and ares; Part of London; Part of Mississauga; Oshawa, Bowmanville and Whitby; and Part of Metropolitan Toronto, Ont. Approved - Addition of alternate distant head-ends for the reception of the signais of the stations outiined In Public No) ice CRTC 1986-42. Where may 1 raid CRTC documents? CRTC documents may be read ln the "Canada Gazette", Part 1; at CRTC off ices; and at reference Ilbraries. CRTC decisions concernIng a licensea may.be read at the icensee's offices during normai business hours. You aiso may obtain copies of CRTC public documents by contactIng the CRTC ai: Ottawaluii (619) 997-0313; Halifax (902) 426-7997; Montreai (514) 2836607; Winnipeg (204) 949-6308; Vancouver (604)8666-2111. .Canadà DECISION

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