PAGE 20, WEDNESDAY, MAY 7,1986, WI*ITBY .FREE PRESS r-n&GrdE ladupgr ---Plant: a living fence LIVING FENCE - "Living fences" don't need painting, but they do require water, fertilizer and trimmifig. When clipping your hedge, make sure the top is narrower than the base so that -the sunlight reaches ail parts of the plant. (photo by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food). Give your awn a flghtlng chance ... rlght down to the rootsm. FORAIFRELMANAMLYSSS & AE5TIMAIE, ACT MMWCALL 723-2621 Lawna*mmoiT 1 You mlght cali a hedge a "living fence". .While a "living fence" neyver needs painting, it does require. special care. As it grows, your hedge wil need watering, pruning and fer- tilizing to keep it healthy and green year after year. A hedge can be made up of a losely "planted row of deciduous or evergreen shrubs, small trees or even annual flowers. Some hedges grow to a height of only 15 centimetres, while others can grow ta 304 cm or more in height. When selecting shrubs and smail trees, consider the size of your yard and the hedge's height at maturity, says Master Gardener Andy Langis of Sarnia, Ont., one of several gardening en- thusiasts across the province who bas received formaI hor- ticultural training through the OntaWio Mlnlstry of Agriculture and Food's Master Gardener program. It is also important to select a hedge that is hardy enough tu survive in your area. Check with your garden centre for hardiness informa- tion. Prepare your'soil about four weeks before planting. Make a trench about 60 cm deep and 45 cm to 91 cm wide (depending on the size of the plant material and its height) . To ensure good drainage, add 15 cm to 20 cm of gravel in the bottom of the trench. If the soil is rich, add a 10-"- fertilizer at a rate of one kilogramn per 10 square metres. If the soui acks nutrients, add compost and humnus plus a 10-64 fertilizer, and water well. Now, choose plants that are ïO Cor. Taunton& 0 Thomnton Rd.. Oshawa, Ont. GARDIE ClEfTRE ___ MOTHER'S PAY! « ~FREE Carnatiol GIFT IDEAS Jforthest1O00 FOR MQM *hanglng baskets 11 *Rose bushes 8698s 'Su k f lower arrangements $695«$2995 *Ceramlic Knomes-2 5$39 Dad can have the house Iandscaped for 1 momn- FREE ESTIMATES wel-branched at the base and about two-to-three-years- old (for a deciduous -hedge) and three-to-five-years-od (for evergreens). Check the plants when you return home and If some of~ them look dry, put them in water for about one hour and then plant immedlately. Plant the shrubs or trees about two cm deeper than in their original container. Jiggle the plants to settie the soul around the roots of the plant and continue filling in the trench. Water well. Now, prune the newly-set plant by about one-third. Prune new conlfers only by nipping new growth ln haif. Prune broad-leafed evergreens as you would deciduous material, but more lightly. Prune broad-leafed evergreens again in the se- cond year and in the third year until your hedge bas reached the desired height. When pruning, make sure the top is narrower than the base so that the sunlight reaches ail parts of the plant. Gardenmg tips <A CUT ABOVE? Before that first spring mow- ing, make sure your lawn mower is in good repair and that the blades are sharp and adjusted to the recommended spring mowing height of four centimetres to five cm, says Turf Researcher Nancy Pierce of the University of Guelph's horticultural science department. You can easily check the mowing height of your mower by measuring on a flat solid surface the distance to the edge of the bedknife on reel-type mowers, or to the cutting edge of the blades on rotary-type mowers. You can sharpen the blades on rotary-type mowers yourself, the blades on reel- type mowers, should be sharpened at a shop. In the spring when the soul is generally wet, duil blades can actually pull entire grass plants out of the ground, creating bare patches that could be invaded by weeds. Duli blades also tear and brulse grass blades, giving the whole lawn a brownish hue and creating better op- portunities for disease organlsms tW attack. PROTECT PLANTS When transplanting young bedding plants from the greenhouse or cold frame to their new home in the garden, it is important. to provide as friendly an environment as possible so that the plants can acclimatize -quickly. "By applying a mulch, you can partially shade the young transplants from direct sunlight and also keepthe soil cool and moist," says Hor- ticulturist John Hughes of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food's pla.nt industry branch. One relatývely new soui mulch is composted redwood. IL spreads easily, wiIl not blow away or wash away, and allows water and air to movýe freely through it. S& S LAWN GIVE MOM A MAINTENANCE BREAK VIAN E V IDEI Govsrnmsnt HGE NU S , T» Llcensed, WeedIGER FControl, Fertillzlng, GARDENER LOSSOMS & BPJC-A-BRACI A GA EMioLadcpn2530 <lowor and gif It shop> E TIE fresh,liIk and dred f Iowers for ail your gardeninýg needs *tropical and f ioworlng plants *unique hand-thrown pottery f rom Calgary(t * 1fî service f loriat cMoflirs .ay SpcCilaf LOCATEDAT MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL INDOOR PLANTS ye& cI MOTHER'S DAY ROSES 8 basket "91-0 basket $799 Centre TINY JACK MARIGOLD baskets are ln full bloom etop notch shrubs, evergreens, trees, N HWY 2 REG. 111.15 A BOX NOW .75* Many varleties peronniaa, annualIa & superb hanglng baskets, al at good prîces * HANGING BASKETS CHILDREN'S SPECIAL *soI,concrete products, brick work, 12*small hanging baskets 2 cedar rails, and ail your gardsning needs ____________________11.75 interlor and exterlor landecaplng service \RG 1.5N W817 _______________ _____________ ~ Ajax SG SIN Bring in ihis ad and receive CUT FLOWERS A GIFT CERTIFICATES 8200 off any ouldoor hanging basket TeBtee atyAVAILABLE HERE Valid through May 1586 wt VANHOE CHEESE HIBYSCUS. $11.75 Onaro onyjmsan pesrvsTUBEROUS BIGONIAS 82.50 DURHAM GARDEN ntrohey aeadreevs ISOD NOW AVAILABLECEMTR- AJAX 1010lits&av IIDUNDAS ST. W. o e 6n ind sampIe The Bulêr'. Pantry VNEMErISI ieona lity WHIBY 66-433 wares and take home a, FREEa fepntWHTY6 -43 -ARNATION on Mother's Day OPEN 7DAYS AWEEK ud Weekendf1FROM 9:00OA.M.-8:OO P.M. =Z.i01 tan& a le A --