The Name You Can Trust Since 1959 lIDodd & Souter Decor Ce ntre Ltd. BROADLOOM VINYL FLOORING 668m21 79 104 BYRON ST. S. WHITBY, ONTARIO Li N 4P5 WHUITBY OPTICAL' AN NOUNCES COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICES *CONTACT LENSES e EVE G LASSES Eye Examinations Arranged 666-3831 DURHAM HEARING AID CLINIC *@Hearlng Aids oRepairs ,Batteries »*Hearing Tests 666-3797. BOTH BUSINESS LOCATED AT: 105 COLBORNE ST. W., DOWNTOWN WH ITBY B uffe tt Taylor & Âssoc jates .Lid. *BENEFIT. PENSIONS & ACTUARIAL CONSULTINO SERVICES *ANNUITY QUOTATIONS Ed Buffett Consultant 185 Brock St., N. W»HITBY -666-1300 DOWNTOWN 1IS CO0VER Y DA Y! SATURDAY, JUNE 21,1986 11:00Oa.m. - 4:00Op.m. Downtown Whitby M EET SHAWN O'SU LLIVAN! *Opening cerermonies wth Mayor Bob Attersley and Shawn O'SuIIivan wili commence at the corner of Brook and Dundas Streets at 11:00 a.m. *Meet Canadien Boxer Shawn O'Suîîivan and gel his autograph between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. *KID CHECK PROGRAM - The Durham Chapter of Chiîd FInd wiIl be holding lis child Identification program iln the Bank of Nova Scotîa ai the corner of Brook and Mary Streets fromn 10:00 arn. to 3:00 p.m. This service provîdes f Inger printing and photographs of chîîdren beiseen the ages of 3 and 15 who are accompanied by a parent or guardîan. The cost la $2.00 per child. *Whitby Senior Public Sohool Concert Band *Bob Mooney's Travelling Dxie Land Band *Clowns eMagîclan *Face Paînter @Mirme *Free Balloons *Free coffee, tea or small soit drink ai participating restaurants - ,_ )lnstore specials - Free parking -Downtown essential to community- The winds of change are beglnning to blow fhrough Downlown Whitby What is now a gentle breeze Is forecasi la increase in velacils o Ihat of one of natures most formidable Instruments a hurricane For sorte Lime. those dolng business within Ihis area of our communify have recognîzed the need for a change in direction. the need diclaled bv man s most basic desîre. survival. The evolution of the shopping mal rias necessîlaled a reassesament of 1his group of entrepreneurs and pratessianais sho have chosen to conducl Iheir busienss from wîthîn the confines of the cam- muniys downtown core. In addition. the number of commulers in our communify wtiowork and frequently shap c laser to Iheir place of business has emphasîzed the need to complele Ihîs reevaluatian arocess wilh al due haste. Why is Downtown YVhitby essenlial 10 Ihîs communîly or for Ihal malter, why is any downlown essential to the communily shich surrounds it? Sin ce man f irst began to congregate ln whal se naw knaw as villages. lowns and subsequently cilles, the centre of dlownlown has always been the focal point of the townos aclivities. Imagine if yau wîlI a tosn or cily as a human body wlith the downtown core as its heart Wîlhoul a vibrant heall 'hy heari the ability 0f the resi of the body to funclion aIi ls maximum is severely en- dangered. Downlown Whltby is the hearl of Ihis cammunîly and therefore for the communily 10 have an opportun ly t0 be vbrant';n evervsense of the word, the downlown must not only survive. il niust hi- seen TIo be vibrant We cannot compete wlith the mails nor is it )ut'lpfliote do so However, se can provide an alternative whie al the s.v- ime ricreasing the degree of prîde whlch our cilizens take in Iheir tçiw, Wherî is the last lime that you have laken visilors 10 the local mail o'o .u'i d mornîng and proudly said "This is our local maIl'" Chances are e , h ave. but rather you've driven Ihem toas section of the comrouni,. a , irfjes Ihe *history of the tosn; your downtown wîlh ils archiectura oi-atlrac tive storefront facades, floral dlsplays and the mane grai . - homes which are lo be found wilhin the vicinîty of the dawritown :i r-F Downlosn VWhilby represents an incredîbie reserve of unlaîioed polenlial for Is existîng merchants and professianals ana or oslr-ri ve en- trepreneurs. The winds of change have begur tri t ransI orm the appearance of your dlownfown. lnlerlocking paving. stones have been selin fthe sîdewalk on a number of sîreels and ultlmately lhey wîllrie lound lhroughaul the SET PC. 14 c/Va [ ý (0,68-71-1 EXPERTS IN FINGERNAIL FASH IONS AND BODY TREATMENTS. Also avalable Waxîng & Pedicures 209 DU NDAS ST. (ACROSS FROM POST OFFICE) WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 18, 1986 PAGE 13 'h PERKINS PAINT AND STAIN SALE FREE DRAW DISCOVERY DAYS 131 BROCK ST. S., WH ITBY $1 gi 9 LPEBERTY PAINT & WALCTE RI RS S 103JArn trtSouth) Whitby 666-1454 FOR THOSE WHO WANT THE VERY FINEST IN HOME LIGHTING WE OFFER THE WORLD RENOUNED SELECTION 0F LAMPS BY O Stffel1 ALL AT REDUCTIONS'0F UPTo 40% SEE US SOON FOR ALL YOUR DECORATINO NEEDS., WITH OVER 25 YEARS 0F EXPERIENCE WE CAN HELP LTIBERTY NTE RIO0RS Discover The Spectacular- Savings at Collections by Sharon 30% OFF REGENCY SPORTSWEAR 300 OFF SELECTIED DRESSES 20ep< OFF JUMPSUITS 10 Yo OFF ALL REGULAR PRICED M ERCH AN DISE SELECTED GROUP 0F SLACKS $1 5.00 SELECTED SALE RACK UT750/o IN Also ProvidIng - Weekly Specials Personal Service & a Friendly Aimosphere HOURS SIZES MON.-SAT 9 arit 6 p in 26,3-15 FRIDAY9a3, r in t nîPETITES 143 BROOK ST. S. DOWNTOWN WHITBY 416-668-1266--1111111111 DOWNTOWN WHITBY-BE A PART 0F UT CILUX* GREAT QUALITY OUR BEST FOR: *DECKS oFENCES *MOUSES *SOLID OR *SEMI-TRANS *ALL COLOURS. m m <9>