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Whitby Free Press, 18 Jun 1986, p. 29

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WITBTYFREE PRESS, .WEDNESDAY. JUNE 18.,1986 PAGE 29 WHITBY '~ ESARTICLES ARTICLES _ FOR SALE FOR SALE PAINTING à DECORATING spresidnai abnddcomcalnM UFA T E ' ahpresiontlabnded okmen. I AN FA T RE f ree etimaies. Cati 839.4277 orCL R N E M&97812.CLA NE CHIMNEY REPAIR sork. For Fre Esîlmate cati 728-5965, aller RENOVATtON WORK on homes, reiractibia pallions lnstlled, In sutation, nepor bernler for basementa, drysaît applicions Isctuding vnsyt dywalî, auspes- ded lite cellIng, lted Itoora - kit chas end balhroom. 4278028, Joseph or Peu, GOURMET CATERINO anuiteble for ait speciai occassions. Menus pîanned Io perfection, reasonebte rates. Caroi*s Cuisina, 9854720. NEEDLECRAFT CLASSES Candlewlcklng, Coun- ted Cross-stltch, Em- broldery and Crewel. We even do Needepoint and Trapunto f00. Join ln the fun. Have a Creative CîirCle CI8ss In your home. Teachlng you to stit- ch ls easy. Book now and reCelve a Free GIft. Cail: Nadîn., 6661490 SERVICES 'GRAMMER for people who hala grammer" la th Ideet pooket rference book for business people. $395 par copy and anailable ai DIckson PrInting & Office Supplias ln th. Aes Plaza. Dealer Inqulries Invitad 6831968. SHORT INTROOUCTORY and ad- vanced computer courses: Word Processtng, 0.Base, Lotus, Basic,aetc. 4273010. MOTHER 0F ONE sîi babysit In her home -ln WhiIby, any ae selcome, aquippad for babes, referances. Cai 4301255. GARDEN umbretia stth stand end table, good condition, $50. Etacîrto cliiping sheers, $25.6688 3501. SEVEN PIECE lving room set, chestartiald, toeseat, rocker sith Ottoman, 2 end and 1 collea table, $700, Iso Isin badroom suites sith triple drasers, $300 sach. 4273261. SIX PLATE ove, coalisood, while prqcetain stona, $750. 77 Porsche 924. 728-5024. VENDORS WANTED for tabuious nos Fie Market and Farmrs Market on 400 Highsay. 5 mies soutS of Brne. opantng Jusa 28, permanent spots avaitabie. 7051 728-3313. PLANT LOVERS. Revtuize pour 5005e pants sith Buddy's Spray Mlst. Incradibia rsuits aller ove appliction, ait naturel, gueren. teed and unique. For Information phonea(416) 9626084 ofr923-2126. MATTRESSES and box springs et hait price. McKeen Furinre, 524 Simcoa Sreet South, Oshawa. 725-5181. USED DESKS. flies, storage cabinets, stecking ofice chairs, steel adjustabie shelvisg, store dispiepo. Blairs New and Used, 21 Alan An., Woodbridge. Phone 09HI IRENj 400, Mon.Fri. 95, Set. 101. II DAY CARE b] GEOTYFE pres-n tetterlng flus At my Pickeing Country ln stock et Dickson Printing & Of- Home for $10 a day. Lunch,W tic. Suppies ln the Aes Shop- 13 pony rides, creek, pond, . ping Piaza. Large soiection of jInature traits, country weikeff styles and sizes. Why pay more camping, ail on 75 acres. for a emetter sheet of etering? ARTICLESMIPLACE t i e are a Canadien company FORin RENTlt Canadien m eC.Jmieson produc TYPEWRITER rentai, many ta et low mai order prices. nmokes and modela, by the Cat, viit us, 728-469 for weekend, week or month. prîce liai. Guaranted Senio Discounts anelebte. Ocheon dicutWT 0ISpou Pritng & Office Supplies In the te avaîteble. Ae Peze Ca us for business TH 1IAI PLACE FOR SALE office equipreent, 4 MOTORYCLES drawer, latterai iiing cabinet, 2 year old photocopier, customn a~u ALE/RENALS drefttng table and machine, Hily rotary and percussion drill wth 1078 MONDA 400 Twln with Ceae chisel and bits, gas drives pump, X felring, $&0. Pickering, 831- wood add-on tursece and wood- 3075. saoe. Cati 7258467 aler 6 p.m. FOR SALE antique pine dropieul table, pina btanket bon, Jaques. Hayes partour chair, sti wavui sutlI /r table. 6689339. aller 6 p.m. CHESTERFIELD nulles, toveaus, seclionats. taon than W5 prce. Large soection McKaan Furnilure, 524 Simcoa St. S.. Oshawa. 7255181 LIKE NEW tuit.tength Mushral and Rccoon lui coul. cotour Polar Bear, suli t sîze 7., aiued over $1.500, sacrifice $500. Cati 66-1915, aller 6 pm FOR SALE antique turnilure. pnmp orges, china cabinets, but. fets. 666.3070. MOVING 4 place brown cor- duroy liing room suite. $300. Phone 7282702. aller 6 pm VISIT onr nsed trnilure sarahouse by appoinîment .Big senlngs on desks. chairs, illing cabinets, etc Cati Dckson Prv. ing & Ofice Supplies Io arrange an eppoînîmantIo ves 683 1968. WATER PROBLEMS? In. troducing nes tachnoiogy for traating saler ut source snch an a seti or cisters, otterîng wsaito1 laucet protection throughout os- ire saler system. Rusty, smeiiy. bed tasting. saoler, bacierra, etaining, and more. No sait or massy chemniceis, mantenance free. Sea lh. resuits for pourseit silh our6 month trial otter oiter Cati nos toit-raa 18002682656 or write Water Puriication Spsteam. 203-1030 Kemato Rd., MIssisseuge. Ont. L4W 4B6. Ares code 807 cati 416 6244344. 1100'GREENHOUSE $149. 1000W mtei Heilda $175. Pins 10,000 grdening products, great prices. Sand $2 for mbf-peck. Western Water Forma, 1244 Seymour Si., Vancouner, B.C. V68 3N9. 6041682.6636. TROUBLE srapptng coins? Wrep pennies. nickels, dîmes and quar- fers quickiy, eassîlpl Send $8.96 plus WC tlest10 Penny.Rotiar, Box 405, Fort ria, Ont. L2A 5N2. ,HEROES ofth1e Bible" coiourlng book aveitebia et Olckson Prin- ing & Office Supplies, Alan Plaza, 683-1968. Dealer Inquirles nlad, (I OST WIDELY READ HARO WATER PROBLEMS? In» troductng New Tachnoiogy - the simple solution tue hard probies -"sait fre -Nos to soin. hurd saler problama natureiiy sithoul chemicels, or anergy - use tes$ soep, softer whiter taundry. prenants scale formation, c0515 tasa then a sottaner, no repeir butse. Firit lime otlared ln Canada. Cuit nos tolt-tree 1-000. 387-7537, you'ii b. gtad you did. Area 807 cuit (4161 624-4344. A keithy, econicet, alternatine Io saler softemrels BUILDINGS SPECIAL - Sienîsait 32 side by 14 high by 40 long ilth 16 sida by 14 high lilding door and one service door oniy $7,979 complote, deinered or 40 sida by 14 high by 60 long suSh 20 sida by 14 high siiding door and one service door $11.479 comploe, dettnarad. Phone nos (416)1454-5600, cotiact. STEEL BUILDINGS liquidation: varions modems, exemple 3Ox50 silh alida door $4.800. Sizes np to 120 fil,%sida. Ait priced for im. madiaelea rance. Cuit 1.800- 387-8148 or (416 8286262. A.Z BUILDINGS. Nes typas, stant and sood, quosset. cladding. for true valua, action and answnrs 14161 626-1794. Leave massage or cotiect aller 6 p.m. avaningo, seekando, esk for Wuiip. Free brochure. STEEL BUILDINGS retocation suie - seuare clearing ouI oid stock and Introducisg our vas slraight.saillfine of buildings. Save thounands - phone Pioneer Sales DepI. coitact 14161 678- 1585. JOHNSON USEO Auto Parts. ait ALJ~ FREE INFORMATION pamphlet GIANT NEIGHBOURHOOD on erivg loss and heaing lds Garage Sale, Great Gulf et Oshawa Heerng Aid CIintc, Ieveiopmani. Cochrane and 375 SimcoonSI. S., Oshawa. Drap Rosstand Rd., Selurday, Jus. 21 n for pour re. copy todey, 434 and Snndey. Jusa 22. 9 ar..la 5 3602 p.m., lopa, books, childens FREE: Drop mb Ihe Ocheon Prning and Office Suppiy store n the Alax Plaza and pick up a. free copy of the 1968 Melrlc Caiender. rInted In Iso cotoura. il makes for hendy raterence. 6831968. FREE: 1906 guida toi study-at- home correspondance Diptoma courses for prestiglous careers: Accounting, Air condltiosIng, Bookkaaptng, Business, Cosmetoiogy, Etactronica, Legaiaediat Secretary, Psychoiogy, Tranet, Graston (5A) 263 Adelaida West, Toronto, 1. 800-268-1121. ASSOCIATED FORD ossars FordiMercury Show, Sut., June 21, Cayuga ragway Park Swampillace, Sun., Juna 22 Bimbrook Fir Grounds SwaptShow. For Information cati (418) 774-6519. FIDOLE AND Step Dance Con lest. Juiy 11, 12, Commuvity Cas. re, Fergus, Ont. Camping on grounds. Inlormatiorl, cati Merv Woods (519)843-1630. vîture, somelhIsg for enaryose. YARD SALE Satnrday, June 21 and Sunday, Java 22..You sae il, i probeblytp gilI617 Byron Street South, Whttbp. * 10 Mobile Homes Clerwuter - Thraa bedroomn mobile homes. Heted pools, tevnis, close tobeeches andl major attractions, chiidren room 683-5503 IMMACULATrE 3 bedroors bungaowsIn oldar part of South- wssiWhtby, lhraa peurs oid, tlvishad rec room, uarge backpard. dack, broadioomn Ihtougout. large kitchen, possession Sept. 12. Cati 668- 5169 for details. ___________month.427-3261. 1976 HONDA for parts. uerp good IC molor, brand ses rubber, $500 or TU W besl olfer. 6W8.9322. IAZMARPAZMAR FARM PickOP RTNTE AUTO OBI ES or own slrasberries, June 1310o AUTOM BILES Juiy 20.From Toronto taka Hsy. FOR SAL 401 east to Brock Rd. N. SEPTIC BUSINESS tor saea. For PICkering. Teke Brock Rd. N. turther Inqui ries cati1655-4709. 1969 D000E Monoco, certitrad. sevnn lm. Farm on east sida of $850. Phone 662736. Brock Rd. Folowslgn0. Opaen ______weairdays, Mondap 10 Friduy 9-5 NEEDLECRAFTERSI Excellent 196 CEV eamot. dor Salurday and Sunday. 9-6. 683: Income potentel as saes 10 HVBeu t-2 - r 7990, rapresentetina for Canadien rain,tn excellent condition. body needs some souk. $450 or V C TO suitabie aller. 663130. V C TO ISLA, St. Paes Fiorida Beach, goiting, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, $350isaak. Cati 6111 4270802. Witt considar trede for properttea ln ELDRIDGE, John WIlliam brs Toronto, Whtby or Oshawa. June 4, 1928. Brookit. Ontario, ____________ earchiso lot information about LAIEFRONT COTTAGES parents. Pleese wrile John Tutty. (modern H.S.K.) Magniicent Apt. 1002, 11307-99 Avenue. Ed. vies. camping resservatons ec- monton, Alberta. T5K OH2 cptsx, i tex s avituht, hrr LOSERS WANTED: lose up la, 29 iba., IncSan, cellule Ihis monih. doclor recommended on T V. tant resuits, Ires shîppîso Cati (416) 745-4779. DATES GALORE. For ait as and unaliached. Thounandn of mem. bars anutous Io maat you Prestige Acquaintancen cuit toit. free 1-8002639163. Houts noon titi 8p.m. FREE SINGLES Builtin' Meat someone ice bý phone or correspondance, r,, .îî of province-sida. For rusheo -for0 mton sdite: BarS, Box 2146 Y Sudbury, P3A 4S1. SIale aea seesos.. Sandy beaches, recreetton actinititas. Cati Laheies Collages and Camp Grounds, 705 378-2740. RED UMBRELLA INN. A resori for ait uges. satarskiing, boul cruises. haated pool, shuf- Itabourd. Iso sumpînous maclas a day, group raes evitubla. For tree brochure cutit 1800461-0316 or write R.R.2, Minden. Ont. KOM 2K0. EXPO ACCOMMODATION. Wuter and crly ies penthoune suite. mrinues 1 CExpo. sutabie lot 4 people. $110 pst nusht. bonrtîed wîlS retarencan. Visa, MIC. Cati Lakevras Collages and Camp Grounds, (7053782740 lact Peggy Anderson. 2281 Woodward Ave., Buringion, Ont. L7R iT5, phone 416 639540&. DEALERSHIPS avaiieble for year- round recreatios satlitgvgehicte isater, lusd, snos and lcal, minimum Invastment, also large quuntity children's Tshirs SOidoz,, quantity discounts. 1- 705-68776513. EARN $500 10 $6,OOOiMD ln- dependent distributors neaded ln pour ares lmmadtataly. Inter. national support, part ime or fli lime, training provldad. Culit(416) 7454779. GREAT BUSINESS Oppor. tusitias. Jobs, greut commnniy living. encellent commercial and residantiat proparty anuitable. Contact Vuicen District Chamber of Commerce. Bon 385. Vulcas. Alla.. TOL 260 (403) 4856933. WANTED: Omtribulor for Cedar Shakos and Shingies direct tram B C miii. dalnared Io vour yard. Sicamous Cadar Producîs. Boa 6M., Sicamouse. BC, VOE MV. phone (604 BU-4545 VINYL SIDING $,5999. ecoloura, 1iSo in stock ....... from q ALUMINUM STORM DOORS $7 1,500 n stock ....................from $7 9 PATIO DOORS Wood, iyl & Alumlnum rm~3~ LADDERSALUMINUM STEP & EXTENSION ~ 5 2501v stock....................... from $ , 9 GARAGE DOORS $~ll9 Wood & Steel in stock .......from!20 9 REPLACEMENT WINDOWS Wood, VlnyI &Atuminum$ 9 5w in stock...................... from U q l l GALVANIZED & GALVALUME AgrIculturat Steel $ ~ 9 4,000 sheete In stock...........from s389sq Wmi. BIGFORD ALUMINUM SALES LTD. R.R.3, BRIGHTON, ONT. Mon.-Fri. <13 45.52 81 8-5 (1) 7-02 81 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. If blled - $600 for 20 words; every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will flot be 14e eachadditional word. however, we accept no liabiity regarding loss or damage liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographieîcHDAH $.0frtefrt 0 od,1eec alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in publication beyond the cost of the space ocuped BdItHS, a THl 70 o h is words;1ec such replies. We will not be responsible for box number by the error up to a maximum cost of the flrst insertion, replies not called for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $800 for the fir- reject ail advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50words - 12 each additional word. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert one day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon pnior to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12t each ad- AUCTION SALES - 43s per Une. <No word ads allowed>. to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press will malt66-61 sq. CAREER - CANADA Collage, Toronto, OttewalHemltos. Des- tel Chairsidaasslitng, rmedicet, office teb asststing, hoielirestanrani management. Iravai caraers. Day clasand home sIudy. 385 Yongo St., Toronto, M5B 1S1, f416) 977-7797. BECOME AN Auctionoer, 85 hours of Instruction. NesI ciesa Aug. 9 10 16. Contact South- wsern Ontaro Ochool of Aoc- ioneetng, (5191 489-3936, (5191 537-2115, PO. Box 145, lnnarktp, Ont, NOJ 1iMO. DISPERSAL SALE Oeeanavu Ranch Jus. 21, 12:00 noov. Hob- bas Bros Sale Panittos, Ashton, Ont., 150 head, siitsg herd, re. lisled. Contact Harold Hasîhors 613) 646-7693. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of WALTER JOSEPH SHERMET late of R.R.2, Bowmanvllle, Ontario. Ail persons having claims against the Estale of WALTER JOSEPH SHERMET, who dled January 13, 1986, are hereby notlfied to send to the undersigned on or before the 201h day of June, 1986 full par- tiCulars of their .Ciaims. Immediateiy after that date the asseis of the said estaf e wiii be dlstributed havlng regard oniy to Clalms then f lied. Dated at Uxbrldge, On- tario thîs 21sf day of May, 1986. JOHN NORMAN MOKAVI Execufor Box 519, 10 Brook St. E., UXBRIDGE, Ontario LOC 1 KO AUCTION SALE SAT., JUNE21 110:00 A.M. Ai Orval MCLean Auction Centre, Lndsay. The estate of CATHLINE WORSLEYr Cameron. Real Estate - good 4 bedroom home plus an- tique contents. Findiay oval COokstove, apar- trment size piano, ap- plianCes, colectIbies. 10 a.m. Sharp. ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTIONS 324-2783, LINDSAY Call now to0 book your saie. Il ADS b] CONTINUE ~~SEE ] ANULnL I CONGRATULATIONS on your ï O E 1 tonihcomlsg mariaea. Passe O R E T nias our sampies of engreved sedding Invitations ai your tesrsealn our Ajae Piaza store. WESTNEY HEIONTS, 3 bedroom Dickson PrIntng & Office Sup. house, garage, targe backyard on plias. 683-1968. cul-de-sac, sar choot and bus,

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