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Whitby Free Press, 11 Jun 1986, p. 3

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WFDNESDAY. JUNE, 11.ý 1986 PAGE 3 As WHS dallies puting house inordler.. By JAN DODGE I Free Press Staff jWhitby Historical ISociety received a shot mn the amin last week witb the donation cf $1,00fromthe Durham tural Conservancy cf Ontario. The money is te be used for the feasibility study wbich the society ordered last week for Lynde House, Whitby's mnuseumn on the corner of Highway 2 and D'Hillier St. Bill Oyagi, president cf tbe society, As members cf the Witby Histerical Society await the resuits of the $28,000 feasibility study they bave com- miasioned te belp tbem decide just wbat should be done witb Lynde House, William Little is barelling abead witb a little bouse moving yen- ture of bis own. Little, wbo bas said the purpose of the study is "te preserve our historic house and find a museumn for the town. " The fate of the 174- year-old bouse bas been thla subject cf concern since ast summer wben the society began to examine an offer from Len Cullen of a site for the bouse at Cullen Gar- dens on Taunton Rd. The bouse, believed te be tbe second oldeat in Wbitby, was given te the society by Wittington Investments in 1972. It acquired meat cf tbe properies frenting the south aide of Mary Street between Brock and Byron Streets, in- cluding the old Pearson Heuse wbere bis William D. Little Marketing and Motivation Ltd. offices are located, bas been tbinking a lot lately about bew to develop the was donated on the basis tbat it be moved from the site witbin tbe year. Since it was neyer moved, ownersbip reverted to Wittington. Cullen's offer brougbt the matter te a bead. Sbould the bouse be moved, or could the society purcbase the land on whicb it stoed? Another option suggested was te meve the bouse te a site ether than Cullen Gardens, perbaps one already owned by the town. The Whitby Historical street into an attractive, commercial setting' witbout loaing any cf tbe street's traditional am- bience. Acroas the street from Little's office tbe Sorichetti brothers were planning te errect a complex of 18 beritàge townbouses and in order te make way for the SEE PG. 7 Society, with disagreement from witbin and without, decidedtbey needed te do a feasibility study, but they bad twe problems te overcome: insufficient funds in the coffers for tbe study and inability to establisb ownership cf the building. Had the society owned Lynde House it could bave qualified fer a provincial grant wbicb would have paid haîf the cost of the study. Witb the electien cf a new slate cf officers last February, the executive decided te pusb ahead fer the government grant anyway. "The ministry people teld us we could still ap- ply altbeugb tecbnically speaking we do net own tbe bouse," Red Angevaare, second vice- president té the society, said. Having obtained the necessary gevernment funding for the study, wbicb will include a relecation analysis and a structural analysis due by June 27, tbe seciety members bave some worriseme deadlines staring at tbem. Wittington In- vestnlents, owners of the preperty, want a decision on tbe bouse by June 30. Cullen wants a decision on bis offer by Julyl1. The feasibility study in its entirety will not be completed until some time in August, Oyagi said. Can the seciety make these decisiens with onîy a preliminary report on the study? There bave aIse been reports that Wittington la about te seil the property, witb accom- panying concerna over wbat would bappen te the bouse, and its ar- tifacta in thatevent. "Some people aay we may net have time, but I found eut tbrougb our legal counsel, Nigel Schilling, wbo apoke te Roger Lindsay (executive vice- president for Wit- tington) tbat Lindsay la interested in wbat we're trying te do. In a telepbone inter- view Schilling aaid that after a frank discussien with Roger Lindsay be wrote te the society and teld tbem tbe property waa not yet sold, and tbat no deadline arese eut of any proposed sale at that tinie. Schilling informed tbe society that altbougb Lindsay believes Wlt- tingten Investments bas ne legal responsibiity be feels it bas a moral obligation te the society and the citizena cf Whit- by. The purpose -of Wit- tington's deadline, cbosen te coincide with the expiry of Cullen's of- fer, was to make sure SEE PG. 7 Six arrested in Major murder remanded in custody tili June 20 By MIKE JOHNSTON Free Press Staff Crime Stoppera ia being, credited witb the arreat of six people in connection witb tbe murder of a Broeklin man four years ago. Walter Clark Major, 52, of Aabburn Rd., Breoklin, was killed while trying to stop a number of persona from stealing,,dires from bis property.' The arrest came "as a direct result of a tip to Crime Stopper," said Sgt. Sandy Ryrie, of tbe Durbam Regional Police, wbo writes the Crime Stoppera column wbich appears weekly in the Free Press. "I knew the program would werk. We juat bad te make the public aware," said Ryrie. Fisher, 27, of Thornton Rd. N., Osbawa, Janet Fisber, 26, of Scar- borougb, ber busband Ralpb Warren Fisber, 33, and Donald McCoy, 36, botb of Toronto. The five appeared briefly in Witby Provincial court Friday, June 6 and were remanded in custody until June 20. Durbamn Regional Police aIse arrested a sixtb person in connec- tien witb the murder. Cbarged witb accessery after tbe fact te second degree murder and possession ever $200 is Danny Huntington, 51, of Tbernton Rd. N., Oshawa. Ryrie saîd a week "HSAE' IS N AGSCMLT ICUTWLPPRSPRAKT previous to the arrests CO TN E SM STP ULR AE in the murder, two people were arrested in cennection with il beer store robberies also as a u O n resuit of Crime Stop- pers. eOn FR E 7 Charged witb second degree murder are Fred Fisher, 32, of 100 White O AG NTC EETO Oaks Crt., Whitby, his sister Elizabeth Ann I 'I UtAJIIV Now In aur 10TH YEAR of servlng throe communltles Mac & Day. Bloom owners ot Ethe WALLPAPER CENTRE'S In Oshawa, Aax & Scarborough would Ike te assure TH MESONAL HANDO0F ourcustomers that the greateat percentage of the Wallpapar we stock et diacounts ELAEEEPN HANO EVE up te 75% and mors lai1 ST QUALITY brand nome wallpaper NOT SUBSTANOARD. THOSAD EATIULPATENSATWAEIIOFEPRCE 0FANEIGHSOR. COME IN AND CHOOSE FROM OVER A - IGREAT VALUESI VYMIURA I * THNEWALLPAPERCENTRE95 OSHAWA AJAX SCARBORO I140 SIMCOE ST. S. 1313 HAAWOOD AVE.N. 793 MARKI-IAM RD. Oh . * (Corner oJohn) Set ween highways 401and Hwy. 2 Setween Lawrence&Ellesmere & fieSple 579-1655 686-0719 431-4458 ziiMR* I V a s . I . . a *1s1 * w[: t m Fred Roles (right), treasurer of the Architectural Conservancy of On- tario, Durham Brancb, presents Whitby Hstorical Society Presîdent Bill Oyagi with a cheque for $1,000 to help defer the costs of the feasibility study. Free Press Staff Photo h CHIESTERFIELD FACTORY I/NI 1650 BAYLY ST, 250 TAUNTON RD. E. PICKERING OSHAWA (Just West et Brock Rd.,Tounlon Square South of 401) (Comrner10f111,,.n Rd.N, & Taunto) RE TrER 686-2951 44-61 ...Little pulls a dilly 20-50%COFF (on selected fabrica) CHOOSE FROM OUR LARGE SELECTION OF NAME BRAND FABRICS EG. SANDERSON, JEFF BROWN, KOBE & MANY MORE. DESIGN THE STYLE 0F LIVING ROOM FURNITURE THAT SUITS VOUR NEEDS AND PERSONAL TASTE. WE'LL CUSTOM-MAKE YOUR ORDER AT A PRICE YOU'LL FI ND VERY AFFORDABLE. -WE OFFER A LIFETIME GUARANTEE- BUY DIRECT & SAVE CH ESTER FI ELD FACTORY

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